
Seattle bound...maybe?

Monday June 13, 2011 at 10:34 PM

I know I haven't been on ADF as much as I used to but I need some help and/or living tips for Seattle...So yeah, anyways I have a few weeks to figure out what I am going to do after my lease runs out...I can't find a job here in sunny California to save my life...I have a friend who is a manager for a restaurant up there in Seattle and she could possibly offer me a job but I don't live of yet...I am looking for places but I can't  really set my mind on anything yet until I have procurred a job..ya know?

So tell me some pros and cons to living in Seattle. Attractions, hiking trails, what the best places to live would be, I've heard lots of great things about the tell me what do you think?

Ohh yeah I got permission from the lovely GrownAssWoman to post yeah...any help would be awesome...


The Best-Paid Celebrities Under 30

Monday June 13, 2011 at 9:10 PM

Full article here:

#1 is of course Lady Gaga, with the Biebs #2.  But the part I highlighted below is interesting...

Representing Hollywood are Twilight stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, who tie for 15th place with $20 million each. Their earning power should stay strong at least for the next year as the Twilight franchise winds down with two Breaking Dawn movies.

So.... is $20 million worth losing your privacy?


If You Are Reading In Your World...

Monday June 13, 2011 at 8:05 PM

National Geographic channel is right now (10pm CST) showing "Amish at the Altar", about Amish courtship and marriage.

I will be picturing Amishward as I watch :)


Fall to Ruin One Day Update

Monday June 13, 2011 at 8:05 PM

I don't read a lot of WIPs but since Sleepyvalentina turned this one-shot into a multi chapter fic I devour updates like a fan fiction newbie .   I pretty much love all her stuff she really knows how to make my heartbreak for E & B.  How much do you love the moody Senator?  What do you think he will do??? 

What's you favorite political fan fic?  I have The Cullen Campaign on my TBR list but it is behind several others, should I skip it ahead?


Elizabeth Reaser reads fanfiction on VH1

Monday June 13, 2011 at 2:53 PM

Hello! Today on VH1 Big Morning Buzz Live Elizabeth Reaser (aka Esme Cullen) read an excerpt from the Twilight fanfiction story "A Pair of Emerald Earrings" by Mackenzie L.


Here is the link to VH1 site

This is the video in youtube for those of us, who don't live in the U.S.




"A Pair of Emerald Earrings" by Mackenzie L.

Carlisle takes Esme to India after she spots a picture of Bombay in a library book. When Esme decides she wants to take the Arabian Sea home with her, Carlisle must find a way for her to do so. 1940s, Canon universe. Nominated for Sunflower Awards.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 17,814 - Reviews: 193 - Updated: 6-7-11 - Published: 11-16-10 - Carlisle & Esme - Complete


FF Sneak Peek

Monday June 13, 2011 at 2:26 PM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


going crazy... help!

Monday June 13, 2011 at 2:14 PM

I read a Twilight fanfic a while back, and I can't remember what it's called or even where I read it.

Bella wakes up in the hospital with anmesia as a Jane Doe and a bunch of broken bones and internal injuries (she finds out later that she jumped off of a bulding after losing her job, and that her name is actually Marie). She meets Edwards who is in the hospital with an injured hand, and learns that he is a piano player who may not be able to play again because of his injury. Rosalie is Bella's doctor, and she had been engaged to Jacob before her suicide attempt.

Anyone know the name and/or where I can find it??


Deja vu? Nope...just fanfiction

Monday June 13, 2011 at 1:00 PM according to Fanfiction today is actually June 8th and not the 13th like my calendar suggests.Today I have receieved updates for chapters that were posted on June 8th. I also received lovely review alerts for my story...AGAIN. What is going on with ff?


So, does this mean it IS June 8th? And the big question... Are we really getting a do over?  If you could turn the hands back five days ago, what would YOU have done differently? I know I might have re-thought my decision to put extra butter on my popcorn this past weekend.


Make me fall in love again

Monday June 13, 2011 at 10:49 AM


It all started when I read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon... I have fallen so head over heels for Jamie Fraser that I can't seem to fall in love with any ficwards lately.

If there is a fic that you are reading that has heartbreakingly lovable Edward...please rec it here.

I need to get over this man.


In your world update(s)

Monday June 13, 2011 at 8:02 AM

I'd recommend reading the EPOV outtake first and then the update



Monday June 13, 2011 at 7:40 AM

Hi guys!


I need a beta!!!


I've been writing this fic - and it's doing really well, and the readers have been absolutely amazing!  But, I need a Beta - for my own growth and to make the story an even more pleasurable experience for my loyal readers!


I've approached PTB, and although they have been nothing but amazing, I would really love to work with a Beta one-on-one.  The story is as far as chapter 17, and my readers are just hounding me for the next, and I can't find it in my heart to make them wait any longer!


I was hoping that maybe a willing Beta could guide me from chapter 18, and then I can ask PTB to help me get the first 17 chapters right as we go along...


If there are any amazing and willing Beta's reading this, who will be willing to help a struggling writer out, I would appreciate your assistance MORE than I appreciate Rob's pouty lips...and that's saying something!




Here's the link if you want to check the story out before you reply.



attn: feminists, et al.

Sunday June 12, 2011 at 10:48 PM


FIRST: Don't get defensive just for the sake of it. I know lots of us fans, myself included, tend to automatically throw up our fists the moment we hear the least bit derogatory comment concerning Twilight, but at least read the full article before you input.

