
Kristen at Mulberry SS12 Fashion Show

Sunday September 18, 2011 at 4:06 PM

IDEK why there's no campfire about this, but I will promptly rectify this situation. More pictures inside


My frand's weddin was way better than Bella's

Sunday September 18, 2011 at 12:55 PM

There was a band before and after and all night,

a bona-fide fine celebrity,

food trucks drove into the venue and served food out their winders to guests,

Free-flowing bubbly all night,

A photo booth in which one went to make memorable souvenir pics for the bride and groom to keep forever,

Dancing to tunes by the BeeGees, the Cure, Journey, Bon Jovi, Wham!, James Brown, and other fun stuff,

Bar snacks like Goldfish and pretzels,

People I haven't seen in ten years or more,

Tell me about wedding stuff you've experienced that was better than edwella's dour affair.

And fascinators.


The Cullens take themselves way too fakkin srsly to ever have that much fun.


To Share (Pulled Fics #2)

Sunday September 18, 2011 at 12:25 PM


This post is a way to appeal to everyone who has ever fallen in love or lust with Twilight fanfiction and found that it has disappeared.   If you're looking for a story, hopefully one of our fellow campers can help you find it.   If you have something to share you can post a notice here.   This is for personal use only and all correspondence should be done through PM's.  

This CF is interactive - if you get something, please return the favor and try and help someone else out.  


**EDIT:  Hey guys, please include the page number & your email in each post when you request or respond so that people can find your comments. The page numbers are at the top of the page in your URL.  THANKS!!!




The-Boy-Who-Almost-Died has to figure out what it means that he didn't. Harry's tumultuous 5th year at Hogwarts is Cedric's 7th and final. Bound together by shared trauma, both boys fall under Ministry suspicion ... Who is Cedric Diggory? Cedric Lives!   AU Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Suspense/Romance - Chapters: 40 - Words: 352,724 - Reviews: 505 - Updated: 11-19-08 - Published: 10-13-08 - Cedric D. & Hermione G. - Complete



Let's Talk About Sex (Baby!)!!!

Sunday September 18, 2011 at 10:52 AM

Alright my Pretty Friends...

It's that time!

Let's Talk About *clutches pearls* SEX

Fanfic Sex, Real Sex...and I don't really know what other kind, so I'm going to stop while I'm ahead.

I've been looking for fics that feature realistic sex...more details inside...

ETA: My Rec

Crash » by BelleDean reviews

A financial collapse, a hurdle, a breakdown and a collision – though not necessarily in that order. E & B (Incredible & Intellectually stimulating fic! It's SEXY!)



Sunday September 18, 2011 at 10:23 AM

Hi everyone!

OK - so, I'm using my first campfire ever to rec a fic I've been reading and became completely addicted to.  IT IS AMAZING!! 

The writer updated the next chapter recently - and OHHHH MY WORD!!!!

It has to be THE BEST lemon I've read in the fandom to date (personal opinion, of course).

So, I just couldn't keep it to myself! 

If you guys aren't reading this fic yet - you really should be!  The story deserves A LOT more attention and the writer a heck of a lot of praise for the work she's putting into it!  It's sexy and funny and brilliantly written!  You will fall in love with her Edward (even though he can be a bit of an a-hole at times!

At first - the story reminds you a little of The Proposal (that movie with Sandra and Ryan), but as the story progresses, you can hardly pick-up on any resemblance at all.

If you are reading it - please come inside and share your thoughts.  I would love to swoon with someone over the latest chapter.  :-)

There's only one person on this earth that Edward Cullen hates, and that's his boss...Bella Swan. She's cold. She's ruthless and incapable of human emotion, and to Edward's greatest frustration, the hottest woman walking the face of the planet.


How do I...

Sunday September 18, 2011 at 7:20 AM

Download a document from google doc.'s to my Nook? I have no idea how to do. I know their have been campfires about how to do this but I can't find them.  Please help me!

For my rec

The Hood by Lawn_Girl  - Bella's crush on quiet Edward Cullen seems to be one sided. But when they start hanging out will things change or does it all stay in The Hood?


