
ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday October 12, 2011 at 4:54 PM







"Ron Weasley | Little Lion Man" by dazzleme7


"Harry Potter || Feat. The Glitch Mob" by Grable424 <- ALL HARRY POTTER FANS NEED TO WATCH THIS. Such an awesome video!


"(Damon & Elena) - You touched my heart, you touched my soul" by LadyCoProductions <- Good ol' James Blunt




Help Desk

Wednesday October 12, 2011 at 4:50 PM

Every week we open up the forest for all of those inquiries you have been dying to make.

Inquries like:

"What is the name of that fic about...?"

"I would love it if someone would rec me...."

"I forgot how to..."

"The new site is great! But how do you...?"

"What every happened to....?"



It is the Amnesia, Request, Questions, Techie campfire....

**Remember: This week Pimp Your Stuff Moves to Thursdays and next week The Rec moves to Tuesdays. 


New BD scenes on the TV spot

Wednesday October 12, 2011 at 12:43 PM

Hate the way he says "I'll meet you at the alter"

and WTF is that last line???


Aww, just look at after 2:30

FIC Diving?

Wednesday October 12, 2011 at 9:32 AM

Fic Diving in the USA *sung to the tune of French Kissing in the USA by Debbie Harry

Lately, I have been looking for fics via my version of Fic Diving.

The way I do it, is look through the Faves of an author of a story I am currently enjoying. Sometimes I can find a gem. More often than not, I'm finding something that is entirely too cliche.

Could it be that I am not Fic Diving correctly?

I go in waves of the Master Fic List, Blog Recs, Twitter Recs and Fic Diving...


**Even though I am not asking for a specific REC per se, I will offer one up anyway:

Fall to Ruin One Day: He wanted to be the most powerful man on earth. As far as she was concerned, he already was. Love. Longing. A decade of regret. Time changes nothing...or does it? Twilight - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 34 - Words: 87,356 - Reviews: 6217 - Updated: 9-27-11 - Published: 3-1-10


Humpday Games

Wednesday October 12, 2011 at 8:38 AM

This week I'm guest humping! And we're gonna try something new!

This week's game is:


Last week prettycool41o started an Edward campfire about all the "wards" not YET written in the fandom. Which spawned an idea in the fabulous camper Flibbertigidget's mind about rectifying this and writing the worst fanfic ever written with the help of ALL of ADF. We were going to enter it in the Worst Fanfic Ever Written Contest, but this year that's anonymous, and we wouldn't be able to include everyone.

SO instead we're bringing it to ADF. If this thing works out well we'll make this a semi-regular rotation to the games! If not, well it didn't hurt to try once.

RULES to the game:

YOU write this fanfic.

You can either participate in ONE of TWO ways: you come up with an idea (a quote, A TITLE, a fandom cliche, a setting, a scene, a conversation, a personality trait, a weird habit, a character, an ending, a climax, a plot, ANYTHING!) and add it as a comment for use in the story OR you can "vote" on anything anyone else suggests by addding a yes, YAY, seconded, I want this, etc under that idea. That way if we get five suggestions for what Edward's job should be, we can go with the most "wanted" suggestion. BUT there is no limit to what you can vote on or how often, vote for every idea if you want! (IF in the case of a tie in votes, either by the same amount of "yays" or no votes at all, we're using ALL ideas. Yipes!)

You can build off of someone elses idea. Have one sentence in, and then someone add another, and so on. And each added idea off an idea counts as a vote for that first idea also.

I'll round up everything at the end of the game and mold it together in some sort of fanfiction that will be posted here by this weekend! So if you want to come back and read it, it'll be here. BUT I'll keep it as close to what's "written" in the game.

Let's do this ADF. Come help us write a fanfic!


Going crazy...

Wednesday October 12, 2011 at 6:12 AM

When I first started reading fic I did not keep a list of what I read and now I am going crazy trying to find a fic I really loved.  Think you can help?  THe details I remember are inside since its a little racy :)


Also-  does anyone have any recs that are similar to the fic The War of Roses?  It was one of my favorite fics.  I guess I love a heartfail with a HEA

My rec is War of the Roses  I know some have told me they can't stomach it, but I thought it was one of the most raw/real fanfics out there.

LJ Summers

Friends With Benefits Fic List

Wednesday October 12, 2011 at 3:46 AM

It's a relatively recent popular phenomenon, having sexual partners that are friends, not romantic interests, necessarily.  Someone you trust implicitly. Someone who won't be demanding.  

But sometimes, it can get complicated and that's where the stories get written.


Bella and Edward?  Jasper and Alice?  Bella and Jasper?  

Any rating, any pairing, AU or AH (hey, I'm flexible!), bring on your FAVORITE STORIES that center around the Friends With Benefits plotline.  We are camped around the fire to take notes! 

Remember the rules:

1. Keep it Simple.  Title, Author, Link and Summary.

2. No discussions. This is a list, not a pimp-n-rec!

I look forward to seeing your recommendations inside.  

Remember! We have, including this list, 113 categories of fan fiction recommended here in A Different Forest.  Check the Master List!  It can always use a combing-through. Add your favorites in whatever categories they apply.

Thank you for sharing your favorite Friends With Benefits fics around the fire!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Wednesday October 12, 2011 at 2:02 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Today I thought we'd stick with a bit of a vampire theme.

