
Pimping Myself

Monday September 26, 2011 at 4:58 PM


Tell us what you write! Are you trying out something new?

Tell us what a friend writes! Are you proud of their hard work?

Tell us what you beta! Are you blown away?

Show us a banner you made! Did it take you forever?

Just self pimp to your hearts desire because this is the

best place to do it!

My pimp: I finally got into Pottermore and I am in RAVENCLAW! Woohoo! I totally thought I would be a Hufflepuff!

I am Midnightfirebolt38 and I want to be your friend!


Desperately seeking...

Monday September 26, 2011 at 2:44 PM

Something delectable... I was looking through my "to be read" fic list and it seems I have about 10 period pieces, which I enjoy, but I'm getting a little sick of the English Edward / Bella and the Frontier Edward / Bella.  I just picked up Firefly this week based on a campfire and I kinda sorta fell in love with it.

Sooo, now I'm sitting here, not wanting a period piece but wanting something sinfully delectable, something with plot and passion.

So go ahead and give me your best recommendation!


I'm taking it that we're supposed to leave a rec when we post a campfire now, so I'm going to go with Firefly in the Summer by PrimaryColors because, honestly, that fic just owned me outright...


Moving Moments in Fic

Monday September 26, 2011 at 2:14 PM


Carlisle surveyed Esme, touched her pulse, and felt the pull of her presence weakening. Her thread, as she called it. She was leaving soon, he could feel it.

The air swirled around them, and as a doctor he wanted to close that window. As a husband, he wanted to be that wind, to be in those last precious lungfuls. She didn't feel overly cold as he touched her cheek, but regardless he bowed over her, sheltering her from the worst of the chill.

He picked up her hand and held the ring he had slid onto her finger so many years before.

"I've loved you since the moment I felt you, sitting next to me, glowing like a lamp," he told her quietly. "I've loved you, and only you, since the moment I realised you existed in this world."


This excerpt from TB and TC just about killed me. So beautiful.  I thought a campfire about moments in fic that have been so beautifully written, that we simply cannot forget them.  Share if you have some!!


Fic Rec:

http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4763112/1/  The Price of Balance 

I can't put my favorite paragraph from this one because it is spoilerish. This has gorgeous writing as well.



***Edit- Great Discussion, Thanks for sharing. Really, the talent in this fandom never ceases to amaze me. C'mon guys! Join the fun.


BD Soundtrack

Monday September 26, 2011 at 12:33 PM

Hey all you Campers, this is my first Campfire. YAY.

So I just saw the Soundtrack for Breaking Dawn Part 1 is out. With comes the CD cover art, nothing new for that one. It has got one of the Actors (Mia Maestro who plays Irina I think) as well as Iron&Wine's Flightless Bird American Mouth from the Twilight movie on it. Oh and there is no Muse :(

Now I wanna know. What do think? Do you know the Bands? Good / Not Good?

Which soundtrack (of all the movies) is your favourite, or which songs do you like best?


Tell me what you think.



happy firthday to jonah and eli! :')

Monday September 26, 2011 at 7:22 AM

it's a good ole fashioned fill-in-the-blank bondfire with ranger wtvoc

happy monday! today, my twins turn 8. i don't know where the time went. probably to doing laundry, idk

anyway, i thought i'd bring back something i used to do to get the week started here. fillintheblank fun, huzzah!

answer my questions, please.

the best thing i've seen lately is ________________.

when i was a kid, i used to love to ________________.

i just do not understand the appeal of _________________.

when wtvoc comes to visit my town, i will take her here: _________________

when i was a kid, my favorite thing to play (with) was ___________________.

i like to fantasize about ______________ (pictures are preferable for this one, obvs)

i would love to learn how to ________________.

i cannot get enough of _______________.

and, as always, a present for wtvoc:

now git to it.


Sneak Peek

Monday September 26, 2011 at 6:53 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


There is a Light Update!

