
Sneak Peek

Monday October 24, 2011 at 6:37 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Q&A with Rob and Ashley a Paris

Monday October 24, 2011 at 6:37 AM

Is he saying anything interesting?


Monday October 24, 2011 at 5:01 AM



P.S. I really didn't wanna go first. I've been waiting for the past few hours to see if anyone else would post something... I wanted to see everyone elses and steal ideas. BAHAHA. but it's gone midday here in the UK, and I have to run off to university and I'm not gonna have free time over the next 4 days to upload the pictures/videos, add commentary and build the campfire. Busy life I lead. hah. So I can't hold out any longer. I think I'll have just scrapped into the time span that you've set. I'll be back in like... 8 hours to participate in the campfire, unless my kindle is working properly, and then i might partake on the go. 


One shots with shocking climax

Monday October 24, 2011 at 4:59 AM

Plz list one shots with shocking climax..

My recomendations with one of similar o/s I read today:

Once Again

Edward' son-Riley was everything to him. But one accident took him away from him. What happens when Bella swan comes as a neighbor of him? Will she teach him how to live the life again? Or there's something more?


Another full length I started reading today. Love it.

The Second Son Of A Duke

Completely alternate universe. No vampires, but lots of Edward and Bella. Lord Edward is the second son of a duke and on one mistaken night, his fate and the fate of a Viscount's daughter is forever intertwined. Set in 19th century London.


While The Yanks Are Away...

Monday October 24, 2011 at 2:01 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

I hope you all had a good weekend. 

It's X Factor time again, so come on in and share your thoughts about last nights show. Did you agree with the decision? Who would have been your bottom two?

Strictly fans - what did you think of last nights result? Do you think the right couple went home?


And if you watch neither of these shows, come chat about the other reality TV shows that you have watched this week. =)

Let's chat.


The engagement ring in Eclipse

Sunday October 23, 2011 at 4:13 PM

Fellow campers, I have a question for you all. Can anyone tell me what the order of event is surrounding the engagement ring in Eclipse? I don’t recall what happened in the book, but in the movie we see Bella accepting the ring and even acknowledge possession when Edward asks her about it before they head up to the mountain in preparation of the battle. But in the end scene she asks for the ring from Edward when she unequivocally picks him as her mate and we see Edward producing the ring from his pocket and putting it on her finger.

Now, the question is, when did the ring change hands?

When did she return the ring to Edward?

What did she say when she did that?

Did things happen differently in the book? If so, in what way?

Anyone, please help!

Here's my rec:
Inside Man  by ooza 

With his parole fast approaching, inmate Edward Masen is looking for a friend. College student Bella Swan stumbles across his profile on a prison pen-pal website. Their friendship is formed over written words, but will it last once he rejoins her world?
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 34 - Words: 46,594 - Reviews: 6937 - Updated: 10-17-11 - Published: 6-2-11 - - Edward/Bella


The Edward Cullen of your dreams?

Sunday October 23, 2011 at 3:40 PM

I recently read an o/s for the Season of Discontent contest where the author describes Edward having a crooked nose.

Now, I don't remember if this was in the canon but I assume she had Rob in mind when she wrote Edward. 

When I write Edward in my fics, he's very much like Rob in every way, excepting the eyecolor and hair color of course. Do you all envision Rob when writing Edward? Do you envision another Twilight character?

What about Bella? Is she Kristen Stewart or someone else?


College Advice

Sunday October 23, 2011 at 3:35 PM

Here's the stitch...



I am soon going to be the proud owner of a BA in Social Science with Education Concentration with a minor in Child Devlopment  degree.  The problem is, I feel like I need more and I wanted an English degree, which wasn't available at my college till just a few months ago.  The issue I'm facing is the student loan.  Is it worth letting it get so big? Especially when I don't have a job right now and it'll take another 3 years or so just to get the second degree?


So, basically I'm wondering what everyone else does and if they'd take the risk.




Go read, review, and vote!

Sunday October 23, 2011 at 11:34 AM

GO READ! You can now view the Twilight entries of the Canon Tour! There are twenty-nine entries. If you read all of them, that's roughly 159,000 words(!) for you to enjoy over the next ten days, so get on it.

When you're satisfied that you've read all you want, GO VOTE for your three favorite entries. You have until the 2nd of November to do so.

Ballot results will be announced on the 3rd!


Twilight actors Anonymous

Sunday October 23, 2011 at 10:39 AM

Xavier Samuel AND Jamie Campbell Bower



I really want to see this 

"Set in the snake pit of Elizabethan England, Anonymous speculates on an issue that has for centuries intrigued academics and briliant minds ranging from Mark Twain and Charles Dickens to Henry James and Sigmund Freud, namely: who was the author of the plays credited to William Shakespeare? Experts have debated, books have been written, and scholars have devoted their lives to protecting or debunking theories surrounding the authorship of the most renowned works of English literature. Anonymous poses one possible answer, focusin on a time when cloak-and-dagger political intrigue, illicit romances in the Royal Court, and the schemes of greedy nobles hungry for the power of the throne were exposed in the most unlikely places: the London stage." (Actually, theatre and the arts have always been the places where the society outs its issues. But yeah.)




