
UPDATE already...

Wednesday July 6, 2011 at 7:40 AM

Dear __________

I have been reading your story since the beginning and I really need an update, like yesterday...

PLEASE! I even review your story (and I am not a good reviewer) it has been MONTHS...


* My two requests are in the comments*

LJ Summers

Averageward Fic List

Wednesday July 6, 2011 at 7:39 AM

Hello and welcome to a FIC REC LIST CAMPFIRE!

Remember, we do have a MASTER FIC LIST AND there is a G-DOCS SPREADSHEET, too, with links to ADF-Recommended FIC!

Today, with a tip of the hat to Owen's Mate and Ranger JandCo, I have a request.

We're looking for AVERAGEWARD.


He's an Edward that is...average.  Not devastatingly attractive, but nice-looking is good.  Not one of those "teen movie glasses" clichés, either, where he's HOT in contact lenses. average, non-intimidating kind of guy. (Yes, the pic has glasses -- Edward CAN, you know.)  

Have you seen Averageward?  Can you share him with the rest of us?

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1.  Keep it simple.  Title, Author, Summary and Link.  This is not a pimp-n-rec fire. It's a LIST.

2.  No discussions.  See #1.


I'll hunt around in my lists and you hunt in yours and we'll see if we can bring any AVERAGEWARD recs to the fire!

Thank you!


Fanficcing a fanfic

Tuesday July 5, 2011 at 10:47 PM

Would you ever do it? Doesn't reading a story you feel you'd adore if it'd taken a different turn or if the writing had been different make you wanna do it? Is it unethical or not, considering the ff authors are already doing it to SM?

RPattz thinking of giving a different ending to Sleepers, Awake


please don't spit in my food

Tuesday July 5, 2011 at 1:54 PM

customer service campfire

let's talk about the good, the bad, the ugly, and the other side of customer service.

i worked retail for a LONG TIME, and i've seen pretty much everything. including cleaning up poop from the floor. HUMAN POOP. don't get paid enough for this crap, etc.

anyway, today i was at the corner bakery (it's like panera if you've never been, but i like it better) and we were eating there. so my kids get their food and the guy was like, "your sandwich is coming right out" and 7 minutes later my stomach goes ADSFLASDJFLASKDJF and i quite agreed, so i went up to the counter and said, "yeahhhhh my kids are almost done and i haven't gotten my food yet." i wasn't a dick or anything because i don't believe in being a jerk to the minimum waged, but i did want my gee dee sammich. anyway, turns out the guy was the general manager.

he apologized profusely and offered to comp my entire meal (which i refused because that's just silly, it wasn't his fault) and then when i asked about the bread on my sandwich (the BEST french brioche i've ever tasted), he immediately had one baked fresh for me and refused to let me pay for it. then he came to our table later with his card and a 10 dollar gift card and asked if we wanted cookies or something.

to me, that was a perfect example of exemplary customer service, because it means i'll be going back there next time instead of hating everything about corner bakery.

now, a perfect example of I'M NEVER SHOPPING HERE AGAIN is pretty much every time i go to wal-mart. let's just say i've never once had a positive shopping experience at any wal-mart, ever.

so, campers. tell me about the best experiences you've had and also the I'M NEVER SHOPPING HERE AGAIN experiences.

and for those of us who have worked or who currently work in customer service... tell us your best stories from the other side of the counter. because i've got a gazillion of those.

me at corner bakery today while watching my kids be all OM NOM NOM PANINI for your time:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic



Tuesday July 5, 2011 at 8:16 AM

Hi girls !

I'm in Miami right now and am to be married on the 8th, and I've got a BIG problem, can't find a cheap jewelry shop in Miami to buy my futur husband wedding ring. I know we are morons we should have bought it looong before but we were sure we'll be able to find a cheap ring here. Why do we want cheap will you ask ... because the ring is just for the ceremony my hubbi does not like jewelry and he won't bear it after the ceremony. I've already buy mine in France in private selling for 35 EUROS, I'm quite against spending 300 dollars for him for a weDding band wich will stay at the bottom of a drawer; I'm looking for a simple silver or steel wedding band.

so PLEASE Ladies help me, I know it's not FFA but you're the only cool american girls I know.

I'm in south Beach but can manage to move around Miami if necessary.




What did you think of...

Tuesday July 5, 2011 at 8:02 AM

What did you think of the last two chapters of Dear Mr Masen and the last chapter of Clockwork???

Let's discuss?


Get it out there!!!

Tuesday July 5, 2011 at 2:15 AM

I'm sure since this invovles fan-fiction, it will be okay.

