Dazed & Confused

Please help me out!

Sunday October 30, 2011 at 3:53 PM

 This is my 2nd (and last, I promise) post on here about this contest I am in. At the moment, I am 2nd place. The girl in 1st place is from my hometown so we are really fighting for the votes now. The contest is for football tickets to the Alabama/LSU game. The contest ends October 31st. Only one vote per Facebook is permitted. All you have to do is: Follow the link, "like" the page, allow the voting app & cast your vote for "BETH". For those of you who have already voted, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Thanks ADF for allowing me to post. :)





Sunday October 30, 2011 at 11:16 AM

So, I'm curious....

Tonight Twilight's gonna be shown on German TV. I'm probably gonna tune in for a bit but now this has made me curious. Would you guys watch it on TV? Or do you prefer DVD? Or maybe you don't rewatch at all? OR do you rewatch all the time?

So many questions... I know but help a girl out would you?

Another thing related to this is have you watched any synchronised versions? What did you think? (This is probably more a question for the non-native english speakers.)



If you know who Trooper is

Sunday October 30, 2011 at 10:11 AM

If you know who Trooper is, you've got to read this:


 Pain and Pleasure Trooper's Story by SuddenlySandi
This is Trooper's story which follows two months leading up to becoming intimate with Emma. It follows the timeline in the first part of Budge's story. These Characters are from the Cube series.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 8 - Words: 17,245 - Reviews: 5 - Published: 10-17-11 - Complete


If not, you might want to start by reading this:


 The Cube by SDFreeze
Bella is a unique girl, to say the least, and meets Edward when he needs to learn a different way to live. She helps him look at the world in a whole new way and find true love. SDFreeze Story AH
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 20 - Words: 56,923 - Reviews: 127 - Updated: 3-7-11 - Published: 3-5-11 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Breaking Dawn Soundtrack

Sunday October 30, 2011 at 4:11 AM

Did anyone listen to the free soundtrack stream on Facebook?

I did and although I liked one or two songs, I was disappointed for the most part. .

I'm hoping that it grows on me. (I am looking forward to Carter Burwell's score.)

Love it? Hate it? Not sure yet?                       Come in and discuss. :)



My rec: The Cannon Tour (contest compilation)

I've read several stories and they are all great!

Page summary:

The Canon Tour is a series of six, separate canon and AU contest rounds that reflect SM’s main books of the saga: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and Post-Breaking Dawn.



Danieller has got a new story out

Saturday October 29, 2011 at 10:04 PM

Everybody lies

Just one short chapter, and even that shows it's going to be HS, but, OMG the MWE author is back!!!  (if you see what I mean)

The story's AH, but I can't get enough of Red Eyed Vampward:


ETA: Musicdaydreams is right. Start reading the story on your own risk. It's recommended only for those that can handle not just heavy B/E angst, but author angst as well.

Vampire in the Basement

Saturday October 29, 2011 at 8:53 PM

Please comment on the latest chapter, what does everyone think?

My thoughts are in the comments.





Edit:  There was another update!! 



Saturday October 29, 2011 at 8:33 PM

for some unexplainable reason i've decided to give everyone hand made gifts this year...i dont knit...i dont crochet...i dont know what posessed me.

I decided to do this via the Knifty knitter (its a loom and i produced a lovely scarf quite quickly....{i got cocky...decided to pick up some knitting needles and copious ammounts of yarn figuring with a book and youtube how could i go wrong?}

Turns out being left-handed is a curse among the crafty world and youtube can suck my shweddybawllz...I now have a headache...and im thinking i should only knit if i've been drinking because maybe i would loosen up enough to remember to breath while doing so....

Here endeth my rant...but not my woe

so please join me if you happen to be a spatially chanllenged lefty too...think ima go knock back a few.


P.s. Is friday free for all...all weekend long...cus its been awhile and excuse the elipses....i like dots....

Ranger answer: Yes, FFA goes all the way through 7 or 9 or X Sunday evening. :) 


Kristen's Glamour UK cover

Saturday October 29, 2011 at 8:08 PM


The Swedish Robtator invites you in for more pics of Kristen and a slice of the interview


YES, a hornaaay Swedish lady brought her "massager" to the fan event. LOL!