Looking for a fic

Sunday September 18, 2011 at 4:28 AM

I can't remember/find a great fanfic I read a while ago. It's about a reclusive, artist Edward who hires Bella as his model. He emphasizes a lot on capturing emotion in her face. There's one really vivid scene where Edward's trying to capture fear, so he drugs her water or something so she can't move? I think her roommate in that fic was Alice. Does anyone know what it's called and if it's still on fanfiction.net?


OH, and recs for fics.

First of the Month by iambeagle

Edward leases out his late aunt's house for extra cash. "Property Management for DUmmies" should've prepared him for this. (She updates pretty much every day!)



Confidential by wandb

Living amongst the rolling vineyards and lush landscape has been Bella's dream. So why is she so plagued when a certain mystery man-about-town eludes her?



The Homestead by esmegrace

Bella is a chef hired at an exclusive resort. She must deal with an
overzealous boss, an enthusiastic golf pro, and a mysterious guest who appears
only in the library late at night...



Highly scientific analysis of the BD trailer

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 9:15 PM

Now THIS is what I love about our fandom (our wider fandom, not just ff). Can't wait for Cleolinda's full BD "Movies in 15 minutes"

I choose this because of the relevant discussion going on in the deleted scenes cf

Producer: “See, if we put in some badass wolf fights, we’ll totally attract a male audience for this movie! It’s totally not too late to do that!”


Home remedies for a black eye?

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 8:59 PM

So, yeah, my niece and nephew had a joint birthday party today. A football game broke out amongst the dads and I got an elbow to the nose (don't worry, it was already huge to begin with). Bled for a bit, but don't think it's broken. 

However, I think I'm going to get a blackeye...or two.

Anyone have any secrets to get rid of one quickly? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


movie date???

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 8:51 PM


So I haven't posted in... awhile. Maybe over a year and a half or so, I hope the rules are the same. Anyways, I'm back reading and hopefully back interacting. So if you Do remember me you know I always come to my fellow campers with a problem that needs fixin. I currently have lived the last 22 yrs of my 26 in Portland, Or and in exactly 2 weeks me and my lil one will be packing up and moving (back with the rents :/ ) to BINGHAMTON, NY.

Huge life change, brand new home, overwhelming, emotional, etc... and the ONE thing on my mind I can't shake above all.

What will I do on November 18th??? I've been the the movies by myself ONCE is my life (13 yrs ago, Austin Powers) and I don't want to pick the trend up again, well not now. I honestly might not mind if it was because I usually was alone in my obsession but I have an amazing best friend, like a sister really, and we've spent the last 4yrs sharing this Twilight journey. Its hard enough leaving her and the rest of my friends, extended family, everything familiar and the memories, so going to this alone is not something I wanna deal with. I don't even know anyone in Binghamton.

So my request, is there fellow camper in that area that would mind a tag-a-long? I heard these amazing stories about ppl meeting in the fandom and becoming friends and that sounds awesome and all, plus I'm just asking for a movie date? I just don't want to have to sit and explain Nessie and Imprinting to my Mom. Sigh... yeah, no, I don't have time for that.

Also, any advice to throw my way if you've been through this? Moving is though enough and to tack on having to crawl back to the folks... ugh, how did you get through it? Everyday closer to the deadline I just want to call this whole thing off.


Lost Story

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 7:57 PM

I am looking for a story. It was superb and I remember the author mentioning that there would be a sequel. By the time I got around to looking for it I'd forgotten the authors name and the name of the story.

Anyway, it was a supernatural scifi type fic. There was an organization capturing and controlling super talented individuals. They were using this drug they created to brain wash and control them. The drug leeched their hair, skin, and eyes of color.

Alice was one of the talented individuals. Edward was her brother and Esme was their mother. Esme was talented as well but had hidden her talent so she would not be captured. She was eventually found and murdered. She left a tape and instruction for her kids in order to aide their escape. When Alice and Edward found her dead they heeded her instruction and went on the run.