I just have to do it!!!


I have to rec this person that I just read from, and I wasn't sure if she's been put on here before.


I love the stories I'm about to post.

Two are about Edward and Bella, meeting as cops and the other is about them meeting through a mutual friend, a roommate/sister.  They both harbor secrets that will bring them together in the end.  It will make you cry...warning....

All Human. Bella is an undercover cop working to take down the Volturi mob family. Sexy Mobward included. E/B
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 61,773 - Reviews: 1012 - Updated: 11-3-09 - Published: 5-6-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete

Sequel to Best Served Cold. Bella gets sent into a dangerous undercover operation where suburban women are being murdered, Edward has a bitch fit, of course. Because he's Edward. AH, B/E
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Mystery/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 77,477 - Reviews: 1265 - Updated: 1-16-10 - Published: 7-26-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete

Bella meets and instantly hates Edward Cullen, her roommate's brother. But they both have secrets in their life that bring them closer in life and love than they ever imagined. AH E/B
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 116,354 - Reviews: 1564 - Updated: 3-21-11 - Published: 7-26-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete



Monday July 4, 2011 at 9:40 PM

so i just saw terrence malick's the tree of life. 

and it was so weird. but like.. the good weird. i think? idk. has anyone seen this movie? i really want to talk about it.

but since i know the movie is pretty obscure/artsy/indie, i say let's open this up and ask:

what was a movie that changed your life?

that made you feel all weird inside, for better or worse?

that you've seen 12 times and still aren't sure you understand? 

that made you realize something about yourself? 

idk. just... let's talk about movies that made you understand why film is one of the greatest art forms.

eta - omg i'm dumb i thought today was sunday and it's actually monday and past midnight est and apparently i'm a horrible american because i didn't even know what day of the week independence day fell on. forgive me, rangers, porfa? 



Monday July 4, 2011 at 9:21 PM


I've been in the mood to reread fics that I read a few years ago. Sadly, I've been having horrible luck with finding them. Does anyone know what has happened to the following fics and if possible where I can get ahold of them? Or even better: is there a list of fics that have been taken down and won't ever see the light of day again?

A Stampede of A Thousand Pulses

Relative Wind

C 5 6

Deconstructing Dracula

Alton House

(more to come when I find more)

The Girl Who Read

What is that Darn Song??

Monday July 4, 2011 at 3:05 PM

Okay. For the last few months I have had a song segment on repeat in my head. But I can't work out what on earth it is/where it comes from.

I seem to remember liking this song, so if anyone has any ideas about what it is, I would be delighted to know.

All I remember is it featured the words (or something along the lines of) "A new religion for the warm summer time" The artist was female, and it was kind of pop/ballady.

Any help would be appreciated :-)

For interactivity, what is the song that you can't get out of your head at the moment? For me it is "Another Suitcase in Another Hall" from Evita. :)


Monday July 4, 2011 at 1:10 PM

PLEASE rec me sth GOOD and ANGSTY (redundant or what)


Apparently the tooth that's on the same position only on the other side of the one that I lost forever (and after a lot of pain and money) is having the same problems and I have to but can't do it before my Paris trip 'cause I'll die there from the pain and omg sb please show me that other people (B/E or L/E) have more serious problems (EXCEPT death).

I REALLY liked A river between, The journal (though I can't relate to her Bella) and of course The Inside Man.



Looooong time, I know

Monday July 4, 2011 at 11:52 AM

Most of u may not even recognize me, since I haven't been active at all for the last one year or so. And I've totally out of loop of all things Twiverse.

So hi to all u campers and rangers first thing. Miss this place a lot. sigh... So right now I'm trying to get in the know of whats been up lately, since I've got nothing much to do (I spent the last 8-9 preparing for an exam and now I've got nothing else to do but wait for the results. Cue in some major nail biting.)

Ah, yeah so u see, my nerves are taking a toll on me. Plz halp me around the forest once again. Can anyone plz send me everything that was not supposed to come out so early about BD (pics and shiz and vids what not). I can pm u my address. I'd like to calm my nerves with that, and of course I'll check some fics out.

Happy to be here again, love ya'll.

Oh yeah, can't live without Robporn!


FF Sneak Peek

Monday July 4, 2011 at 9:33 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club 14/40

Monday July 4, 2011 at 7:39 AM



Happy 4th of July to USA peeps!  Happy belated Canada Day to you canadians!  Also happy day to the rest of yous.  lol

Well whatchya been up to?  Doing good?  Come in and let me know.  

