
We Were Here updated

Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 9:21 PM

Can we discuss?

Chapter 16 Brick


How to Paint A House

Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 4:47 PM

How to Paint a House updated!!! Yay!! Did you read the new chapter? How sweet is that story?? Thank you Maggie's Gutter! Lets talk about the new chapter. What do you say??


ereaders coming out the ears

Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 2:12 PM

Amazon made a big announcement today:



Also, it looks like the Kindle 3 got a new name, along with a slightly lower price:


So what do you guys think about the new readers and their prices?  Do you plan on buying one soon, either for the first time or a trade-up, or are you in love with your current ereader, whether it be Nook, Kindle, Kobo, etc?  Or do you prefer real books and vow to never go to the 'dark side'?

From what I've been hearing, the Kindle Fire is more like a tablet than an ereader, and in fact, if it looks similar to the BlackBerry Playbook, it's because they're made by the same manufacturer.  Would either have any bearing on your decision whether or not to purchase?  (Oh geez, I'm starting to sound like one of those annoying survey people, LOL.)  

I'm also reading that the $79 Kindle can only hold 1,400 books instead of the 3,500 the Kindle Keyboard (aka 3/3rd gen) can.  However, it is lighter and can, supposedly, fit into your pocket.  How do you feel about that?  (Great, now I sound like a therapist... LOL)

Anyway, specific specs for each device can be found at Amazon.  ETA: Unfortunately, only the new regular Kindle (and the Kindle Keyboard) are available if you shop at Amazon.co.uk.  :-(

*Thank you, Tor, for permission to start this fire. :-)


From the moment i saw you...

Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 1:21 PM

HI!! So I am aware that a few days ago some nice gal (I'm sure) did a campfire about Y/A...

I'm about to do the same but it's a little different becuase I want books that are Y/A preferably or maybe not and HAVE to be something to do with -

Love at first sight

Yes we all know about it and wonder if it really exsists. Truth is that this isn't really for me... I'm doing as a favour to one of my REALLY good friends who wants -

- Hot, passionate love


- she feels very strongly that if something were to happen to the female main characters lover, that she should become depressed and sad and not try to do much else.. yh i know..

- It has to be TRUE LOVE and she feels if you have been with a milion other guys that isn't possible becuase you should know that guy is not the one

god what else? I really can't remember but if someone were to give me some book with a similar kind of thing going on i would REALLY appreciate it!

- Supernatural is totally acceptable!!

- and bethroal

Because i am so thankful to anyone if they rec me i am going to give some recs of my own (fanfic and published)

Books -

1) Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

AMAZINGLY AMAZING!!! If you like stuff to do with the Gods then this is the book for you!! It's got humour, nail biting OMG moments and hot guys - what more coudl you ask for?

(I've never put an image on ADF an it won't work, sorry!)


2) Hush, Hush, Crescendo, Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

OMG! one of my faves and i LOVE it. It's got a load of fallen angels with arrogance and cocky smirks, a wholeload of secrets and a helpless girl in the midst of a war that started forever ago... GO READ IT!!!


Fanfics - 

1) The Slowest Burn - Fridays have become my favourite day of the week, they were before aswell but that's beside the point. You want to know why? The slowest Burn updates THATS WHY!!

A whole load of smexy times with a cheerleading Bella and one of the hottest Edward's EVER!! 


2) Hourglass - I AM BEGGING for an update!!! I have been left at a standstill and need to know what happens next!!! Angst lovers - this is for you!!!


3) Terms and Conditions Apply - Humour and a load of OMG FML did that just happen or am I dreaming?


4) Late Night with Aro - at first i thought it was a joke then it became serious and then i OMG-ed for ages.. updates regularly





A Federation of Cassandras

Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 12:04 PM

In which Renesmee runs away.


Oh. My. God.

That summary doesn't tell the half of it.

And yet it tells everything about what this story is about.

Carlisle believed that she should have a classical education. The first languages she learned under his tutelage were Greek and Latin, and she read Homer and Virgil and Ovid and Herodotus and all those other men who mattered so much to the Great Western World. She didn't really enjoy it and they moved quickly on to other things, but a few years later when she was reading Romantic poetry he backtracked and gave her a volume of Plutarch. She was puzzled and a little annoyed, but she read it, and to the last moment of her life she didn't forget it.

