
Humpday Games

Wednesday September 21, 2011 at 9:40 AM

I apologize, life was crazy last week and I forgot to do the Games!  But here we are again at the middle of another week.

Today's Game: Fic Re-title

Take a fic, and give it another title.  Replace the words with synonyms or just make up a completely new title that fits the story!  Check the example!

Example:  Fully Alert

Answer:  Wide Awake

Step inside and give us your new titles!

ETA:  Not sure if you all are having this problem, but I haven't been receiving reply alerts from adf for the last day.  So make sure to come back to the campfire to check if your clues have been replied to!



Wednesday September 21, 2011 at 8:40 AM

This morning I noticed my favorites list was a few stories short. Hopefully I'm not jumping the gun by posting, but I noticed Twanza's work was removed from FFN. :( Anyone know if she/he will be reposting the stories elsewhere or know the situation? Twanza is one of my all time favorite authors, and damn that will just suck if the stories have been removed permanently. Love in Idleness was looking to be an epic tale.

On another note, my recommendation, by another bad ass author, Mrs. TheKing , is Late Night with Aro. (sorry I just comma barfed all over the place lol) Chapter 1 was just posted and Chapter 2 is going up tonight!!!! Squeeee.



It looks as though Twanza intends to repost everything as soon as she gets things sorted.  Thanks to the people who provided this information.



Wednesday September 21, 2011 at 5:40 AM

Welcome to the Daily Bondfire! Come one, come all and join us for a trip around the world. I've not done much traveling or vacationing in my life- darn you, empty bank account!!!- but I still hope to one day.

If money and personal safety and culture clashes and fear of flying weren't an issue, where in the world would you love to travel to? A new place you've always dreamed about? Maybe you've already been to that perfect place and can't wait to return? Tell us about it, and even better INCLUDE A PICTURE!!!



Pocket Change Update

Wednesday September 21, 2011 at 2:22 AM

Okay...so just when I thought I had it figured out...

...come talk to me about the latest chapter, please!

Spoilers inside!


Abduction Review

Tuesday September 20, 2011 at 3:44 PM

I had a friend email this to me this morning and nearly spit all over my computer. There are some naughty words in it so you'll have to enter the campfire to read it.

This campfire was started with the blessing of the glorious wtvoc


Interactive question: Do you feel that this review is a fair assessment of Taylor's acting in general?


cary grant, why don't you love me

Tuesday September 20, 2011 at 3:03 PM

i got laid off today

so, this is not a campfire for you all to say "omg i'm so sorry!"

it's more like a "yay, more time for the internet!" kind of thing.

i've decided to chuck my education and become a famous screenwriter and/or powerball winner instead.

i am mostly joking.

but i don't need sympathy in this campfire- just something to make me feel better. i'm trying not to wallow!

show me a picture/ tell me a story/ share your current favorite music (mine's the civil wars, can't stop listening to it)/ discuss downton abbey series 2/ anything.

or idk, talk about how lame not having a job is. i thought i was done being a stay-at-home mom! to quote the godfather, luka brasi sleeps with the fishes. no, wait. that ain't right. uhh, just when i thought i was out, they pulled me back in? or something.

just don't be sad for me. i will, as ever, be just fine. their loss; they went corporate and number crunched; i'm new, so i'm out. i know my own self-worth, so i'll be cool. :)

the hospital to me this morning (after working 12 hours, by the way :/ ):

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


The Adventures of Chuck & Eddie...

Tuesday September 20, 2011 at 12:16 PM

I'm not the only one who likes to make fun of Breaking Dawn....

I love people who can just laugh at their own jobs.  A sense of humor is a sexy thing...

So be honest Campers....Tell me what you REALLY think. 

Of course there are those of you who are excited to see the final two movies.  We get it.  We respect it.  But for THE REST OF YOU....

What's the one thing you're most looking forward to?

-being drunk and laughing in the theater?

-making fun of the awful make-up?

-the non-acting?

-the oral C-section?

Personally...I can't wait to see the grocery-store-Halloween-costume hair on Esme.  That's always a treat.  And Carlisle's on-again/off-again British accent is always fun.

Now tell me yours...


O/S contest - 'Phases of Life'

Tuesday September 20, 2011 at 11:33 AM

Approved by wtvoc


Hey all you lovers of all things WOLF, have we got a contest for you!!!  The 'Phases of Life' contest!





Join us for the Phases of Life one-shot contest. In this theme, we'll be exploring the Twilight shape-shifters. Vampires and humans are welcome, too, but the main character of your one-shot must be a member of the wolf pack. *No AH stories please. This one is all supernatural, all the time. Wolf on wolf, wolf on human, wolf on vamp . . . you get the picture: the common denominator is wolf. Have fun with this one; the possibilities are endless. Wow us with your creativity and unique storylines. Lemons are welcome, but not required.

