New TV Series

Saturday October 15, 2011 at 12:18 PM

 I'm looking forward to The Walking Dead. I like The Secret Circle so far. With the buzz about the new  TV season I was wondering  what your thoughts were on these. :

The spots for Once Upon A Time remind me of The Tenth Kingdom, and Grimm looks like it could be the CSI of fairy tales.  I hope they are as good as they look. So what do you think? Overkill of the genre? Sick of the supernatural yet? Share your thoughts!

 My rec:

FAREWELL by  strcrssdlvr

Edward leaves Bella and she struggles through many difficult situations that lead to a reunion with her lost family. But how long will that reunion last when old enemies come to claim vengeance? Will any of the Cullens survive? Twilight - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 33 - Words: 219,263 - Reviews: 186 - Updated: 1-12-11 - Published: 12-14-08 - Bella & Edward

Note: LONG waits between updates, but she will finish it and the story is great!


'90s Are All That

Saturday October 15, 2011 at 11:06 AM

So. If you watch TeeNick, you know that every weeknight, there's a 2-hour block dedicated to shows from the 1990's.

The current lineup:

All That
Kenan and Kel
Hey Dude

There's also:

Clarissa Explains It All
The Adventures of Pete & Pete
The Amanda Show
Rocket Power

I'm holding out hope that they'll add The Secret World of Alex Mack still. And Are You Afraid of the Dark?.

Those last two get rotated every month, but All That and Kenan and Kel stay where they are, probably because those were the two most asked for -- All That specifically.


The point of this campfire is for any fellow '90s kids on here. If you were born in the mid-to-late '80s and grew up in the '90s like yours truly, then this is the campfire for you.

To make this interactive:

1. What shows do you remember from the '90s? If you're not a '90s kid and either grew up in a decade before that, or later, what shows do you remember that aren't on TV anymore?

2. GAME SHOWS. '90s kids, what was your favorite? Double Dare, Legends of the Hidden Temple? GUTS?

3. What shows do you wish would make a comeback?

4. Is there a show from a past decade that you wished you could have been on? Game show even?

I think that's it for the questions for now. It's all I can think of off the top of my head. My answers will be inside.



Saturday October 15, 2011 at 10:52 AM

I recently found a fic and now I can't remember what it was called. I only had a quick look through so I only know a little. It's a B/E fic and Bella is an editor. Edward runs and owns his own advertising business with Em and Jas I think. All I remember is Bella and Edward were just leaving for a weekend away when Angela (her boss) pulls her and Edward into a meeting along with Emmett. Turns out that the company B works for is going to publish her book and Ed's company and Em are in charge of the advertising. Anyone?

My rec would be:

The Delicate Dance of Marriage » by funkydiva1978

Married for Love, In a marriage for Appearance: He broke her heart on the night she had the biggest news to tell him. What will Edward do when he realizes Bella wants to move on. Fight for her, or let her go.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 205,037 - Reviews: 2152 - Updated: 10-7-11 - Published: 6-6-09 - - Bella/Edward

She just started updating again!


Yippee ki-yay....

Saturday October 15, 2011 at 7:46 AM

football campers.

My college boys are off on a bye week this week and my husband is out of town so that means I'll be looking for ways to entertain myself today. I need new teams to cheers for. Based on all the teams I now cheer for, I'm pretty easy to recruit. All it takes to make me a fan is some nice words, a video set to decent music, or a dog dressed in your team colors. Anyone want an extra fangirl today?

I leave you only one nod today, at my pro boys. This was my favorite moment in football last week.





My picks are inside.


Lost fanfic

Saturday October 15, 2011 at 6:35 AM

I want to find one fic, it's E/B and I remember it being humorous and litlle detail: there are both Esme and Renee fanfic/erotica authors :) Anyone remembers that? Help is much appreciated!


Awkward Family Photos

Saturday October 15, 2011 at 6:09 AM

Don't let this... my family!

We're getting family photos taken in just over a week, and I'm stressing out about what everyone should wear.  It will be me, hubs, our six-year-old boy, and one-year-old girl.  I don't want to be too "matchy-matchy" but I want everyone to coordinate, sort of.