There was a story inside about a Spartan youth who stole a fox. Some of his superiors met up with him on the road and he was terrified that they would find out what he had done, so he hid the fox beneath his cloak and strode up to greet them. When the fox began to disembowel him right there, in the middle of the road under his cloak, he didn't make a sound. He was a Spartan, after all. He could have flung the fox away and perhaps kept his intestines, but the shame of being found out was by far the more frightening prospect.

If Renesmee had been a little older she would have known that you can't do that forever—bite your lip and hope no one notices that something is killing you. Eventually you scream or fall over or bleed out on the ground, and everyone knows. Everyone knows and it's already over.

And that's exactly what happened.

The plot starts in Paris, not with Renesmee, but with a young Muslim girl named Fatima. Right there you know this is no run of the mill Cullen epic. The narrative weaves present and past seamlessly, just as one experiences it in memories while one is living one's life in the present - a stranger in a strange land. There is friendship and haven, foods she has never eaten before. She is growing out of her clothes. There are riots and weapons smugglers. Nessie, who has, in this foreign city, taken for herself the name Dorianne, tries to help.

The writing - well, the prologue above gives you an idea - but seriously, try this on for size:

So, here she was, spending her Saturday in Charlie's boat, scaring off his fish. There was something soothing in the breeze and the silence and her grandpa's steady presence—she felt like she could breathe for the first time in weeks. She turned to steal a glance at his profile—he was chewing on his bottom lip and staring placidly at the bobber on his line. She tilted her head, searching out the small changes she knew had occurred since she last saw him—a new line in his face, a slightly grayer tint to his mustache, something. Charlie was the only person in her family who altered, whose body was every moment marching slowly toward death and decay and a final ending. She loved him.

This story is heart-clenchingly good. Not only does she take the concept and the character of this hybrid child - born literally from the death of her mother's human body and life - and make her a poignantly real teenage girl, she also touches on so many other things --- social and cultural realities of our world, what does it mean to be human, what is a soul, how does one live with guilt, reconcile with self and others. 

And now, at the latest chapter, after a terrible discovery and a tense escape ... a cliff-hanger to end all cliff-hangers.

Eleven chapters, only 103 reviews. Are you kidding me??? I've been following this story from the beginning, and I simply can't recommend it enough. Good things are meant to share. Check it out, and enjoy.




Humpday Games

Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 10:16 AM

Go check out the Forest Freecycling then come back and play!

This week’s game:


Summarize a fic (without telling us the title) in three short sentences, or less. It can be a literal summary, a snarky summation or a tarty tweet-like tribute.

See the examples for well, some examples.

Example 1: (from some other website that was posted about long ago)

Edward Cullen: Hoo mama, I can't decide whether to drink your blood or kiss you passionately.
Bella Swan: That's hot.

(Answer: Twilight by SM)

Example 2: (from the same other website)

Whine, Whine, Whine. To be or not to be. I'm Dead. (Answer: Hamlet)

Example 3: Insomnia. He draws, I bake. We survived together. (Answer: Wide Awake)


Come on inside and get creative!



Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 9:38 AM

I finally got in! It took me two days to get sorted due to the site being down all the time but I'm in.....


I'm going to go through all the old Pottermore CFs and add all of ya'll! My name is in the comments...


Elora Mac

Harry Potter has a Tumblr??!!

Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 8:46 AM

My first campfire!

I have stumbled across something that I just had to share with the forest. I don't even know how I found it but I feel as though I've uncovered a treasure! It is a Harry Potter fic/story that takes place 15 or so years after the end of the series involving, primarily Harry, Hermione and Severus Snape...all taking place on Tumblr. Each has their own account (essentially their POV) where they post comments, their thoughts, correspond with each and answer questions from those who are following the blogs. And while all this is going on, a poignant story is unfolding of love lost and love found.

