
100 Monkeys and a Mouse

Friday August 12, 2011 at 2:13 PM

So 100 Monkeys is playing House of Blues Anaheim 27 August.  Anyone going to this?

  I have only listened to a little bit of their music but it's a sound I like and my friends say they are good live so I am thinking of going.  Also during the day HOB is having Beerpalooza.   I have a season pass to Disneyland and I have always wanted to go and get drunk so I am thinking of making this a day, but I don't want to booze and rock out by myself and I don't think any of my friends can so I thought I'd shoot this into the random people web.

Also anyone who has been to their shows is the VIP sound Check party worth it? 


Help finding a story!

Friday August 12, 2011 at 2:11 PM

Hey everyone! I need help.. again. ;P

Okay so in this story, Edward is a EMT but he had to do some training with the fire company. I remember Bella living in an apartment and she accidently sprayed Mike with Pepper Spray and he got an allergic reaction from it and Edward and his part had to come and take him to the hospital when they were on call. It takes place in Seattle. Bella has a hard time deciding whether she should be with Edward or not. Obviously, they do end up together and there's some really great lemons in it lol. I know it's no longer up because the author took all her stories down (creys) but if anyone has a PDF file of it, could they let me know! I would love to read it again, and maybe some of her other stories I never got the chance to read!

Thanks guys!


The Elusive Mr. Cullen: Update!

Friday August 12, 2011 at 1:58 PM

Another brilliant chapter.

What did you think about it?


Writing Prompt: Soundtrack of your life

Friday August 12, 2011 at 1:18 PM

I teach a writing class twice a week for students who are pursuing their GED'S. I try to make class interesting and fun by coming up with  lesson plans that I think they will enjoy. The majority of my students hate to write. They always start the bitching and moaning with the question, "how long does it have to be?" I always answer the same way, "I could care less about the length as long as you use proper grammar and don't bore me."

This was a lesson they actually enjoyed. I thought perhaps campers here would like to respond to this prompt:

A: If your life was a movie what songs and music would you select for the soundtrack? Why?


B: Pick one song that best describes your life at this moment.



When you know BD is coming out soon

Friday August 12, 2011 at 1:16 PM



Fluent in Sarcasm

A little of this a little of that...

Friday August 12, 2011 at 1:00 PM

Hello Ladies/Gents

Hope your all well and having a good Friday!

So taking the title then

A little of this:

Top 3-5 fav updates atm

A little of that:

Tell us something interesting!

A guilty pleasure?

Fav pairing

Fav genre and why?


Thank you

FinS x


Reminds me of You, ADF

Friday August 12, 2011 at 12:02 PM

Just saw this pic and immediately thought of the forest.


True Colors Twilight Style

Friday August 12, 2011 at 10:13 AM


The premise is that you pose a question and and then everyone decides who is the most likely person, in the game, to fit the answer. You really learn what your friends and signifigant other think about you, quickly, but it is fun.

I thought this would be GREAT to do with Twilight Canon characters...but can not do this in RL without getting numerous second hand face palms from my RL friends so ....anyone up for a try come inside and post a question or character to reply. I listed an example below.

ie: who would you want on your team if you where on Survivor?

ie: who is most likely to give a great "oral" exam?


Do Spoilers Ruin?

Friday August 12, 2011 at 9:59 AM

I just read a little blurb of an article that says apparently not. It deals mainly with stories and movies, but I suppose it goes for a lot of things. I think a few weeks ago there was a CF on spoilers in fanfiction, but I'm talking about spoilers in general; books, movies, TV shows, etc.

Linky HERE

I'll admit it, I flove spoilers. I also respect those of you who don't appreciate them.


Seriously, I will flip through a book to find the 'good bits'.  I'll read the ending too. It doesn't bother me. It, if anything, inspires me to continue the story.  And this is the downfall of the kindle for me. I can't look ahead randomly.

So why don't spoilers bother me? I might know the ending and some stuff that happens in between, but I can't connect the dots until I've read the whole thing. I need to know the hows and whys.

Sometimes, I do this when I first start a book. Maybe about a chapter or two into the book, I'll glance ahead. Occasionally, I do this so I can guage if the book is going in a direction I like or if things get better. 

Spoiling myself helps me judge if I'm wasting my time or not. It doesn't always work out though. I will say that. But I've managed to get through some stuff to the end because of spoilers, sometimes only to find out it really wasn't worth it, after all.

So what's your take on spoilers? Love them? Hate them?

ETA: Copied Article inside. Don't spoil in the CF below. 


Oldies but Goodies

Friday August 12, 2011 at 8:22 AM


Hey Campers!

It's time for our discussion fire for Chapters 18-22 of

WITH TEETH by TalulaBlue


Come share your thoughts, feelings, etc.

Remember - no spoilers please! We have lots of new readers. 

Your next assignment? FINISH IT! :D

We'll discuss the last few chapters and this story as a whole on Sunday.

Thanks for participating!


The Canon Tour, Pre-Twilight Round

Friday August 12, 2011 at 7:53 AM

As some of you may already know thanks to Twitter and Tumblr, I'm running a series of canon / canon AU contests under something I'm calling the Canon Tour. It's all about bringing Stephenie Meyer’s canon vamps back to the fandom. Fic diving for quality canon or canon-like vampire stories in this vampire fandom is becoming more and more difficult, so this is my crazy attempt to encourage a little canon appreciation. The Canon Tour is six, separate canon and AU contest rounds that reflect SM’s main books of the saga: Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and Post-Breaking Dawn.

There are no judges. I'm only processing submissions. Winners for first, second and third place—and perhaps honorable mention if the results warrant it—will be chosen through as fair a voting system as possible.

