
ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday June 29, 2011 at 5:00 PM







"new moon // "edward..."" by verotruth <- I know I've posted this before but I just LOVE this video.  It's one of the best emotional Bella/Edward videos out there.


"Damon and Katherine - The garden" by LadyCoProductions <- This video is so kickass. I absolutely love the song "The Garden" by Mirah and I think it fits well with this pairing.


"Ron&Hermione | Shattered" by dazzleme7 <- Guys seriously... this video brings smiles and tears (happy tears, mind you). Even if you're not an HP fan, this is just a great video to watch.  And if you are an HP fan, it'll mean that much more to you. JULY 15!!! <3




Multiple POVs

Wednesday June 29, 2011 at 1:54 PM

Yeah . . . I went there.

One of the very first discussions I participated in on ADF, back in the day, was on Mulitple POVs in fanfic. And I was surprised at the number of people who were against them, when considerably most fanfics are written in multiple POV. It spawned a fandom long interest of mine, and it's a topic I bring up quite a bit.

As the writer of a story which has more than 10 active POVs telling the tale, this is something I like to be involved in. I just wrote an article for Raum's:

Stolen Souls by Jules

You can check it out here! Join the blog it's got great writing features and leave her a note if you're so inclined!

So how do you feel about multiple POVs? Come in and discuss it with Raum and I here or on her blog. When you hear I write a story with 10 POVs is that fact alone enough to make you NOT want to read that story? If yes, why? In order for multiple POVs to "hit the mark" with you what does the writer need to do or not do?

BUT, more importantly, I'd love to see some rec's of stories that feature more that 4 POVs and do the job well. Or some rec's where the multiple/dual POVs are used in unique ways. Or a story where you thought the author did an amazing job with telling a story in more than one POV. Know of any great examples for my research? 



Wednesday June 29, 2011 at 10:37 AM


It's a very special person's birthday TODAY (Thursday).  Yes it's Jenny's (@demons4eva40) big day and as is often the case here in the Forest, we tend to celebrate with some yummy piccies of the birthday girl's favourite things.  So two of Jenny's favourite things are the Melbourne Footy Club (that's Australian Rules Football for all you foreigners *wink wink*) and Mr Rob gorgeous Pattinson OF COURSE!!!  

Now her favourite Robward is Eclipseward so that's a very good start because let's face it, there's so much Rob goodness to choose from.  But I don't think she'll mind what Rob deliciousness you come up with.  So I'll start things off and add more inside.  

So this is her favourite Melbourne player!

And some Rob goodness to get things going.....

EDIT - I know there's a couple of other Rob piccie campfires right now but jump in & show the Birthday Girl some love here as well. THX!

* This campfire has been approved by WTVOC (THANK YOU)


yours, &c.

Wednesday June 29, 2011 at 9:15 AM

dear so-and-so,

write a letter to someone, anyone. coworkers. your mom. other campers. the rangers. me. colin firth. 

let it out, campers.

lol this macro omg

i was looking for a different "darcy writing" picture, but this one might be better than what i had in mind

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Calling on all collectors of ROB PORN

Wednesday June 29, 2011 at 6:44 AM

Hello Campers.

My font is in black today because I'm in mourning. My beloved laptop was returned to me as good as new by the good people at DELL who managed to extracate the pesky virus invading my system and replace the hardrive. Now, I'm no amateur computer user who normally forgets to back up important files, photographs etc in case of system failure.

HOWEVER...I've somehow managed to commit a cardinal sin and NEGLECTED to back up my ROBPORN folder. I know, I know, I should be ashamed to call myself a fan at this point for allowing such a travesty to occur but I beg you all to show me mercy and do me a massive favor.

Now, I don't expect anyone to have the time to upload a whole bunch of files just for little old me but I'd be so grateful if some of you charitable souls could look through your own ROBPORN folders and kindly share your ULTIMATE PICTURE OF ROB.

I'm talking about that one picture that you stare at more than the rest.

The one that when you first saw it you had to immediately go change your panties.