In this fic, Bella was under captivity. She had the ability to view events and amplify the emotion of the event. She was rebellious and often resistant to the drug. She was transferred to a facility run by Aro and Caius. Cauis was a sick bastard with a pain fetish. He was fixated and obsessed with Bella. Marcus could see that Caius wanted to harm her and became her protector. He and Bella planned to and successfully escaped the facility. They came upon a group of nomadic people where they met Edward and Alice.

I hope this is enough summary to get me the name and location of this fic. It was so wonderful and I would love to find it so I can read the sequel.

In return I recommend you read "The Slowest Burn" by TypoKween. It is steamy, and fascinating, and ohmygoshpleaseupdateeveryday wonderful. Don't expect all your answers quickly, the title is "SLOWEST" burn for a reason.

Thanks to whomever helps me out :)


Tattoo Tomorrow

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 7:04 PM

I think my last 5 campfires have been about Harry Potter, so if you're all sick of it just shut me down. :)

I'm super excited, though, because tomorrow I am getting my Harry Potter tattoo! My friend and I are getting them the same day. Her husband is a tattoo artist, and a good one, so it's pretty handy.

I've booked my November Wizarding World Vacation. I've purchased my Weasly is our King t-shirt. I've been sorted into Slytherin. And tomorrow I seal the deal with my tattoo!




She will be perched on top of the books instead of in a cage. Harry's glasses will be laying near them. I think we are going to incorporate the potions supplies off to the side for balance and the Deathly Hallows symbol will be worked into either the spine or cover of a book or one on one of the vials of potions. Most likely done in grey and black, same as the picture.

Anyone else with an HP tattoo here?


Music to inspire the lost writer...?

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 5:49 PM

So, I've been working on a fic for a while, but recently ran out of inspiration for the next chapter. For each chapter I usually pick a song that will set the tone, but I'm out of good music!

Any good artist recs? Any songs you really love? What do you listen to when you write or read?

Here's the playlist I've been working off so far:

Behold! The Night Mare - The Smashing Pumpkins

Green Gloves - The National

Racing Like a Pro - The National

Lemonworld - The National

Black Mirror - Arcade Fire

Empty Room - Arcade Fire

Wet Cement - The Morning Benders

Amor Fati - Washed Out

Hysteric - Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Cleaning Out the Rooms - British Sea Power

Mansard Roof - Vampire Weekend

Ottoman - Vampire Weekend

Take it Easy - Surfer Blood

At the Bottom - Brand New

Sowing Season - Brand New

We Might As Well Be Strangers - Keane

And a lot of U2 songs...

Thanks guys!:)



A question for you writers

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 5:10 PM

Just curious...How many of you finish writing a story before you post it?

I ask because about 3 stories I was reading haven't updated in over a month because of the author's RL, writers block, or what have you.

Now don't get me wrong, I understand that real life happens and it comes before this fandom but it would seem to me that it would be less stress on you as the author if you completed the story before you posted it.

You wouldn't feel pressured to "pump out the next chapter" as I have seen so many authors say

You could stick to a regular updating schedule

You would have more time to reply to reviews because you aren't trying to write a chapter


So for the authors that complete a story before posting, why did you choose to do it that way?

And for those that don't, why not?


Jasper's Playlist...?

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 3:54 PM

You know what I really enjoy about reading fics?? Sometimes you find really good music that you otherwise never would have found. Inserting the right kind of tune also gives the character a certain vibe and although I've never swooned for the "Twilight Jasper" I kind of love the way Jasper is portraied in Fanfiction. I loved the Jasper in "Scotch Gin and the new Girl" or "Get me to you" and if I remember correctly "Place your bets" had a pretty swoon-worthy Jasper in it as well... <3 <3 <3

I just loved the music they choose this Jasper to listen to. So I've been wondering what other Tracks would be in Jaspers Playlist. Maybe we could even go back to a few fics and make a collection of those and put together a Playlist.

So what do you think? Anybody on board with this??



Just another fic search...

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 3:44 PM

Well, I never thought that my first campfire would be one of those ubiquitous ones where someone's asking if anyone has heard of this one fic where this happens, but alas...it is.

