Diana Wolfskill


Sunday October 9, 2011 at 7:33 AM

Fandom Nostalgia Campfire


Remember the controversy when RPattz was chosen to play Edward? 

What stories do you remember loving when you first started reading fic? Do they stand up today?

How have your fic-reading habits changed?

Anyone remember Twankhard?

What about popular trends -- high school fics, BDSM, et cetera?

How about strange and interesting 'Wards you've encountered?

Who are some of the wonderful people -- authors and others -- you've seen come and go? (I can think of a number of former Campers who are sorely missed.)

What changes, good and bad, have you seen since you've started in the fandom?



RANGER EDIT: I love this so much imma take it for a milkshake after the game and attempt to convince it to put it's promise ring in it's top drawer. I'm also going to pin it to the top.


The Girl Who Read

Plight Thee My Troth!

Sunday October 9, 2011 at 7:02 AM


Anyone else reading and enjoying this historical romance?

It is only 4 chapters in, but I am already fully immersed in 1795!

I believe Lady Gwynedd recommended this in a campfire earlier in FFA, and so if you didn't start it then I would recommend heading over there now.

Come and chat with me about the latest update, historical customs and imperfect Edwards :-)

Spoilers will be skipping through here.


searching for advice from someone wise

Sunday October 9, 2011 at 2:38 AM

Hi everyone...

Is it still FFA right?

I'm looking for advice on a delicate subject regarding the marriage of my friend.

Details inside.


EDIT: Thanks to anyone who commented, you've been a great help! I love this fandom <3


How about some Robp0rn?

Sunday October 9, 2011 at 2:37 AM

It's been aaaaaaaaages since I've hosted a Robp0rn campfire, and my currently inebriated - thnx Australia-South Africa quarter final in the Rugby World Cup on large screens in a bar on the beach - self just felt the need to start one.

I wants to drool over The Pretty!!

So please, share your best pics and let's enjoy his perfection together.

The Boy being cute with KStew also works for me.


The Offspring

And We All Went Dancing.....

Sunday October 9, 2011 at 12:53 AM

Hey everyone! :D

So, I thought I'd make a post about school dances. We've all gone to 'em (er, most of us have), and I want to hear about yours!

Homecoming, Junior Prom, Winter Formal/Ball, Senior Ball/Prom, ALL OF THEM!!!!

Tonight's dance details inside. :D :D :D :D


What's that fic

Sunday October 9, 2011 at 12:46 AM

I've been thinking about a couple of fics lately, but I can't remember what they are. I thought I found one of them but I was wrong. :(

They're both Jasper/Bella

First one: It's AU. I can't remember how it starts, I think it is post New Moon. Jasper and Bella end up living with Peter and Charlotte in a big house in the woods. Bella turns wamp at one point, again don't remember when in the story, but it's after they have been living in the house for a while. When she get turned she can hear Peters thoughts. Maybe Jasper and Peter hears each other too, there's something about the bond they have because Jasper turned them both. And there's something about Peter and Jasper hanging out in a three
There's a big fight at one point and Peter gets ripped apart.
At one point the Cullens get to the house and Jasper licks all over Bella to make her smell like him. They haven't told the Cullens they 're together.

Sorry it's really not much to go by but I can't get it out of my head.

Second one: AU. The one where Alice knew all along that Bella and Jasper where meant to be but kept it to herself because she wanted Jasper. I can't remember if Edward was in on it. And there's kissing in the rain, I think.

I'm hope someone will know what this it.


And my rec:

Just the Three of Us
Leah knew that college would change her life, but she wasn't prepared for how her roommates would turn her life upside down. AH Leah, Edward and Jasper.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 43,439 - Reviews: 247 - Updated: 10-6-11 - Published: 7-30-11 - Leah

Just in case anyone isn't reading this:
Animate Me

Professional animator Edward worships cartoon exec Bella from afar by day and draws her in his comic book late at night. When this Daffy Duck-loving geek comes face to face with his dream girl, will his fantasy world come to life?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 117,480 - Reviews: 5027 - Updated: 10-8-11 - Published: 5-14-11 - Edward & Bella


Are you out there?

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 11:56 PM


I'm on twitter as @nayaritism. My gmail is the same name. I'd LOVE to talk to you, I'm awake right now if you're around. 

Now to make this campfire interactive and make sense.

Tonight I received a review that was . . . beyond anything I can describe. It brought me to tears. Something about what I had written in that chapter touched a reader that they wanted to share a very personal piece of themselves with me. But more then that, they were reaching out hoping that someone would throw a liferaft.

And I wonder how many of us have done this in the fandom. This is the first time it happened to me, per se. I did leave a very personal review with a one-shot by Katinki, but other than that I tend to separate fanfic from myself. 

As a writer, has a reader opened up to you in a way that you never expected? Did they share something about their life or themselves that moved you?

