
RL Advice? Please?

Sunday November 6, 2011 at 12:20 AM

Seeing as it's still free for all, might as well come out with it;

So I'm currently in the process of enlisting in the Air Force. I've completed the ASVAB test, provided the necessary documents, etc, now I'm just wating for when I can go get the Medical exam, and then hopefuly be sworn in.

I provided the aforementioned documents around the last week of September. I e-mailed my recruiter several times during the past month for an update, and didn't get a response until last Monday, which is unusual because ususally she responds back to me within a day or two of my messages. Now I'm afraid that this is going to be a repeat..

Relatives of mine who were in the military found this somewhat odd, based on their experiences. One of them said that if my recruiter was leaving the office for vacation or assignment or whatever, I'd get an automated e-mail message (because that's how I contacted her) that would state the given reason, which I've never recieved.

So i guess my question is: Is this normal? Have their been any similar experiences? Anyone actually IN the military that can provide an explanation for this? Or am I just being freakishly paranoid? (completely plausible, I have been known to obsess over tiny things, particularly in my writing *cough*Resent/Thunderbolt*cough*)

And to make this somewhat interesting, to any campers currently enlisted (airforce, marines, navy, army, etc.), or have in the past,  how has being enlisted affected YOUR fanfiction experience (reading/writing)? Ever incorporate any interesting experiences into your stories?

If I do get in (Last I heard, current wait for basic training, for the Air force at least, is six months), once I leave, I expect my readers will be in for a dry spell :p

To my readers, sorry in advance =(

and of course, for your viewing pleasure:


I'm so out of it...

Saturday November 5, 2011 at 8:39 PM

As you may know, since early July I've been on the road, doing my own version of a trip around the world. It's amazing! At the moment I'm in Melbourne and last week I met up with VampGirl and Demons4Eva (met SydneyGen in -duh- Sydney a couple of weeks ago) and we're going to a midnight BD viewing next week - so excited!!

However, as I was scouring through my folders upon folders of RobP0rn, looking for a fitting image to use as inspiration for my writing, I had to come to a sad conclusion:

Traveling significantly inhibits the expansion of my collection. Especially when it comes to news.

So my plea to all you Campers:


Share your favorite Rob pics with me - preferably recent shots (i.e. anything since July).

For instance, I just saw this pic of The Pretty in a suit with perfect scruff, from just a few days ago. Cue drool.

I'd like more of this, please.



Can we talk?

Saturday November 5, 2011 at 8:07 PM

So I wrote this story that wouldn't quit until it all came out. It's a one-shot, about 2K words, angsty. I feel like I need to talk about it with people, because conversations get the creative juices flowing, and I could potentially expand the story.

So, if you don't mind a short read, I'd love to hear your thoughts:

Title: A Sound of Thunder
Genre(s): Angst/General
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: New Moon A/U. Bella stays on La Push, contemplating her life while
the wolves protect her from Victoria. We protect the people we love, don't we?

For your time:



Real Life Quidditch?!?!

Saturday November 5, 2011 at 7:34 PM

Has anyone else heard of this??? I think its totally cool, creative, and looks like a TON of fun. My brother and my hubby think its lame and for losers only. Running around with a broom between your legs is admittedly a bit odd, but for serious HP fans, SO FUN!

Come inside to share your thoughts and check out some more vids about Quidditch in the muggle world!
**Sorry if this is a repeat CF, but I've been here a while and haven't seen anything about it, so I felt complled to share!**

So I'm drunk

Saturday November 5, 2011 at 7:07 PM

So as you may have guessed I am drunk and feeling sad. My dad who had lung cancer (had a partial lung removal along with chemo is bk up for more tests n scans n relation to "something" showing up! So still waiting for results! Iajso have no more sick days left to take to go with him to app. And also my uncle has been diagnosed with skin cancer. So basically camperss looking for some pretty, happy anything to make me sand again. Also apologies for spelling at you'd stage. Plus living n Ireland so I might b asleep before you see this. X

The Offspring

Need Advice, Por Favor?

Saturday November 5, 2011 at 7:06 PM

So here's the deal.

I've liked this guy at my school for two years now. I've started dropping little hints that I like him, but he's just not getting it.

Any advice?

BTW, I don't usually flirt, so this is all new for me!


What's on your alerts?