This article was recently brought to my attention, and it's really gotten me thinking. 

Here's an excerpt:

"...Because Edward Cullen is porn. Weird, pre-sexual, socially conservative, deeply repressed and EFFED BECAUSE NO F-BOMBS ON THE FRONT PAGE-up porn, but in a world where ladies’ sexy feelings are fenced in with shame and warnings of danger from Day 1, is it any wonder that porn which consistently ties sex to death and fear and the urgent need for repression is selling to the girls?"


TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. It's pretty much incontrovertible to argue that we RPattz fangirls aren't objectifying the stuffing out of him. How does this make you feel? Do you agree with the author of this article? Do you disagree? Do you not GAF either way? I'll save my commentary for after the jump.


LET'S HEAR IT. DISCUSS. ARGUE. WAVE YOUR VARIOUS FLAGS OF ACADEMIA. I've missed intelligent conversation in this place.


(also, for what it's worth, the rest of the blog is pretty awesome, too.)



Sunday June 12, 2011 at 7:03 PM


spoilers abound, so beware

get in here and defend your favorite game of thrones hottie

if you say joffrey, i will end your life and then ban you from the forest

anyway, discuss jon snow being hot game of thrones, post gifs, etc.

ps- i'll be in here after i watch tonight's episode

and tricia, if you see this, add a game of thrones tag for me, porf?

omg heartcrushing gif i just found fyt:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

* I added the tag Kristen. You KNOW how much I love this series of books and they are doing such an amazing job with the series! I love you, too.


Could Be Worse, Right?

Sunday June 12, 2011 at 6:50 PM

I was searching through some rec campfires and I came upon this story. Could Be Worse, Right? by Savage7289 and I vaguely remember people mentioning it before because it was pulled from for content and then I read Savage7289 warning of the content and the prologue and truth be told I'm a little afraid to read it since I don't read much of the discussions regarding this fic. I really do want to read it though, I love her other works, but like I said I'm so afraid of reading it and getting more than I anticipated. 

My biggest issue is that she says she won't romanticize the themes in her story and I'm hoping that's true, could any guys give me some pointers? Did any of you read it and like it? read it and not like it? if so why? would you recommend that I give it a shot or skip it? I'm not much of angst girl but it the story and the writing is good I don't mind giving it a shot. I don't mind spoilers since I don't want to go into this blind. Thanks so much for the help guys!


Family Fics

Sunday June 12, 2011 at 3:05 PM

Love them or hate them, one of the reasons I keep watching all of the Kardashian reality shows is because I'm attracted to the idea of "family." I come from a small family and am really fascinated by the idea of older sisters, brother-in-laws, parents who are actively involved in their childrens lives.

And that's why I also am obsessed with Twilight. I love the Cullen family. I'm fascinated by people who choose to be loyal to one another.

Help me out.

What are the best Cullen family fics?

I prefer vamp, no AH please.


on the hunt for...

Sunday June 12, 2011 at 2:05 PM

A fic about a Bella who works at a bakery and a Doctorward who is married to Angela and has a daughter. It was such a good fic. Anyone know what happened to it?


Thanks a bunch


Slicked back or sex hair

Sunday June 12, 2011 at 1:54 PM

He looks very Eric Packer (read:  rich)  or like he protects the president, I can't decide.

Ah, but here is the sex hair.  On a Toronto balcony with his dog.

For interactivity:  does your man wear his hair the way you like it?  Is it short or long or crazy or what?



Sunday June 12, 2011 at 7:38 AM


OMGOODNESS!!!  Kalejay (one of our very own featured artists here on ADF) won a poster-design contest for 100 Monkeys!  She gets to meet Jackson (and the rest of the boys) when they make a stop in Montreal this July!  YAYYYY!!!!


Because Kalejay is already the yin to my yang... I feel like I've won the contest too!  LOL.  She's made every one of my banners for me, and if you've seen her work, you know she's way talented. 


Did any of our other campers enter this contest?  Did anyone else win??


To make this post interactive... pop in and tell us about the artists that make YOUR fanfiction addiction more fun.  Or just give kalejay a CONGRATS! 


A Cry For Help

Sunday June 12, 2011 at 4:49 AM

I recently read a poem written by a thirteen year-old girl on another Twilight site. It was about cutting and suicide. She forwarded this poem to other members in an email.

Obvioulsly, she is asking for help... or at least some attention. Right?

I emailed her back, and she responded, but I feel like I should do more.

I'm afraid she may do something rash... or hurt herself more.

I recommended a book I heard about since she likes to read. ???? What else can I do? She lives in Indiana and I live in Florida.

I'm 37 and sh'e 13.

I kow we have a lot of young women in high school here on ADF and I am looking to you for advice. Though I do remember what it is like to be a teen, I have grown up a lot since then.

Her main issue is her mother. I get it. Didn't we or don't we all have issues with our mothers? Especially at 13.

Anyway, could some of you younger memebers give me some advice on what you would want done? Or if you know of any sites she can visit. or numbers she can call.

Thank you. I just reallly want to help this girl.





Dumb Question!

Saturday June 11, 2011 at 9:22 PM

Ok, I'm really sorry for this....But how the heck do you make the font bigger on I was reading and scrolling down a page and all of a sudden the font went teensy-tiny. I clicked on all sorts of things but I'm just making it worse.

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