Breaking Dawn Hype

Friday October 28, 2011 at 4:40 PM

So for the past few days I have been totally fangirling over all the Breaking Dawn press! 

Has anyone else been keeping up with all the Ashley Green and Robert Pattinson interviews?

Here is a clip of my favorite so far:


Rob tells everyone that he and Kristen are married in the eyes of the church and then whispers to Ashley that its actually true. Then Ashley recalls him always getting the name wrong whille shooting the scene. Hmm. Interesting!

But anyways...come share you excitment with me! Share you're favorite picture or clip that you've seen so far....I want us fangirls to unite!
Edit--switched video so it only shows the few seconds I mentioned.

Fresh Eyes.

Friday October 28, 2011 at 4:14 PM

So, we've all talked about the series. Duh. Obviously.

It's been awhile for me, and I just recently cracked open Twilight to read again. And, boy, am I glad that I did. I've read all 4 books twice. And stopped there. I vowed to never read the books again because of BD, but recently I've felt this urge to reread the series again... the first book in particular, and I'm noticing some things that I hadn't before.

For example: Bella has some spunk in her. She's not... what I had originally pegged her as. Which I don't even know what I pegged her as. Just that she's not. In the beginning, Bella calls Edward out on his bullshit and his flip-flopping emotions, and she actually fights the attraction she feels a little bit because Edward's acting like a douche and being all kinds of condescending. I never really paid any attention to Bella's anger/annoyed outbursts the couple times I've read the book and now that I'm taking my time and trying to read slower (I can't help it, I'm a fast reader so I tend to skip over important details), I'm catching things I didn't even know I missed.

And to be honest, it makes me hate the first movie a little bit more.

Reading Twilight again, I'm seeing things that I wished we could have seen played out onscreen, instead of the almost-complete rewrite of a beloved YA series. I'm at the part in Twilight now with the bloodtyping and I really wish that was played out onscreen even though I know it wasn't because something about too many biology scenes as it was. Honestly, the previous biology scenes in the movie weren't all that great or pivotal, not really.

Not to mention the script sucked, but we all know that.

Anyway. To make this interactive, and this doesn't have to just be about the Twilight books but any book-turned-movie in general, is there a book that was turned into a movie that you vowed never to read again, only to pick it up at a later date, crack it open, start reading and notice things you passed over the first however many times you read it? Mine's Twilight, obviously. Are there things/scenes in the book that you wished you could have seen play out onscreen, but didn't? Any scenes in the movie adaptations that were added that you think weren't necessary?

Or have you reread Twilight and caught something you missed before, too? I don't know. I'm bored and it's FFA.

Just talk. :P


Dark Faerie Tales

Friday October 28, 2011 at 3:06 PM

Anybody looking forward to the next episode?

And starting tonight


I love twisted fairy tales but am not familiar with many. Please come share some movies, books, shows, fics anything at all.

Dazed & Confused

I need your help!

Friday October 28, 2011 at 2:39 PM

My name is Beth. I love all things vampires, FF & college football. I am from Alabama, where football is almost a religion. Tickets to football games can cost THOUSANDS of dollars. Yep! THOUSANDS! My hubby has never been to a college game. We are in a contest, on Facebook, to *WIN* tickets. We are "Little Red Riding Hood & the Big Bad Wolf". If you would, please follow the link to vote for us. You don't have to be my friend on Facebook to vote (though I'll add ya, if you'd like). I have even managed to get a vote from "Randall" aka the Honey Badger dude. These tickets would mean the world to us! Thanks so much & ROLL TIDE!!!


FFA - in need of some art!

Friday October 28, 2011 at 1:58 PM

I believe this is my first campfire so please don't throw me into it!

I am hoping there is an artist within our forest that has good vector art of the Cullen crest and the Quileuite tattoo design.  I am making goodies for the ladies that will be with me at the midnight opening using CorelDraw X3 and it works best with vector art. Jpg's come in looking really rough.

If you have something please PM me and let me know - I will contact you.