Each Tumblr account brings a whole different aspect to each of their stories that all come together so beautifully (sometimes painfully). Here and there, other HP characters will also pop-in with comments as well as some narration posts helping to create a very realistic tale. I sometimes feel like a voyeur and that I shouldn't be reading the postings and thoughts of their private lives! This is the best way I know how to describe the experience - I'm sure I have not done it justice and I am dying to know who is behind it all. It is so clever. Maybe it is an RP and I am just totally clueless - but the writing is well done.

So, besides sharing this with you all, I also wondered how you feel about reading fics/stories written in an uncovential way or, like this fic, delivered in a unique way? Do you have similar recommendations? I remember the excitement I felt while reading QuantumFizzx's Twilight fic "The Plan" as she real time posted. While I like the story on its own, I know the real time posting made it that much more fun to read.

And, if you do take the opportunity to read the Tumblr blogs mentioned above, I'd love to hear your thoughts. The blogs are linked below. Have fun! (Just a hint, being new to Tumblr it took me awhile to navigate around but you can catch on pretty quickly - like most blogs you have to go to the end to start from the beginning - check out the archive links)


Harry Potter                 http://alohamorahp.tumblr.com/
Hermione Granger    http://enslavedbyfaerie.tumblr.com/
Severus Snape          http://professorseverustobiassnape.tumblr.com/
Draco Malfoy               http://dracorules.tumblr.com/


don't tread on me

Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 8:19 AM

forest freecycling

here's how this works, darlings.

post the stuff you have that you're willing to part with for free- no money is to change hands! this is an excellent way to get rid of that thing.

you know the thing. the thing you have that you know you should get rid of because you never use it, but for whatever reason- it was a gift, you spent good money on it, you've been planning to sell it on craigslist but you're too lazy, whatever- you just haven't had the time/will/impetus. 

this is the place to get rid of it, dear camper! trust me, someone wants your unwanted stuff. what better way to get of it than to send it to a fellow camper?

if you see something you want, comment right fast. things go quick around here! but don't just go around all willy-nilly, calling dibs on everything. go for stuff you'd truly like to have!

just a few things to remember:

-don't offer items you're unwilling to ship. freecycling means no money is to be exchanged (unless they offer to reimburse you for the shipping).

-if you don't want to ship internationally, please say so in your comment. no big deal if you don't, i know how expensive that can be.

-first come first freecycled, man. don't be selective in whom you give your crap to.

-if you're looking for stuff, i think books are a great thing to look through. i love passing books around, gives 'em more character, no?

-i suggest you do a strikethrough on items that are taken to avoid confusion.

-take care of details via PM- please don't post your emails and/or addresses on ADF!

-if you live in a state where giftcards expire and you've got expired giftcards... some states have no expiration dates on those puppies. 

-feel free to edit your original comment with more items if you come up with them! these posts are usually pretty well trolled throughout the day, so don't think no one will see it if you change it.

-PM me if you're confused. 

-have fun getting rid of your old stuff!

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"I´ll be pissed if they cut that line"-ML

Tuesday September 27, 2011 at 10:26 PM

So, according to Bill Condon´s bf who´s tweeting people like crazy (except me. He apparently went through my past tweets and found I´d once referred to BD as ´epic fail´. wtf), don´t expect to see:

E/B telling Charlie they are getting married.
"Practicing" on the bed in Bella's room.
Edward's Vanquish or the expensive car Bella gets before the wedding.
Now I´m hearing there won´t be a a garter scene or the "So you seduced your all-too-willing husband." line, though I haven´t seen those tweets myself.

And then people lash out on me for calling her Manlissa.

Just because I´m trying to stay more positive: At least there was a ´Believe me, I want to´ to line. Otherwise EVERYONE would be convinced he´s gay/asexual. Of course I´d MUCH have preferred ´I love you. I want you. Right now´ (i.e. ´I´m turned on´)


Brought to you by the letters R and A

Tuesday September 27, 2011 at 8:21 PM

Look what just popped up in my inbox- a new story from the incomparable Rochelle Allison!

No pretty banner yet, but hopefully she'll have one soon. I still get butterflies when I see the banner for good old Starry Eyed Inside :-D

Rochelle, in addition to being one of the biggest sweethearts in the fandom, never disappoints when it comes to writing. She's one of the few fic-writers that I would happily shell out for to buy some original writing.


