
Behold!! CabinWard

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 11:46 AM


Do you have any good bushy beard Edwards to rec?

For your time, 

The Dead Man of Shreverport. What happens when a 1,000 year old Viking Vampire Sheriff and a 26 year old telepathic barmaid partner up to solve mysteries? What doesn't happen might be the better question. A supernatural romantic comedy. AU, SVM canon thru Club Dead.
Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries - Rated: T - English - Mystery/Humor - Chapters: 35 - Words: 141,805 - Reviews: 1394 - Updated: 7-24-11 - Published: 10-31-10 - Sookie & Eric - Complete


go the eff to sleep

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 11:16 AM

I come to you campers as a mom of three, who has a toddler who refuses to effing sleep.  I desperately need some advice, and assistance....

I'll post my problem inside the campfire so I don't take up the entire front page.


Writing recs...

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 9:39 AM

Well, OK, the situation seems rather calm this evening (it's evening here), therefore I'll pimp myself in my reviewer persona. I find rthat I like to review and maybe I do it convincingly .

So today there is my review of Raum's De immortalitate on the Fictionators, if you care to read it

(and, btw, this was written a few weeks ago). Now the fic has entered its more dramatic and more moving part. A new chapter has just been posted.

(I also made a mistake, unless Kassiah had finally fixed it. In a sentence I call Romanward Edward, instead of Amtonius. Blushing)

In any case, I  am ready to write more reviews, if somebody asks me, suggests whom would accept it and I like the story (it has to be supernatural or, at least, Sci Fi)

Finally, the banner posted on the review is also oldish. Now Raum has produced a  new one

Sugar Britches

When Pretty People Wear Ugly Things

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 9:10 AM

Good morning foresters!

Because I am fond of both pretty people and bad fashion, I would like you to spam me with images of pretty people wearing exceptionally bad clothing.

Because it amuses me:

And I gotta say, I am NOT a fan of brown suits.
Case in point-exhibit A:
And exhibit B:
Now come on in and show me pics of nice looking people & their ugly duds! (male or female...)

College Football....

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 6:18 AM

sucks. It's the worst sport ever! If you didn't see, my boys got trounced last night by Syracuse. If I converted any fans to WVU with a promise of angst and heartbreak, there's your first dose.

Soooooo, given that my team were losers this week, who should a I watch to remind me why I love college football?

A nod at my boys who still have a chance




and a picture of me from last night





More inside........


A fic to read in front of the fire...

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 3:39 AM

Hi everyone!

I'm currently rereading a wonderful fic I love to read when the bad season starts: "The wood are lovely, dark and deep". The author hasn't updated in a long time but I still love it. Don't let the fact that's it's a WIP stop you, you'll fall in love.

Miss Snazzy

The Big Bang Theory

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 12:59 AM

So, I've recently fallen in love with this show.  It's fantastic.  Shenny makes my heart sing.
I've also been reading some fanfiction, but I wanted to know if anyone had any amazing stories to recommend.
(Using that particular pairing, of course)

I've been mostly going through stories by TempestJo and medusa20. (All of which I've loved so far)


Last Laugh

Friday October 21, 2011 at 5:42 PM

When was the last time you laughed?

What was the reason for the spontaneous sounds and movements to erupt from your face and body?

Was it a funny story, a video, a picture, a weird sound coming from the person in front of you in a movie theater?

My friend just sent this to me as a distraction from studying for a big math test and it gave me a good little chuckle.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Come share you last laugh stories.


I'm Delirious

Friday October 21, 2011 at 5:18 PM

heeeeey campers! 

can we just talk briefly about this book :  

i just finished it the other day and OMGITSSOGOODJUFHIUDSFIDUSGHSDIFGHSDFG

anywhooo, lets chat. 

theories and spoilers inside. 


Meeting Dad

Friday October 21, 2011 at 3:43 PM

So, today starts a new adventure in my life, and I was wondering if any of you met your father later in life. As my birthday fast approaches, I am finally meeting my father for the first time. My half sister and I are traveling from the lower peninsula near Grand Rapids to the Upper peninsula  to the city of Musising. We are hoping for a bonding time, and an end to certain questions. 

What questions did you ask? Were you scared, nervous, or just angry?

I'm having a hard time with these feelings, and I don't want to meet him just to punch him in the face. 

Any help or comments would be great.

Thanks so much my forest friends.