Monday September 26, 2011 at 4:12 AM

 There is a Light updated this morning and it has renewed my faith in a HEA. I have hope now. Do you? SPOILERS INSIDE!

There is a Light by BellaDonnaCullen http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7015642/1/There_is_a_Light
This was 1987; before the Internet, before Twitter, before Facebook – this was back when it was still possible for people not to know about things: big things - like bands, and little things - like G-spots. AH, ExB, with some other parings along the way.


Oh and I need to put a rec in here don't I?

Well I read these two stories this week and loved them both a lot.

The Red Eye by Badjujube http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6496106/1/The_Red_Eye (Complete - and very very funny)
It's important for any private investigator to maintain a good relationship with local law enforcement and it's representatives. Therefore, I am always cooperative and polite with Chief Swan. Also, I try not to drink his daughter Bella's blood.


The Decision by Windchymes http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6797418/1/The_Decision (WIP - but so good)
Edward made a decision after that second biology lesson. Two years later that decision is challenged.


My tecno sources suck

Sunday September 25, 2011 at 11:17 PM

I just wanted to leave a review for Janco but my droid & I-touch won't let me :( Sorry for the misplaced post Jandco, you always know just what to say & I love how you say it. (in regards to "for when I'm gone") Thx!


loooking for....

Sunday September 25, 2011 at 11:01 PM

a fic about a Bella who is a ballerina and an Edward who is a ballet dancer turned choreagrapher at the academy Bella is at. I've forgotten the name and am now distressed...hahaha


And the rec for the evening:


Finally an update! Such a good story. Definitely recommend it. BXE.


Thanks forest!


Vie by thatisastory

Sunday September 25, 2011 at 8:37 PM

Another oldie updated!!! 

Emerging from the shadow of grief and despair, Jasper & Bella make good on a promise: To live. They delve into the vampire world and discover an old coven with new friends, a dark history, and a vendetta that cannot be ignored. Sequel to Afterlife. Jas/B
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 30,389 - Reviews: 276 - Updated: 9-25-11 - Published: 9-12-09 - Bella & Jasper

Must have something to do with the position of the moon that out of the blue two long dormant stories update the same day. 


Vampire in the Basement

Sunday September 25, 2011 at 7:26 PM

Hey this just updated!!!!

The Vampire in the Basement http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4887478/1/The_Vampire_in_the_Basement
While hunting one afternoon, the boys stumble upon what appears to be a corpse. When they learn it's a severely broken vampire, they take him home to do what they can to help. But of course, fate has plans for this man. Canon Couples. AU.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 134,604 - Reviews: 8627 - Updated: 9-25-11 - Published: 2-26-09 - Bella & Edward


Another Pull...

Sunday September 25, 2011 at 4:41 PM

I'm looking for a complete version of Idreamofeddy's Colliding Meteors. I used to have it but lost my entire FF collection to a computer meltdown. :( I know she pulled them again recently so it would most likely be an older version but that's ok.


I'm really into the drabble fics right now so my recommendation is for a newly completed drabble fic called Comfortable by lyricalkris. It's Jasper-centric and slash so if that's not your thing you'd do best to avoid it. This is a great, quick read. I managed to read updates on my phone at work without anyone noticing.  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7364880/1/Comfortable




Target boots for $31,000? Say what?

Sunday September 25, 2011 at 3:26 PM

I wish I could remember what I just did but all of a sudden I was clicking on a link about this and I don't even remember how I got there.

Has anyone else seen this? What do you think?

Mom puts Missoni for Target boots on eBay for $31K

Missoni for Target rain boots hit eBay for $31,000


Do I think some normal person is going to buy these? Nope.

Do I think some millions in the bank news anchor, Today Show corredpondant, Oprah, etc "celebrity" or celebrity person is going to buy them, invite this lady and her daughter on the show then pay for her whole 4 years of college? Yep.

Would you do this?

