Something fun

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 11:53 AM

Go HERE and play a song on the guitar and record it. I'm curious if anybody can figure out how to play a real song. I only know how to pluck random strings :-P

*it's in honor of Les Paul's birthday*


FF Fail?

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 9:05 AM

I haven't received any alerts since June 5. Is anybody else having trouble?


My First Campfire

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 9:04 AM

Um, Hi! So, I have no idea how to get a campfire approved! Someone, please enlighten me.

I just want to say that the Forest is a great comfort for me and I know, for many others! I mean, recently, with the BD trailer I only had like one person to discuss it with and that's so...anticlimatic. But then I log onto the forest and voila, hundreds of comments to read and agree or disagree with. Its pretty cool.

And the best part? Fanfic discussions and now, the Forest is the best place to find new/lost fics.

To the genius/geniuses.geniuii? that created this awesome slice of Twilight/other vampire stuff heaven: THANK YOU! 

And on a side note: Anyone outthere that wants to discuss Dr Mr Masen and The Plan? I need someone to obsess with!


Status of Two Stories

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 6:51 AM

Hello, I'm new to A Different Forest, but I was looking to see if anyone knew the status of Tangled up in Blue and The Foreign Papers.  I've read Tangled up in Blue since then beginning, and absolutely love it.  I just started The Foreign Papers, but then noticed that it hasn't updated in a while.  If it has been abandoned, I don't want to continue reading.




your long lost uncle ranger lives!

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 5:31 AM

work is stupid

oh, forest. how i have missed thee! let me count the ways.

i started my new job this week. i've been orientating. no internet! how shall i ever cope?

anyway, the forest has been quiet and i'd like to know what you've been up to.

so... leave me a note or a picture or something totally inappropriate in this CF. i'll check it when i get home later today!

or idk just tell me how stupid work is and what your plans are when you win the lotto.

my king as mr. darcy for your time:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

oh, and don't forget: tonight at 9pm eastern begins the free-for-all. have at it, gents! 


Happy Birthday Vampgirl

Wednesday June 8, 2011 at 5:58 PM

Its my bestest Twifriends birthday today.  Now Vampgirl is a true Vampgirl, her only love is our very own Edward.  Twilightward is her favourite so would you all help me out and post some scrummy pics/gifs for my girl to make her day wonderful.

I will start here with a couple and more inside.


thanks to Cappy & fellow nerd WTVOC for letting me post this!


help me!

Wednesday June 8, 2011 at 5:20 PM


ok little forestlings, i have an odd request.

this weekend my little bro is coming up for a visit, and he's dared to challenge me to a 90s trivia game. now, being  the class of 2000 graduate that i was, the 90s was during my formative years. i was a pop culture trivia master back then. however, it's been 11 long years since i graduated and i may have forgotten a few things. but me being me, i promised that i was going to whip him so bad that he was going to cry like a beyotch in front of his wife and children. 

so that's where you guys come in. i need your minds. i need all the 90s pop culture trivia that you can think of and/or find. you know, all that stuff you randomly spout off when you want to show someone how knowledgeable you are. "You know Julie Stiles originally auditioned for Bianca in 10 Things, don't you?" (don't say you don't do it, everyone does) granted, i could just google this all myself but meh...whats the fun in that?! and lets make this even more fun by adding your favorite 90s anything. movies, music, tv shows, fashion, etc.

thank you!


approved by the purple ranger


Mid-Length Fic List

Wednesday June 8, 2011 at 4:12 PM

Okay here we go again, campers.  With the blessing of LJ Summers, who's on a break right now, I am hosting this recc campfire for mid-length stories.  We have a one-shot fic list, we now have a short story fic list.  Let's have one for all the stories that have just enough meat, but don't venture into the very long category. 

Do you want more than a morsel but aren't looking for the full course meal?  Maybe you're looking for a story that captures your attention in which you can get involved but not be dragged on for a long-term commitment?

For the purpose of this campfire, let's define a mid-length story as one that is 30,000 to 80,000 words.

I know some good ones, do you?

Remember the rules of the fire

1. Keep it simple.

2. No discussion.


Also, please take a moment to visit our MASTER FIC LIST and update any lists you see that need some attention.  Thank you!


SMeyer to make cameo appearance in BD

Wednesday June 8, 2011 at 10:12 AM

Don't think this has been posted yet. According to Perez:

This doesn't surprise us at all!

In fact, we think that it's only appropriate that she's present for the big day!

Twilight author Stephenie Meyer previously made a cameo in the film adaptation of the first book in the series as a diner patron, and now, we've gotten word that she, alongside screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg and producer Wyck Godfrey, will also be appearing in the upcoming concluding chapter, Breaking Dawn, Part 1, as a guest at Edward and Bella's wedding!

In fact, see if you can try and spot all three in the trailer (above)…we'd say around the :55 second mark!

It must have been such a surreal experience to be sitting there, watching characters that you've created come to life in such a huge way!

Congratulations, gurl! Hope it turned out exactly as you dreamed it to!

Any thoughts, campers? All I remember from her Twilight cameo was how much the actress playing the waitress got on my friggin' nerves.  INTERACTIVITY: WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE CAMEOS FROM OTHER MOVIES???

Fluent in Sarcasm

Wit, banter and citrus delight

Wednesday June 8, 2011 at 8:04 AM

So the following are fics that i have and am really enjoying because of the quick wit, banter and the citrusy tension that is offers:

Bella's Hymen Theory  by SwanCullen12

Marital B tch by Jillian Landers

Sexy Silk by jlho

The Best I Ever Had by WhatsMyNomDePlume

The Plan by QuantumFizzx

The Tales of a Charming TruckNapper by Mk Marie

Words with Friends Nolebucgrl

So.. any recommendations for others of a similar nature would be appreciated!