That one picture that shows me YOUR Rob.

I'll seriously be so grateful if anyone can help me out here, to kickstart my new collection of Rob Porn.

If you have the time, give me a couple of lines to tell me why this is your favourite picture of Rob.



Wednesday June 29, 2011 at 6:15 AM

Who doesn't love coffee? 

I think most people can't fuction w/o a cup in the morning, right? Well, I'm one of them. 

But do you know where your coffee comes from? What really goes into that cup of joe?

last night, for the second time in my short life, I watched a documentary called blackgold. 

You can check it out over here:

Just before I logged onto ADF, I watched a doci on Al Jazeera english, it was about this Itailian activist that lived amongst the Palestinians. It was pretty amzing to watch, even though it was completely heartbreaking. 

Anyone out there know of some really good documentaries that I can watch? I'd really appreciate it.


The Lemonade Stand

Wednesday June 29, 2011 at 5:38 AM

For all you girls that love the lemons...and I know who you are...

Go here and vote for the fic of the week!

Hint: I nominated Skeezon's Slaves to the Moon, so please please vote for this fic. It is so underappreciated! And if you haven't read this, run to do it NOW! It's complete!

Some pretteh for your effort:


Hobo on the road

Wednesday June 29, 2011 at 4:38 AM

I've already been pretty absent the past few weeks, since I moved back in with my parents - temporarily - and am not able to have my laptop logged on all the time. But I still managed to check in once or twice a week.

That's all about to change next week.

I'm leaving.

Not the fandom, mind you. I'll still be a part of that wherever I am.

But I am leaving the country. And the continent.

For the next 8 to 10 months (depending on how fast I spend my money) I'll be a travelling hobo, living out of my backpack. Doesn't that remind you of a certain someone a lot of us drool over?

Rough itinerary: 2 weeks in Thailand with Bestie, having fun in Bangkok and hanging out at Koh Phangan for beach, snorkeling and full moon party. Then off to Cairns, Australia, where I'll start my exploration of the east coast. I won a 2-day surfing package which I'll probably get to do in September, after which I want to go on a surf camp to further improve my skills. Expecting to be in Melbourne in November (BD premiere, anyone?), then spend the holidays in Sydney. New Years at Bondi, what's gonna top that? After that, fly to Hawaii to meet up with a friend who's stationed there. A friend from San Diego might meet me there for surfs and fun, then flying back with him to travel north along the California coast to meet up with various people. The fun doesn't end there, because I'll be flying to North Carolina to visit relatives who live there, and stay with a friend, whom I'll be going on vacay to the Caribbean with. I expect my funds to have sufficiently deflated by then, so I'll probably get a flight back here after that.

All in all, a pretty exciting year!

However, that does mean that I won't be able to be online as much as I have been. I'll try to check in from time to time, and hopefully I'll be able to access Twitter and Tumblr from my phone (add me if you're interested).

So, without any more delay... my final (at least for the time being) RobP0rn campfire. Give me your best!

Also, question: what are YOUR plans for the summer?


ADF After Dark

Tuesday June 28, 2011 at 9:33 PM

"Edward continued to look confused for one short moment, and then, abruptly, he was rigid." (p. 227, Eclipse)


Tuesday June 28, 2011 at 2:19 PM

I'm looking for a fanfic,and the main plot is a history see by the point of view of Edward's penis :)

I know it's something unusual but i can't find for my life,please ring any bell?


Honesty post: Teasers

Tuesday June 28, 2011 at 12:28 PM

I know I keep making posts, but my tooth hurts and I REFUSE to go see the dentist because if I go through what happened with my -now gone forever and irreplacable- other tooth I'll never go to France and omg i don't know what to do i can't handle this


So, how do you feel about teasers of stories you DON'T read? Have any teasers convinced you to give those stories a shot? Do you ever think 'omg what is this Twilight fanfiction I'm reading e.g. it's like Harlequinn", because you're reading it out of context?


totally OT Ranger post

Tuesday June 28, 2011 at 11:39 AM

Hi. I need 2 volunteers.

