
Go the eff to sleep

Friday June 17, 2011 at 2:29 PM

Have any of you fellow forest dwellers ever heard of a children's book entitled, Go the F*** to Sleep?  I didn't know about it until a couple of days ago when I heard a clip of Samuel L. Jackson reading a sample of the book on YouTube.

I thought it was hilarious.  As a parent, I can totally attest to a lot of the different scenarios.  Toddlers are devious little creatures.  They seem to be allergic to sleep and vegetables (or in my son's case any type of meat other than shrimp).

To make this interactive, come and share your funny/frustrating/gray-hair inducing parenting/babysitting stories.


p.s. the video is inside.  fair warning it contains the F-word and therefore isn't safe for work or little ears.


For the Summer outtakes

Friday June 17, 2011 at 1:31 PM

So, is not anybody else EXCITED about the EPOV outtakes of "For the Summer"?

Easily one of the top three fanfics of my my fanfic-reading-career - which has lasted some 18 months and included hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages of Twilight-induced creativity.

There will be 5 chapters, and the last will be published on 4th of July. (What's the big deal of this date, anyway? ;D)

So any of you not having read the first catering, click the link above. (Or, if you just want to indulge, even if you have read it before, maybe even several times twice.)

The new chapters are to be found here.


And all the best to any and all of my latitude buddies (EKSmith to be mentioned by name) who live close enough to the Arctic Circle to be able to enjoy the  magic that is the "nightless night". I will be travelling a bit further north next week for the midsummer / summer solstice festivities - love, love, love the light. (Bonfires, sauna, friends and family, swimming, good food and drink....)

Didn't even think beforehand  of ways to make this interactive, besides the comments of the excellent story mentioned above, but do you observe the seasons changing (like the solstices or equinoxes? My colleagues from Central Europe are always kind of surprised how big a thing those things are for us living in the North. (And we do get a day off on the longest day of the year, every year.)


P.S. EKSmith: what's the problem with Vancouver Canucks fans, anyway? They went berserk. I always thought the Canadians are nice, friendly and harmless? ;D


Don't chaaaaange me

Friday June 17, 2011 at 10:32 AM

Bellas that don't get turned s'il vous plait?

Good writing please...


Spontaneous Pimping

Friday June 17, 2011 at 9:23 AM

Pimp your stuff here. Please include a link, a banner, a picture, whatever.


Is there anything that you want

Friday June 17, 2011 at 8:27 AM

Is there anything better than a YouTube video by Biel.  Rob is the best lover any woman would want.

Happy Campers

Friday June 17, 2011 at 8:25 AM

You know what do to.


Oldies but Goodies

Friday June 17, 2011 at 8:06 AM


Hey Campers!

It's time for our first discussion fire for

"The Nymph and the Waterfall" by Pastiche Pen. 



Come on in and share your thoughts, feelings, etc, on Chapters 1-10.  

No spoilers, please! We've got lots of first-time readers.  


Come back Sunday to discuss Chapters 11-20.  

Thanks for participating! 


Friday June 17, 2011 at 7:48 AM

Ok, ya'll. Speculate like crazy.


Reveal is said to be June 23rd!


Between this and the movie coming out, I may have a heartattack.

Diana Wolfskill


Friday June 17, 2011 at 7:30 AM

>>CLICK<<  to read announcement.

According to, the authors at this year's San Diego Comic-Con fic panel will be:


Einfach Mich




Rochelle Allison

ScarlettLetters will moderate

What a lineup!

They done good.

Real good!

I wish I could be there. 

Your thoughts?

I think the organizers hit one out of the park here. I am incredibly jealous of everyone lucky enough to attend. Please at least report back on the awesomeness.