In need of recs. Season of Discontent maybe?

Friday October 21, 2011 at 2:43 PM

Stupid moi rushed and made a 2 tickets reservation for my mother to come with me to visit her sister in DC (United, through expedia, and Aegean), so if she misses any connecting flight  she'll have to find and buy other tickets by herself (I'm on one ticket, so I'll be placed on other flights), possibly find hotel accomodation and other terminals in London, and this is sb who can't speak English. And of course no travel insurance can be made for non-US citizens with less than 3 hours connection time. OMG THE ANGST. Need fic-life angst to take away from my rl angst, which has reached uterus-eating levels, so maybe that Twific contest contains some gems? I can never forgive myself for being dumb. And you should have pulled out in time goddamn it Edward you happy now with all that blood on your mouth


ETA: Feel REALLY REALLY FREE to tell me which Season of Discontent contest stories have a HEA

rochelle allison

take this lollipop

Friday October 21, 2011 at 11:16 AM

um, have you guys seen/participated in this?

so. frickin. creepy.



Friday October 21, 2011 at 10:17 AM

So I was commenting around Fluent in Sarcasm's fire below, and it got me thinking about these fics, which were epic.

Ones you maybe read as they were being posted, but you haven't read them in what feels like forever!

And I figured we could share those.

Those stories that take you right back to where you were when you read them. Are there songs that remind you of them? Maybe even smells? (Personally every christmas I'm reminded of Wide Awake, for reals)

Mine shall be in the comments :)


Please help! Does anyone know...

Friday October 21, 2011 at 9:42 AM

I'm looking for a store I once read which seemed to feature Edward with multiple personalities...  one was Edward and the other Masen, the darker side.  Both were infatuated with Bella who is Alice's best friend.  The funny thing about this story is Alice doesn't want Bella to meet her brother Edward who can be "dangerous."  She talks plenty about her other brother, Emmett but not so much about Edward.  Anyway, Bella meets him one afternoon while taking Alice home to pick up some notes and the story goes from there.  I can't remember what it's called and who wrote it.  But if you do, please let me know.  I would REALLY like to finish this story.


Waiting till Marriage...

Friday October 21, 2011 at 9:36 AM

So I haven't seen a lot of fics where Edward and Bella wait to have sex until marriage. As a matter of fact I can only think of one and that's Cannabean Betrothal by ItzMegan73.

Does anyone know of any good fics where abstinence is held true? I'm not talking about where B and E agree to stop for a month before the wedding but  true abstinence with each other.

I looked on the MF and did see this category. I would love some recs!

Fluent in Sarcasm


Friday October 21, 2011 at 8:56 AM

Ok folks, lets have a chin wag about...


what is you favorite playlist attached to a fic?

What is your favorite song/artist/band that you have been introduced to because of reading?

What is the song most played on your iPod/mp3/cd player/cassette player/wind up wireless at the moment?

Favorite fic based on music?



Friday October 21, 2011 at 7:44 AM

So I'm an engineering tech, and sometimes I go to this concrete plant and test for them for anywhere between 7 and 14 hours. Usually I know at least a day on advance so I either go buy some new books or find some fic to read. Today I'm at the plant again, but I didn't find out until this morning. So I have nothing to read. Help?


OUNtY: Chap 7 Let the Rain Come Down

Friday October 21, 2011 at 5:48 AM

Come on in and CHAT about LJ Summers' angsty little fic...

What does Bella want to do IN the water?

Be warned...there be SPOILERS inside!!!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Friday October 21, 2011 at 2:18 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Happy Friday!

Today I thought we'd talk about our favourite actors. 

Here are a few of mine.


So tell me, who do you love?

Let's chat.


FFA is here!

Thursday October 20, 2011 at 11:57 PM


Happy Friday!


Hope a lot of you will be participating in our wicked awesome contest this week - check out the details in the fire down below!

In the spirit of "a day in the life", share with me a song that reminds you of a day in your life.  Any day, any song.  






Earlier today, I had an ad for Bridesmaid accesories and an ad for discount car rentals on my ADF page.

 Oddly enough, together they made me think of a fic storyline. 

Where the heck are you going with this, you ask?

I want you to tell me what ads you have, but tell me in the form of a fic prompt or fic summary.

 See what kind of craziness you can come up with.

Then go click those ads.  

Clicks = Fertilizer

 Makes the trees happy.  


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