So, with that in mind...

Not including Twilight, what vamp-centered series or show is your favourite?

 It can be a book, a movie, a television series. Anything.

Come and tell me a little about it. Why you like it and so forth.

Let's chat.


Part 2 has Arrived

Tuesday October 11, 2011 at 7:51 PM

I just bought my Twilight Graphic Novel Volume 2.  And I noticed there is no post.  I figuring this is not a spoiler since we've all read/seen Twilight, but I just got to the part where the hot comic Carlisle bites the generic anime looking Edward.  I don't read slash but the whole thing looks like slash I'd read, if that makes any sense.  Also I think Rosalie looks really pretty.  I like what they are doing with this. What do you think?


because you should be prepared for anything.

Tuesday October 11, 2011 at 6:32 PM

Myspace Halloween Comments -


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

the apocalypse is here.

your loved ones have been zombified.

you have just enough to time grab a backpack and





where do you go?

will you lone wolf it or look for other signs of humanity?

is there time for romance~?

will you die because of your lack of fighting ability?

let's talk zombie apocalypse escape plans.


what's your faction?

Tuesday October 11, 2011 at 5:29 PM

Divergent Faction Quiz

It's a facebook app, so you'll need to be a member to take the quiz.  Which faction do you belong to?

Apparently, I'm Dauntless, which shocks the hell out of me, lol.


Things the internet taught me

Tuesday October 11, 2011 at 4:07 PM

So, I'm doing a search, today, for Twilighted. The link did come up, but something else did too. A link to the Urban Dictionary. Come inside and see what I found.

To make this interactive, what are some funny words/phrases you have come across and had to look them up in the Urban Dictionary?

Warning: What I will post inside is probably NSFW.





**This campfire was approved by EKSmith

mo kagen

How To Paint a House & first kisses

Tuesday October 11, 2011 at 4:03 PM



I wanted to get on my back and kick my feet wildly and play the air guitar.

Chapter 13 


Climb up in this Truth Tree and share!


Cracks in the Pavement update

Tuesday October 11, 2011 at 3:58 PM


French Parody of Twilight

Tuesday October 11, 2011 at 9:32 AM

Hello, the website  Twilight Italia has just announced that there is a French cartoon, "Bloodlight" making a parody of Twilight, It is light, not nasty as far as I can say. Here you can see the first strips. The chicken-against-James stunt is funny.

For the rest, you have to order it to - It is, of course, in French


Making a difference

Tuesday October 11, 2011 at 7:15 AM

Seeing everything on the news about Occupy Wall Street, and protests throughout the world from people who are simply fed-up with the way things in our world seem to be going, makes me realize I've never really done anything on a large scale to stand up for the things I believe it. I've signed petitions and had one-on-one conversations and debates and donated funds

.....but I've never actually gone out among the people to demonstrate.

What about the rest of you campers? What's your experience in trying to right the wrongs of the world or get your voice heard? Have you started a blog, created a website, participated in a march or sit in, debated your point of view? What have you done to bring attention to the causes that are important to you?

This campfire is not the place to protest your cause or get into a debate, but to tell us your experiences- good and bad- when it comes to what you are passionate about.


Goodbye, Procrastination

Tuesday October 11, 2011 at 6:19 AM

I've finally finished the short story that I need for college tomorrow.

This means I can read and it won't be considered procrastinating.

But what to read?

Ever since watching fire & ice by verotruth, I've wanted to read a Bella/Jacob fic.

Any reccomendations?

AU preferred.

In return, I reccomend:

Gates of Eden by Adair7
This is not a story of love and affection. This is not our happily ever after. This is the destruction of six people who watched the world burn down around them. AH. AU. Extremely OOC. NC-17. Graphic Content.

Disjointed by Simone and Marie
One Decision. Seven POVs. This is the aftermath. Canon Pairings, All Human, Rated M for Language

Hell by Oo Livia Cullen oO
Bella is filthy rich, she's a bitch and most importantly she despises you. She snorts coke, she parties all the time and she's jaded. She doesn't believe in love until she meets Edward who is just as rich and disillusioned as she is. AH. ExB. Rated M.


Open Up Next to You: Who the Heck is Randall?

Tuesday October 11, 2011 at 5:59 AM

The Law That I Live By...chapter up:

So...Randall...what do you think?  Going nomad a good idea?  Or not? 

Thoughts?  I mean besides how to HARM Edward...!!!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Tuesday October 11, 2011 at 1:46 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Today I thought we'd talk about the movie releases that have us acting like this:

(well, sort of... I don't actually dance in front of trucks)


Anyway, here's what I'm looking forward to watching:

And also 'The Oranges' starring Hugh Laurie and Leighton Meester. (needs trailer.)

So tell me, what can't you wait for?

Let's chat.


Siren's Song by avidwrtr

Monday October 10, 2011 at 11:03 PM

Does anyone have a copy of Siren's Song by avidwrtr?

Summary - Jasper/Bella/Edward AU - Bella was Edward's singer. But was it just Jasper that kept her body humming with awareness? Potential J/B/E menage. No slash. Explicit Lemons.

My recommendation:

The Slowest Burn by TypoKween
He took my underwear, hung them from his back pocket, then said, "These are mine." - AH, E/B, Lemons.

This fic own me right now :)

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