I can't find it in my alerts or favorites, which makes me think that I either removed it for some reason or it was pulled.

The fic is AH, ExB in high school. Edward is your typical good guy who has everything he wants in life. He's had the steady gf (Tanya, I think), does well in school, etc. Bella is your typical bad girl who has the rep of being a badass/bully when people talk about her (she's been known to tamper with breaks when people say stuff about her). She likes to cook and is smart but she and her group of friends (mostly the boys from La Push) don't talk to other students and rarely even go to school much because they blackmail the principal with the fact that they know that he has sex with Jessica every so often in the auditorium. Anyway, she has a really messed up past where (SPOILER) she was raped on her way walking to Charlie's work and got knocked up. Because of the incident, Charlie became a drunk who occasionally does mean, uncalled for things to Bella, thinking she's her mother or something. She had Jake (who is protective of her and offered to take care of her and the baby) take the baby to a church after he was born because she couldn't stand to look at him. However, because of that decision she has serious issues in present day and writes Thomas (that's what she named him) letters. The last chapter I read had her, Edward, and Jake going to the church where he was dropped off and Bella finding out some very significant info about him.

Er....that's a very long-winded, random summary that doesn't necessarily make it sound very appealing, but it was actually quite good. If I did remove it from my alerts it was probably either from lack of updates or possibly because the angst was too much. Anyway, if you know what it is, I really would like to check it out again. 


And for interaction: I've recently been finding some pretty cool, however fairly unknown fics. Here's two of them:

Silent Sufferer by cruiz107

Edward's excited when he learns that Bella is moving back to town. However, he quickly learns that the Bella that came back is not the Bella that left a year ago. AH. EPOV

Dear Maggie by Jenny0719

A heart leads Bella back home to Forks... and to the brother of the woman who donated it. M for Lemons/OOC/Language


When I was little . . . .

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 2:39 PM

Hola chicos!

When I was little I used to sit in the middle of the dirt road behind our ranch with a toothbrush and a hammer and pretended to be on a dinosaur excavation. I would do this for hours. I was very meticulous about it. When I was little I wanted to be a paleontologist when I grew up. I watched Jurassic park ALL the time and science was my favorite subject.


This is a getting to know you post!

Get in here and share one experience from your childhood that makes you smile.

It can be about ANYTHING.

What did you want to be when you were older?

Did you have a favorite movie? Toy? A crush?

Did you break a bone running from the neighborhood dog?

Something you miss? Something you love? ANYTHING!

Share a bit about your past with the rest of us, so that we can know more about you and you can know more about us!

Or you can just tell me HOW MUCH you love that cheesy song!


What was this fic?

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 2:22 PM

I found a book online that I know used to be a fanficion but was pulled for publishing. I found it on Amazon.com and it lets you look inside the book and read the first few chapter. I recognize the chapters and but I can't remeber what the name of the book was when it was a fic, but I really want to know becuase I can't remeber if I've read this or not or if I started it then decided not to finish is.

So does anyone know what this was called in the fanfiction universe?



Recomendation: This is really good. It has short chapters and is a quick read and it is very good. The end is surprising.

From my Window » reviews
Every morning he watches her run past his house. He wants her. She has no idea.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 41 - Words: 9,032 - Reviews: 1682 - Updated: 9-8-11 - Published: 9-3-11 - Edward & Bella - Complete


Sir Rachel

Procrastination Post

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 12:58 PM

Have something you should be doing?

Come not do it in here with me!


Fluent in Sarcasm

Patience is a Virtue, apparently.

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 12:56 PM

Unfortunately, I do not hold said virtue.

I wanted to share with you the fic's that I CANNOT get enough of, that I wait

(im)patiently to update!

To ensure that this CF is INTERACTIVE, please share with us the fic's that you are hearting atm! and let us know what you like so much about it!

As promised mine will be inside.

Please come warm yourself by the fire, as well as toasted marsh mellows you will get some fab Rec's!

FinS x

First --- | >> | 776 | 777 | 778 | 779 | 780 | 781 | 782 | 783 | 784 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