The Joker Blogs

Saturday October 29, 2011 at 5:14 PM

Have you heard of it? Seen any of the 19 episodes on Youtube?

Well...if you haven't, It's video fanfic at its finest...

Continuing after the end of The Dark Knight, the Joker Blogs follow the clown prince of crime during his first couple of months in Arkham Asylum...

We all know how in-canon certain fanfictions can be, and how some can even surpass the original story's plot and characterization. And of course, we know how some story's even earn their own fanbase, from fanmade trailers set up on youtube to personalized T-Shirts.
So, to make this interactive, what fanfic stories do YOU know of that have earned themselves a massive fanbase in the fandom; fan trailers, merchandise, personalized gifs, etc? They can be "pulled to publish stories" or current ones. 
 Better yet, have YOU seen any good video fanfics? It can be Twilght, Harry Potter, whatever you want. Mine of course is the The Joker Blogs. (Seriously, the guy playing the Joker, save for his voice, can be a dead-ringer for Heath Ledger's Joker...)
And lastly, do YOU think that video fanfic will grow to become as popular as written fanfic? Technology is getting better every year...
It's my first campfire, so bear with me =p
Edit:* What do you think makes a story good enough to have a trailer/gif/banner made for it? The number of reviews it has? It's subject matter? The Imagery described? Share your thoughts!
And just in case this doesn't interest you, this story surely will (if you're looking for AH BxE):

He's lost control, by fliegendamsel

"I do have a sister. She's about your age," he went on, studying my face. "If I knew about some older guy, some guy my age, having the kind of thoughts about her, the kind of thoughts I have about you"…his eyes bored into me…"I'd kill him." AH.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 17 - Words: 43,783 - Reviews: 600 - Updated: 10-28-11 - Published: 8-19-11 - Bella & Edward


Non-human human fics

Saturday October 29, 2011 at 5:06 PM

Hello everyone! Hope you're all enjoying Halloween weekend! So, I'm trying to find Elementals/Empires of the Mind type fics? You know, the kind where our favorite characters are not vampires or wolves, but not quite human either? Anybody know of anything aside from these two, which are awesome by the way.


Also, here's a sweet story you all might enjoy.

I Never: Edward & Bella » by SqueakyZorro 

What makes a first love special? Is it worth waiting for? Is it worth working for, to make it last? Our favorite couple as college students who find each other and some answers. AH. M for underage drinking, drug reference, and later citrus.


Show me yours, and I'll show you mine.

Saturday October 29, 2011 at 5:04 PM

Comfort food that is.  

It's been a whopper of a week at the Q household, and I'm in need of some food porn.  

What do you want to curl up with when it's been a tough week?  Is it starchy and cheesy like the photo above?  Or do you tend to go for more liquid refreshment?  Please come inside and tell me all about it.  

rotten miracles

Help a girl out

Saturday October 29, 2011 at 3:14 PM


I started reading this fic yesterday and I didn't really like it, so I flounced. No big deal, it happens (a lot, actually). But THEN, this morning, I woke up wondering what happened to Tanya, so I picked it up again... and I still didn't like it. Yeah. Sucks, yes? What to do? I'm thinking (hoping?) I'm not the only one who this has happened to.


So, please come in here and ask me* your fellow campers about the ending of that fic you didn't read all the way through. And while you're at it, can anyone tell me what happened to Tanya in End Island?


* I'm the queen of flounce, so I might not be able to help, but I can commiserate :)


Not sure if I have to include a rec, but I will anyway, because I like this rule :)

The Masen Sisters' Guide to Losing a Player in One Date by sleepyvalentina - prequel to Art After 5, but you can read the one without the other. This is short and sweet and so much fun. Also, don't skip reading the chapter titles ;)
In 1986, first-year med student Carlisle Cullen was not only on top of the world, but he'd also been on top of the majority of his female classmates. Can Esme Masen beat him at his own game? A FGB piece for katydid13.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 22,346 - Reviews: 1046 - Updated: 3-3-11 - Published: 4-22-10 - Carlisle & Esme - Complete


Montreal calling:)

Saturday October 29, 2011 at 2:44 PM

Hey campers, I am not a regular at ADF, but felt this would be the best place to find a buddy to watch BD1 with. I live in Montreal and would love to find a Twi-buddy to share my obsession, and hopefully team up to watch the movie in the coming month (Cause my RL friends suck!!).