As a reader, has you ever felt the need or desire to send a writer a very personal message, via review or PM or however, about yourself or your life because of something they'd written?

Have you ever reached out, baring your soul, to a complete stranger, and hoped that someone would finally hear you? 


Laziness Still Intact ... Blog Gone

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 11:35 PM

I am really late to the game - I can just feel it - but whatever happened to The Lazy, Yet Discerning Ficster on blogspot? I try not to be all in people's faces about updates or general get-on-its, but ... it's been a year now since the last article/post/anything and I am just wondering if anyone has the final skinny on this long, lost love of mine. I know quite a few of you Rangers and Campers were involved over there, so what's the dish?

Anyone else have a blog they've lost or one they want to pimp/recommend? (I'm already down with PervPack and Fictionators:))


Desperately looking for good & angsty fic

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 9:09 PM

Alright. I'm desperate. Does anyone know of any relatively new fics with adult E/B or E/L, angst but not tragedy, and REALLY REALLY GOOD WRITING?

Thank you.


late night with wtvoc

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 9:08 PM

fandom stats

so, just wonderin' a few things.

-when did you start fandom-ing? like... when did you first troll the internet only to become obsessed with a particular fandom?

-what fandom(s) are you an active member for?

-do you write fanfictions? for which fandoms? how many so far?

-when did you join ADF? (you can look by checking out your own bio, btw)

-screencap (if you know how lol) your campfires stats on your bio.

-what stories were a big deal when you first joined a fandom? link them if you can!

-what are your OTPs?

-what fanfic writers, if any, do you really admire/wish you knew/freak out for when they update?

-if you don't read the fanfiction... what's stoppin' ya? if you do... don't you sort of which you'd never started lol

-what other fandom-type things would you care to share with the class?

screencap of my CF~ (geddit? geddit?) for your time:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Looking for Preg!Fic!!!

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 6:14 PM

I heard it was a Free-For-All... YAY!


If you know me at all, then my begging and pleading for preg!fic won't surprise you in the least. I have run a contest to get some, I'm frequently found on Twitter begging for some, I'm seriously contemplating writing some just to satisfy my itch... and now I'm going harass the campers for some.


I am looking for preg!fic. I am picky... I only want to read E/B. I prefer a building relationship, not a sequel or established relationship. I prefer drama/angst/fluff/plot over just fluff. And, it's gotta make sense. I prefer an HEA or on its way there. I've read... cripes... I've read so very much. And, yes, I know that there is a wonderful subject campfire for preg!fic. I've read most of those stories. :)


I got quite a few recs on Twitter this last week, but once I started looking at them I realised that I'd read most of them already. Such a bummer. 


So, would you rec me some E/B preg!fics, please?


I'll start y'all off by rec'ing a couple of my favourites:

River Dam by jfly

Parathetical Love by lyricalkris

A Smattering of Rouge by RainyGirl1978

Come Undone by Scorp112


Misplaced the title of a Jasper/Bella fic

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 4:53 PM

Can anyone help me out and name this fic for me? All I can remember is that it's a good Jasper/Bella fic.

Jasper is heading back to Forks, stops at a gay bar to grab someone to eat, and has sex with his dinner before he eats him. That was the only incident of that nature in the story.


If you're not reading Rosalie's Baby, you should be. It's a WIP that updates very often and its outstanding!

 Rosalie's Baby
Romantically you dream of who will save you from your agony, care enough to return for the one left behind. Truly I must be cursed . . . .
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 47 - Words: 119,569 - Reviews: 946 - Updated: 10-8-11 - Published: 8-8-11 - Bella


Theater Shenanigans

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 4:06 PM

So I just got home from seeing Dream House awhile ago (which is really, incredibly good, by the way). I figured that since this is FFA, I'd share... something about my movie-going experience.

Originally, I had planned to go see 50/50 because JGL is smokin' and I wanted to weep over the loss of his hair in the movie, HOWEVER, sitting in the theater, at 1:00pm my time (that's PST, 'cause I'm in the PNW y'all) the manager comes waltzing in (or walked leisurely, all business-like, whatever) and told the... *counts on fingers*... five people in the theater, myself included, that we wouldn't be seeing 50/50 today. 'Cause the projector crapped out on him. So we get choices on what to do (get a full refund, or get a free pass to any movie we want to see either today or tomorrow, or get a free pass for 50/50 to see tomorrow) and I'm all like, "Maaaaaan, and here I wanted to see JGL blown up on the screen for me to ogle like a lovesick fool," silently of course, so I took the free pass and took a leisure stroll to the other side of the theater to see what movies hadn't started yet. I was tempted to go see The Lion King in 3D because for some reason it's STILL in theaters, but I missed the 12:45pm showing and Dream House was available, so I figured what the heck. I've never seen any of Daniel Craig's movies up until today (not even the Bond films) and now I feel like I've been missing out 'cause dude is... omg. He was shirtless a few times in the movie and omfg I think I saw a six-pack. ANYWAY. Movie was awesomazing, yeah, I made up a word, what of it?, I was supposed to see another movie but didn't and I'm not mad. I'll go see it... some other time. TLK is next on my movies to go see on a big screen, anyway.

