
Edward is obsessed with Bella?

Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 4:59 PM

I love storys were Edward is obsessed with bella like Taken by sheviking and was wondering if anyone had read any storys like that ?



Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 1:32 PM

does littlesecret84   have a twitter anymore?? i can't find it! ive been outta the game but im reading her new story and now i wanna know things! 




Beautiful Edward

Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 12:38 PM

Why are so many fanfic Edward's described as beautiful? Does this bother anyone else? I like men to be manly and handsome not some sort of dainty beautiful flower. Maybe it's just me. Whenever I read Edward being described as the "most beautiful man" etc etc it makes me cringe.


Edward Cullen/ Bella Swan and the Lost Fics

Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 11:14 AM

Are there any stories in which Bella is like Lara Croft or Edward as Indiana Jones? I think if written well it could be great, huh? What do you think? Hehe, Bella would probably set of traps with her clumsiness. Oh, I can see it now...

To make this more interactive, I'll post inside a little snippet that came to mind as I wrote this. Everyone is welcome to join in with their own mini scenes.


A Tale of Two Edwards

Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 8:25 AM

Two of my fave WIP stories updated rather recently, Marital B*tch by Jillian Landers and An Acquired Taste by Magnolia822. The stories are excellent and the authors are fabulous!

I love these Edwards, but I am having trouble wrapping my head around some aspects of them. Join me inside to talk Edward and help me work out my crazy.


In the Shallows

Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 8:00 AM

Dear fellow campers,

I know you all have your plates full with a staggering TBR list, but I implore you to check out this story called In the Shallows by Porcia:

It's beautifully written and when I came to the end of the story, the AN touched my heart. It felt like a crime that a story this poignant would have so few reviews. So I'd really appreciate if you check it out, and if you like it, leave a review. I don't have any ulterior motives here. I don't know the author. Just want to get the story the attention it deserves. It's complete with 12 very short chapters. It won't take up much of your time.  I do appreciate this:)

Thank you:)


santa muerte


Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 1:27 AM

looking for a it's not for me but I want to read it so.....Here's how the story goes. please any help.

I'm almost positive it was an AH story. Bella and Edward were dating and Edward left her for Tanya (I think it was her) his exgirlfriend because he thinks he still has lingering feelings but quickly realizes that he doesn't and is in love with Bella.


Need fic rec: ex's making their way back

Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 12:23 AM

um, Hi!

i'm not good all the tech savvy stuff so i don't have any funny / smokin' hot jpegs to attach to my boring fic rec request...

with absolutely zero relevance to any personal experience, i'm a sucker for fics where E and B were separated and reconcile.  (yeah, i'm a E/B shipper, and i want HEAs, sue me).  

Preferably the reason for separation is not a completely stupid misunderstanding... (e.g. Bella sees Edward touching the face of Tanya / Leah / Lauren / you-name-it, and turns around ran off threw away her cell phone / disappear from the town / never speak to him evah again) - sorry if my hypothetical lame-ass breakup reason coincides with any plots of your fic / your fav fic, it's just a coincidence.  I'm just saying, it would be nice if the reason for breakup is actually a valid reason, not angst-for-the-sake-of-angst.

I'll list some of my fav fics from this category inside.  Consider yourself spoiler warned.  (i'm only listing names of fics, won't detail the plot)

please come in and tell me some of yours :-) 



Monday August 8, 2011 at 7:57 PM

Coming Soon:

The Season of Our Discontent

Anonymous Angst Contest

Brought to you by: 22blue and katinki

Get ready to be kicked, stabbed, smacked, and punched in the proverbial gut...

Get ready for the heart hurt...

Go ahead and buy those tissues...

The Pic Prompts are already up. Take a look and get your brain cranking... 

We want this to be EPIC.


We're lining up some AWESOME judges, too. We can't wait to tell you who! :D

Follow us on Twitter for updates and more information! 


Details Coming Soon!!!


Hi, Help with finding a fic *or.two.three.four*

Monday August 8, 2011 at 6:14 PM

I'm new here, ADF was suggested by a friend...she said ya'll are wonderful about finding & sharing fics. Here goes...

Fate and Forgotten Secrets...(Edward owns a night club & speaks Italian)

Sugar by Antiaol 

The Bargain

Cat O Nine Tails

If anybody knows about these, good or bad & would share, please let me know!




nom nom nom, delicious.

Monday August 8, 2011 at 5:31 PM

so, who's read the brilliant WhatsMyNomDePlume's new one/shot, Delicious?

it's absolutely wonderful. WhatsMyNom has proclaimed she's feeling grumpy, so let's cheer up this wonderful author who brought us the irresistible Edward of "The Best I Ever Had."

Delicious - Chocolate. Carbohydrates. Edward Cullen. These are the things Bella Swan is not letting herself have. Some things are harder to resist than others. One shot.

Bella is overweight and insecure, and on a diet. Edward is a cheerful, lovely boy, who happens to be a chef. You'll fall in love with him, with Bella, and WhatsMyNom.

