
FFA: Fic Nightmares

Friday July 8, 2011 at 10:22 PM

Do Apocalypse/Post apocalypse Fics scare you or is it just me? OR has any fic for that matter actually caused you to not necessarily have nightmares but invaded your dreams? I had a nightmare about bella coming after me as a vamp because I stole edward(sorry bells but its my fantasy). Perhaps I need to cut back on Twilight a bit. I found this pic online and the chick reminded me of crazy vampella from my dream.

'Fic search inside Campfire, also possible spoiler in there too!!

Scary Fic: (Goodnight, Noises Everywhere) The story is worth the read but scary as hell for me.


Poison in me update

Friday July 8, 2011 at 8:34 PM

Give her your love

Capri's probably doing a really happy dance :)


Rom Com Fics

Friday July 8, 2011 at 8:21 PM


Best Rom Com Fic that is!!

I love Rom Com fics.  Witty banter with fun fluff and easy on the angst is generally my type of fic. 

I love "The Best I Ever Had", "The Naked Guy Upstairs" and am enjoying "Marital B tch" a lot. 

I need my fix and want to start some new rom com fics. . . Share some of your favorite rom com fics with me. Pretty please?


Spank the Monkey Contest

Friday July 8, 2011 at 7:46 PM

Hey everyone!

The public voting period started today in the Spank the Monkey fic contest over on FF.net.  Link here.  Everyone should go read all of the entries... they're short!!  You can vote for your top 3 favorites.  Voting ends on July 21.

This grammar nazi beta decided to take the plunge and write my first every fanfic and enter the contest.  I am RobzBeanie...check it out. :)  All of you established authors... I would love some constructive feedback!  I have had several requests to continue the O/S but I'd love to know what the good and bad points are in my writing style before I think about doing that.  Of course, then I also need to think of a storyline. ;)

Miss Snazzy

Fan Art!

Friday July 8, 2011 at 6:12 PM

Fanfiction isn't the only way to get your *insert fandom here* fix.

Post your favorite fan art here. Feel free to share your own too. =)

I just sketched this about ten minutes ago.

Extra points if they're crossovers!
(Doesn't need to involve Twilight)



Friday July 8, 2011 at 5:53 PM

So, I was just watching TMZ, because I am not at all obssesed with that show and don't record it everyday.

Anyways they showed a picture of Rob with a very odd, patchy, weird, unattractive looking haircut.

They didn't say how it happened or anything and now I am so confused.

Does anyone know what happened to his hair?

I can't find out any info!

EDIT: Apparently it's for his movie Cosmopolis.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic


50 Book Challenge Update

Friday July 8, 2011 at 3:20 PM

Is anybody still participating? What have you read?

How do you chose what to read? Do you make a list and stick to it?

I find myself spending more time choosing what to read than reading it :( I change my list daily.

Come share your goodreads links.


The Coolest Thing to Happen to Me Today

Friday July 8, 2011 at 3:17 PM

Here it is, in which Anderson Cooper answers a question I asked him:


So, my life has been made, even though he's got some nerve judging my name after copping to that song.  What's the coolest thing that happened to you today?

What's in a Name?

Friday July 8, 2011 at 12:49 PM

I read an article that urged budding writers to create a blog and to start networking. It seemed like a good idea to me, so I set one up under my real name.

But then... I started to get uncomfortable. I don't consider myself that private of a person, but I guess I am. So, I took it down.

I decided that if I ever finish anything and submit it for publishing, that I'd like to publish under a pen name.

The problem is this...

THIS is the pen name I've used for everything for years. I have friends of all walks of life (ie: not fandom related) who know how to find me under this pen name. Why I didn't think of this BEFORE using this pen name for fanfiction, I don't even know.


So here are my questions for you, campers...

1. Is it really that big of a no-no to use the same pen name for original works as for derivative works?

2. If you're not pulling to publish or trying to market your fanfiction as an original, does anyone in the industry look down on an author for simply enjoying writing fanfiction, to the point of not refusing to read their manuscript or not taking them seriously?

3. If you see a fanfiction author has a blog that also promotes their original works, would you feel that they are trying to capitalize on the fandom?

4. Do you think an author can possibly be taken seriously if they use the same pen name for their derivative works as their original works?



I think I know the answer to some of these questions, it's just that... I'm quite attached to my pen name and I'm finding it very difficult to come up with a new one. I'm kicking myself so hard right now. Help me decide how epically bad of an idea keeping this name for my originals would be.


Disneyland for almost 6 and 7 y.o. girls

Friday July 8, 2011 at 12:24 PM

So we're taking the kids to Paris next Wednesday. And of course NOW I had to have problems with my teeth, the same ones that led me to lose my tooth on the other side. Anyway, any specific recommendations on what rides/attractions we should definitely go for? I'm worried that it's going to be raining there a lot, so choices need to be made.Is having lunch/dinner with Disney princesses worth it, or is it a rip off considering we'll be absolutely totally broke.

