I thought this stuff only happened in FF

Monday June 27, 2011 at 9:20 AM

Raleigh woman's garden became her husband's grave

"Then, more than a year after she died at age 78, police discovered Bostic had not been entirely alone during her daily garden visits: Underneath the ivy and bricks, detectives found the remains of her husband, David Ellis Bostic."

Isnt their a ff about this somewhere? Something about Esme and Carlisle?

I dont usually make campfires, but I just couldnt resist on this one.


Snips, and Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails

Monday June 27, 2011 at 7:36 AM

So Stephenie Meyer gave up her basic recipe for what little vampire boys are made of. In the first book, Bella reads a definition that likens vampires to a cross between ghost and demon. But you know there's secret ingredients that SM's not sharing to bake up the perfect sparkley vampire.  Let's see what recipes we come up with using only measurements and pictures. I go first:

 2 cups 4 cups  

16 cups 45 cups 

= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Think I have the wrong ingredients? School me. Or maybe you have the secret recipe for Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, or the others- do tell.



Monday June 27, 2011 at 7:29 AM

Can someone link me or tell me what day the FF panel at Comic Con this year is, please!!




Looking for

Monday June 27, 2011 at 6:07 AM

Hey everyone I'm looking for two fics that I forgot to bookmark. Any help would be great.

1st one is about Bella and Edward have been married for awhile and Bella finds out the every x amount of years the Cullen family switch it up with the other couples. All I know is that Bella is with Carlisle first and Edward is with Alice.

2nd one is a Edward/Jasper fic where Emmett and Jasper are college roomates and Edward is Em's brother who comes to visit. Edward realizes he likes Jasper and they get together. Em finds out but isn't too mad cause he knows Jasper is a good guy.

Not much but do these sound familar?


The Decision update

Monday June 27, 2011 at 6:03 AM

Chapter 5

So.... Is that what the title is referring to?




Would you pay $ for published ex-fanfic?

Monday June 27, 2011 at 5:15 AM

Would you fork over your hard-earned cash for fanfiction that has been pulled and published as original fiction with the characters renamed?

My first instinct was yes, to support the writer who's put in so much hard work to create something that gave me a lot of enjoyment.

BUT, there are issues:

Piggybacking - If the writer is piggybacking on the Twilight fandom just to get a reader base, and then tries to make money off it with no credit or royalties given to the original work. I'm not necessarily opposed to writers trying to attract attention to their work using whatever means (as a reader I can choose whether or not to read the work), it's the making money off somebody else's fanbase bit I object to.

Quality Issues - There are so many terrible fics out there, even finding a half-readable, properly spelled and punctuated one is a relief. I recently downloaded a published ex-fic but could not get past the second page. The stilted writing I skimmed over in ff.net was no longer acceptable when presented in the form of a "proper" book.

What are your thoughts?


FF Sneak Peek

Monday June 27, 2011 at 4:44 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


To Twitter or Not?

Monday June 27, 2011 at 4:41 AM

Who out there Twitters?  I've been seeing a lot of authors use their twitter to give teasers for their fics.  I was thinking about getting a twitter for my fanfic but I wondered if it was worth it or not?  Do you twitter?  Who do you follow?  Who is a lot of fun to follow? Do I miss a lot of teasers not being on twitter?  Is it a good way to get to know other fanfic fans?


*I decided to twitter, twitter name is the same merrygreeneyes


Moroccan Culture

Monday June 27, 2011 at 1:17 AM

Hi I hope this campfire is allowed, if its not feel free to delete it. I'm maybe looking at writing something to do with Morocco. Does anyone know anything about Morocco? History of what the royals did -15th century particularly. Wedding traditions, food, everyday life, clothes, food, etc? Does anyone know the language they spoke at the 15th century court? Arabic or Berber? Anything would be helpful. Thank you.

To make it more interactive what do you do to research stories you are writing? 


True Blood

Sunday June 26, 2011 at 10:26 PM

Just wondering if anyone else caught tonight's season premiere.

Is anyone else wanting a Sookie/Eric pairing this season?

"My name is Eric Northman.  I'm a taxpayer and small business owner.  And I approve this message."


*warning spoilers inside*


Dreaming of...

Sunday June 26, 2011 at 1:04 PM

Who or what are you dreaming of?

Is there someone or something you miss from childhood or last week?

Remember when Mom had bouncy hair (and her secret was beer shampoo!)?

Well, I'll be honest.

I'm dreaming of the days when I used to get to chat with JANDCO regularly.

And I miss Mom's soft hair, which she overblowdried over the years. I learned a lesson from that, let me tell you. It's a cold day in hell when I get a blowdryer to my head. No way to I want a head full of broom bristles when I'm her age.


The funniest fic you've ever read?