One of you needs to be a mom with a kid between the ages of 7 and 11 who can participate in a ten minute activity with me. The kid, I mean. The kid participates. I'll send you, the mom, some materials for facilitating the activity.

The other of you needs to be between the ages of 13 and 18 and willing and able to participate in a ten minute activity with me.



Both activities (the 7-11 year old and the 13 - 18 year old) will happen online via webcam unless you live within 2 miles of me and I can walk to meet you, which is rather unlikely.

And you must have a digital camera of some kind (like a phone that takes pictures) with which you can take and then send me a photo of the activity. THE SAME DAY. Which is today.


It won't take long; it won't be traumatic; it will help me out with A MAJOR PROJECT FOR MY GRADUATE COURSE IN PEDAGOGY; and it will make you a Ranger's pet for a while. *wink*




Tuesday June 28, 2011 at 11:35 AM

Pimp your stuff! Rec your favorite fic!

Give us lazy folks a link!


Chickens Towels and Shivs

Tuesday June 28, 2011 at 8:34 AM

Lettuce discuss...

What was the CRAZIEST thing you've ever done when you were RAGE-Y?

  (WtVoC approved*)


ETA: Is there anything you've ever THOUGHT OF TO DO and were too much of a coward to do it?  Tell us how you PUSSED OUT!


Terms and Conditions Apply - Chapter Update

Tuesday June 28, 2011 at 6:14 AM


Chapter Nineteen

-The Pick-up line-


"You know that's not what I want to hear, sugar," I say with a crooked grin. "But it'll do for now." I wink at her and exit her office, closing the door softly behind me.


The new chapter is up you guys - go check it out!  :)



A garment of brightness update

Tuesday June 28, 2011 at 12:27 AM

Chapter 39: Fly away home

Seriously, what's going on?? This is the THIRD entry I'm making on a good AU update in like 24 hours.

omg Vampwardian angst overload (and I want some more...)



Gotham's Finest

Monday June 27, 2011 at 7:16 PM

Riddle me this, riddle me that.

Who's afraid of the...who?


Who's the best at playing the worst villain?


The truly heinous fictional character you love to hate?


The one who makes you want to spit at the screen?



Fictional characters only please, leave your in-laws and neighbors for the rage campfire.


Approved by wtvoc who should know that Ursula would turn Malificent into fish food.



however, let's film prince eric and prince phillip fighting together to finish them off. without shirts.


Staying Sane while Writing

Monday June 27, 2011 at 7:15 PM


A while ago, I started publishing twi-fic. Since then, it's completely taken over my life.

I do the fic writing equivalent of giving a boy my number and then waiting by the phone for his call. I would post an update and wait by the computer for reviews, reader stats, alerts etc. It's so futile and a complete waste of time, but I can't help myself.

Because I'm a masochist, I went googling for negative comments about my fic. Naturally, I found some. They made me so insecure and paralyzed I couldn't write without these comments echoing in my head.

Also with reviews, what's the etiquette? Are you expected to reply to everyone? I worry about my replies being too short/long/condescending etc.

In short, I'm a mess.

What do you do? How do you stay sane?


EDIT: Thanks to all the ladies for sharing your experience and insights. There was some very useful advice in there. I will now attempt to curb the self-loathing and write a story that I can be proud of. But I may need that drink first  ;)


Poison in me update

Monday June 27, 2011 at 3:33 PM

Chapter 26

Really liked this chapter



Fotonovela Taxi Driver

Monday June 27, 2011 at 10:35 AM

I have been working for 10 days non-stop on my story Taxi Driver. I love it.

My native language is French but Twilight Fan Fiction has to be written in English.

My work is unbetaed so it is what it is.

I am a very visual person and I want to present my work with pictures.

So here is my Fotonovela.


For the ones around the world reading my story, I welcome you.


If you leave a reply and accept to be notified, you will receive and e-mail everytime I update new pictures.

First --- | >> | 822 | 823 | 824 | 825 | 826 | 827 | 828 | 829 | 830 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