Rob a Paris (most of the hair is gone)

Sunday October 23, 2011 at 9:23 AM

Petite interview rapide on Twitpic

It would have been such a beautiful pic if it hadn't been for that stuff on his face, but at least he does look older...

Feel free to add new pics/videos/Rob's usual insane answers


ETA: New pic (which goes by the name of "Moleporn")

Foule en furie on Twitpic


Was Irina at the wedding?

Sunday October 23, 2011 at 7:33 AM

I have a question for real twilhards (because I am too lazy to go and  retrieve my copy of BD). I need the info for a story I am developing.

Was Irina a guest at Bella and Edward's wedding? I don't remember. I mean, she was angry still probably, she had prevented her coven  helping the Cullens with the newborn army ..Some Quieleutes were sure to be present and she hated them (they were. At least Seth with his mom, plus Jacob and friends later.) The other four Denalis were there but, was she?


And now a rec.  Once Bitten, by TwiLoverSue     http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7046967/24/

I am loving this story. I mean, it is one of those "Edward bites Bella the first day" fic. We have all read plenty of them, but this is so  incredibly well written, so sophisticated in its psycological development that I feel like cheering at every  turn of events. It is in Canon, but subtly deviates from it, often surprising you.

Summary: Edward finally meets the love of his existence but can't resist her singer's blood. Can their fairytale love survive a horror beginning or will Bella's newborn grief, an outraged wolf pack, and the offended Volturi deny them their happily ever after? WIP, 24 chapters so far, updates steadily.







A PA from the FCC

Sunday October 23, 2011 at 1:25 AM

This applies for the U.S. only.


What, if any, are your thoughts about this?

Missing Fic

Sunday October 23, 2011 at 12:02 AM

Hi so a while ago I read a fic in which Edward was Alice's dad and Alice and Bella were bst friends so Alice invites Bella for vacaction to her house where she mets Edward and they end up being together but I dont remember the name of the fic I just remember that it as an entry for a contest can someone please tell me the name of this fic or give me the link for it...thanks :).

It's a one shot written for a contest about forbidden affairs that's what I remember about it..if by any case was it deleted do someones have it ad can send it to me? thanks


Story Summary?

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 9:17 PM

Hey guys!

So I never had the chance to read Emancipation Proclamation before it was taken down, but I was wondering if someone could give me a short summary about what it was about. I don't want any spoilers or anything just in case I come across it in the future. Just a few sentences would be great!!



Drowning in River!!!

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 6:41 PM

So... is anyone else reading River by CaraNo????

** He's new in Port Pines. She already lives there with her boyfriend and best friend. Most of them work together. He falls hard and fast. She's confused. And soon, he knows something that the rest don't. Not even Bella.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 53 - Words: 21,614 - Reviews: 4207 - Updated: 10-22-11 - Published: 10-4-11 - Bella & Edward

Its officially taking over my life... im pacing and glancing at my email inbox every 10minutes waiting to see if theres been a new update...

Its a drabble fic... only started a few weeks back and updates a few times each day...


Come discuss, what do you want to happen? Do you want to hunt down Edward like me?or maybe seriously bitch slap Bella? ... come lettuce discuss...

and.... in return maybe you have another drabble piece thats taking over your life, or a fic that you are stalking your inbox for... SHARE...

help stop me from pulling my hair out and going insane!!!


LOL Spiders

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 4:24 PM

Yes, LOL Spiders.

Some of them are really funny!

I put them inside out of respect for the spider sensetive.

Have you found any unexpected LOLs?

Please come in and share!    

 EDIT: Yes, there are pics of spiders inside      

2nd edit: If you are afraid of spiders, these will probably freak you out.


EKRanger Edit:  Thank you for sparing me front page horror.  I'll take your word that they're funny, but I'm not biting.  Spiders bite.  AHHH!!!!!  - resident arachnophobe


"...positions where I'd tense the muscles..."

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 3:36 PM

"After filming the sex scene the first thing I thought was ‘Time to eat!’." LOL

Full Rob and Kristen interviews HERE





Saturday October 22, 2011 at 2:44 PM

I am watching Pride and Prejudice and I am wondering if there are any good Edward/Bella fics out there writen in this style?

I am currently reading Turning Pointe if you need a rec.



How to Paint A House update!!!

Saturday October 22, 2011 at 12:34 PM

Reading the new chapter as we speak! Come and tell me what you think!!!


First --- | >> | 755 | 756 | 757 | 758 | 759 | 760 | 761 | 762 | 763 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