Sunday June 26, 2011 at 12:19 PM

Okay, so I'm in desperate need of a good laugh. It's been way hotter here than I'm used to, we've run out of ice cream and tea and I think I'm one step away from punching the kids outside that are having a water fight. Seriously, who has a waterfight at 8.15pm on a Sunday?
Does anyone have any suggestions for hilarious fics? Stories that made you laugh so hard you nearly choked on the drink you were drinking? That made you literally cry with laughter?

I need to know! And hopefully I haven't read it before.

(I would just search for humour related stories in the ffn toolbar, but some that are listed in that genre aren't funny. Or at least I didn't find them to be... maybe it's the whole Brit/American comedy clash?)

Thanks in advance!

EDIT - I had no idea that so many people would share with me! (Including authors that I actually love!) So thank you - I've vowed to make my way through the suggestions, especially the ones that have come up more than once or twice, because they must be good. CHEERS!



Sunday June 26, 2011 at 10:42 AM

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to ask if anyone can remember a fanfic where Bella was an air hostess and Edward a pilot? I was flying from one city to another and it just came to me but I can't remember what it was...

Thanks in advance.


Rape =/= Romance

Sunday June 26, 2011 at 10:26 AM

Caution:  Hot Topic Ahead

You know sometimes I am surprised (Correction: I USED to be surprised) at the amount of stories that contain horrific violence against women (usually Bella) wherein those stories are presented as romance. Am I the only one troubled by this? That raped, abused Bella comes to love and admire the same Edward who is raping and abusing her? I feel like we are doling a terrible disservice to the huge percentage of women for whom rape and abuse is shockingly real.

I know there are some who will defend such stories saying they're just fiction, that in a free society we are allowed to write and read what we want. BUt I wonder, do these stories have no reprecussions? Do you think that such a multitude of these kind of stories desensitize us to real violence against women? If a study was done, wherein a population was assigned to read stories like "A Voice In the Darkness by Katinki and another population was assigned stories like "En Pointe" which population do you think would be more inclined to help and assist victims of rape, human trafficking or domestic violence?

Now, I am a proponent of free speech. I don't want anyone limiting my right to read and write what I want. There are times when I'm in the mood for some graphic smut. But violence against women sets my teeth on edge, and I think those kind of stories don't belong on ffnet. Just because I have the right to read, write what I want does not give me the right to publish and distribute those stories in a schoolyard.

But that's a different issue. What is the motivation behind rape fantasies? I have trouble believing that authors that spend months doing a multi chap about a rape fantasy has been educated in the realities of human trafficking, and the aftermath of rape.  Do you think stories about an abused and raped Bella coming to love her perpetrator are fair game in a fandom made up predominatly of women, of whom 1 in 4 is likely to be the victim of sexual assault sometime in her life? Do these stories help us help  and understand each other? Or is it just fiction, having no RL connection at all?


Pandora Bracelets.

Sunday June 26, 2011 at 6:57 AM

*I'm making this post for the lovely Whitefang, who can't make this post due to technical difficulties.*

Whitefang is curious about Pandora bracelets.

Do any of you have one or several? Are they worth it? Are they compatible with other bracelets?

She's interested in buying one for her mom, bff and herself...but would like more info. on them from the trustworthy folks of the forest.

Feel free to post pics of yours if you have any!


First campfire EVER. Pathetically asking for help

Saturday June 25, 2011 at 9:41 PM

Now I've never done a campfire before because well...I never had the balls to be quite honest.

But something horrible has happened. I don't have HBO where I'm living right now. I'm going through a tough time with this damn economy so I didn't add it to my cable.

So, I can't watch the new season of True Blood tomorrow!

This is where maybe you ladies can come in at...does anyone know a way to watch a live stream of HBO online? The new HBOgo is only for people who have HBO on their cable plan so that's a no-go. No pun intended.

Anyways, me asking is obviously a long shot but I figured if anyone would know, it'd be you gals here.

Thanks bunches in advance!



Pride & Prejudice inspired Twilight fix?

Saturday June 25, 2011 at 9:29 PM

Can anyone recommend some Twific inspired by P&P? It doesn't necessarily have to be Regency era...just a retelling ala Bridget Jones. I've been in a P&P mood lately but I'm unwilling to move away from Twilight in order to scratch that itch! Thanks!


Saturday June 25, 2011 at 5:41 PM

Sorry to post a campfire for this but could someone link me to the google fanfic site?

I had a link but it is not working anymore. Thank you!!!!!!!!


Copa Oro!

Saturday June 25, 2011 at 4:17 PM

Wanted to get this campfire out before the end of FFFA.

I'm so excited for this game today (in two hours). Who is gonna watch with it? Who you going for? Get in here and talk futbol with me! You KNOW you've missed these campfires as much as I have.



very bored

Saturday June 25, 2011 at 3:33 PM

Spam me with pictures of very hot men.

I would love to see how our tastes are similar/alike.

Post your ideal.



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