SO. To make this INTERACTIVE: Have there been any theater shenanigans to happen to you? Funny stories, not-so-funny stories, whatever? If yes, what was it? Anything involving food from the concession? Do you pick up your trash after a movie before you leave, or do you leave it for the ushers to clean up? (I once knocked my bag of popcorn off my lap, creating this gigantic mess that I ignored during and after the movie.) What about sticky floors in theaters? Do you make jokes to your friends/family/whatever about WHY the floor is so sticky? (I always think of Dane Cook's Vicious Circle and his joke he made about... y'know.)

I don't know. I'm bored and just curious how everyone's movie experiences differ from mine, if they do at all. And maybe to see whose story is funnier.

So get in here and share your wild & wacky theater experiences. It'll be fuuuuuuuuun...


A Gabriel Macht gif 'cause I do believe there are fellow Suits fan up in hurrrr. :P
even though the gif isn't Suits related.


Let's Speculate

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 3:45 PM

Where's jandco?
Does she have the DRYROT of the face?

Will jandco and jennyfly EVER post the rest of freakin' High Noon?



Saturday October 8, 2011 at 3:07 PM

So, who's looking for custom, vintage, 100% unique jewelry? 

My incredibly talented boyfriend just got his website up and running. His style is steampunk/vintage, and he makes all of it by hand. It's his passion, and I'm jealous of his mad skillz. He takes requests and customizes everything so no two pieces are alike. He offers insurance for shipping, and the shipping is included in the price of the jewelry. He ships within 24 hours of receiving the payment through PayPal.

So, take a look, would ya? Spread the word!

I keep hearing that his website is sending off warning bells for everyone's virus detectors, and I'm not sure why! I promise it's virus-free.)

Pics of his jewelry are inside!

Rangers - I hope this okay!


Learning is FUN (except when you're tired)

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 2:21 PM

So, i've started a distance learning course and would love some advice/stories and general chit-chat about SCHOOL:

How do/did you stay motivated?

Best/worst things about school?

Gloat about that essay you aced or bemoan your constant procrastination

Are there songs that get you in the learnin' mood?




Saturday October 8, 2011 at 11:04 AM

I love it, and I'm looking for something new to watch.

I need your suggestions, what I like and my own suggestions are in the first comment :D

Does anyone else partake?

Do you read manga?

Perhaps you draw it?

Get in here & share your love of this media form :)


how embarrassing

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 10:55 AM

 "It took six EMTs and two teachers -- Mr. Varner and Coach Clapp -- to shift the van far enough away from us to bring the stretchers in. Edward vehemently refused his, and I tried to do the same, but the traitor told them I'd hit my head and probably had a concussion. I almost died of humiliation when they put on the neck brace. It looked like the entire school was there, watching soberly as they loaded me in the back of the ambulance. Edward got to ride in the front. It was maddening."

We all know that ^this^ was one of Bella's more embarrassing moments.  

What has been your worst?

Have you ever...

...or had a public wardrobe malfunction like...

...or did something (or had something happen to you) that just made you think (or even say out loud)...

Use this fire to share your most embarrassing moment,

the one that got your face tomato red and made you want to sink into the floor and never be seen again.

Or share someone else's--remember reading the real doozies in various teen magazines?

Mine will be in the comments.  We can all be embarrassed together!

Warning: You may suffer secondhand embarrassment from this fire, but trust me, it won't be nearly as bad as when Rob roasted Reese Witherspoon before she received her MTV Generation Award.


Whatcha Reading ADF?

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 10:17 AM

What are you reading now?  I am always looking for something good to read.

Play along with me?

Please list your top five favorite Twilight Fanfiction WIPs. (Not completeds for this one mostly because I am looking for something new. Does that make sense?)

Please indicate the name, the author, update frequency, AU/AH (this is for Camilla) and most importantly why you love it.


Thanks so much.


My top five WIPs are under the cut.


Words With Friendz!

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 9:14 AM

soooo its official.... 

My name is Veronica, and im a WWF addict!

... but seriously... i am hooked hardcore on this game (ask Rochelle Allison - im constantly up all hours playing)....


soooo i thought it would be nice to find some new people to play against ... i know we did one of these campfires before, but for the life of me i cant find it when i search... so HERE IS A NEW ONE!


mine is Vronnie Pantz

let us in on some facts and make some new Friends :D


First --- | >> | 764 | 765 | 766 | 767 | 768 | 769 | 770 | 771 | 772 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