Twilight Tours in Forks

Friday June 17, 2011 at 6:34 AM

Hello, I'm new to ADF, so hope I am doing this right!  My daughter and I would like to do a Twilight Tour in Forks when we go to the Seattle area for hols in August.  My hubs is not interested, but is willing to do the driving.  Can anyone recommend a tour from Seattle for just us girls, or give suggestions for doing a short, possibly 2 day self tour through the area?!  We are also going to Vancouver, is it worth doing the Movie Location Bus Tour for the actual film sights?  First time to the Pacific Northwest, so any tips would be greatly appreciated!!


Is this new?

Friday June 17, 2011 at 6:10 AM

So I was looking at the compiled list of Teacher Edward/Student Bella fics that someone linked in locaxay's post below, and I noticed a post that says it came in sometime overnight...don't know if that's LAST NIGHT's overnight or when the topic first came up, but the author of Between the Madness and the Fire wrote this: (I know this is one that everyone desperately wants to be finished)

Author's note:

No, I will not be continuing Madness. I had an ending planned that I absolutely loved, but the characters and the story evolved beyond what I planned, and that ending no longer fits, and I became stuck. So I would tell you how it ends, as many of you have requested, but I just don't know, which is why I never finished it. Thank you to those of you who continue to send me kind reviews.

It's her choice, of course, but this is why I can't read WIP! LOL Just thought everyone would want to know, and i'm sorry if this is an old post and old news! 


Floridian fun!

Friday June 17, 2011 at 4:56 AM

Hi girls and boys (have not seen one yet but who knows!)


I'm coming to Miami in exactly 10 days !!! I don't need to tell you how excited I am about these holydays!!

So I'd like some thoughts about what to do around and in Miami for the duration of my stay. I will stay 15 days and will rent a car for a week. I've already planed trips to the keys,  Naples, Orlando, the space Kennedy center and so on.

Do you have any reccomandation of other must to be seen places? Do you know some cool lounge bar not so expensive near south beach?

What do you do in Miami when you wanna have some fun?

I going with my BF and we're going to get married there on the beach. Does any of you get married this way?

I hope this CF is ok I think it is since FFA!! Dear Rangers feel free to delete it if it's not the right place to post.

Love to everyone




Friday June 17, 2011 at 3:04 AM

have at it.

also, have some old school depp and petty.

and leave the songs that you love, too.



Thursday June 16, 2011 at 10:05 PM

So I'm officially sure that FFn is out to get me.

So I'm trying to update a story. I tend to just reuse the same FFn document over and over but replace the text, rather than uploading a new document every time. I nornally copy from my Word document and paste it using right-click, then do a read-through and make corrections on FFn (while simultaneously making the same corrections in Word). The issues I'm having are:

1. For some reason FFn has inserted these page breaks into the copied text, making it appear that I've set a really wide margin.

2. When I try to type in corrections, author's notes, etc., the buffer can't keep up with my typing. Even if I'm typing only three letters. Slowly. Sometimes it doesn't even register that I've typed anything at all.

Is anyone else having these issues? Is this just something weird that FFn started doing now that they've changed their layout? Is there a way to paste the text so that I don't have the line breaks, or do I REALLY have to go into html and delete every single page break?


Something new!

Thursday June 16, 2011 at 10:04 PM

So I want to read a fic where Edward is Bella's teacher!

I've never read any before so I don't know if I'll like it, but I want to try it out!

Soooo can you guys give me some for me to start?

One thing though can it please have a HEA :)

Thank You!!


Where's the "line" in similarities in fics?

Thursday June 16, 2011 at 9:35 PM

I've seen this here and there over the years in fics. Sometimes it's a sweet haha mention and other times it's a hurray over ousting someone else's fic.

So I'm curious on where the drawn "line" is when it comes to similarities in fics? Have we become so crazy with all the publishing and disclaimers and cries of plagiarism that it's downright illegal and a huge no-no to have the same basic plot?

Back in the day there were plenty of NM redoes that were always similar with some differences. But now, especially with AH fics it's like once ONE person does a news Bella and Edward that career is off limits for anyone else. I remember when Bossward and Secretaryella's were coming from every direction and no one batted an eye.

