Let's have some fun!

Friday August 5, 2011 at 4:36 PM

Howdy, Campers!

I've noticed that over the last few days, things around the fandom have been super cereal, and I'm in the mood for something light.  Anybody with me?

After bouncing some fun game ideas around, jandco brought up an awesome idea from the past....

Let's make a fic!

Here's what we'll do:

I'll post a sentence (first comment in here will be the sentence). 

Come in and comment with a sentence you'd like me to include.    

(keep it PG, peeps...all ages included!)

Once all the sentences are in, I'll compile them into a coherent (or semi coherent) one-shot and post it.

Anyone else is welcome to do the same - it'd be fun to have more than one "take" on it!


So gang, lets girly-bond and build a forest-fic.  Your sentence can be as silly/serious/crazy as you want it to be.  Let's see what we can come up with!




New trend?

Friday August 5, 2011 at 2:05 PM

I love to read fanfiction. I read a lot of fanfiction. And after i've read, I show my appreciation by always reviewing. Even if a story was just eh, I find something nice to say and give a heartfelt thanks for the effort by the author and for sharing the story with us.

Reviews are something I gladly leave. It's the least I can do. I don't expect a response, although it's lovely when i do get one.

I have noticed though, lately, that I never receive review replies anymore. It's probably about 30 reviews ago since I've gotten a "thanks" from an author. 

Is this something new? Am I reading fics that are just too popular that the author can't keep up? Or is there really no reason to thank a reader for a review anymore? 

Not giving me a shout out by no means I will not read any of your other works.....I am not that catty...I'm just wondering what the feeling is in the fandom for authors lately? 


Calling all Slash Fans

Friday August 5, 2011 at 1:33 PM

*looks around, taps mic and clears throat*  

I need my fellow campers help.  See I'm extremely in love with mistyhaze420's new story "The Thing About Falling" it's a spinoff of her story "Lessons Learned".  I loved her boys in LL!  But TTAF has me obsessed and it's only 4 chapters in!  

Here's the blurb from the A/N: "This is Brady's story and it will be set during the college years of all the boys, so you can get a peek into Eddie and Jay during these years since the sequel will be set after college. I don't know for sure how long this story will be or anything yet but I can say that I had a blast writing this first chapter and can't wait to write the next."

Anyways... the point... I'm trying to get fellow camper MaryxWeather to read LL so that she can read TTAF with me.  BUT she will only do this if I give her fics slash fics featuring Edward.  Now I haven't read any.  So please please please help me because I need her to hold my hand thru the butterflies.

So if y'all know of any Slash Edward stories please share!

And if you happen to be reading The Thing About Falling and want to sit around and roast vegan marshmallows and discuss and squee with me, pull up a log!


EDIT!!!:  I just feel the need to put this up here.  Apparently my original post needed to be edited for reasons unknown to me.  So I just want to put the disclaimer that the above campfire is no longer, in it's entirety, my thoughts or opinions.  because I would never never say that "I haven't read any" slash fics featuring Edward.  Afterall, as some of you know, most of the fics I do read featuring him are slashy goodness.  ~Raquel/rainingturtles  


jersey shore

Friday August 5, 2011 at 10:28 AM

I avoided this show like the plague when it first aired.  I remember trying to watch the very first episode, and was so overcome by secondhand embarrassment, that I had to change the channel.

Then, last year, shortly after baby boy #3 was born, I found myself up at 3:00 a.m. for a nursing session and the only thing that was on was Jersey Shore.  I was sucked into the asshattery of the show, and it's been my addcition ever since.

I can't be the only one addicted to this train wreck of a show....

Can I?

Can I?

If you watched last night, what were your fave parts?


The Shoebox Project

Friday August 5, 2011 at 10:28 AM

Right-o, Campers.

I know that HP is something near and dear to many people here. I've just recently started branching out into the fandom of HP and I read The Shoebox Project.

I need more. Is there anything else like it out there? Anything else the authors have done?

I'm also reading After the End and loving it.

It's so hard to find GOOD recs for HP fanfiction. I am having trouble navigating fictionalley and the like. Does anyone have any personal recommendations for fics that they loved that are along the lines of The Shoebox Project or After the End?


Need A Friggin' Hug (Fandom Issues)

Friday August 5, 2011 at 10:22 AM

Hey y'all. I've been dealing with a couple of different aspects of vampfic fandom today, and all but one are frustrating the heck out of me - So without getting all catty, share with me what you love most and hate most about being actively involved in FicFandoms... and say something to make me feel better. Thanks In Advance. :)


(Just to be clear, I'm NOT referring to the ADF community, I'm referencing conversations I'm having in various aspects of the VampFanFic world [blogs, twitter, services, fanfic websites (and their procedures) finding and dealing with betas... writing fic, reading fic, etc])


On Posting and Puking

Friday August 5, 2011 at 7:34 AM

I hate this. 

Every time I post a new chapter, I feel like a want to puke. 

That's not normal, is it? Does anyone else feel that way?


A Song Of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones

Friday August 5, 2011 at 4:04 AM

I hope this campfire is allowed. (*crosses fingers*) I have seen Game of Thrones being discussed before so here goes.

First of all Game of Thrones was freaking awesome and I will be watching the next series with baited breath, but I'm a total read the books kind of girl so I was wondering if anyone had in fact read the series of books that Game of Thrones is based upon. I love fantasy drama so it sounds like it'll be up my street but I'd love to hear an opinion on whether it would be worth buying them. The series is called A Song of Ice and Fire. 

Any good? Should I just wait to watch the show? Is the show pretty close to the books or AU a la True Blood? Opinions please....