Now I believe I am to leave a recommendation - This story ownes me right now:

Fridays at Noon:

Edward Masen's life intersects with Bella's at the restaurant he dines at for lunch every Friday. He's handsome, arrogant, and is used to avoiding love. She isn't impressed by the things that usually have women falling at his feet. AH/AU.


Shag, Marry, Kill

Friday October 28, 2011 at 1:43 PM

Happy Friday, fellow forest dwellers!  Thought I'd play Shag, Marry, Kill since it hasn't been done in a long while.  For those who don't know, it goes something like this:  you pick three characters (or persons, but we'll stick to fictional characters) and pick which one you'd shag, which one you'd marry, and which one you'd kill.  Also, I'm curious as to why you chose whom you chose.


Let's start with some vamps:

Edward Cullen


Damon Salvatore


or Mick St. John


Desperate for a PLOT

Friday October 28, 2011 at 1:12 PM


I finished reading Incunabula a few days ago, which I happened to stumble upon while searching for something to read, in order not to finsh Outlander book 7 too early... (yup, I know, I have to live with my reversed logic every day, so please don't hate)  :)

Anyway, I still don't want to part with Jamie & Claire, but I have a problem with finding anything interesting to read, because I'm starving for stories with a plot line...!!!

I'm kind of tired of reading fics centered around LOVE only.

Don't get me wrong, I love romance and HEA, but there are only so many stories you can stomach solely about it.

I want to read a STORY actually, where the romance is just one of the threads, a part of some bigger picture. Stories like above mentioned Incunabula, or Clockwork, Breaking News, The Mirrors, La Canzone Della Bella Cigna, Dreamscapes Book 1, Elemental or And With Thee Fade Away.

Do you know where I can find something of such quality? The genre doesn't really matter: crime, fantasy, adventure, anything as long as it's going to pull me under :)

I will be ethernally grateful! :)




Friday October 28, 2011 at 1:10 PM

Somebody asked me yesterday when Breaking Dawn was coming out in the cinemas and I didn't know! (I know, I know). It made me realise that I've become more into fanfiction than the actual "official" Twilight stuff. I haven't read the books in years. While the movies are great fun, I think I'll live if I never watch them again (this does not extend to all Rob Pattinson movies).

So here's a silly Friday question for you:

If you had to, absolutely had to, give up one thing, which will it be?

ALL Twilight fanfiction (see amendment below)


The two Breaking Dawn Movies ??


(EDIT: Ok, let's make this more difficult. ALL AH fanfic or the 2 BD movies?)


Have I Found You...

Friday October 28, 2011 at 12:40 PM

I haven't seen anyone post this yet, but this is the wedding version of Iron & Wine's Flightless Bird, American Mouth

And i love it!





Friday October 28, 2011 at 10:54 AM

So, I was looking for a story to read, and just stumbled on one that looked interesting. Then I noticed it only had 30 reviews, and 17 chapters. Deciding to give it a chance anyway, I started reading, thinking it couldn't be that good when practically no one had bothered to comment, but I couldn't find anything wrong with it. I actually enjoyed it, and I don't understand why it hasn't gotten more attention.

Now I'm curious. Why is it that some stories seem to completely fall under the radar? What makes a story really popular? How come some stories get thousands of reviews and others barely any at all, even though they may be just as well-written?

Do you always review every story you read? If not, why? It doesn't take very long, and it means the world to an author, just a few words so you know people are reading. When I first started reading fanfiction, I reviewed everything I read. But lately I've become lazy. Even when I read an updated chapter and tell myself I will write a review when I'm done, it sometimes just slips my mind. I promise to do better, though.

I really want to know how you're all thinking when it comes to this.


I'm a happy HP fangirl

Friday October 28, 2011 at 10:22 AM

deleted scenes from DH pt 2 have been released!

Scenes include:
- The Trio planning their trip to Gringotts
- Luna and Harry at Dobby's grave
- Hogs Head with Aberforth
- Harry in hiding among students
- Students setting up the bridge explosives
- Remus and Tonks talking about Teddy (finally some freakin' Teddy recognition!) 
- Filch locking up Pansy and the Slytherins only to watch them escape
- Ron and Hermione being chased by Nagini


courtesy of MuggleNet
rochelle allison

why, apple? why?