Recently, I noticed an author's AN that mentions readers bringing the similarities in a small plot point to the attention to two different authors. As if one maybe, possibly copied from the other and it kind of irked me that people bring it to the authors attentions. Then on the flip side I've seen authors have their "people" point fingers and call into question others who dared to write a similar Ward or Ella to their own balk when the finger is turned around and pointed at them.

There's a difference in blatant plagiarism and similarities in fics. I remember a time where an author heard of a similar fics to one of their big review ones and the so called "copying" fic went bye bye and so did the author I think. Sure there were some similarities but one thing stood out to me that made it all the difference and they were different because of that. But alas, one person had already "copyrighted" that point so any followers must burn and disappear.

I mean where is the line? Does it really matter? All the "I own Chefward, Copward, Bartenderward" so a fic with Edward owning a bar and mixing drinks mean NO ONE else can have a fic with him owning a bar and mixing drinks but being a single dad? Bella slips in the bathtub in one fics so she can't ever do it in another or people will tattle and wonder if someone is copying?

From what I've seen, that seems to be the general consensus of no, no one else can claim that career or character doing that.


What do you think?

Is there a line and simply two fics having pretty much one scene the same but with different dialogue one author copying another?

Is there a line and once a "ward" has been done one way by one person that "Ward" can't be done again in a similar fashion without an author's creativity being called into question?


Plot Bunnies

Thursday June 16, 2011 at 7:57 PM

So, I've been on hiatus for a while now, but I'm still working on some stuff. *cough*FGB*cough*

However! More ideas just keep popping into my head and I get so excited to sit down and write, but a woman's gotta have priorities, right? Like work, then sleep, then eating, then having a life, and then finally FGB.

Anyone maybe wanna take a shot at my plot bunnies and I'll beta and help keep you on the fairly vague path? It'd be appreciated. And then I'd get to read my ideas and think, "Hey, this actually turned out the way it should've the first time around!" instead of beating myself up for going off tangent with my ideas, lol.

Thanks in advance for any interest!

Melissa Cullen

*brb...shaking and crying*

Thursday June 16, 2011 at 6:07 PM


I need help

Thursday June 16, 2011 at 1:29 PM

I'm so pissed off my husband's going to Seattle when I'm staying here to babysit, that I decided to apply for a course too. I haven't written formal English in sooooo long (sth tells me 'ZOMG that Edward UNF UNF UNF' doesn't fall into that category). So, I would appreciate it if someone could take a looka t my application and let me know if something sounds too foreign or fandom-like. The application is just one page long, and the course is on critical literacy. I guess I should have looked around for definitions and stuff, but I am lazy have such a sick sense of pride I just wrote my own perspective based on what I could remember on the subject.

Told you I need help


His Royal Jawness and us one-dimensional fangirls (Marcuse's rolling in his grave) FYT



insert interesting title here

Thursday June 16, 2011 at 11:15 AM

I have like bazillion quadrillion mmmmillion of questions. or just three. I don’t know, I suck at math.

qwestion number one: I have a story. it’s 51 pages. it’s not very long. it’s too long to be a short story, it’s too short to be a novel, it’s too blah to be a fan fiction. but I just wanna upload it somewhere, because I would like to know what people think about it. where would you suggest?

quezticion number two: howhowhowhowHOW on earth can you manage to stay focused on one story at a time? because while I can play the piano and the violin, survive off nothing but coffee for an entire day, and find other people’s lost stuff, I cannot manage to focus on a single story without wanting to write on others. dumb. but srsly. I have begun over 60 stories these past, what, 7 years. I have completed less than 15 and none of them particularly long.

kuestion number three: can you recommend a story like “Sleepers, Awake” by Feisty Y. Beden? it is awesome.


i would insert a pic to make you go hahahahaha!!!!!!! or mmmmmmhawt or omgwtfbbq?!?!?!?! but alas, on three hours of sleep I find myself too lazy to find one.

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