
Fall Background

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 8:10 AM

I just wanted to let the powers that be know how beautiful our new background looks. 


To make this interactive, what's your favorite season and why?


Member when dat man

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 5:32 AM

wanted you to play foos-ball Bobby?

So it's Saturday y'all. There are so many games on I can't even handle it!

What are you watching?


And a nod, as always, to my boys:









Ocean Wide - New Chapter!

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 3:36 AM

Hi guys! First of all, a HUGE thank you to all the people who reviewed, put my story on alert or on their favorite list. It's my first story and I REALLY appreciate the attention it's been give. :)

So there's a new chapter up and Bella and Surfward get to meet! ;) 

Go read!


Lost Fic

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 1:16 AM

Hi everyone!

I'm feeling nostalgic and I'd like to re-read one of my all time favourites fics but the author deleted it to rework it as an original.

In Pursuit of Normalcy by KariAnn










If you have it please PM me, I really loved that story.

This is another one of my favourites Jacob/Nessie fic

Nessie's relationship with Jacob matures as she does, but it's not easy. They must deal with war, loss, prejudice, tribal politics, and the unfathomable mystery of imprinting. A heart-warming saga sure to make you laugh, cry and swear before it's over
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 67 - Words: 226,214 - Reviews: 2134 - Updated: 6-25-11 - Published: 4-27-09 - Renesmee C./Nessie & Jacob - Complete

And if you have any other good Jacob/Nessie fics I'm game!

Thanks a lot


Miss Snazzy

Celebrities and Fanfiction

Saturday October 8, 2011 at 1:10 AM

I did not know this! Matt Smith writes fanfiction?
*loves even more*



Now, this has gotten me thinking. Are there any other confirmed fanfiction writers out there?

And of course, Doctor Who fanfiction recs/discussion is always welcome. =)


I have too much stuff!

Friday October 7, 2011 at 9:58 PM

... to travel with, that is. Way more stuff back home, but I won't be seeing that for another 6 months or so.

First off, yay I'm checking in for the first time in months! Those of you who follow me on Twitter will know that I'm currently living it up in Australia, so that's why I've been MIA here.

Anyway, I figured I'd use FFA to get more exposure for my online yard sale.

My backpack is way too heavy, so I'm selling some of my clothes and books.

FOR SALE in the Byron Bay/Coffs Harbour/Sydney area

- various TOPS size 6/8
- various DRESSES size 6/8
- various PANTS size 6/8
- various BIKINIS size 6/8/E-cup
- BOOKS: 'Stargazer' and 'Afterlife' by Claudia Gray

Interested? Come see me at Cape Byron Lodge, or shoot me a message!

Here are a few pics of some of the items for sale:



Friday October 7, 2011 at 9:52 PM

So, I'm looking for this crazyass story.

Edward leaves Bella (like in New Moon). Bella falls in love with Jacob, then she's abducted. While she's abducted, Victoria comes looking for her, but she kills Charlie instead of Bella. After Bella is found, the Cullens come back. They take care of her and she wants to go back to Jacob, but he's imprinted on another girl. I know that there's a suicide attempt in it, but I don't know if she succeeds.

I know that it sounds insane, but I SWEAR, it's a real fic.



Thanks all!



Friday October 7, 2011 at 8:27 PM

Hello Campers! I've been thinking about something... We have many versions of Edward: Daddyward, Mobward, CEOward, Doctorward, even that diaperward fiasco. But do we really have them all?  Lets see if we can find the 'ward' that hasn't been done yet!

Tell us which Edward you think has yet to be written and we'll see if anyone knows if it already exists or not. 


Also... I want to show you something I found on tumblr that made me think instantly of the fandom. 


The Hush,Hush Trilogy

Friday October 7, 2011 at 7:46 PM

Hi All!


Long time, no campfire...I'm taking advantage of this free for all and asking if any of you have read the Hush, Hush Trilogy and what your thoughts are on it/them? I walked by them in WallyWorld today and the cover art alone made me stop in my tracks...Care to tell me your thoughts on why I should or shouldn't spend my cash on these?




Firefly...come talk about it!

Friday October 7, 2011 at 4:49 PM

What do you think? Holding my breath for the next chapter and I want to know what you guys think is happening! Here's a link!


BD Pic

Friday October 7, 2011 at 1:12 PM

I, like everyone, is excited for Breaking Dawn...I have a countdown on my phone.


With that being said, I get so excited to see new pictures come out.  This, however, baffles is a link to the pic of the necklace Aro gives to Bella...


Is it what you expected?


I expected something, well, bigger and flasher for some reason...perhaps with some pearls attached?  I'd have to go back and read the details for the piece....


Late to the party...

Friday October 7, 2011 at 11:22 AM

...So, I haven't posted on ADF in a while but I have been lurking...

and chanced upon, "How to paint a house"...and OMG, BLOWN AWAY. I have NEVER cried because of a fic,  but I totally did reading this one because it's just incredible.