Saturday November 5, 2011 at 6:03 PM


Let's play "What stories do you have on alert?"


You can either screencap your alerts, or just type them out. :) 

My alerts, plus directions to how to get to your alerts are inside!

Cute!Rob FYT :)



music to fight the numbness

Saturday November 5, 2011 at 2:06 PM

I need some music recs. my favourite areas of music is blues based rock, grunge, indie. please no sweet, violin sweeping love songs. if it could be without the girl/boy gee we love each other or can't wait to f*** each other lyrics i would like it better but that removes about 90% of what's out there. So please put something out there and with luck i'll have that orgasmic experience of hearing something new that i can't get enough of.


Have you ever retracted a chapter?

Saturday November 5, 2011 at 12:49 PM

Hey authors!

Have you ever posted a chapter and then regretted some of your decisions, or had so many reviews saying 'HUH?' that you have considered changing the chapter and reposting?

And if you did repost, were you glad later?

I've always thought authors shouldn't  give into reader demands such as 'can't we see the whole story from Edward's POV?' -- but in this case, my readers called me out on my decision and they were right.

My recommendation tonight is ROBWARD.  Because he is gorgeous.


Twelve Months

Saturday November 5, 2011 at 7:30 AM

So. There's this story that owns me every time it updates. It's called Twelve Months, and it's written by SassyK. I can't tell you how much I love it. Her Edward is incredibly multifaceted. He's a contradiction. I really can't say much more than that without giving you the whole story.

I wanted to pimp SassyK's story out because it's woefully under-reviewed. There are eight chapters up, and only 162 reviews. It deserves so much more than that. Please, please give it a try. You won't regret it. :)

Twelve Months


Twelve months is nothing when you've spent decades walking the earth, existing, searching; twelve months is everything when your search has come to an end. One year in the life of a gentle soul and the woman who recasts his world.

Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 21,827 - Reviews: 162 - Updated: 11-4-11 - Published: 1-16-11 - Edward & Bella



Saturday November 5, 2011 at 5:52 AM

Football Campers!

Florida State threw down the gauntlet this week.

We’ve been issued a challenge, who’s gonna hold their opponents 7 or who’s gonna beat their opponents by at least 31 points?

(My boys apparently only play defense for two quarters so my most hopeful guess is that we’ll win by 31).

A nod at my boys playing in a blizzard last week:



A nod at my other boys (and quite honestly, my pick for the best game of the entire weekend)


What are your boys gonnna do?

(And seriously, why doesn’t someone guest host/steal this campfire sometime. People gotta be tired of seeing WVU and the Steelers on the front page of ADF)



Interview Plethora

Saturday November 5, 2011 at 2:09 AM

Anna Kendrick gets to do a wedding toast, yay!

Rob is a sweetheart with babies... I think my heart melted a little when Bill said that *sigh*

And Bill Condon might possibly have the chubbiest little fingers ever. And why I noticed this, I do not know, but lately I have found myself checking out mens hands. TMI, oh well.

Inside there's junket interviews for: Rob, Kristen, Taylor, Ashley and Jackson.

There is also Kristen's interview from Jay Leno that she did a couple nights ago.


Push Hard and Fast!

Friday November 4, 2011 at 9:39 PM

I love this! Watch this and brush up on your CPR skills folks.  And to make this interactive, have you ever had to perform CPR? I hear it's pretty physically demanding. I guess this actor is from The Hangover, he's also a physician.

R.I.P Kindle

Friday November 4, 2011 at 7:46 PM

Sigh.. I accidently killed the love of my life today by having a leaking bottle in my handbag while at work. I now need a new one. 


But since I bought mine a whole bunch has been added to the Kindle family, and I don't really know if I should go with another Kindle with keyboard or the Kindle Touch. 

I know that there are many Kindle owners out there, and is there anyone out there who owns a touch and could tell me if it's better than the keyboard one?


