
What happened?

Thursday May 12, 2011 at 6:34 AM


What has happened to her blog or "Could Be Worse, Right?"

I got the notification in my email this morning that the latest chapter was up, so I click on it of course and everything is GONE.

If that was the last chapter and she pulled the story after posting, I wish she would've given people time to read it!!!

If not, I hope it's a temorary issue!

Anyone know?

** EDIT: Phew, thanks to Kagen-mo, I don't need to worry anymore....


Jackson Rathbone on Facebook.

Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 10:45 PM

Jackson Rathbone posted on his twitter account today that he has officailly joined the crazy that is Facebook. Check him out!

Just thought everyone would like to know


TwilightBigBang II

Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 8:52 PM



Guess what? It's that time of year again; time to kick off The Twilight Big Bang! *pauses for applause* We're excited to start a new big bang and see what the fandom and it's fans have to offer in fanfiction, fanart, graphics, videos, fanmixes and a wide array of other fanworks!

Even if you don't feel up to producing something for the big bang, you can still sign-up to be a beta or a cheerleader. The possibilities of how to participate are endless! Sign-ups start on May 20th and run through until May 30th, so join or watch to keep track of community updates.
...that is, if you have a livejournal. If not do not, don't fret. We're compiling a mailing list, so drop us an email at twilightsagabb @ gmail . com to be added to it for reminders, updates and other community related news. DON’T FORGET TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

Join us we have cookies!

All TwilightBigBang were approve by a mod



What is owning you?

Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 5:42 PM

Hey lovelies! So I find myself so tired right now I could fall asleep on this laptop, yet I can't stop listening to and watching this video below.

Seriously, it's owning me right now. What else is owning you, MM17, you might ask? This right here, boys and girls:

I'm determined to go see it again before the week is out. Seriously, scruffy, dirty, muscleshirt Rob? Total WIN! I'm re-reading this and it's owning me AGAIN!:

What's owning YOU right now, lovelies?


What's up with Renee?

Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 4:55 PM

Ten minutes ago, I was reading a great story - totally immersed in the characters and thinking I was reading the BEST fic ever.

Then bam! Something took me out of my happy place. That something was Renee. Believe me when I tell you, her character was completely deplorable in what was otherwise an utterly outstanding story. So...

Why is Renee often portrayed so poorly in fic?

More often than not (imo), she's either:

a) a gold digging social climber
b) a woeful, irresponsible neglecter
c) an overbearing instigator
d) a fickel, flighty hippie

Is there no happy medium for Mrs. Dwyer?

It happens in countless fics - thoughtful, well-written, stories at that. I know there are exceptions but mostly, it seems to be the gold standard.

On the surface, it simply seems to be a convenient plot device but I'm seriously starting to wonder if it's deeper than that and I'm sort of baffled.

I've rarely read Charlie villainized in such a way and, one could argue, his emotional IQ is as low as fic Renee's appears to be.

Writers/readers what are your reasons/theories about this?


Rob outtakes, anyone?

Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 4:04 PM

Yep. More outtakes were released. Enjoy....I know I am!


Moooore inside, gimme a minute to post.

Sugar Britches

No More Rhyming, I Mean It!

Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 3:49 PM

Does anybody want a peanut?

Let's play a game. I start a sentence, and you must reply with a rhyming response.

For example:

I post,  

"Rob turns twenty five this Friday"...

And someone replies, 

"He was born on the 13th of May"



Robert Pattinson Pictures, Images and Photos
GO! (please someone play with me...)

raggy! relp!

Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 12:42 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


you've got questions.

we've got answers.

forget the name of that one fic with edward and bella and they get into some misunderstanding and despite their obvious and mutual attraction they decide they don't like each other and then emmett comes in and says something really disarmingly coarse but observant and rosalie slaps his arm while jasper drawls something distinctly and stereotypically/derogatorily southern while alice bounces around fervently? then tanya/lauren/jessica shows up as edward's dreaded ex and hangs all over him while bella bites her lip and holds in her massive amounts of feelings and then jacob/james/newton/tyler/tyler's van come in and suddenly edward is given a dose of the green-eyed monster? oh, and they probably use the eff bomb a lot and let out some breaths they hadn't realized they were holding.

does anyone remember that fic?

lol sorry, i get carried away sometimes (most of the time, often, ad nauseum).

but really, this is a good place to ask anything you're dying to know. like... what's the name of that fanfiction (or better yet, do you have a link?)

do you wanna know how people come up with their awesome icons?

do you wonder, like i do, why everyone calls them "avi"s, since .avi is a type of file and it's very confusing?

do you have specific questions about authors or want a link to the googledoc site or idk, where does she get those wonderful toys?

wonder stuff about ADF? how to make with the sparkles or link to websites without posting the actual URL like this?

really, anything you need. just come in here and ask.

and if you have answers for people, please feel free to respond!


fan art

Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 12:18 PM

We haven't had a fan art/banner campfire lately, so I thought I'd start one ^_^

I wanna see the art you've been working on.


