
To keep or not to keep

Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 1:16 AM

Ok so I've never started one of these before, but there has been something bothering me for a while now.  I was reading a fic the other day and in the authors note there was this big thing about 'don't leave me nasty reviews, I'll just take them down anyways'.  (that's obviously me paraphrasing but honestly that was the jist of it lol)

So this got me thinking.  I have a few stories up and will admit I'm a total shit writer.  I'm a math and science girl I'm not a writer, and I clearly state this in my stories.  I do it more becauase I had an idea in my head and just wanted to get it out there, and besides how are you going to get better at something unless you try right?  Okay that all being said I have gotten some not so nice reviews for my stories, most of which I completely agreed with.  I unlike some people have left all of those up.  I think its fair and if you look at reviews to get an idea of what people think and you only see positive ones its misleading.  Then when you start to read you're like wtf is this, I thought everyone loved it?

So this is my question to people, after my little rant, if you are an author and get a nasty review (or even one that may be a little harsh) do you leave it up or take it down and why?


Author/fic search

Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 12:35 AM

its an all human story where bella moves to forks. Emmet loves rap especially snoop dogg i think. and keeps throwing parties, both he and edward want to give her a ride to school. rose is a B*tch and bella punches rose in like a cleaners but her punch wasnt that strong so when emmet tries to put a hand on her shoulder bella grabs his hand and punches rose with it. then she edward and emmet run out of the store or whatever they were trying to get dresses for a dance or some event. Does anyone know of this story or who the author is. i honestly hope i didnt just combine aspects of multiple stories. also i think bella gets dick slapped and she gets edward to take his shoes off in a lake or stream that he finds disgusting.




Story found: Scotch Gin and the New Girl


Know something I don't?

Monday July 11, 2011 at 11:48 PM

I so love For Whom the Bell Tolls by CryaBear but, it hasn't updated since I dunno the end of March and she since was updating fairly regularly... I'm afraid she forgotten us?

FWtBT was one of the first fics I picked up (I have only been at this fic reading business for about 8 months or so) and I got completely lucky because I found it by fic diving. Which, I have to say is a practice I have now given up on.... I am a bit attached to the story I guess, seeing as it was one of my very first and I found it all on my own. Plus I really liked all the authors little notes, etc. She seemed so genuinely excited... Would love to know if anyone knows what's happened to CryaBear or what the status of this fic is?

Plus, I am very much in the mood for this type of read... You know the AU, more mystery than angst, supernatural type with well done lemons. Especially since I just recently read Beyond Time by the very talented Tkegl... BT has left me with a taste for more.

Or if there is no news, is there anything you can rec that might satisfy my supernatural mystery craving? It doesn't have to be AU or anything.



FYT - "My" BT Carlisle


Poison in me update

Monday July 11, 2011 at 9:04 PM

I just can't let it show

Our angst fix, guys



Edward Wallbanger

Monday July 11, 2011 at 5:20 PM

I keep seeing recommendations to read Edward Wallbanger, but I'm unable to find it as it has been pulled :(  Can someone please send me a .pdf?? Thank you!


The Girl Who Read

"The Nutcracker Suite" by qjmom

Monday July 11, 2011 at 2:53 PM

Does anyone have a PDF/link for the one shot "The Nutcracker Suite" by qjmom??

I see from her profile she has gone off to be published... but a good friend recommended this to me (from the DILF contest) but she hasn't got it saved.

I would appreciate any help... apparently it was good :-)



Monday July 11, 2011 at 1:02 PM

I've been reading some pretty heavy emotional books lately, and now I need some lighthearted, loving, Happily Ever Afters.


Help, I have read quite a few fics with HEA, however after my latest reading list, I really would like little or no angst.


Imitation the Sincerest Form of Flattery?

Monday July 11, 2011 at 11:20 AM

When I first read "Imitations Extract", which basically swallowed whole chunks of "Expectations & Other Moving Pieces" and then vomited it out in an ugly, putrid mess, I wanted to, as Americans put it so eloquently, "cut a bitch".

I became more enraged when I read the 200 or so reviews, most of which were positive and gave no indication that the readers were aware of the original fic.

I wrote the author a polite PM and never got a reply.

The author later added a little note on her profile that her story is a fanfic of a fanfic, many many months after she began posting.

Readers, what do you do when you see this? Do you write the author an angry PM? Call her out in a review?

Writers, would you confront someone who plagiarised your work? Would you name and shame and risk giving the perpetrator more publicity and readers?


find a fic

Monday July 11, 2011 at 8:46 AM

Hi I'm trying to find a fic I read last year.

All I can remember about it is Bella moves to forks after Renee kicks her out, she's actually been abused by Phil, where she meets the Cullens.

Its a slow build for her and Edward to fall for each other, and it's not instant HEA when they do.

After a brief affair (could be a 1 night stand), she falls pregnant, but then dissapears back to Phoenix for the summer.

When she eventually tells Edward of the baby he doesn't believe it's his right away. They eventually get things sorted, and she moves in with him and his family.

I think she goes into early labour, and the baby (girl i think) has to stay in hospital for a while.



OK, so a few people have asked to read this one too, and I'm really struggling to find it. I've checked the master fic list, but have had no luck.

So  figured a few more details might ring some one's memory (another british saying).


