
Tip Me NYC Campers!

Friday October 14, 2011 at 11:34 AM

Lameness alert: this is my first campfire. Please excuse any idk what I'm doing vibe surrounding it.


I'll be in NYC next weekend. I arrive Saturday afternoon, have daytime Sunday to frolick and leave Monday. I'm looking for something fun/cool/low key to do while I'm there. Nothing super touristy. I'm staying near Madison Square Garden, but don't mind wandering the city. And it's not my first time there.

So native NYC-ers: if you have one free day, what is your favorite thing to do/place to hangout in the city? Also looking for some food recs. I eat pretty much anything.

Please and thank you.

My reason for going to NYC:


Thank you author!

Friday October 14, 2011 at 11:32 AM

Happpy Friday Campers !

This is my thank you campfire for the authors who kinda own me! 

I love all of you for writing and sharing your stories with me !Thanks so much ! but as I was reading a new one shot by stelllunasky that day and realized I just don't want her to stop writing fanfics Ever! She is just that awesome ! I mean RL happens,some authors lost interest in writing ,there are publishing issues and everything..I totally get it ! But Stelllunasky and jandco---- God forbids If they ever stop writing ---Oh my god ! I can't even stand that thought ! Even the thought made me feel like crying ! anyway I'm not good with words and I hardly left reviews (I'm ashamed of that ) But I so wanted to tell Stellalunasky and jandco that THANK YOU for writing !! I LOVe LOVE LOVE the fics you have written so far !! Thank you !

To make this interactive Do you feel such a way about someone ? I know you do ! Let's talk (fangirl) about them !   


Winter Wedding Attire?

Friday October 14, 2011 at 11:07 AM

So- DH just texted me about a wedding we have been invited to in November.

What do I wear to such a thing?

I currently own NO dresses as I don't wear them. The 1 skirt I do own is black, goes to my ankles and has slits up BOTH sides to my thighs.

On the shoe front : I tend to steer towards chuck taylors-I own 1 pair of black kitten heels that have been worn once.

So- ideas on the cheap will be appreciated-




Friday October 14, 2011 at 10:35 AM

I do not know if anyone posted this but Breath-of-Twilight on FF is hosting a Haloween Countdown but it is suppose to have more until the New Year! It has some great authors and a variety of stories...SPOOKY AND SPUNKY!

Check it out....

(stupid OS 5 update still can not help me link links).

To make this interactive share your own Real spooky or spunky Halloween stories!

hope this post is Friday...right? My week flew...whoo!


I can't remember the name of this!

Friday October 14, 2011 at 10:25 AM

For some reason this fic popped into my head and when I went to find it, I couldn't remember the freaking name and it is driving me insane!

Back in college, Edward and Bella make an agreement that they will get married in x amount of years and sign some type of notebook contract?? Years later, Edward shows up at Bella's florist shop tells Bella that she contractually has to marry him. It turns out that they need to pretend to Alice to be engaged so that Edward will get some job.

Anyone know this one????



After a fight in school lands Bella in a summer camp for "Youths with Emotional and Mental Instabilities," she is forced to face her demons while trying not to fall in love with the beautiful, but clumsy, mentor Edward. Hilarity ensues. AU/AH


Must Watch scenes from 'Breaking Dawn'

Friday October 14, 2011 at 8:33 AM

List your must watch scenes from 'Breaking Dawn Part 1'.. :)


Mine is basically Everything which includes Edward and Bella plus which does not include Jacob.. LOL



Friday October 14, 2011 at 8:20 AM

yeah, friday!



random fact--the singer of aha met the model in this video for the first time on set and the two dated for a year afterward.

leave a fact if you want, because useless facts are great!

also--i have a TARGET COUPONS ad. I'm going to click it, how could i not?

you should click an ad, too.


Aim High... not the Air Force!

Friday October 14, 2011 at 7:23 AM

Ok, so normally I am not a Jackson Rathbone fan. I blame the horrible hair and makeup in the Twi films. But I was starting to watch Something Borrowed this morning because I am at home sick *sniff sniff* and there was a preview for Aim High with Jackson! And he looked decend! I was floored! And it will be webbased which we will all love!! I am just not so sure about the plot... "A web series centered around a high school student with a double life as a teenage spy. "! 


Here's a few articles for it. Sorry I don't know how to post pics. If a lovely ranger wants to help me out, I would bow down in gratitude!!



What a Week

Friday October 14, 2011 at 7:08 AM

This week was RIDICULOUS.

My dog, Sully, is a Great Dane. We adopted him at 2 years old and he just turned 6 years old. On Sunday, I noticed he was bloated. He's bloated before and we had the gastropexy to suture his stomach to his abdomen so it wouldn't flip and kill him. I did all the usual things that usually relieve his gas but nothing was working. I monitored him through the day and he perked up, but at about 11pm Sunday night he went downhill in a big way.

This is the campfire to document the progress of the crazy things that happened to my Big Boy.

Step inside to hear our freaking crazy story.


Open Up Next to YOU: Ch 5 Why Not Me?

Friday October 14, 2011 at 5:04 AM


So...Felix...her mate?  Not? How weird would THAT be?

