
ADITL of Mir!!

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 1:52 PM

Ein Tag im Leben von mir!

jep, I'm german, so come on inside and see how I live!


ADitL Charleston style

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 1:30 PM



Can I just pretend I went out dancing with the boys?

Not that exciting but it can't be bad if you're livin' in Charleston!

Rewind My Wednesday

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 1:12 PM




I'm going to do this a little differently. I'm starting at my day's end and working my way to the start. Why? Because I always do things backwards and illogically much of the time.

I have lots of interesting things to show you!

Come on inside!

Edit: sorry it took so flipping long. I lost the first comment with all my pics and captions. And had to do it all over again. Sigh.


A day in the life of Kay-el-Jay

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 12:58 PM

This campfire may not end up being as exciting as this picture would suggest but come in and have a look anyway :-)




Thursday October 27, 2011 at 12:33 PM

Hi!  *waves*

I'm Tash =D

This was supposed to be an awesomely amazing DITL of Tash Sunday Edition.

Sunday went to crap.

I did, however, make two freakin' soups that day.  From scratch!  So you get a pic of those because.... because, I made two in one day, from scratch!  o.O



 It was a very busy morning.

Anyhow, after Monday passed I figured I'd better get my butt in gear.

I now present to you

A Day In The Life of TashtheSlash: An average Tuesday

Lulu M

Twi Network's Iron Pen Twilight Challenge

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 12:06 PM

In collaboration with Emergency Beta Service.

Guest Judges
Past Iron Pen Winner: tellingmelies
Past Iron Pen Challenger: SleepyValentina

Date: Sunday, November 6
Secret Ingredient: 2:00pm PST

Time Starts: 2:15pm PST
Time Ends: 2:45pm PST

Voting Ends: November 18
Winner Announced: November 19

How It Works

You will get thirty minutes and a secret ingredient. The secret ingredient won’t be given until 15 minutes before the start of the thirty minutes.

Within the thirty-minute time frame, you must write a complete One Shot of any genre, pairing, length etc. of Twilight FF.

All authors will be required to write their entry within a Google Document during the Challenge. Each document will be monitored by an EBS beta, who will provide help with grammar and give creative feedback if asked to.

Winners will be determined by a point system with 2 guest judges and public vote. Entries will be anonymous to everyone except for TwiNet Admin.

How to Play

1. On the day of the challenge, challengers are required to check in at 1:30pm PST via Twitter @Twi_Network.

2. When you check in, TwiNet Admin will share your Google Doc with you, and you will also be assigned an EBS beta.

3. The secret ingredient will be pasted into your Google Doc 15 minutes before the actual start of the challenge.

4. You have fifteen minutes to brainstorm and research before the thirty minutes begin.

5. You do not have to write the entire 30 minutes. However, at the end of the challenge, the EBS beta will lock the Google Document, so that you will not be able to edit it anymore.

6. The entries will then be up for a public vote on TwiNet’s FFn Account.


1. You don’t need to be an author of TwiNet, but you do need to be following our Twitter account: @Twi_Network. The link to the secret ingredient will be pasted into your Google Doc at exactly 2pm PST.

2. You must have a Google Account in order to edit the Google Document.

3. There is no word count minimum or maximum.

4. Obviously we aren’t looking for perfectly beta’ed pieces, but there is a thing called Spell Check.

5. If you aren’t 18 years or older, your entry must be PG13 or lower.

6. Collaborations are accepted.

7. Pre-writes are not allowed! When you come to the challenge, you must start off with a blank slate. This will be monitored by the EBS beta.

Do you have what it takes? You could be the next Iron Pen!

Visit the Twi Network site for more information and to sign up. 

* posted with permission from jandco


A Day In The Life...

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 11:01 AM



Thursday October 27, 2011 at 10:14 AM

All this talk about Dracula....

....well here's DR. ACULA instead

ENTER....If you dare (insert evil laugh)

Absolutely True Diary

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 10:00 AM


caution: you may die of cuteness

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 9:21 AM


my ditl

A Day in the Life...

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 9:20 AM



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The World's Best Vampire-Spotting Locations

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 8:25 AM

Article taken from CNN.COM

Whitby cemetery in England, a favorite for "Dracula" enthusiasts.

See inside for article/locations. I'm curious if any of our campers have visited these sites?


Things are more boring than I thought...

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 7:57 AM

So, I realized that I am a creepy, creepy stalker, browsing through everyone's campfires and not posting one of my own. That's just weird. 

Allow me to un-stalkerfy myself.


last day to enter the ADITL contest!

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 7:39 AM

it's time to start commenting, people

look, today's the last day. the "a day in the life" contest ends at midnight eastern. tonight!

by my count, you've got about 14 hours from the time i post this. so get to work!

if you haven't posted your day yet... do it! the hell are you waiting for?

otherwise... you'd best go troll all of the other posts. you can do this easily by clicking on someone's "a day in the life" tag. it'll take you to all of the campfires. ALL OF THE THINGS! remember, we're handing out two gift certs to amazon to two random comments from the winning ADITL campfire. that's twenty five cashbucks to just for adding a comment! 

and i'll tell you, the current frontrunner isn't an obvious choice. so start trolling all of the campfires.

now, have some thursday morning fassbender and little fassbender for your time:

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Lou's Tuesday (The life of my Limbs)

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 7:36 AM




A 'not so typical' Day in the Life...

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 7:08 AM

My company's client conference was this week, so my day was not my usual...but that just means it was more interesting.

And it was really sweet!


A Day In The Life Of Kim

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 6:19 AM

This is my Wednesday.

Prepare to be so excited you'll never want to stop looking at the pics inside. 

My dog Todd for the cuteness factor.


Tuesday Is My Favourite Word Of The Day

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 6:09 AM


While The Yanks Are Away...

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 2:16 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Today I thought we'd do an 'insert characters here' type of scenario.

If you could translate any movie out there to Twilight fanfiction, which would it be?

For example, would Edward be a ring bearer on his way to Mordor? Would Bella swap cotton for leather and want some summer lovin'?

This is the place to let us know.

I have an angst and emo loving heart, so I'd love to see someone write Revolutionary Road. Then I could, you know, cry and be emo.

Anyway, come tell me yours. =)

Let's chat.


New York City pics >>>> pics of me

Wednesday October 26, 2011 at 11:59 PM

Hi everyone.

Actually, I should have taken a photo of my phone. My phone is my life. It's my husband, my computer, my bff, my assistant, my television, my mp3 player, newspaper, EVERYTHING!!! 

And yes! It's my camera. 

Here's what I've been starting my day with everyday because my brain doesn't turn on until I eat a croissant and tall two pump peppermint white mocha. I never used to need this. I existed perfectly well without them for almost 30 years. But right now, I need Starbucks like Christina Aguilera needs a make over.


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