What do you think of this?


What I never knew until…

Sunday September 25, 2011 at 1:01 PM

Until I saw Rob’s back in BD trailer (ok, got a li’l glimpse in NM as well), al la headboard smashin’… I never paid much thought to a man’s flipside.

I mean, I was oblivious, really. I used to admire the toned(not bulky) muscles on men, but only the front and arms.

Well, to be honest, I was a late bloomer in terms of admiring men in general. I was like a robot, really. Whenever a hot guy passed me by or I saw one on TV, my sister of 13 yrs would squeal and gush about his looks and hot bode, and I’d be like… “Huh?

That was when I was freaking 20 yrs old!

What the hell was wrong with me? I mean, it wasn’t like I didn’t desire guys or anything, but it’s like it was dormant.

My mom always called me a freak, because even she owned it when she found someone hot. (OMG the way she always waxed poetic about my Dad’s long lashes was downright traumatic back then. She still does it. lol)

And suddenly, now I find myself obsessing over body parts I hardly noticed before. Like back, forearms, happy trails and the ‘V’ pointing toward the Promised Land. And Fingers! And Jaw! And neck+adam’s apple! And (oh God kill me) even the Godda*ned Lashes!

What’s happening to me now? I don’t, per se, lust after Rob. I like him, yes, but in a detached manner. And then I see a back shot, or a forearm, or fingers, and I’m panting like a perv.

More the back shots. They kill me… every single time. I’ve recently discovered that it’s the most attractive male part to me now (besides the obvious ones :P). All that courtesy of Rob.

Please ladies (and men, if there are any here) share about your own ‘aha’ moments of discoveries. Make me feel a little less pervy. I need to know that I’m not alone. Share what you find most attractive(physically) in men/women whatever your preference. Posting pics for examples is always a plus!

Rob's back FYT-


Calling on Young Adult Addicts...

Sunday September 25, 2011 at 10:02 AM

So I’ve been thinking about trying out some new books to read. I’m feeling my usual itchiness that happens when I’ve been reading too much twilight fanfiction. I’m reading some great WIPs at the moment so I’m enjoying reading updates but I honestly don’t think I’ve got the motivation to start something new and complete. (I’ve started skimming and that’s never a good sign) Usually when this happens, I read some Harry Potter fanfiction but I seemed to have exhausted my patience for that at the moment also.

I recently finished the Outlander series and I’m halfway through A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire) Now both those series are great but can be a little heavy and dense (in the case of a Clash of Kings.) I need something lighter, easy to read and something that will satisfy my need to completely lose myself in a story. I love romance, fantasy, supernatural or anything that’s just really unique.

The Twilight Series was the first Young Adult books I’d read since I was a teenager and while I’ve seen other Young Adult books talked about on ADF, I’ve never picked up one myself. SO I’m begging you all please for your YOUNG ADULT BOOKS recs.

What do you all think of stuff like Hunger Games, Vampire Diaries, Divergent, The Blue Blood novels etc?

Is there anything in particular you think worth recommending? Why is it good?


My rec is in my opinion the best drabble fic I’ve read (and there seem to be a lot floating around at the moment) I’m kinda obsessed with bornonhalloween’s story Comp Sem 101 so it wasn’t hard to give her drabble fic a try.. Less is more was never a more apt saying than when it is applied to this story. It’s amazing – go read it…now.

Once Upon A Desire
By bornonhalloween
Edward's discovery of Bella's hidden cravings changes everything. Will she give up what seems to be the right choice and give in to her heart's true desire? A modern day, twisted D/S Cinderella story told in alternating BPOV and EPOV drabbles.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 153 - Words: 19,983 - Reviews: 6622 - Updated: 8-20-11 - Published: 3-11-11 - Edward & Bella – Complete

And the multichaptered sequel…(just updated today!)...