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )


To find my vamp's face

Monday July 4, 2011 at 6:43 AM

Good morning campers, and Happy July 4th, if you are American.



I need help. I am drafting my new fic, The Pilgrimage. It is AU, pre twilight (set in the Middle Age). My one shot “Confession”, posted on ff net will be the prologue of the full story. The hero, a vampire of course, is an original character. His name is Adso, (a homage to The Name of the Rose) and he was born near Bozen, South Tyrol. So he looks German, by and large. A very handsome German, since he is a lure, among other things. I imagine him tall and strong, with dark blond hair. His eyes were predictably blue, but not anymore, as he is a traditional vamp.

I’ll need to describe his face and I must get over Rob Pattinson (I can describe Rob’s face at length, but now I want somebody else – well, just this once, LOL) . Plus, I’ll need images, so that Raum can make banner and blinkies for me.

And here is where I ask for your help. Do you know of (not overly famous) young actors or models who could be right for the part? (Adso was changed at 20, a man already in medieval times)
And what are the rules? Can one take anybody (giving the credit, of course) and use his face for a fic’s banner? We all use the actors of Twilight, but that’s different. Will I be sued, or giving the credit will be sufficient, since there is no money involved? However, I have noticed that there are banners where there are men/women who are not Twilight actors, so I suppose it is allowed.

Therefore please, send me photos. I need to put a face under the cowl. I don’t want actors from other vampire serials or famous vampire films, because otherwise the character they portray will superimpose himself on mine. No beards, nor scruffiness, I like my immortals well shaved. And also, not a beefy hulk. He is sensitive and tormented, despite, or because of, his diet. When human he was a novice in a Dominican monastery (I am picky, I know).

If you post here something (I so hope you do) please add the name or the way to retrieve the actor or model, find other photos, etc. so that Raum can work.
Thank you so much

Here he is. It is called Bradley James and has been in a mini fic about  King Arthur.  He is a warrior here but wait till Raum makes him all pale adn  changes the iron tabard with a cowl ...

Another photo inside

Thanks to everybody who answered me.



Happy 4th Everyone!!!!

Monday July 4, 2011 at 12:03 AM

I know her message is what the 4th is about, but here's a vid from Katy!!!





Have a great day and a safe night!

dawnmarie dreaming

King WTF????

Sunday July 3, 2011 at 9:03 PM

So, I know I've not been shy about the fact that I flounced True Blood halfway through the 2nd season.  I wish I had watched the show in it's entirety before I read the books, but unfortunately I couldn't read them fast enough after the first season ended.  OF COURSE, the show was then ruined for me.

But something bad happened to me the other day.  I wasn't feeling well, so I was stuck on the couch watching TV all day.  And since there was nothing else on, I ended up watching a True Blood marathon.  I still can't stand it, but it's like a damn train wreck.  I can't NOT watch.

SO, I'm stuck watching and raging.  And all by myself because no one else I know watches. 

This campfire is for me to rage about all the things I hate about the show.  Please feel free to come and and share the rage with me.  Also feel free to explain yourself if you still love the show, but please don't hate on me or give me the "if you don't like it, don't watch it" line. I've already told myself that enough.

Beware there will be SPOILERS


Congratulations to My-Bella

Sunday July 3, 2011 at 8:52 PM

Hi everyone!

I know I've kind of been lurking lately (I lost internet connection at home and have only been able to log in at work), but I had to quickly log in and say a big CONGRATULATIONS to My-Bella for finishing her epic fic, Worth the Burn.

I've enjoyed every chapter, fallen in love with the characters, wanted to kill some of the characters, end become seriously invested. I don't know what I'm going to do on my Sundays without an update now!

If you haven't read the fic, it's on and The Writers Coffee Shop. Run, don't walk. It's worth it.

Thanks, My-Bella, for writing such an amazing fic. I plan to go back to the beginning and read it all over again soon!



Sunday July 3, 2011 at 7:07 PM



This fandom event is to help stop the spreading of the current wildfires by donating to our cause or submitting your stories.

For more information please visit

via twitter @Fandom4Wildfire


When the customer becomes the product ...

Sunday July 3, 2011 at 6:31 PM

Something to think about whenever we post our original content to a site or service ...?


 "you grant us (and those we work with to provide the Services) worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable rights to use, copy, distribute, prepare derivative works (such as translations or format conversions) of, perform, or publicly display your content to the extent we think it necessary for the Service."


When it comes to a free, cloud-based service, the user is not the customer. The user (and their data) is the product.


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