Tanya had got pregnant and told Edward he was the father then faked her death, this screwed Edward up as he knew he couldn't be the father and this why he doesn't believe Bella right away.


Edward proposes to Bella at the school talent contest after playing a song for her.


Phil threatens Bella after she and her mom have him arrested for assault and abuse (he also abused Renee), and Bella freaks out recants her statement then jumps off a cliff trying to kill herself and her baby. This is how her parents find out she is pregnant.


Does this help anyone remember....




Please can anyone help


ranger PSA

Monday July 11, 2011 at 8:10 AM

today is free gin slurpee day at 7/11

get to it, report back to me on how good it was

i highly recommend the summer lime

or idk go reread scotchginnewgirl or something

anyway, how was your weekend?

here, colin firth, apropos of nothing except my love for your time.

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am I the only one who doenst know the story?

Monday July 11, 2011 at 7:51 AM

I was looking through my favorite list on ff this morning and clicked through to hunterhuntings ff profile, and much to my dissapointment shes pulled all her stories. It looks as though she then went and opened a new web site back in June but it still says "coming soon". So I am wondering if anyone out there knows if shes coming back, or is flouncing the fandom entirely or really just what the heck happened. I thought everyone loved CW&IA. But then again I still sorta believe in unicorns, so maybe I am just naive like that.


a little help?

Monday July 11, 2011 at 6:38 AM

If anyone could tell me the name of this fic, or if its still around it would be awesome:)

I read it aaaages ago and the details are blurry, but Bella somehow falls pregnant to Edward (I'm sure it's a one night stand), and he (unsure if his family do too) thinks that she's faking it, or she fell pregnant on purpose because he's quite well off and he thinks ..well, that she's a straight up goldigger. Argh! I can't remember much else, but I remember there was a scene.. in Edwards family's kitchen, and he confronts her, and she runs off crying or somethin..


idk idk. if anyone knows it, help a brother out?


Terms and Conditions Apply - Teaser

Monday July 11, 2011 at 2:10 AM

Hi ladies!


The new chapter for Terms and Conditions Apply will be posted tomorrow at the latest.


Here is a little teaser to tempt the tastebuds!  :)


FanFic/twilighted recs

Sunday July 10, 2011 at 9:30 PM

I am looking for stories where edward is bella's boss and is a complete jerk to her and she likes him anyways even though she thinks he has no clue she exists.


Fic List Spreadsheet is Updated

Sunday July 10, 2011 at 7:16 PM

Hey Campers,

Just wanted to let you know that I updated the Master Fic List spreadsheet tonight.  It should have all of the lists on there now.  I have added the Averageward List, Short Story List, and the Mid-Length Story List.  The Short Story and Mid-Length Lists have their own tab just like the O/S list. 


**One of these days I'll find the time to go through each list and see if any stories have been added to them that need to be put on the spreadsheet....


Fic Recs

Sunday July 10, 2011 at 5:48 PM

OK so I'm looking to see if there is any fics where B/E are together but then maybe Tanya starts telling Edward lies about Bella to brake them up. Then Bella leaves when the fam believes Tanya over her. After which she finds out she is preggo. Then years pass and Bella runs into the family and finds out E/T are engaged and they find out about her child. Does anyone know if there is a fic out there like this?


Adopting Pets...

Sunday July 10, 2011 at 5:05 PM

So... 6 months ago i moved interstate, and got a place on my own.... im 26 and just back at Uni studying again for my second degree (yes i realise this makes me insane) but im finding im really lonely.

I have grown up with pets in the house (especially cats) and i realised im used to putting in my extra love and attention into a pet.... which is what im missing here

So ive been watching the pet adoption sites pretty religiously, and just 2 days ago, 5 RAGDOLL kittens were rescued (their mother was caught in a trap), and they are 7 weeks old.

Today im going to have a look, and if they look healthy im going to adopt one, maybe 2 of the kittens...

NOW.... i have about a zillion questions. I have decided i want a male cat, but dont know whether i should get one of his siblings too.... i will be home ALOT, so they wont get lonely, but others have suggested 2 is a good idea....

Another thing is money, as i said, UNI STUDENT, so poor comes with the territory. No idea what to expect. I know i can afford food etc for it, just maybe not two... not sure.

Anyways, TELL ME YOUR STORIES of ADOPTION.... doesnt have to be of cats, can be of dogs etc. Any problems? Best things about it? What should i look out for? ETC ETC.... thanks

Approved by WTVOC :)


let the sorting now begin

Sunday July 10, 2011 at 3:27 PM



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Shamelessly in love with this story

Sunday July 10, 2011 at 11:35 AM

Words With Friends by Nolebucgrl

Why haven't I seen a bunch of fangirling for this? Why? Why?  I am totally in love with this story to the point that I want her to update every hour of every day. It's cute, well written, AND original.  If you are reading it...discuss it !!! Mention it !! If you aren't, then go do so now.

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Nolebucgrl. This is not a shameless plug. This is just me gushing and trying to make up for the fact that I do not review stories.

EDIT..forgot the link....

Words with friends


Fandom for Leukemia and Lymphoma

Sunday July 10, 2011 at 10:20 AM

I haven't seen this mentioned here (or anywhere else much for that matter). Good cause of course and OMG THERE'S AN O/S FROM AN AUTHOR WHOSE WRITING I REALLY, REALLY LIKE

You can donate and check out participating authors HERE

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