Let's chat...


While The Yanks Are Away...

Friday October 14, 2011 at 2:39 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Happy Friday!

As it's the weekend, I thought we'd go a little musical.

So tell me, what song do you have on repeat right now?

This is mine.


Let's chat.


Coming to America

Friday October 14, 2011 at 12:51 AM

I´m going to DC for a conference a week before BD opens because that´s just my luck. I haven´t been to the US in years. I visited DC as a teen and did all the sightseeing. I´ll be on a very tight schedule, and I actually have an aunt there (my mom will probably come with me to stay with her for a while), but I´ll do my best to find time for interesting stuff. So, questions:

1. I haven´t been paying attention to meet up cfs and stuff. Anything like that going on November 5-11?

2. Any good places for pecan pie near the Marriot on Penn Avenue?

3. Anything fun I can do at night that´s safe to go to all by myself? (e.g. music). There´s a Foo Fighters gig RIGHT AFTER I leave. Of course.

4. Is there a mall or at least an Express store near the Mariott on Pennsylvania Avenue?

4. I´ll be flying via London. Will I see Rob? If yes, will I laugh/scream/faint/vomit/have 3 orgasms on the G spot?

THIS is the most kissed exhibit????


Pimp Your Stuff

Thursday October 13, 2011 at 6:13 PM

Want to tell us about what you write, what a friend writes, or what you beta but are afraid that you will sound like a shameless self promoter? Well, THIS IS THE CAMPFIRE FOR YOU.

This is THE campfire of Self Promotion: THE PIMP CAMPFIRE.

Tell us about what you or a friend write. Give us banners, give us samples, GIVE US LINKS. 

If you beta something fantastic, let us know.

If you are hosting a contest, tell us about it.

Don't be shy! That is what this campfire is for!

One last thing: Did you know that if you have at least one complete fanfic you can host all of your fanfic right here on ADF?? THAT IS CORRECT! If you haven't done this yet, YOU SHOULD! ADF is a great place to read and post fanfic! It is like one stop shopping for the fanfic lover in you!*


*and that is how you pimp it, baby.


TVD Season 3 Ep. 5

Thursday October 13, 2011 at 4:59 PM









Lost Rob Pics

Thursday October 13, 2011 at 3:22 PM

I lost a lot of pictures when my hard drive crashed. I've been able to get most of them back, but there are a couple I can't find on the internet. One is a behind the scenes shot from New Moon and it shows Rob from the side in the Volterra suicide scene and his pants are about halfway down his ass giving us a nice crack shot.

The other is a personal picture of Rob taken by a friend (before he was famous) - he is in bed and looks like he just woke up. There is a girl in the bed that may or may not be his co-star from The Summerhouse.

If anyone has these I would sure appreciate copies!


This is another reason why I <3 Pinterest...

Thursday October 13, 2011 at 12:26 PM

...I find stuff like this:

Source: via Katie on Pinterest


There's even a how-to video here! Any other weird Twilight products out there? 



Thursday October 13, 2011 at 12:12 PM

I came across this video, mainly because I just love this song right now:


.....and it had me thinking...

What if Twilight was a mini-series?

Would it be better than the movies?

Would it be able to really capture E and B's star-crossed romance?

Better casting? Script? Imagery?

or am I just kidding myself that it would make a good series?

Would it clash with all the rest of the vampire shows that are on now?

Maybe they would consider doing this in the future, after this vamp-hype dies down for awhile...idk...

Thoughts please.


Why do people find Non-Canon exciting?

Thursday October 13, 2011 at 7:21 AM

Hello Everyone..

My question is the title of campfire..

And basically, most of all the non-canon fics are Bella with someone else. You don't find much with Edward in non-canon pairing. Edward is never in love with someone other than Bella. He's always with some bimbo for some time. LOL!


I can't deal with non-canons. But I'd love to read your views. :) Why do people find it exciting?

LJ Summers

Peter and Bella Fic List

Thursday October 13, 2011 at 6:33 AM

Is he a "know it all" smart-a$$?  A quiet warrior?  A loner, still, or a grieving man?

Peter is something of a mystery, in canon.  All we are really told about him is that he tends to be quiet and that he was friends with Jasper back in the days of the Southern Vampire Wars.

This makes him ideal romantic material, and there are certainly authors in the fandom who have played with him.  Er, the IDEA of him.

gateway peter

Especially with the pairing of Peter and Bella.

They might be vampires or human or a crazy mixture of both in the fandom.  Have you seen them?

If so, please bring your favorite Peter/Bella fics to share around the fire!

Remember the Rules:

1.  Keep it simple.  Title. Author. Summary. Link.

2. No discussions.


Thank you for sharing the best of your favorite fics with A Different Forest!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Thursday October 13, 2011 at 2:48 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

If you could spend the day with one character from The Twilight Saga (let's pretend this could happen... have a cookie, you'll be fine) who would it be and why?

And that's not including this guy:

(Yeah, he doesn't look happy about it either.)

So, would you ask Alice to take you shopping? Go play baseball with Emmett? Ask Carlisle for a full medical? (If you know what I mean.) 

Let's chat.

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