Friday October 28, 2011 at 9:48 AM


can someone used to Mac (computers.... mine is a macbook air, specifically) please, for the love of God, tell me why this little notice keeps popping up?!?!??!


or whatever. my iCal, especially.

i swear i have to put in my keychain pw every five minutes. i'm not exaggerating. but i am close to raging. 

aydua me!!


Mobi for Kindle

Friday October 28, 2011 at 9:26 AM

I was wondering if anyone had a copy of Emancipation Proclimation that could be converted to a Mobi for Kindle. The PDF version  I have doesn't convert.  Maybe it is impossible, but if there is a way, I would love to know.




GIF Hall of Fame Campfire

Friday October 28, 2011 at 7:08 AM

I was looking for gifs for wolvesnvamps' birthday and I realized after much searching that I need YOUR HELP...

You see, I just can't find the perfect gif for every occasion...

and even if you think that I am not looking hard enough.....

I promise that I am not being dishonest.

So I thought that I would do a campfire to find the BEST gifs...

and not just the ones of Damon Salvatore...

but this one is getting really long....

So I will put you out of your misery....

and leave the GIF finding up to you!




OUNTY Chap 9 And I Don't Want to be Alone

Friday October 28, 2011 at 4:44 AM


While The Yanks Are Away...

Friday October 28, 2011 at 2:59 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Happy Friday!

Today I thought we'd talk about which movie we're most looking forward to seeing that will star any member of the Twilight Saga cast in the upcoming months.

This does not include Breaking Spawn.

Let's chat.

And in case you haven't noticed, it's our very own wolvesnvamps birthday today, so remember to leave her some love! 

Happy Birthday, Erica! xx

LJ Summers

Smiles, Everyone, Smiles! FFA

Friday October 28, 2011 at 2:45 AM

Yes, it IS FFA!  

Please, if you're all confused as to what this means, refer to the handy-dandy Rules/FAQ link at the top of the page.

FRIDAY is a day to smile. And it's Ranger WolvesnVamps Birthday today, so it's another reason to smile.

So I am thinking about smiles.

I was reading a fic about smiles.  And the author almost always says "smiles softly."


There are many ways to smile.


We've got the Eddie Vedder happy grin.

ed grin

The Edward Cullen over-the-shoulder smile.

And the MANY ways DAMON does it BETTER:

damon smiles


So, how do you DESCRIBE SMILES so as to get the point across?  

Share your ideas inside and share the BEST SMILES YOU CAN FIND.

Yes, of course significant others and children are allowed.  :) BUT NOT REQUIRED. 

Note that I am not married nor have I given birth to any of the above...



Movie Buddy?

Friday October 28, 2011 at 12:02 AM

Are there any ladies in the north eastern Ohio (cleveland & surrounding areas) that would like to get together for the Midnight showing of B.D part 1 ?

pssst...(im tired of taking my little brother....during the last release the little bastard leaned over and ever so irritatingly, in the voice of Bill Compton, whispered S-o-o-k-i-e during any emotional part of the film.


stop what you're doing

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 9:06 PM



Halloween Text Generator -


but the commenting portion may continue! 

thank you SO VERY MUCH for all of your posts. i don't know about you, but i had fun creeping on everyone's lives.

now comes the hard part! that's what she said!

the rangers will take the weekend to decide the big winner. we will announce sometime on sunday who the recipient of a bright, shiny in your email gift certificate worth a hundred bucks will be!

until then...

everyone has a chance to win their own shiny $25 dollar gift card! two random winners who post a comment- any comment in any form- in the winner's day in the life campfire will be chosen and announced on sunday as well.

so... get commenting! there are so many great posts that i don't know how we're going to choose. fisticuffs and/or jell-o might be involved.

anyway... get to it! and it's free for all, y'all! all the way through sunday, 7pm eastern.

a little michael jackson magic fyt: (just 'cuz one of my kids is dressing up as the king of pop for halloween lol)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


A Day in the Life of... well... me :)

Thursday October 27, 2011 at 9:00 PM

I'm getting this started so I beat the deadline, just finishing linking the pictures :)





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