Kinkily Ever After By bornonhalloween
Sequel to OUaD. Can Edward/BV/DP and Isabella/omk/Princess find everything their hearts and bodies desire in each other? With their fairy tale beginning behind them, can they step into real life together and live kinkily ever after?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 30,880 - Reviews: 1073 - Updated: 9-25-11 - Published: 8-22-11 - Edward & Bella

(Links open in new window)


1. I'm off to bed now but just wanted to thank everyone for all the amazing recs. I'm literally spoiled for choice and probably won't have time to read another fanfic again!

2. Thanks to missbluejuju's suggestion, I'm now on Goodreads which I'd never heard of before today. I'm missusmarsten over there too so add me :)


so long farewell, auf weidersehen goodnight....





Help, looking for a fic.

Sunday September 25, 2011 at 9:52 AM

A friend is looking to find the name of this fic, she would really appreciate it if you could help!

Starts off where B goes to a club wt Rose, Vickie Tanya. Meets E at the bar and he offers to buy her a drink but she's underage. She's technically still in HS but taking some kind of college program. She runs into E at the track and Emmett (her bro) shows up...they know each other. You find out E and Tanya are F buddies. Last thing i remember about it is they forget her bday, she goes skinny dipping wt the AH gang and gets busted by Edward and Emmett.

Bella is like 17 and E is around 27-28. He tries to avoid her due to the age difference.

My Rec:

Worship: Chapter 1 of a Twilight - Angst/Romance fanfiction with characters Bella & Edward. 'Age shouldn't matter. When you meet the person that completes all the unfinished parts of you, it shouldn't matter about anything else.' The story of a brazen young man, an invisible woman, and an unholy worship. E&Bhttp://www.fanfiction.net/s/7395050/1/


"The Dork Diaries"

Sunday September 25, 2011 at 12:09 AM

My NOT EVEN EIGHT YEAR OLD is so damn obsessed with that series. She's read the books at her school (during recess wtf), and now she wants to reread them. I get it that she's already read them, and her classmates have them which means we'll be the horrible parents if we don't buy them for her, but I'm not sure if I want her to have these books. She's too young to get into teen angst, and that story is all about the angst stemming from unrequited love and from not being beautiful and rich and popular. She's just 7 ffs. And yet there's sth about these books that appeals to her so much. Anyone else's kids reading this? Have you read them? Should I be worried?


B.: "ZOMG it's so much hotter if you're the bad guy UNF UNF UNF" (reference to the "Why do we like this" cf from a couple of days ago, which I didn't have time to respond to because of rl. Yes, it happens sometimes)

No rec from me, because the new fic I found and liked (the angst and the writing) made me sick


looking for a fic

Saturday September 24, 2011 at 9:07 PM

okay this is my first campfire..yay!

anyways i'm looking for a one-shot E/B fic. i don't really know the details but i would write as much as i can. 

it was a one-shot and it was set around christmas/new years. bella sent a text message to the wrong number and it was Edward. they exchanged messages throughout the day. at the end of the fic they met.

would be so grateful if anyone has any idea what the name of this fic is.

thanks in advance


here's my rec

Solstice--> http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7361468/1/Solstice





Saturday September 24, 2011 at 7:50 PM

I'm in Slytherin!  Last house I expected to get sorted into, but I'm so excited!


Now, I need frands!  Come on in!  Tell me who you are on Pottermore.  What house are you in?What's the coolest thing you've found/learned so far? 

My Pottermore name 'll be inside.  =D


Looking for a story...

Saturday September 24, 2011 at 6:38 PM

While waiting for some of my favorites to update, I remembered an old favorite that I felt like re-reading (for the 5th time I think).  But I can't find it in the favorites anymore!  Its an AH story where Bella, who is recovering from a divorce, inherits a house on First Beach from her Grandfather Aro.  When she arrives in the house she finds a naked and yummy Edward in the master bedroom!  They were friends as small children and he has waited all these years for her. 



First-time poster Nancy

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