The Deets:

Submissions: accepted from Saturday, October 1st through Friday, October 28th.

Voting: Monday, October 31st through Friday, November 4th.

Winners: announced on Sunday, November 6th. There will be a first and second place winner. There may be a third place winner at the discretion of the admins dependent on the number of entries received. All winners will receive a custom banner for their one-shot made by one of FWAR's talented graphic artists.


This is an anonymous contest!



Link to contest information on our **Fanfiction.net page:   http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2455894/

**Voting will take place on our Fanfiction.net page.

Link to contest information directly on FWAR's site:   http://freewritersandreaders.ning.com/group/freewritersoneshotcontests/forum/topics/phases-of-life-contest-theme


If you have any questions, you may message me here:  http://www.adifferentforest.com/Profile/KeyeCullen



LJ Summers

College Romance Fic List

Tuesday September 20, 2011 at 6:38 AM

So, maybe they went to Dartmouth and met there.

(Please forgive the monochromatic fonts...not sure why, but the color gig isn't working...I must have clicked something!)


Or UCLA, or CUNY or UCF or or or or...

Perhaps it's Edward and Bella.  Or Jasper and Alice. Or Emmett and Rosalie. Or even Carlisle and Esme...!  

Or maybe it's a non-canon pairing that delights the senses...


In any event, they met in COLLEGE and it's there that they fall in love...



So...have you seen fanfic that features college-aged Twi-romances?  I only want to see the BEST in this campfire!

We will have 112 categories of Fan Fiction with this list of COLLEGE ROMANCES in the Master Fic List. The link is on the sidebar, if you're looking for it.

And if you're there and want to share even MORE fic, check out the other lists and bring in any new recommendations.  ADF has an extensive set of rec's and they're all generated by YOU, the CAMPERS!

So bring on your College Romance Fics here.  My rec will be inside.

Just remember the rules:

1.  KEEP IT SIMPLE. Title, author, summary and link.  



Thanks for sharing your favorite College Romance fics around the fire!


Pimp it here

Tuesday September 20, 2011 at 6:02 AM


Tell us what you write! Are you trying out something new?

Tell us what a friend writes! Are you proud of their hard work?

Tell us what you beta! Are you blown away?

Show us a banner you made! Did it take you forever?

Just self pimp to your hearts desire because this is the

best place to do it!



Tuesday September 20, 2011 at 5:54 AM

Yesterday we had roll call and the ever darling EKSmith mentioned daily campfires. This is one of those. Again, sometimes they'll be silly, sometimes thought provoking (we'll try to go for that anyway), whatever. There will be variety and hopefully throughout the week there will be something appealing for everyone, because we very much want everyone to come on in and get to know each other.

moving on....

If you could re-do one day in your life, what day would it be? Was it an awesome day or the worst day ever? Would you change anything, as in what would you do differently or do you want to re-do it because it was just a really great day and ya wouldn't change a thing?

fyt: edward having a bad day:


My Bowl is empty...?

Monday September 19, 2011 at 10:44 PM

Hello ALL! :)

So, I was really into this story that had been nominated for a Tomato Soup Award, and now I can't find it. So then I tried getting onto the Tomato Soup site, and that doesn't work either. I know that the voting was until the 20th - is this the problem? Did they shut it down? Or is something just wrong with the blog and me not being able to find the story is a completely separate issue? (I am not entirely sure I have the title right) Any help would be appreciated ;)

Unfortunately, I am ashamed to say I have never taken part in any awards before, I did vote this time though :) So I was wondering, do you all take part in the voting? Do you really pay attention when a fic has won an award? Are you more likely to read it if it did win? Do you only take part in some awards and not others?? FILL Me in!

Thanks! Bowlove (formerly Ell)   :)

I am reading Beside You In Time by TashtheSlash.

"Bella's all alone. What happens when she makes a few special friends? DO NOT read if you are looking for a happy love story. This isn't it." Bella (WIP)

I might be bias, but I am really interested to see where Slash goes with this. Bella is kinda dark, me likes ;)


Drabble Fics

Monday September 19, 2011 at 5:05 PM

So, I am totally addicted to the Drabble format that seems to be becoming more and more popular lately (or maybe I'm just finally catching on!). I've read some before that I just adored (The Plan, Young Pilgrams for example). I love the little bites of story, the way everything is boiled down to the most essential details and I love the multiple updates per week, some even multiple per day. The three I'm reading right now that are just OWNING me are:

All Nighters by CaraNo

Comfortable by LyrcalKris

Might Have Been by Mrs.Robward

I see I have a couple leads on some others either in progress now are about to start - anybody else seriously captured by this style? Anything owning you that you can recommend?