Anyone? Pretty please?



How Early Do You Arrive?

Saturday October 29, 2011 at 10:20 AM

Quick question for all you people. 

I have bought midnight showing tickets for BD, never done the whole midnight thing. At my cinema they are doing the first 3 movies earlier in the day (at 4:15) and I plan to go see those too. 

My question is...

How early should I arrive at the theater to get a descent seat? Do a lot of people go to the special showing? 

And to make this interactive... Are you going? Are you excited to see the nakedness of Rob? I know it will most likely be horrible toward the end with the birthing and all that, but I'm still pretty excited. 




Saturday October 29, 2011 at 7:40 AM

Dear forest,

yesterday,  Rob and Ashley came to my hometown - Stockholm. 

AND I SAW THEM AT THE FAN EVENT THAT WAS HELD FOR THEM!!!!!!! It was amazing. Amazing amazing amazing and surreal!!! Here are some pics:

I just wanted to share how happy I am with you guys! :) <3


Give me your tired, your beat up,

Saturday October 29, 2011 at 5:15 AM

your massive huddles yearning to get a win

(no anti-Statue of Liberty patriotism meant, nothing is more patriotic than cheering on your college football team.)

So for some of us, last weekend will now be the weekend-that-shall-not-be-named (*cough cough* WVU, Oklahoma, Wisconsin*).

Let’s begin anew and cheer our boys like we’ve never cheered them before.

A nod at my boys (and why hasn’t anyone usurped this cf yet so your boys could be on the front page?)





My pics (and discussion) inside!

* ranger edit: omg, I cried.


Help needed!

Saturday October 29, 2011 at 12:39 AM

Hi this is the first time I've posted but i need help finding a fic I've read before & loved!

what i remember is Edward, Bella & the rest of the gang plan a road trip they plan to drive Route 66 to end up at Santa Monica pier. From what i remember they visit lots of places like the Cadillac graveyard they stay in the wigwam motel Edward & Bella have sex in the big blue whale if i remember right, also i think Alice & Jasper cant make the whole trip so join them in some places, i remember Emmett wanting to go to some mad places like largest ketchup bottle or something like that, they all end up at the grand canyon at one point. I'm sure there were playlists for iPod involved as well.

If anyone can help i would be so grateful :) 


Fic rec

This story owns me at the min i run to read everytime it updates

Words with friends by Nolebucgrl



2 New BD spots, with a few new scenes

Friday October 28, 2011 at 9:31 PM

"I won't let them hurt my family" (please tell me he's not talking about the Cullens)

Two more TV spots in the comments



Friday October 28, 2011 at 8:29 PM

Hey Forest!

In case you haven't heard (hehehe), it's the lovely wolvesnvamps birthday.  Major cause for celebration around these parts!!!

I'm not sure if it's the distraction of all the yummy Damon up in here or what, but I'm finding myself agonizing over writing a summary for a story I'm working on.  Writing the story has been fairly easy peasy, but this summary is making me nutty.


Doing a little of this, to be exact....


So, dear campers,  I thought we could all benefit here by sharing some advice/ideas.

Give me some summary writing tips.

What do you do?

Do you find it easy or tricky?  What do you like to see in a summary?  

Hate to see in a summary?

Talk to me about those few very important words.  

In the meantime, I'm heading back to the drawing board!



Friday October 28, 2011 at 6:36 PM

So finally the NaNo website has gotten it's act together and fixed the buddy area so... all you campers that are participating this year, what's your NaNo name so we can be friends?!

I'm LovellyBells  so follow me if you'd like!

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