There is a Light Update

Friday August 5, 2011 at 4:00 AM

There is a Light by belladonnacullen
This was 1987; before the Internet, before Twitter, before Facebook – this was back when it was still possible for people not to know about things: big things - like bands, and little things - like G-spots. AH, ExB, with some other parings along the way.


Pulling & publishing authors

Friday August 5, 2011 at 3:07 AM

ETA: I'm a big fan of making guesses (right now I'm obsessed with the BD trailer date), but I can see how this could turn into a witch hunt. Thus, the 'future' part has been removed.

Do you remember which stories were pulled for publishing purposes? I'm curious to see if there's any story I actually liked there. DomF I'd liked at first, but then it became too wordy, homophobic and grannykilling for me.

Judging from this, i don't think AG will ever publish a fic



Random Discoveries

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 11:46 PM

This is a CF all about random discoveries.  What have you found or come across that simply amaze or delight you?  Did you find a new shade of lipstick?  New hair products that bring out the lustre in your mane?  Maybe you got some strange advice that worked fabulously?  Come in and share it.


Today, I discovered a fabulous taco place called La Taqueria that serve awesome pinche (street) tacos.  Delish!

Oh and Tide sticks are fabulous.  I always keep one in my purse and it helps get rid of stains.  (Not kidding - I spilled coffee on the sleeve of my classic, white button-up and all I did was rub the tide stick all over it and once it dried...poof!  No more stain.)


just because

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 11:10 PM

just because i'm drunk. and it was mexican night tonight. and i sliced my hand open with a serrated blade. 


What would be your song if you were (or are [no judgement here, we pay the bills how we pay the bills]) stripper?


Am I the only perv reading this?

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 7:07 PM

By ItzMegan73

If so, you're missing out.

Bella and Edward are two teenage sex addicts hypersexuals who suddenly find themselves in the same high school. Their fed-up parents are trying to stop their inevitable relapses into debauchery, and Edward tries to resist Bella's goodies charms...but when they're both insatiable, how long can that last?

This story is wonderfully sarcastic and dirty and real. The updates aren't fast, but there is already a nice amount available to read. It's only on her blog right now.

If anyone else is reading, come talk about it!


Celebs Write Fic!

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 5:46 PM

Saw this over on

it's your favorite Celebs writing fic!

it's good for a giggle. 

i'll post inside since it's kinda long. =D



Thursday August 4, 2011 at 4:44 PM

Just looking for an opinion. Was wondering about the series Black Dagger Brotherhood. Are these books any good?



Thursday August 4, 2011 at 2:29 PM

good evening campers

i just wanted to ask if any of you lovely ladies has a copy of the fic Inked

help me PLEASE!!!!!

thank you


Emancipation Proclamation

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 2:24 PM

Hi everyone!

A few weeks ago I offered to send people a copy of EP and ran into a whole lot of problems with emailing the file because of size. Who says size doesn't matter? Anyway it became a huge (see size again) project and I had so many requests, that I think I missed a whole bunch of people who wanted a copy. It is broken into 4 parts and takes a long time to upload and send so I don't want to keep doing it over and over (send the email I mean).

Here's what I would like to do: Send me a request if I missed your last one and I would like to cut off the requests on Saturday night at 11:00 pm EST. Then, on Sunday, I will do one last mass email. Does that sound fair to everyone?

Sorry again if I missed you before, hope this is OK to do.

This is my first CF after lurking for a year or so btw!! Finally popped my cf cherry!!


The Hunger Games

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 1:57 PM

Ok, so I've been hearing a lot of good things about the series, and well I know that it must be good because they're going to all that trouble to make a film and everything, only I'm still not sure if I should get the books...

I'm a jobless student, so funds aren't exactly flowing right now, and dishing out on books when I could be spending the money on either alcohol or coffee (mostly for the social reasons, you see...) or reading the seemingly endless supply of free books that I can get for my kindle, well, there had better be a good reason, you know? And there's always the fact that I live in the countryside and it takes a massive effort to get in to town - Best be worthwhile!

And oddly enough, the kindle versions are more expensive than the going rate in my local Waterstones (Brit version of Barnes and Noble) so I want to be doubly sure before making this rather pathetic investment. I don't trust the flack copy on book covers, or the professional reviews that are made for them, so I'm turning to you guys.

To buy or not to buy, this is the question.


Oh, and if you want yourself some free ebooks, head on over to the Project Gutenberg website. (google it - I think I spelt it right) Basically everything that is out of copyright is on there, so you don't have to pay for the pleasure of reading it. I worked it out, and the mega stocking up I did before I went on holiday saved me roughly £100 worth of reading material. Lush. And it has half of the texts for my lit modules for uni next term.

Ok I'm gonna stop. Please help!


Freebie Five List

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 1:44 PM

This is a concept from "Friends", a list of 5 famous, unattainable people you have permission from your significant other to sleep with, should you get the opportunity.

Before you get your knickers in a twist, I'm NOT advocating adultery in any way, the Freebie Five is a joke, more like a shorthand for "Celebrities You Find Physically Attractive".

This is not about having a relationship, not about marriage or a suitable boy you can bring home to your parents, not about someone you can have a deep conversation with. Freebie Five is just about one night.


These are mine (for now, I'm fickle):

1) Robert Pattinson

2) Ryan Gosling

3) Colin Firth (in his hotshot lawyer suits, from Bridget Jones's Diary days)

4) Young Paul Newman

5) James Spader (I know, I know, I have issues)

Who's on your list?

p.s. I stole the definition of Freebie Five off Lainey Gossip site


RIP Dead on My Feet

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 11:20 AM

Yep. Cesca Marie deleted her FFn profile and her blog as well. SAD :(

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