
Twice the Football

Saturday September 10, 2011 at 6:38 AM

So it's officially football season, college football today and NFL all day tomorrow. I don't plan to move much this weekend. So, if you want to, let's discuss.....

College football:

Who are you watching today? How did your team do last week? Any favorite momenst last weekend? And a nod to my boys.


Pro football:

Who's your team? What are you watching tomorrow? And if you want to be daring, go ahead and pick your Super Bowl team, think of the bragging rights if you're correct. And a nod to my other boys.


My comments inside.


The Office published?

Saturday September 10, 2011 at 1:04 AM

It was one of the first fics I'd read, and I remember the author pulling it for publication (and sending C&D letters to those passing around copies of it), but has it been published after all?



Friday September 9, 2011 at 10:56 PM

What do you think? Link to the update here!

Spoilers inside...



Friday September 9, 2011 at 9:15 PM

I just finished reading a book called Beautiful Disaster.  Here is a link to a description of the book:

Does anyone know if this book is based on Twi-fic?  I ask because it completely reads like and E/B twific, but I am not sure.  The person who referred me to it is not a twi-fic reader as far as I know (but maybe she's closeted, who knows!). 

Also, does anyone know of any of twifics that have been published as original stories?  I am interested in seeing what is out there!


NEW BD Trailer teaser

Friday September 9, 2011 at 2:59 PM

The full trailer will air on September 13th (Bella's bday...appropriate LOL)

Would you share your memories...

Friday September 9, 2011 at 12:26 PM

...of 9/11? As I started my daily routine this morning, I flipped on the TV and there they were. Those images of buildings burning, then falling, people crying and running...and it brought it all back. My 18 yo son and I stopped  and stared as the montage that The Today Show put together played through. When it was over, tears were running down my face and memories came flooding back. Later, I came across this website that The Guradian put up - It's called  The 9/11 Decade and it's a collection of memories of that day from people all around the world. Here is a memory shared from Elsa in Ontario, Canada, who was ten years old at the time. It touched me to read the memories of others around the world... and maybe brought a little more healing. I thought some of you might like to post memories also...

What do I remember? Walking into a TV station at 9AM with my kids for a school field trip. As we excitedly walked into the lobby, we immediately looked up at the monitors all around, The first plane had just gone into Tower One. We immediately returned home and turned on the news. 9/11 was my dad's birthday. I had to call him in California and tell him what had happened. Later that afternoon, as the horrific news continued to come in, I remember gathering with hundreds of others at our local church to pray.  For weeks later, my 8 year old son would stiffen in fear and run to whatever room I was in whenever a plane flew overhead. 

This is my first campfire, and I  hope it is not inappropiate. Please forgive and remove if it is. There are so many in this forum who have big hearts from all over the world -  if you can, would you share your memories?



Friday September 9, 2011 at 12:04 PM

Who here watches Suits?  Come discuss the season finale with me.


Does anyone have any idea what the can opener thing as all about?  I need to know!

I think it's safe to say there will be spoilers inside.


(I don't think this really gives anything away for those, who haven't seen the Finale yet.  If you feel it does, I'll definitely take it down)


New BD still

Friday September 9, 2011 at 11:49 AM

At least the jaw is still there

Feel free to add captions


Something worth doing

Friday September 9, 2011 at 9:15 AM

Let's take a moment to think about something that is near and dear to my heart:


One donation can save THREE lives.

Please consider donating blood at a hospital or blood bank near you. It takes less than 45 minutes, you get a FREE general health screening, and it is an excellent excuse to have a big breakfast and a big lunch.

If you can't donate blood (some of you probably have new Edward Cullen tattoos or take medication), think about donating money or volunteering.


To make this interactive, please use this campfire as a place to promote or discuss your favorite charities or causes.

Or talk about your experiences donating blood or plasma.


Too early...

Friday September 9, 2011 at 7:28 AM

So, I'm already in a pissed off mood and it's only ten-thirty. It's not a story worth telling, but I could use some cheering up. So, Campers, it would be greatly appreciated if you could post something funny, stupid, goofy, anything to make myself and anyone else who may be having a bad day laugh. I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!


Alternate POVs

Friday September 9, 2011 at 5:55 AM

Another question for everyone!


How do you feel about alternate POVs?  I'm considering re-writing a story of mine from a single POV, but I'm afraid I will be limiting myself and my ability to tell the story correctly.  What about sectional POVs, i.e. the first and second arcs told from one POV and the third arc told from another?  Or would it be better to mix POVs together in all arcs of the story for continuity purposes? 


Pulling and Re-Posting

Friday September 9, 2011 at 5:49 AM

Good morning, everyone!  (At least good morning to everyone in my neck of the woods.  Good afternoon and evening to the rest of you!)

I have a question for all of you.  Over a year ago, I posted the first four chapters of a multi-chapter fic, only to have to set it aside in order to focus on completing my WIP.  I am going to begin work on this fic again in the very near future, but I am presented with a problem of sorts.