Any suggestions?  Or do you have any super-cute photo poses or ideas you've seen?  It's an hour-long session, so we have some time to play around.  If you feel comfortable, I'd love to see your favorite family photos too!

And if you've never visited, you're missing out...



Saturday October 15, 2011 at 3:08 AM

Hi Guys!!!!! I NEED some really good fanfics. 

I want it to be:

- Twilight Edward/Bella

- Complete or updated regularly

- Romance, not a lot of angst



I'd LOVE your help. :)


I've Always Wanted To...

Saturday October 15, 2011 at 2:58 AM

I've always, always wanted to...


I started tango lessons years ago but got busy with work and relationships. I'm promising myself to sign up for some dance classes as soon as I've settled down in my new place. Dancing used to make me so happy.
What have you always wanted to do/learn to do before real life got in the way?

Come share!
(p.s. The Tango in the video is pretty amazing. It starts slow but gets progressively more difficult.)

LOL Ummm... What?

Friday October 14, 2011 at 11:46 PM

I just looked up at the ads on the top of my screen here on ADF and this is what I see.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

My thoughts were, seriously? Is this guy for real?

I was in a fit of giggles and yet slightly intrigued so I clicked on the ad.

192 pages Paperback 

The Trouble With Twilight is an informative, well-documented, and up-to-date commentary about not only the Twilight book series and movies, but also the culture of occultism and its particular enticements for today’s youth and young adults. Revealed are little-known facts that will surprise many parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles—whoever loves children and youth. Forces greater than authors or Hollywood are influencing millions of young people, yet they know it not. You should understand these forces.  

Forget the giggles, after reading the review I was in full blown hyena laughter!

My mind is boggled at this. 

If you would like to purchase this little gem it's only $10.19 (Canadian) on amazon. Here's the link

Apparently Steve has also written Hour of the Witch: Harry Potter, Wicca Witchcraft and the Bible. Don't worry it's also available on amazon.


Fic Downloader?

Friday October 14, 2011 at 10:12 PM

Ok, so for some time now I've not been able to get Flag to load, which also mean, I've not been able to download any fics *sad panda*

Anyone have another fic downloader that's easy for someone of my limited capabilities to use (that's also compatable with Mac?)


I'd much appreciate it :)





Campfire of adorableness and hilarity

Friday October 14, 2011 at 8:47 PM

This week, my 9-year-old complained about having to wear a bra to school every day. I assured her that she needed to, because she was beginning to grow boobs. I told her it was her first step to becoming a woman.

Later that day I was volunteering at her school, when her teacher came up to me laughing. She said my girl snapped her own bra, got a look of total satisfaction on her face, and proudly said, "I am a woman."

It was HILARIOUS, but god, I sure hope she didn't do that in front of her whole class.


Did you do anything silly when you were a kid? Are there some children or puppies cutifying your neighborhood? What funny/adorable stories would you like to share?



Friday October 14, 2011 at 8:05 PM

Just curious to see who has been watching The Secret Circle.

And if you do what do you think of it? 

What do you think of the most recent episode?

What about Cassie? Miniature hooker or Girl next door?

Faye, good or Evil?


I only have one friend in RL watching with me and I want your input!



ETA: Spoilers Alert! (thanks Tilara!)



Friday October 14, 2011 at 7:37 PM

I need to find this crack-fic.

More description inside...


Green Eyes and Lullabies

Friday October 14, 2011 at 7:17 PM

So, I was fic diving a while back and I found this,

Green Eyes and Lullabies - Bella Swan has a cataclysmic experience in a bar with a complete stranger. He abandons her just after, but left her with much more of himself than she bargained for.

There are only 3 chapters completed but they were awesome. Basically B&E have a quickie in a bathroom stall. Edward takes off right after without even saying goodbye. Fast forward 9months and Bella is in the hospital about to give birth and surprise! Edward is the Dr.called in to deliver.

My question is does anyone know of any fics similar to this one? Or any other one night stand type pregnancy fics.

My rec is "The Slowest Burn" by Typokween. Not only because it is amazing but also because it is Friday and I am anxiously awaiting an update.