Let us lavish praise over this amazing author, and make her day better!



Fic Help

Monday August 8, 2011 at 5:22 PM

Hey, ADF gals. So I just went to see an art exhibit involving street art (graffiti, Banksy...yadda yadda) and it had me remembering a favorite fic of mine. However, I can't for the life of me remember the name of it, so if you could help me out real quick I would really appreciate it.

The fic is BxE and complete. Bella is a dancer and Edward is a graffiti artist. They meet, fall in love, he paints her on a wall, she falls ill.

If anyone knows it, let me know! OR, if you know of anymore "Street-Artward" that would also be welcome. Thanks!




Very Offside

Monday August 8, 2011 at 4:09 PM

Offside by Savage####

I had a bit of hope for this story (she made a likeable Bella for once), but the last ten or fifteen chapters I've found terrible. I'm continuing to read it out of morbid curiosity and the lulz.


I actually laughed this last chapter (Ch 100) because I found it all so ridiculous and over the top. 


Thoughts, comments, criticisms?


Am I strange?

Monday August 8, 2011 at 2:43 PM

Love the possibility to quickly download my favourite stories and save them for future re-reading (I’m a bit of a hoarder), but due to my OCD tendencies I have two big problems which make me use a lot of my free time to copy some stories into Word documents instead.

1. I like/need the outtakes to be integrated at the correct time or place in the story. That is, the outtake of EPOV of chapter 2 must come directly after the original chapter 2, not at the end of the story (or even worse in a different document with outtakes!)
2. If there are two different stories with parallel BPOV and EPOV chapters (for example ”The Submissive” and ”The Dominant”), I will copy and alternate the chapters between the two into a new document. Just started to put ”Art After 5” and ”Counterpoint” together into one single story – it is sooo not necessary…

Before anyone brings the straitjacket I wonder if there are others out there in the forest with similar ..ehm.. disorders?



Monday August 8, 2011 at 1:13 PM





Fantasy Mother

Monday August 8, 2011 at 12:13 PM

I've been on a reading spree of sorts of late. And I'm glad that I found an awesome author during this time.


Plz, if u haven't already done it, check out her stories (yes, all of them). They are fantastic!! All of them are AU, but they're different from each other in many aspects.

I find her writing really satisfying and engaging, keeps me in the story all along. My personal favorite is Across the Universes because I'm a sci-fi h00r (and who doesn't want two Edwards in one story?). But Perchance to Dream (in collab with Lilliput) is a close second.

I'm telling all the campers nao, go read plz if u love AU with vamps. (omg I'm gonna shut up my fangirling)

Has anyone else read her stories as well? I must say I need moar FM stories. I'm waiting for Collapse the Universes to update. (Psst FM if u see this post, pretty pleeease update soon?)


Oldies but Goodies

Monday August 8, 2011 at 9:22 AM


Hey Campers!

It's time for our discussion fire for chapters 7-12 of



WITH TEETH by TalulaBlue.

We had some great discussion last fire - I hope for the same today!

If you haven't joined in yet - it's never too late - come share your thoughts, feelings, etc. 

Remember - no spoilers, please! We have a lot of new readers.

Join us on Wednesday to discuss chapters 13-17.

Thanks for participating!


B**** you ain't right!

Monday August 8, 2011 at 9:01 AM

I need some advice and was hoping you guys would be able to help me out....I don't know if this is allowed or if I need approval...... 



also please be advised any advice given on this site is not professional and we aren't accountable for it. as always. carry on.


Monday August 8, 2011 at 6:33 AM

Hello Campers!

I want to discuss with you a serie of fic I love, written by Simone and Marie.

It's called "The Beautiful Serie" which includes Beautiful Nightmare and the sequel, Beautiful Enemy. 

The first fic, is Beautiful Nightmare. It's a Jasper and Alice centric:

It took only one night, one action, for Jasper's world to be shattered. Will Edward and Co be able to pick up the pieces or will newcomer Alice be the one to stop the nightmares? Not your average fairytale. Jasper/Alice A/H Some non canon couples


This is a powerul and heartbreaking story. The characters are endearing, especially CJ. I encourage you to read it, even if you're not a Jasper and Alice fan. Please take a look, I promise it's worth it. The sequel, Edward and Bella story, is promising! 

The sequel, Beautiul Enemy , is a continuation of Beautiful Enemy. They just posted the first chapter, last week, and it is told in Edward's pov. It's his story.

A life shattered. A best friend left to pick up the pieces. Sequel and continuation of Beautiful Nightmare.

They will post it on their blog: 

Please, read, review, share. These stories deserve to be read!

you can also read, their others stories, I recommend especially, Disjointed. Edward/Bella. You will cry your eyes out with this one.

ps: This is my first campfire, I hope I do this right.

pps: English is not my first language, so I apologize for any errors :)


FF Sneak Peek

Monday August 8, 2011 at 5:04 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~

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