The Offspring

Weird Salesmen

Friday November 4, 2011 at 12:58 PM

So. A really weird salesman came to my door yesterday. He was selling some kind of food service, but that's not the point.

The point is I told him I wasn't interested, and he kept persisting.

Conversation went like this:

Man: Well, you know they pay me 5 dollars just to show you our products.

Me: I'm not interested.

Man: Oh, really? Well, we have some really good products-

Me: (Makes up excuse) My mom's not home.

Man: Oh, I thought you lived here.

Me: Erm, No.

Have you ever dealt with annoying salesmen?


On a 100% happy buzz

Friday November 4, 2011 at 12:20 PM

So got my tickets for B.D today for a VIP viewing. (VIP just meaning big armchairs and more room to enjoy the gorgeousness of Edward in) Got tickets for myself, my stepdaughter, my sister and my niece. When I told my stepdaughter who is 12yrs that I'd got us the tickets she ran at me and said

"I'm so glad that Dad found you to marry, you are the coolest most amazing stepmom ever, and to top it off you love vampires"

Fellow campers I swear I wiped a tear away when she said this cause as some of you will know we've had a few ups and downs. But we are both huge twilight fans and its something we always do together.

I wanted to share this with you all, and to make this interactive who are you going to watch B.D with? And what has Twilight done for you? real life or fandom?

Thanks all you amazing guys :)

rochelle allison

blue bloods

Friday November 4, 2011 at 12:14 PM

so this was one of those series i'd always see at target or where ever and think "nah".

but then i...acquired... the entire set on epub and have been devouring them.


anyone else reading these? they're fun... not pulitzer prize winning, but juicy.



Sunshine, Lollipops, rainbows...

Friday November 4, 2011 at 11:41 AM


Let's being, shall we: My FIL has been receivieng chemo/radiation for 2 months now. Today, they removed his Trach as they couldn't find the tumor on his tongue! He has a check up in 2 weeks and they will continue to scan/monitor the progress

My SIL has released her 2nd book (titled, Shoe Are You) and is traveling around doing the show circuit. She is considered a Shoe Expert (Miss Meghan if any of you follow shoes)

My Brother has been working prodution on the new Tim Allen sitcom, Last Man Standing (ABC Tues 8p) and it has been picked up for a full season, allowing him to actually WORK!! (


Why is YOUR Friday so freakin' awesome??


mo kagen

All ye need do is ask.

Friday November 4, 2011 at 11:39 AM

A Handsome Woman

by Viola Cornuta and winterstale


 He took her on faith, and, with a pot of shamrock, she traveled to an unknown shore to become his wife. 


I was never one for non-canon pairings.  Still not much of a fan in general.  But please do not let that deter you from this story.  I bet you will love Siohban as much if not more than Bella!  oh yeah.


American Horror Story

Friday November 4, 2011 at 10:20 AM

I started watching this show this week (watched the replay of Halloween part 1 on Tuesday) and am catching up on the episodes while the kids are at school.

This show is effing intense.

Anyone else watching it?  What do you think is going on?  Got any theories?

**obligatory spoiler warning**


mo kagen

like getting busy kind of stuff

Friday November 4, 2011 at 10:19 AM

How To Paint a House


grab your bike and come around and tell us what you thought of Ch15

I was just so worked up…so knotty and twisted and eager inside.


Kristen is a thruster

Friday November 4, 2011 at 10:06 AM

Thought this was extremely funny and wanted to share....

Kristen Stewart's wild "thrusting" almost gave Twilight an R rating. Asked why they ended up re-shooting their sex scene, Rob Pattinson hinted that it was "Kristen's fault." Director Bill Condon adds, "Well, I think that's true. [Kristen] got very into it." He continues, "I hate to be clinical, but [there are] guidelines on thrusting intercourse... Not to make people too excited—it was never explicit—but I think any movement that suggests that is what they object to."

Silly Kristen! Twilight sex isn't about passion, it's about lying limp your back with your eyes closed, thinking of England and Stephenie Meyer's giant, throbbing bank account.

Anyway, here's a picture of Kristen reaching for Pattinson's sparklepenis yesterday in L.A. The woman is insatiable! Can't be stopped.



I have a question, and I swear its a good'un

Friday November 4, 2011 at 9:35 AM

So last night I got into an argument with Gianni (bahaha, like seriously) because he insists on bringing ADF up in random conversations with people, and every time – every single time – the person in question (last night his best friend) always says “what's ADF?” and Gian's just like “oh some twilight fansite Cat goes on.” - “As in that film with the sparkling vampire?” - “Yuh” - “Oh, *dirty look headed my way* and I thought you were educated.” - (IN MY MIND) “FUDGE YOU, THE GIRLS ON THERE ARE CLEVER-ER AND NICER-ER THAN YOU EVER WILL BE YOU ARROGANT PIECE OF S***.” - (in reality) mumbles “err.. yeah.. huh, haha.”