In short, I will be re-writing the first four chapters of the story.  They will resemble the chapters they were in the past, but they will be different enough that it would best for readers to re-read them.  So, do I simply pull the story and re-post it again with the newly revised chapters, or do I simply update what I already have with an A/N explaining what I'm doing?


why yes, that is dancing firth

Friday September 9, 2011 at 12:26 AM

it's the ADF free for all. use it well, darlings. you have until the evening sunday.

post to your heart's content. just don't post anything terribly rude or filthy or anti-firth, please.

today's music recs are all about dancin'. show me your favorite tune to shake yo ass to. and don't end sentences on prepositions like i just did. show me your favorite tune to shake yo ass to, B.

or idk just share some dancing gifs i may not have~


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Music makes the world go round...

Friday September 9, 2011 at 12:06 AM

Free for all Friday, yet? (It is Friday here...)

Here's the deal: Spoify is from my point of view the best thing since, I don't know, gearshift bicycles. It's been recently launched in US, and I have already "invited" some of my ADF friends to the service. (The service is free, so I am not trying to sell anything.)

As I have over a dozen invitation tokens left, I want to know if anybody here would be interested. Send me a PM with your e-mail address, and I will send you one. (Anybody living in Sweden, Norway, Finland, the UK, France, Spain, The Netherlands or the US can use the service, so by all means, anybody there, let me know if you're interested.)

As far as I understand, I get 2 more invitation tokens each month, so in case there are more people interested than I can invite at the moment, I will add you later. (My RL friends are already using the service - those who are interested, anyway.)

And if you enable the social aspect of Spotify, I will send you The Tropic of Virgo playlist I've put together. :) (You don't have to be facebook or any-other-social-network friends with me, so your identity is safe.)

And here's some really easy listening from the 70's: let me present you with Sir Douglas Quintet, from San Antonio, Texas -- singing about Scandinavia.


Hmm. To make this more interactive: what do you make playlists for: sports, cleaning, drinking wine, making love...?
I am mostly old school (listen to whole albums at time) but I have made one list for cleaning, and there's lots of old 60's soul and 80's pop hits with some Shakira for taste. Oh, and I've got a compilation of 80's music with Eurythmics, ABC, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper and Tracy Chapman...
Actually, I also had some playlists based on music recommendation campfires in ADF (so much so good music that is new to me!) but I lost them when I switched my Spotify account (got the Premium membership last January with the possibility of offline listening) and I haven't had time to go through the old campfires in my favourites and re-compile them.

Fic Rec: River Dam

Thursday September 8, 2011 at 9:01 PM

I just finished the story River Dam right here on ADF.   It was the most OUTSTANDING story I think I have ever read.   It was so real to life.   It actually had me crying in parts.    If anyone hasn't read it run to the fanfiction section and read it!

Are there any more stories out there along this line.   This story was EXACTLY the kind of story I've been looking for from the 1st word to the last word of chapter 20.     Any recs would be greatly appreciated.


(Hoping this meets the requirement of giving a rec for asking for a rec.    READ RIVER DAM.   It is so freakin good!)


SOUL update

Thursday September 8, 2011 at 6:40 PM

Chapter 8 - Everybody's Talkin' by denverpopcorn

 Who wants to talk about this update??


I might have gotten carried away with the tags :)


To Pre-Read or Not to Pre-Read?

Thursday September 8, 2011 at 6:05 PM

That is the question.'s the deal...I'm near completion of my first fic, which was done with neither pre-reader or beta.  I have currently 5 (yes FIVE) works in process (IF the magic man can backup the hard drive on my mortally wounded MacBook) and now I'm wondering...should I use a pre-reader and/or beta or not?

So...what to do?  Do you use a pre-reader?  Or a beta?  Do you not?  If you do use one, do you feel that it improves the quality of your work?  How do you know if the person that you've chosen is the right person for your work?  Do you pick your friends? Or someone you don't really know all that well?

Let's discuss the pros and cons of using a beta or pre-reader, shall we?


FYT...see...even Rob's confuzzled..


Isn't the rec tree pretty this time of year?

Thursday September 8, 2011 at 5:04 PM

As always, this is the thread to tell us what you are reading or what you have read that you think everyone needs to read as well!

It is very important that you include links and even more important that you not only give a description of the fic, but tell us


This week I am reading and LOVING two very different fics

Real Plastic Trees is from the writing powerhouse of TheHeartofLife and LightStarDusting. It is everything I love wrapped in one fanfiction. Smart and funny, a bit of teenage drama and a couple that you root for so much that you jump out of your seat a little when they finally (spoiler alert!) kiss.

Poison In Me is something completely different. It is an angsty New Moon AU that is told in second person narrative. It is hard to pull this off and Halawia does an entirely effective job of pulling me in. 

So, what are you reading?


New BD posters

Thursday September 8, 2011 at 5:02 PM

Yahoo Movies released the new teaser posters.


I like it. The Bella/Edward one looks like that first Twilight poster and they're so much better than that last teaser. What do you think?



Thursday September 8, 2011 at 2:16 PM

Here's another promo for TVD Season 3!!! SO EXCITED.


Anyone else catch that Tyler/Caroline sexitimes moment??? (At least I think it was them).


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