GLIMMER DARKLY    Summary: She loses him almost as soon as she finds him... but things aren't always what they seem. Will Bella follow her heart down the rabbit hole?


Yeah I clicked it

Tuesday September 27, 2011 at 7:21 PM

You know what, I really like this place and I am glad it's here. And I also know it's not free or always easy to run something like this. But it's like a natural reflex... To avoid all forms of pop ups or sidebar advertising. It's almost a game or something "us v them". Can't catch my cookies or clicks or whatever it is "they" are after.

But I've been meaning to click on some of the advertising here, really, like consciously thinking I need to do that.

I am sure what shows up on the side of my screen is probably not what's on the side of your screen but, honestly take a closer look. I noticed some of the sites advertising here are pretty cool AND places I've frequented before -- even years ago. Long before I had this laptop.

If you get Strawberry.net like I did tonight, you should click (I did) - if you like cosmetics beauty products, etc., etc. Seriously they are based in Hong Kong or something but the shipping was free when I ordered from them a couple years ago AND it arrived in 48 hours, Idek how when it takes like an eternity to get anything from drugstore.com/beauty.com, plus they have fair prices. And I wanted to save the envelope because it had all those Chinese letters on it but, I didn't.

I know this isn't fic or supernatural related but, it's site related so I am posting anyway. Take it down if you must almighty ranga's ;-] <3

I just wanted to say take a second look at your sidebar, there might be something good waiting for you there.

Ok, that is all.

Well except for this... A classic fyt:

PURPLE EDIT: I SWEAR, WE DID NOT PUT THIS CAMPER UP TO THIS, BUT WE LOVE IT ALL THE SAME. yes, please. click. it helps pay to maintain ADF when you do!



Tuesday September 27, 2011 at 6:31 PM

In which jenny fly goes all teacher on your a$$


It's one of my favorite literary devices.

It lets the reader see through the writer's eyes, as long as the writer can manage to paint the image vividly enough.

In the following example, jandco gives us Bella's eyes with which to see Edward. It's her first good look at him in MAD and I could've pasted a whole lot more if I didn't want to keep this campfire tame.

There were dark shadows in the hollows beneath his dark eyes, like he was plagued by something haunting for years. His lashes were black with sweat and despite the easy grin, his jaw was set square and sharp.

Now, it's your turn. Comment inside with examples of IMAGERY in fix that has blown your mind, opened your eyes, or left you breathless.


Forever Young?

Tuesday September 27, 2011 at 5:25 PM

So, I read this fic about a year ago, it might have been more, acutally. But I read it once saved it to my favorites then could never find it again. I don't know who the author is/was but I think the name of the story was Forever Young, but I'm not 100% sure about that.

This is what I remember about the story:

Edward, Emmett, and Jasper are in a very popular band. Bella and Alice are huge fans of that band. Rosalie is Emmett's model girlfriend. Some how Edward and Bella end up sitting next to each other on an airplane and since the guys were disguises when they perform, Bella didn't know it was him. They end up talking and one thing leads to another and some how they become romantically involved. Eventually Edward tells Bella who he is and they go from there. I remember that in either an epilogue or an outtake it talks about how Bella was seen out with Edward, who was not in disguise, and people thought she was cheating on rock star Edward and becuase of that the boys reveal their disguises and they all live happily ever after.

Thats all I can remember about the story, does anyone know what it is or where I can find it?


REC: I don't know if anybody's rec'd this before or not but I'm seriously becoming obsessed with this little drabble fic. She updates two- three times a day and it's still not enough for me.

Worship » reviews
"Age shouldn't matter. When you meet the person that completes all the unfinished parts of you, it shouldn't matter about anything else." The story of a brazen young man, an invisible woman, and an unholy worship. E&B, AH, rated M, drabble fic.



AY, AY...

Tuesday September 27, 2011 at 1:30 PM

...what do we have here. A very fresh-faced Kristen Stewart on the set of Snow White.

She looks so young in these pictures!

More inside... 