My goal for the Canon Tour is fourfold:

- To encourage more canon fan fiction in the Twilight fandom.
- To promote grammatically-correct content.
- To host a fair contest. (All entries are anonymous and posted on the same day.)
- For each round to result in three, user-chosen winners (i.e., first/second/third place).

Right now, the Canon Tour is in its first, Pre-Twilight round. For anyone interested in submitting to this round, you've got until August 31st, 11:59 p.m. (CST, GMT -5). That's 19 days. I figure most who would want to know about this sort of contest already do through other means, but if this is your first time hearing about it, and 19 days seems like little time for you when adding in the fact that you probably want to have your work beta'd, I'll do what I can to help you organize that if you need help. The only thing is I'm not personally beta'ing any of these entries. 

The rules and other important dates for this round are here. I hope some of you will enter this and/or other rounds. They'll be fairly back-to-back, so if you have an idea for one of the future rounds and want to start early, I encourage you to do so; you just won't be able to submit for a time.

Other Relevant Links

- Potential Prompts: http://thecanontour.tumblr.com/tagged/prompts

- Visual Inspiration: http://thecanontour.tumblr.com/tagged/visual-inspiration

- Contact: http://thecanontour.tumblr.com/ask and http://thecanontour.tumblr.com/tagged/questions

Thanks to Capricorn75 for letting me know this was okay. ♥


ff dot net issue?

Friday August 12, 2011 at 6:52 AM

My computer was recently upgraded to Windows 7 and now when I login to fanfiction.net and click on any item from the list on the left (alerts, favorites, traffic stats, etc) nothing happens.

Also, if I go directly to my website http://www.fanfiction.net/~amelie123 I can see that I have 29 favorites, but I can't see them listed anywhere.

The same thing happens in both explorer and firefox.  Is this happening to anyone else?

Sorry if this has already been discussed.  ADF was recently blocked at work so I can't pop in as often.  Which kind of makes me wonder if it's all because I was on here so much or if I'm unknowingly chatting with coworkers :)

The Girl Who Read

There is Light!

Friday August 12, 2011 at 5:56 AM

There is a Light has updated... and we have some answers :-)

Come and discuss what you think is going to happen next, how this chapter differed from what you expected to happen, and how much you are looking forward to the EPOV outtake coming some time today!

And if you're not reading.... why not!


TiAL Link






Friday August 12, 2011 at 3:31 AM

My, my, my. It's the free for all again!

It's the free for all! Have at it! And if you want, leave a song in this thread.


The Season of Our Discontent Anon Angst Contest

Thursday August 11, 2011 at 7:42 PM


Any pairing/rating


5K - 15K word count

Your awesome judges:

coldplaywhore, FeistyYBeden, katinki, lola-pops, Rochelle Allison, and TalulaBlue

Winners will receive banners made by the lovely Raggdoll of Twilight!! AND a feature on The Fictionators

We'll begin taking submissions on October 15, so that's plenty of time to start plotting and writing!!!

Link to the FFn profile with ALL the details.

Make us hurt ladies and gentlemen...


W says "Woman on the Verge"

Thursday August 11, 2011 at 6:21 PM

My tumblr feed was poppin' tonight with pics from W magazine and I gotta say... WOW.

Props to the hair and make-up people who worked on this shoot. I've NEVER seen Kristen look like this before. I normally don't care to follow her career outside of twi-circles but, I have to admit, I think these photos are gorgeous. Maybe they can serve as picsperation for some future fic?

Any thoughts on the interview?

More inside.

{Source: W magazine}


Awesome fics

Thursday August 11, 2011 at 3:31 PM

I hate posting this so late in the day, but thanks to those lovely firewalls and site blockers at work I can't get on any earlier.


Okay, lovely campers, rangers, and lurkers- I've been reading a ton of good stories lately, so let me share with you as others were so kind as to share them with me.

After you add them to your TBR/To Read list, come right back and tell us what fics YOU are enjoying. Please include a summary and a link for us lazy people.

Oh yeah, and because I'm a bit of a bragger, I have to let you all know that I have left 5,602 reviews on FFnet. And if you give up having a life, ignore your children, and trade sleeping for reading for four years then YOU TOO can one day reach such user stats. Seriously, though, show your authors some love and appreciation in the form of a review.


Kristen Stewart films!

Thursday August 11, 2011 at 1:57 PM

I don't know how many of y'all are actually K-Stew fans, but I just watched Adventureland..... and I'm hooked on her! So can anyone rec me any other films of hers you liked?

Many Thanks :)


London's burning

Thursday August 11, 2011 at 9:17 AM

Ooh topical. I hope this is allowed? If it's not, I'm really sorry!

What do other countries think of all of these riots happening in the UK?

I have to go through London tomorrow because I'm visiting a friend in Essex, and I'm absolutely petrified that I'm gonna get rocks thrown at me when I exit the Underground (no joke, this is actually happening)

I guess I was just wondering if it's changed you views on Britain as a country?

*giving approval as I know everyone will keep it civilized. If you're ever unsure as to whether you need approval please just IM the rangers first.- Cap


Summer fun

Thursday August 11, 2011 at 8:00 AM

Ok, so here I am to beg for a fic...... umh i am looking for some specifics like:

Summer, fun loving, witty banter, drinking, dancing, tattooed, ExB, mid to late 20's...any of these will do ;)

I need something fun and light (cause work sux and I need an escape!)

I hope this is ok to request cause i need a pick me up and since summer is almost over :( not that it actually means anything to me since i am to old for summer break other than my kid goes back to school.....I just want some FUN!!!

BTW I am totally excited that in ONE WEEK I am going to see Dj Pauley D (Jersey Shore) spin at a local club....not that you really care but I am just excited (probably more so that its a GIRLS NIGHT)!!  So yeah Thanks in advance!!

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