So yeah, I swear I do have a point to this. On the way home I said to Gianni “will you please stop bringing that s*** up in public?” “Catherine, it's only a fansite”, “yeah, yeah, I know but people just don't understand. Besides, most of the girls on there don't even LIKE twilight or stephenie meyer.” “so why are they on a twilight fansite? "I... I... I DON'T KNOW. LEAVE ME ALONE.”

BUT IT GOT ME THINKING. I know we've had campfires about being in the closet before (which I am deeply), and ones where we've asked how we found ADF, but I don't ever recall anyone asking this:

Why are we all here?

Y'know, i'd say pretty much all of us find fault with the films and books. My Mum said we need to re-read all the books before Breaking Dawn is released. That was a week a go and I'm currently stuck on Chapter 2 of Twilight because its just... so... painful. Her favourite book is Breaking Dawn, and I just can't get my brain over that. Gian says its because she's a dirty perv- but there's no dirty scenes in there!

Some of you have no qualms about discussing how much you dislike the films/actors/the writers? So what makes you stick around?

Is it just a matter of the fanfiction bringing us here? But even then, why do we read fanfiction of a book that a lot of us openly admit to not being overly fond of.

Is it a matter of righting the wrongs of Meyer? We like the characters that she made, but not necessarily the situations she put them in? IDEK.

Come on in and enlighten me!


Warm & Fuzzy

Friday November 4, 2011 at 6:51 AM

Morning Everyone!

November and December make me feel warm n' fuzzy. 

Coffee shops,  department stores, your local T.V programming etc are rolling out the holiday cheer with special seasonal only items.

What do you look forward to most this time of year? 

Pumpkin Spice Lattes?



T.V Movie Marathons of Home Alone?

Bath and Body Works holiday line?

Something you do with your family and friends exclusively around this time?


 Spread the warmth and share your favorite anything of this time of year!



When fic becomes reality

Friday November 4, 2011 at 6:42 AM

Not really. But sort of. But not really. But kiiiiiiiiind of.

Let me explain. No wait, there is too much. Let me sum up.

Yesterday was the handprinting ceremony at Grauman's Chinese Theater in LA, and Robert, Kristen and Taylor were all there to write, press and press their legacy into a block of cement.

Hee! I would TOTALLY do this if I had cement all over my hands. It's all about the threat . . .


ANYway, Rob looks tremendously hot in this particular suit, and I love that he knows when to dress up (though I would like to imagine part of it is because his parents where there, and his mom, like mine, was all, "Robert, you are about to be in this very important ceremony, and everyone will be watching. You will not look like a slob or a street urchin. Stand up straight. You're such a handsome boy. Don't look like a hobo". And he was all, "Yes mum. But I will assert my independence by not shaving! HA!". End scene).

I have digressed again.

A lot of people saw these pics and were all, "Powerful Edward! Look, it's Fifty! Or whomever!", and while understand people making the connections, I usually don't see it.

Today, though, that changed:

This is 100% Edward from The Best I Ever Had by WhatsMyNomDePlume!

I mean, look at him! Young, friendly, affable! Totally a guy who would be awesome and cocky, and write poems about a boob and accidentally go to a beach party without sunblock.

Really, I'm just posting because it made me so giddy. Usually when I read a fic, my characters are somewhat faceless, with vague resemblance to the actors that portray them.


Are there any pictures that you see that just BAM! fit into a story you've read? Or actors that aren't of the Twilight cast that just stick out in your mind as you're reading fic?

(Also, because I just love these pictures so much, I'm gonna post more in the thread. Whee!)

(Also, somewhat catty, but I don't think the darker hair suits Kristen at all. And she needs to cut about eight inches off. I know, I know, it's for a roll. But I'm seriously feh about it. I loved her dress though. I can't believe that I, too, used to wear dresses that short. Those were the days).


Help please!

Friday November 4, 2011 at 6:25 AM

So I'm on a Nice Edward kick.

Not one that's just not a jerk, but one that knows what he wants (Bella) is confident in life and is just a nice, sweet, sexy guy. 

Completed, please. And hopefully something that doesn't have a lot of miscommunication, cause this Edward wouldn't let that happen. 

These are 3 great examples of what I'm looking for:

 Paper CutOuts » reviews
Bella prefers the virtual to the actual, but feels herself being tugged from the safety of her online realm into the world of a rough edged Edward. This time she'll write her own story. Collab with astilbe13 AH/AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 34 - Words: 138,833 - Reviews: 9526 - Updated: 2-15-11 - Published: 5-23-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete

 Outbound » reviews
Two beautiful souls humbly traveling life's lonely path, until fate suddenly shows her hand. Will Edward and Bella surrender willingly... A tender, romantic tale of love and life in the clouds.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 11 - Words: 46,428 - Reviews: 2609 - Updated: 10-6-11 - Published: 7-31-11 - Edward & Bella - Complete

Branching Inward » reviews
He's a brilliant, sensual, tactile artist with a huge personality and love for least, he used to be. She's a shrewd historian, content to observe from a distance...until now. At Newcoven College in Clearwater, OH, no secret is safe. All Human.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 28 - Words: 171,223 - Reviews: 3717 - Updated: 6-30-11 - Published: 10-3-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Gorgeous New Kristen Photoshoot

Friday November 4, 2011 at 4:48 AM

For Vogue Italia, November Issue, wearing McQueen, Roberto Cavalli, Aquilano, Giles Deacon, Chanel, Armani and a 101 Dalmatians Halloween costume Giambattista Valli gown. 