Monday September 19, 2011 at 2:21 PM

Hi Everyone!!

So...  I found the High Times Contest earlier and just got finished reading all the entries for it. And now I want more Stonerward, and Bakedella. 

So to make this short and sweet, does anyone have any recs for me that consist of them getting high a lot? That doesn't have to be the main goal, but included. (I have read High Anxiety.)




ETA: Ok, so any one shots, that you really loved? Of any kind, as long as it's Bellward. Tell me please!


My Rec: Candy from Strangers by Chicklette

2nd place winner in High Times contest for popular vote! Thank you! "This weekend, I will kiss a boy. I will drink alcohol…I will do everything that Bella Swan never does. I might even take candy from a stranger." AH


Cracks in the Pavement updated!

Monday September 19, 2011 at 1:53 PM

Chapter Eight - What Part of Forever

So. Thoughts? It's been awhile since the last update, and to be honest, I forgot about this story until I saw an update for it in my inbox. I had to go back and skim the last chapter to refresh my memory.

There will be spoilers inside. You've been warned.


Nicolas Cage a vampire?

Monday September 19, 2011 at 1:44 PM

"Nicolas Cage has generated his share of strange news items...But the photo currently on sale on eBay may top them all. Described by its seller as a photo of a Tennessee man circa 1870, the headline on the sale is "Nicolas Cage is a Vampire."




So...is Nic Cage a vampire?  I've seen him the sunlight plenty of times and he's never sparkled :(

I'm gonna vote "no", though it would be awesome.


Eta...I may have to change my vote.  Just found out Nicolas Cage is really a Coppola...as in Francis Ford Coppola.  You know, the guy who directed Dracula.  This is all a little too coincidental in my opinion.


Emerging Swan winners announced

Monday September 19, 2011 at 11:54 AM

Yeah, OK I am pimping myself a little here and a few other winners, but holy crow, I did win..

(Rangers, I am putting a good rec at the bottom). In any case here is the URL, if you want to check all the winners of these awards, meant to make somewhat obscure authors better known  http://emergingswanawards.blogspot.com/  There are very good stories there. And the banners done for the winners are amazing.

Bonizella, the doomed heroine of my O/s Confession, got the award as best original character. Here is the banner she was awarded

What the heck is it about? http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6957883/1/Confession   Summary:In the mid-14th century, after the Black Death has ravaged Italy, a merchant's widow goes in a pilgrimage, ostensibly to atone for her dead husband's sins. But, in the holy place she has reached, things are not what they seem. Supernatural, AU, Pre Twilight and quite dark. It will, btw, become the prologue of the story I am currently developing: The Pilgrimage.

I am happy to announce that also Raum got three awards As newbie author http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2351159/, and for two O/s: best Cullen (a great Carlisle)  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6872281/1/The_Moon_over_Volterra  and Best Tragedy  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6921947/1/The_Cliff

Maniac Motherland also got an award, as Best SM human O/s http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7141257/1/The_Courtship_of_bCharlie_b_Swan

And now a good rec for your pleasure: Cold Case File by i-was-broken  http://www.twilighted.net/viewstory.php?sid=13538

Summary: Bella is investigating a rash of serial killings in Rochester, NY, when Edward Cullen crosses her path and raises her suspicion. Is there more to Edward than meets the eye? Can Bella fight her attraction to a man who might be her suspect? Supernatural, AU

The story is quite original, and it is getting better and better as chapters grow. Updating has been a little slow but regular.






Monday September 19, 2011 at 8:29 AM

Hey Campers!

Many of you have probably noticed lots of the new features on ADF.  

Well, we're bringing you one more!




What's a bondfire, you ask?  

It's a daily "bonding" fire that Rangers will be posting, to encourage campers to chat, make friends, etc.  

Expect plenty of randomness and fun!


To kick things off, we're gonna start with a roll call: 

Oldies, Newbies, original gangsters, and lurkers alike - get in here and tell us a bit about yourself. 

Where are you from?  How did you discover the fandom/ADF? Favourite fic? Random little-known fact about yourself? 

Share all that and anything else you'd like.

Also - if you have any ideas/topics you'd like to see discussed, let us know in here! 




A garment of brightness update

Monday September 19, 2011 at 7:58 AM

Chapter 44: La Push

"It feels strange, to be inside the vehicle that almost killed me"

"it's good: good to be here, good to remember my Gran. And Uncle Billy with both his legs. "

"You're treating me like an outsider, Jake! You're treating me like an outsider."


And all those other little things canon just didn't touch on are the reason why I'm loving this.


Sneak Peek

Monday September 19, 2011 at 6:56 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~

First --- | >> | 775 | 776 | 777 | 778 | 779 | 780 | 781 | 782 | 783 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