(courtesy of breakingdawnmovie.org)

ETA: Do I need to give a rec here? My pea brain can't remember. I will, just in case, although I've not read anything for yonks! The last thing was http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7083935/1/During_the_Off_Season For the Summer EPOV outakes. Totes had me re-reading For the Summer again :D

Ranger answer-You do not need to give a recc for these types of posts but thank you!


Ranger edit-please see page 2 for a friendly Ranger reminder. Thank you.


Look harder...

Tuesday September 27, 2011 at 1:26 PM


I'd follow a nod of his head anywhere, and I know I'm not alone.

(as long as he kept his mouth shut, that is)

Check out this clip from the upcoming episode....



Come dissect and speculate! :D


hippie wtvoc's favorite kind of campfire

Tuesday September 27, 2011 at 10:53 AM

tomorrow is freecycling day

i thought i'd try giving everyone a heads up a day in advance so that you can sort through your crap.

but hippie ranger withthevampsofcourse, you say to yourself. what is freecycling?

why, silly. it's when instead of throwing away your unwanted stuff, you give it to someone else, free of charge!

how it works is this:

i'll make the post tomorrow morning/whenever i get around to it. probably around 7:30am pacific. we'll leave it stickied all day.

you can do one of two things: get rid or claim. you post what you've got that maybe you just didn't have the heart to toss out due to money spent or sentimentality or whatever but you know you should've gotten rid of ages ago. list it, pictures, whatever. 


you can call dibs. it's first come, first served. PM each other with the details (please do not post your email or address on ADF!)

this is not about exchanging for other stuff. no money is to be exchanged here. this is about saving the earth a little bit and maybe making someone's day.

you've gotta be willing to ship it to whomever claims the stuff; they can offer, though. i usually do. if you're unwilling to ship internationally, please state so in your comment.

and if you're claiming, don't be a greedy gus and just say MINE, ME ME ME. only take stuff you'd really use lest you end up freecycling the next time i make one of these posts!

as an example, i'll be offering some books and probably disney dvds. i wanna go through my stuff and see what i have to get rid of. maybe some crafting supplies idk idk

so look through your things. you probably have some stuff you should've dumped a while back. or maybe you bought an expensive makeup pallette that just doesn't go with your coloring but you can't see yourself parting with. or maybe you bought a perfume you're allergic to (ooh, just thought of that. i'll be getting rid of (sob sob sob) a lush thing that makes me sneeze). whatever. just go look through your stuff!

If this makes no sense to you, hit me up with questions in this here campfire. and make sure you stop by tomorrow!

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Bruno Mars 'It Will Rain" is...

Tuesday September 27, 2011 at 4:49 AM

I've been trying to figure out why Bruno Mars was picked to be added to the soundtrack ever since it came out last week. And I love Bruno but this is a strange song. 

If you haven't heard it yet, you can find it here http://boubied.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/it-will-rain-is-perfect-for-breaking-dawn/.

What do you guys think of the song? And apparently there's a music video on the ITunes Deluxe edition. I'm thinking more spoilerish clips for BD coming out but considering the name of the subject matter of the song, it will be Bella and Jacob related.

ETA: Oops, it's totally a song from Edward's POV. My bad. Bruno captures the anguish I've imagined Edward to have in that scene really well in his vocals. It is literally painful to hear him. And now I'm really excited because if Bruno was so inspired by Rob's performance that he wrote this song, Rob might have a performance of a lifetime under his belt.

Vampire Diaries-"Whatever" Elena

Tuesday September 27, 2011 at 4:24 AM

And a bit of Damon (did you actually think I could resist adding him to this campfire?)

But let's not get too distracted. I want to talk about Elena and her nonchalant reaction to what happened last week (spoilers will be in this thread).

And a dash more Damon for you...


Ask A Ranger

Monday September 26, 2011 at 5:45 PM


We have another new weekly campfire to announce-"Ask A Ranger!" 

Each week (no particular day but it won't be during Free For All) one ranger will answer any question that is on your mind.

That's right-you ask-we answer. Pop culture, current events, school, love life, fandom, ADF-you get the picture. Don't be shy-no topic is off-limits. 

This week's Ranger is me. Ask away!

First --- | >> | 771 | 772 | 773 | 774 | 775 | 776 | 777 | 778 | 779 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