While The Yanks Are Away...

Friday November 4, 2011 at 4:34 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Happy Friday! 

I own so many perfumes, the result of years worth of Christmas presents, many of which I have never even worn.

So, my friends birthday is coming up, and she never says she wants anything, but she finally cracked yesterday and said a new perfume would be great.

So I need some ideas.

Which scents are your favourite? Which brands do you think are the best?

And just because, here are two of my favourites:


Let's chat.


Rob, you loose cannon.

Friday November 4, 2011 at 3:13 AM

So he's had plenty of practice breaking headboards?  Goodness... 


And my rec, an oldie.  Very adult and *realistic*.
In the Blink of an Eye
New Moon AU. Bella went cliff diving but it didn't turn out well. She broke her back. A decade later, Edward reappears in her life on the same night she loses her best friend and husband to a freak accident. She's not thrilled to see him. Eventual E/B
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 69 - Words: 242,822 - Reviews: 5617 - Updated: 1-5-10 - Published: 8-26-08 - Bella & Edward - Complete

Open up next to you update

Friday November 4, 2011 at 1:41 AM


deep inside i hope you'll feel it, too

Thursday November 3, 2011 at 11:39 PM

it's free for all, y'all

post whatchoo want until 7pm eastern on sunday! and don't forget to set your clocks back and get that extra hour of sleep.

or you can spend that extra hour clicking ads seen right here in the forest! like that WIN A TRIP TO THE NYC TO BE THE FIRST TO SEE B.D. (thnx. jandco)

now, earlier today, a song came up on the ipod that made me roll down my window and sing at the top of my lungs. i'd like to say that my kids were embarrassed, but they were singin' right along with me. :')

this song brings back oh, so many memories- most notably of a fine summer's eve getting the munchies while hanging out with some of my guy friends. it was decided that since i was the most sober (lol) of the group that i'd drive DG's car. which was a '69 pimpala (one was not allowed to refer to the car as anything but Pimpala). now, the '69 impala is a boat. wtvoc had issues parking her straight. anyway, i sat in the pimpala with my buddy mike, waiting for the guys to get doritos, slim jims, red kool-aid, little chocolate donuts, and funyons. 

this song came on the radio. mike and i sang in beautiful harmony. surprisingly, i didn't do the IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'M THE OOOOOOOONE, OHHHH falsetto part. that was all mike.

so anyway, post videos of the songs that make you all nostalgic-like for a simpler time, before you had responsibilities and class and kids and jobs and junk. or idk songs that you associate with being stony or drunk or sexed up or whatever. tell us your stories~

big haired one hit wonders for your time, my time, mike f.'s time, and the pimpala's time:


Hello lovelies :D

Thursday November 3, 2011 at 11:26 PM

I just returned to the living world from an awful exam blitzkrieg. I'm still feeling like a zombie O_O

So, I guess BD promo is in full swing? I caught a few stills and vids, and God, I'm excited (for BD, omg).

And I spied a few pervy gifs of Robsten. They made me laugh.

Dude, like seriously, get it outa your system, you two. lol

So, what's been cooking in the forest? I'm very vexed that the DAY IN THE LIFE contest was held when I was smack dab sammiched between my exams. I never got the chance to take part in it. :(

I still have a few exams left, but there's a break in the schedule (thank God). Ah, what else? recs? Any good vampfics come up lately? They are so few and far between the oceon of AH. :/

Just come and chat to me, cause I need to get the exam anxiety out of my system. I can't function otherwise. Phew!

FYT: Rob with his gun *cough* I mean, a gun. Whatever...


FWB to something more?

Thursday November 3, 2011 at 10:19 PM

Okay's free for all friday and I've been waiting for this all day.  Some people have noticed I haven't been around much lately...and that is because of... LE GASP!  AN ACTUAL REAL LIFE BOY! 


I know. insane.


now, everyone is familiar with the fic where edward and bella are friends with benefits or just hooking up, but then both realize they are madly in love. throw in some drama, a misunderstanding followed by a short separation, and then POOF!  true love, cue the curtains. 


I wish my situation was like that, but it's not, and I need the wisdom of the forest and it's campers to get me through this one.   please come inside and listen to my pathetic tale and give me some advice


Everybody Lies update

Thursday November 3, 2011 at 9:07 PM


I haven't even read it yet (and I won't for quite some time 'cause I gotta go to work), but omg the A/N:

"Uno: I would like to take this opportunity to say, this is not meant to be a high school fic. As in, they will not be in high school for the entire length of this story. It was just a starting place, to establish what happens throughout the course of their….time to together. I hate writing teenagers, for the record.

Dos: MWE. First, allow me to say I am always impressed with how pretty PDF's of my stories, made by others, are. Thanks for that. I re-read the chapters this week and then spoke to Santa. He said there should be a present for all the good boys and girls of twi-fic land this year. Such a nice guy. :)"



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