Thank you x


10 tips to make your Betas love you

Wednesday June 8, 2011 at 7:06 AM

Rags from Emergency Beta just wrote

10 tips to make your Betas love you

for this week's Writing Lab at MyReadingLounge.

I think it's a great post to edit our own chapters before sending them to our betas and to improve our writing.

If you aren't familiar with the super service provided by Emergency Beta, but also by Project Team Beta and Sparkly Red Pen (they are both mentioned in the post), this article is a good way to know more about them.

Enjoy and spread the news,


ps: please let me know if your Betas will actually love you more, thanks to Emergency Beta's suggestions! ;-)




Fashion rescue please

Wednesday June 8, 2011 at 6:29 AM

Hi everyone!

A year and a half ago today, I graduated college. I still think it's pretty damn pointless, but that's an discussion for another campfire. Problem here is, I have the *dang diploma ceremony today, and I need to buy some formal clothes. If it weren't because my parents are coming, I'd happily look the other way and not even show up, but they're coming from 560 KM away to witness my 'happy moment', so I'm stuck with the ceremony.

My question: how the hell do I dress accordingly to my body type? My body type being: I'm 1.56 meters tall, I weight 60 kilos. I've a balanced body, you could say I've got long legs. I've got big boobs, sadly, and a smallish waist, thankfully, and I know my stronger attributes are probably my legs, because they're toned (thank you, gymnastics) and my boobs and waist. In case you were wondering, I have a round-like face, and people are always telling me I'm cute. (ergo: the very word annoys me)

I tried to go buy clothes last night and to say it didn't go well is to put it mildly. It might have triggered a small nervous breakdown. Maybe not so small. I lost my *hit ok?

Anyway, I'm in need of female advice, and my roomate's hangover has pretty much left her incapacitated, so anyone want to lend me a hand here?

Posted with Emibella's approval =)

*ranger edits for the cussing.


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday June 8, 2011 at 3:27 AM

It's an early mornin' one!








"forgive me, my love." by Tinchy2010 <- This was actually taken down a while ago by YouTube and the vidder just put it back up again. I know I've posted it before, but this vid is one of my all-time FAVORITE Edward/Bella vids.  WATCH IT. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.



"The Lightning Strike - Damon/Elena" by dominoesrising <- Really cool vid, b/c the vidder created her own plot line with it.  And since I'm a Damon/Elena shipper, I LOVE it.




R.I.P Alton House

Wednesday June 8, 2011 at 2:54 AM

Alton house was just deleted a litttle while ago. I'm so sad I loved that fic. Kept hopeing she'd go back to it. Did anyone else like that story? Her one-shot The Italian Campaign is still there check that out if you get the chance.


BDtrailer puts even grown ups in full Twihard mode

Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 11:07 PM

Be honest:

How many times have you watched it and which scenes are the most rewatchable?


I´ll deny it if confronted with this in my rl, but I must have watched it at least 10 times, due to

a. The headboard (DUH), aka Edward moves like  a sex god  

b. Edward FINALLY following his team´s collective psyche and kicking Jacob´s butt (cause angryward is wayhot)

c. His reaction to the demon sperm. I hate Renesmee etc, but that´s a great angst source and I like how he looks not as human there




Favorite Carlisle

Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 9:07 PM

Hey, I am bored out of my mind and suddenly got the urge to read some Carlisle.  So, If you can rec a fic with your favorite Carlisle with a decent ammount of interaction with him in the fic (not just one or two paragraphs please) then I would be super excited.  It can be fatherly Carlisle or romantic Carlisle.




One Shots

Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 5:58 PM

Can we talk One shots?

I love one shots, nothing pleases my "complete only fanfiction" heart like a one shot but once in awhile I'll find a truly amazing o/s that I just wish the author would continue.

So tell me campers what are those one shots you would love to see continued?

I'll share my in the comments!





What's yer ship?

Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 3:12 PM

So, I'm new to this non-canon business. 

But - I'm finding a lot of people are really, really not into it. 

Like, at all. 

Are there any pairings you abosolutely won't read? 


Any pairings that you love and wish there were more of? 


If you don't read non-canon, what's your aversion to it? 

Lulu M

Project Team Beta's Smut University Summer 2011

Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 1:19 PM

Smut University is back for Summer 2011!

Our fandom is very smutty. Admit it. We’re a bunch of pervs! Unfortunately, there’s an abundance of not-so-good smut, the kind that leaves you cringing, rather than hot and bothered. Luckily, smut writing skills can be learned through research and practice.

Let’s improve smut in the fandom, one raunchy story at a time!

Course Schedule
Student Application

Back to School Fundraiser

PTB is a learning environment. Every single beta and author puts forth effort to either help or improve. We’re all teachers and students here.

So, let’s not forget where we came from and the education we’ve had. It’s a tough time now, and teachers and students everywhere are being affected. With just a minimum donation of $5.00, you will play a part in helping a classroom and in return receive a compilation of stories written by your fellow fandom authors.

Yearbooks will be distributed September 3!

Donating Money and Donating an OS Info
Contributing Authors

If you have any question, comments, or concerns feel free to email


Saving Fics

Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 12:03 PM

Hey guys

I used Graffer but now it's Kaput since the changes with Fanfiction, can you recommend a new saver for fics? Thanks!

P.S. I usually take these to be uploaded for my Ipad or phone.

First --- | >> | 833 | 834 | 835 | 836 | 837 | 838 | 839 | 840 | 841 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