Now I have a hankering for HS fics with an Edward  who is sweet and unattainable [maybe?]

Or any Edward who is emotionally mysterious...a puzzle...UST will be appreciated.

ETA: Rochelle Allison is one author I know that ALWAYS comes up with great HS/Coming-of-Age Bella. I just feel like emmersing myself into those feelings/insecurities/hopes of a Bella who is still growing up.



With thanks,


PS Love you ADF!!!



PPS My rec is obviously, "How to paint a house".


The Slowest Burn <3

Friday October 7, 2011 at 11:07 AM

Is it just me or is everyone constantly checking their email to see if The Slowest Burn has updated or not?

Come and chat with me!!





Love Does Not Come With a Plan

Friday October 7, 2011 at 10:24 AM

Hi.. Everyone I'm new here.. :)

Since it's FFA, I'm starting this campfire to do a shameless promotion of my fic.. LOL

Please check it out guys..

Love Does Not Come With a Plan

Bella Swan was supposed to be just a part of Jasper Cullen's plan to take a revenge with his elder brother Edward Cullen-The Perfectionist. Everything was planned. Pity. Love just doesn't come with a plan.

Please give your feedback and also check out my other fics.. :)


What's going on?

Friday October 7, 2011 at 10:07 AM

Is it just me or is twilight google docs deleted?

I've been looking for two fics which I forgot to save and now I can't find them anywhere. If anyone can help me please pm me about I Don't Exist by rachael1042 and If We Ever Meet Again by b.krumova

Thank you.

As a rec an oldie but goodie:

The Mirrors by adorablecullens

Teddy's secret and magical childhood is lost when a family heirloom is destroyed, changing his life forever. Now an adult, can Edward open himself back up to magic and love when he meets a beautiful - and hauntingly familiar - woman in real life?



Friday October 7, 2011 at 10:00 AM

Hey there!

I am on the hunt for some (completed preferred, but i'll take WIP too)





in control



Please help a girl out! I've read "Isla de Cullen", "The Office", "The Elusive Mr. Cullen", "Fridays at Noon", "Master of the Universe", "Incunabula"......

Rec me one where maybe the summary doesn't elude to the fact that that's what he is! 

Please and thank you! Happy Friday! 

OH! Forgot to rec of my faves, an oldie but a goodie

 Not Meant To Be » reviews
Bella meets a married man named Edward, and what she anticipates to be a one time fling turns into an affair that stirs feelings she is blindsided by. The battle between heart & mind leaves them both struggling to do the right thing. AH
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 30 - Words: 178,079 - Reviews: 1539 - Updated: 3-1-10 - Published: 2-17-09 - Bella - Complete

EDIT: The suggestions i'm getting are great, keep more coming please!


Exciting News!

Friday October 7, 2011 at 9:43 AM

Recently I have been looking into going abroad to work as a au pair.

I have been in contact with a few families for the past couple of months, just generally getting to know them and what not, but today I got an email from one of the families asking me to come and be their au pair!

Looks like I am going to Australia for the next 6 months, possibly a year!

I am super excited and slightly nervous, but YAY!!!

When was the last time you got some exciting news?

Come in, share your exciting news with the forest!


When Crazzzy Strikes

Friday October 7, 2011 at 9:27 AM


This last week I decided to do what I NEVER do and go public with me: aka I auditioned for a spot on The Glee Project. I'm a Gleek, completely, and I also enjoyed TGP (For those who don't know, TGP is a "talent search" type reality show that boasts a reoccurring role on Glee as the ultimate prize) but normally I am VERY private. This post also marks the fusing of my FanFic world with my Personal world, for the first time ... Crazzzy. Anyway - while I teeter out here on this ledge - if you feel like checking out my submission, here is the LINK. If you "like" it, please click the thumb ... the votes help me:) Thanks to the moon and back Campers!!

Has anyone else auditioned? Have you ever done anything like this and have advice to impart?

EDIT: Thank you to everyone who bothered to watch, vote and/or comment on my vid ... at least twenty-five of you clicked and "liked!" You're all amazing <3


Ocean Wide - New Fanfic

Friday October 7, 2011 at 8:09 AM

Hi, guys I just wrote a new fanfic and I would LOVE if people read and reviewed it. It'd encourage me to write another chapter :) so here's the summary and the link:

Bella and Alice go to Surfside Beach, California for the summer tosee their best friends Angela and Rosalie. There she meets Edward Cullen,
surfer and golden boy. He shows an interest in Bella and decides to woo her.Will it be a summer romance, or more?

It has surfward!


we're going to Disneyland!

Friday October 7, 2011 at 7:48 AM

Here's a super cute video that will bring tears to your eyes (no seriously, I literally teared up), and warm your heart.

Happy Friday everyone!


Have you watched any videos lately that made you laugh or cry?

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