Water for Elephants

Friday October 14, 2011 at 6:40 PM

Ok is it just me or did anyone else have a hard time getting past the first 15-20 mins of the film. To this day I have yet to finish it. I have tried to start this movie 3 times and I think I might have made it 30 minutes but no more for sure.Please someoneg let me know if its worth watching all the way through because I find it to be extremely boring. I own the book but have yet to read it because I've found the film to be on the level of the DRY EYE GUY. Am I the only one who hasn't finished this or are there any others. I was so exicted about this movies the previews make it look like such a great film. What are your thoughts on the movie? To be honest I really wanted to see it because of Rob and Reese. I feel like I will be dissapointed like I was when Eat Pray ,Love came out. The best previews ever and one of the worst films in my opinion. great music and locations but thats about it.


Someone please give me something to look forward to in this film.

well I do have the book and if anyone wants it I will gladly ship it to them for free.(Water for Elephants)


Friday Recs

Friday October 14, 2011 at 6:30 PM

Hello Lovely's just wondering if any of you have read anything that is a little out of the box lately? I just want to read something that is unique yet brilliant. I'm desperate for more jacob is a perve/creep/peeping tom stories. I find these to be hilarious and yet I only know of two. IF any of you have the goods stashed away in your saved fic files or have written any yourself please SHARE THE WEALTH! I want to laugh until I cry. I'm currently in the process of moving and need my break into the world of Twilight so please indulge my strange request. IT doesn't even have to only be jake fics just something thats not poking fun of edward. I see enough of that in most fics in general. Thanks

FYT: I love these pics.

                                            Talk about secret agent. He can be matt damon in borne identity.

Rec: Progress: The Origional Sleep Humper Love Story ....."Isabella, this is Edward. He starts today and I've already given him a tour." Randall said tightly. Edward? That's an old dude's name. This fine specimen of man in front of me deserved something elegant and exotic…like Fellatio.

First pic is Robert Pattinson Covers The Italian Vanity Fair


Some AWESOME fics I found today:)

Friday October 14, 2011 at 5:58 PM

I read these two AWESOME stories today and just had to share:

Arrangement » by QuantumFizzx (New!)
A hired-hand holds back her improper emotions, a son tries to honor an old arrangement, & a father makes new arrangements for reasons of his own. Maybe doing to noble thing isn't always the right thing...
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/General - Chapters: 4 - Words: 6,323 - Reviews: 412 - Updated: 10-14-11 - Published: 10-12-11 - - Bella/Edward

The last update left me reeling! Have you read it? What do you think will happen? Will Carlisle go through with it? How will Edward and Bella ever get their chance?? What are your theories?

Dear Isabella » by wtvoc and jandco (Completed)
He said "always". She wasn't so sure. All-human. M for language. All the usual angst applies.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 27,683 - Reviews: 382 - Updated: 1-28-10 - Published: 1-1-10 - - Bella/Edward - Complete

Holy mother of christ! Sad, sad, sad. It came with oodles of warnings but I read on anyway. Thought I'd be able to keep my composure through it all. I came close too, but failed miserably by the time the last chapter closed in. I cried my eyes out. Did you read this story? What are your thoughts? How awesome is it?



Your Favorite Apps

Friday October 14, 2011 at 3:17 PM

Okay, so I'm new to the whole app thing.  I was recently given an itouch by the lovely and generous DianaWolfskill and I love it!  Actually, my whole family loves it.  My husband and daughter can't get enough of

My son and daughter love

And me? I love me some WWF

But I want to know what I'm missing.  Please come in and share your favorite apps.  I prefer free but you know, if there's something that you simply can't do without that costs a bit, share it anyway!  I'll share a couple other apps I've found that I'm enjoying in the comments. :D


They did what? Where?

Friday October 14, 2011 at 3:02 PM


This campfire is most likely to cause drink spewing conversations!

Just read about this on another site and I've added the link in the comments due to the content subject matter.


Is that even possible?


and do have a story that can top it?



The Baby Gate Conspiracy

Friday October 14, 2011 at 12:54 PM

So I don't know if any of you have heard all this brouhaha with Senora Beyonce and her baby. Apparently she went on an Australian TV show and when she went to sit down her whole belly collapsed!


Here is a video of Wendy Williams explaining the whole thing 

I just think this is really interesting and I wanted to know what you guys think. Have you guys heard of anyone faking a pregnancy or dealt with situations like that? I know it may be really personal to some folks. 

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