As a thank you for your time I'll give you a rec:


Substance clad in shadows:

Bella's only release comes in the form of distantly orbiting the life of Edward Cullen. As with any addiction, however, she's always left wanting more. "Mad is a term we use to describe a man who is obsessed with one idea and nothing else." Ugo Betti
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 60,873 - Reviews: 1467 - Updated: 10-9-11 - Published: 8-8-11 - Bella & Edward


And a pic of the gorgeous Luke Evans


dawnmarie dreaming

it's been awhile

Friday November 4, 2011 at 6:36 PM

but it's that time again....

i'm drinking!  so, hmmmm. don't want to bore you with the details so i'll give you a bulleted list or why i feel the need to be drinking tonight, despite having to work AGAIN tomorrow:

*working overtime for weeks now
*witnessed HH having a spaz attack during which he mentioned divorcing me multiple times
*had to have confrontation with unhappy employee
*had to file a police report about a customer who altered their controlled substance Rx
*had to have confrontation with above customer during which i informed her she had broken the law
*got into it with The Evil and ended up in an epic FUBAR situation
*had to have confrontation with customer about us NOT shorting him some pills during which he swore at me, called me a liar, and accused my people of being thieves
*and all this happened in the last 36 hours...except point one, which has been happening for weeks, as i mentioned above

today was slightly improved by the "how to paint a house" update.  only slightly.  so i'm hoping to improve it even more by drinking copious amounts of wine.  anyone out there want to join me????

as per usual, DRUNKEN RECs!!!!!
i've just started "La canzone della Bella cigna" (i know, i'm behind) and am really enjoying it. 

last week i read "he's lost control" (which i see has just updated, squee!) which led me to reread "a may to december romance" (and pray for an update) and think about rereading "the age of consent" (again).  which made me start pondering my penchant for this type of fic, my lack of strong father figure as a child, and the fact that HH is older than Jesus.  then i said, "insert appropriate curse word here, girly, fic isn't freud.  quit with the psychoanalyzing!"

so i guess what i'm saying is go read "la canzone" or "he's lost control" because the former is sweet and the latter is sizzling hot.


pretty please????


Who's In Your Five?

Friday November 4, 2011 at 6:34 PM

It is tradition (at least among my friends, but I've been led to believe others as well), that whenever a couple is dating exclusively, there is a list of celebrities that the people are allowed to cheat on their significant other with, no judgement, no divorce, just a "Way to go!" pat on the back followed by a battery of STD tests.

Do you have such an agreement with your significant other? I'm not dating anyone at the moment, but it's possible that will be changing in the near future, so I have my list ready to go, just in case. I don't want to be caught unprepared. 

So here's the deal. Show me the five guys (or girls) you would bang the s*** out of, given the opportunity. Mine will be inside.

And just as an FYI, it has been declared among my friends and I that in addition to your five people, everyone gets a freebie with Adam Levine. He wouldn't even have to touch me. All he'd have to do would be look at me while singing, and I'd be done.



7 days.

Friday November 4, 2011 at 5:45 PM

I'm totally going to be at the Harry Potter celebration at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter on the 11th - 13th because my husband rocks. And we're flying there instead of driving. Double awesome.

I hear a certain ginger will be there. (Along with some twin gingers.) I'm sure it's going to be nuts. They're apparently live-streaming the red carpet stuff on E!Online on Saturday the 12th. If you're watching, I'll be the one who's tackling Rupert.

Anyone else going? Anyone else ever been? Tips, tricks, hints?


Breaking Dawn Concert Tour

Friday November 4, 2011 at 4:52 PM

Is anyone planning on going? Tommorow is ticket pickup day for Chicag's are there any fellow campers out there that will be joining me in waiting in the cold to get theirs




Some pretty fyt Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Why Do I Do This To Myself?

Friday November 4, 2011 at 3:51 PM

I think something is wrong with me.

I can't stop reading LJ's heartbreaker Open Up Next To You, even though it ruins my morning.  I was going to wait until it was complete, but I can't help myself.


And now...

I have been reading Repudiation by Mortissues..  Good Lord, jandco would have an aneurysm.  Today's update confirmed my worst fear.

And I can't wait for the next chapter!


IRL, I am a really happy, pretty optimistic person.  But I love a good sad and angsty story and I love the knots in my tummy from it.  However, I always hope for a HEA.


What Makes Us Do This To Ourselves???!!!!!



Friday November 4, 2011 at 1:23 PM


This author has two fics out.

One is, He's Lost Control, which has a bunch of reviews. The subject matter is quite controversial.

The other is called Crush, which is quite the cute little High School fic and has very few reviews.


Both are good, and both are WIPs


He's lost control is not for everyone and I will be happy to answer questions.


Happy Friday.


Also-please check this out if you want to laugh your butt off. Last minute is the best.




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