No scary/dangerous stuff please.



The Disneyland hotel I'd be staying at if I'd married money.




Searching for a story. . .

Friday July 8, 2011 at 12:08 PM

I am looking for great historical fics ( a la Bear Valley Ranch or From the Cup of Duty). Anything medieval, pioneer, or the like is right up my alley.




Beta Needed

Friday July 8, 2011 at 12:06 PM

So my wonderful Beta has had to bow out for personal reasons, she's been wonderful but now I'm on the lookout for someone new :).

I'm writing a Jasper/Bella fic, the title of which is in debate so I'll need help with that. The first 4 chapters have been sorted, and I won't really be continuing writing untill September due to holiday's and exam resits.

Anyone interested? Let me know and I shall PM you :)


Are You Reading This Fic?

Friday July 8, 2011 at 11:39 AM

Hey campers,

I'm hoping someone can help me. Is anyone reading Stop, Drop & Roll by BronzeHairedGirl620? (that link opens in a new window btw) It's a story that has stayed off my radar probably because I'm such a perv that I tend to avoid T rated fics. However, I've noticed recently that I find myself skimming over a lot of lemons in M rated fics anyway because very few are done really well, and well I don't always want to read every sexual encounter played out in detail (sometimes I do, but not often).

I think I may like this story because Through The Flames sold me on firefighter fics! The review count is very high, considering it's rated T which also bodes well for it being a great story. What is concerning me though is the fact that this story was started in July 2008!!! While it just updated recently that is still a really long time for a fic in the twilight fandom to still not be complete. I'm pretty discerning before I start a wip so I have a few questions.

So, first of all is it any good?

2nd, is it being updated often or sporadically?

3rd, is it nearing completion?

Thanks anyone who can help me out!


Who was it?

Friday July 8, 2011 at 11:07 AM

I feel so stupid.

Some very kind forest member pmed me to ask about how I found accomodations and the like in the UK and I started to answer but I deleted the pm by accident and I couldn't remember her name.

I repeat, I feel so stupid.

So, if it was you let me know and I'll try not to screw up again.


Sending the wrong "something" to the wrong person.

Friday July 8, 2011 at 10:38 AM

Have you ever sent the wrong text, letter, object to the wrong adress?

I did...I invited a very annoying colleague to a gathering at  my house and I can't take it  back. I had called all my guests and then sent  text messages about the details and had the fine idea of forwarding some. Big mistake. He and his wife are snobs and they gossip... I am sure they now know I invited them by mistake.


Have you ever had a similar situation? Have ever made a simple mistake with a big impact?

Are there any fics with Bella or Edward doing a bad mistake and produce an akward situation?

Please share with me some embarrassing moments, serious or funny, rec me stories!


oddly accurate

Friday July 8, 2011 at 10:33 AM

I found Jenna Marbles about a month ago through her video entitled "What girls do on the internet" (it will be posted inside the CF as it has swearing and uses profanity to talk about the male member).  I have since wasted hours of my precious time watching her videos.  


What youtube videos do frequent?


Emmett McCart(h)y

Friday July 8, 2011 at 10:09 AM

So idk if this is news or not (kinda unnecessary, but i wanted to share), but I was watching reruns of Project Runway the other day, season 2 to be more precise, and guess who was competing? None other than an Emmett McCarthy!

He's somewhere in this pic... don't remember who, though. And idk, I just thought it was cool he was one h from sharing Emmett's name!

To make it interactive - anyone else who's stumbled across twilight characters' names in real life? 


Time Magazine is Watching

Friday July 8, 2011 at 9:32 AM



The Boy Who Lived Forever

This article has been all over twitter today so I thought I'd come over here and start a campfire about it. Thoughts? 

Does it validate you? Make you feel less lame about this crazy hobby of ours? Or are they telling you things you have known for ages? How do you feel about a major media outlet discussing (and not mocking!!) fan fiction?

Tell me your thoughts, campers!



A funny pic, because what else am I going to do on a Friday afternoon at work?


Fanfic searching...

Friday July 8, 2011 at 6:34 AM


Soooo, I'm always missing that campfire where you search for fics...

Anyway, I read this one shot like two years ago. Its Edward/Bella and their life in stages which revolves around a tree or treehouse. I remember, at age 14 Bella makes Edward carve their names into the tree and at 17 Edward realizes he's in love with Bella....

Any other fluffy fic recs will be appreciated!


iPad Questions

Friday July 8, 2011 at 5:47 AM

Hello everyone! I have a couple of questions regarding the iPad. First, does anyone know how to insert paragraphs when commenting in the *source* mode here on ADF? For some reason, when I comment in source mode, it strings everything together into one paragraph (like now). Also, is it possible to post on fanfiction.net from an iPad? TIA!

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