I admit I haven't made any Twilight banners recently, but I've been inspired by Harry Potter.  I hope it's okay to post those.



I've shown you mine, you show me yours :)


Twilight stars...

Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 12:17 PM

There's an article that is floating around about Ashley's newer movie, Skateland.  In mentions often how it is her first non-twi movie and for some reason, this irks me.  


Here's the link:


I normally won't watch movies with the Twilight stars, as I am waiting for the end of Twilight, but I did catch a movie called Summer's Blood - 

Summary: A family of serial killers stalk a young woman out to find the father she's never known.


It is a twisted movie, and kinda hard to watch but it was the first time I had seen Ashley outside of her Alice role.  I guess I'm kinda annoyed that they don't give credit to movies that they play before going big.  


Game of the day for me:


Where did you first see your twilight cast members (other than Kristen and Rob, as we know them pretty well)....



Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 10:40 AM

So what this it say about me that ALL the stories i am currently reading are slah (E&J)? I'm a girl and hetero stories are boring me!! I love the cuteness of these boys together! Anybody with me or am I alone in my crazy?



Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 5:23 AM

I need somebody!

Not just anybody!

I need my Friends!


Post graciously authorized by Cappy and GAW


Pertaining to mine and Wonk's Jr's abandonment.

See inside for details.


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 3:09 AM

My apologies for not posting this last week. 








In honor of tomorrow being the season finale for The Vampire Diaries, all of my recs today will be strictly TVD (though you may post whatever kind of vid you want). ;)


"Damon & Elena | Skinny Love" by Naphie88 <- LOVE THIS SONG.


"Damon&Elena" by paradisedanifm1 and bresida92




making campfires better

Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 12:33 AM

Yesterday I delved happily into the Reccommendation Campfire, hoping to discover new stories and I also added my bit. I of course got some 60 comments alerts afterwards. The problem is that it is impossible to understand what the comments refer to. Suppose that XY reccommende a story with links and everything. Others did the same, Then there are Campers' comments that endorse the suggestions. "Wonderful" they say. Or "it made me cry" or" I can't wait for updates". Only, you don't know to what rec they are referring to, so the endorsement falls flat, and it doesn't compel you  to look at the story. This of course happens to the comments added to any other campfire. "You are so right, they say, I fully agree with you... You who?

Dear Rangers who are in the Cyberspace, can't this be fixed? Or there is a way to discover it and I am missing the obvious? If, for instance entries were numbered and when somebody commented on a entry (not on the original message that started the campfire) the number could be automatically added, for instance. With campfires with fewer entries one can make a sense of the comments, but with very successful one it getsd Very confusing.

santa muerte

Is there no More Help Desk???

Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 11:26 PM

It's been  three weeks. I need the help desk!!!! So bring it back. please. anyone else miss this?


What fic was this?

Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 5:59 PM

I miss the amnesia campfire because my mind is going blank on this fic.

It started back in 08 and it took a LONG time for it to complete but I can't find it anywhere but I think it might be on the database but I don't remember the name.

Edward and Bella met up again at their class reunion. Everyone was paired off in high school but Carlisle got a job in England before their senior year and Edward and Bella broke up not wanting to do long distance. Emmett and Rosalie lost touch too. Bella and Alice kept in touch with Emmett and both Alice and Emmett had to keep an eye on Bella because she had bad taste in men and James was her main boyfriend and he was abusive so she came up with a date list to help her find better men.

At the reunion dance, Alice I think pushes Edward into dancing with Bella then she almost has a breakdown when Toni Braxton's Unbreak My Heart comes on because that was the song playing right after she and Edward broke up and the one that made her not like music anymore and since then she'll have a breakdown when she hears that song.

That's all I have. I think most know it or of it because it was like the first reunion type fic. Not the recent one called Reunion with fashion designers Bella and Alice. This one is different. Towards the end, Edward and Bella are getting a house and James ends up being the contractor Edward hires and doesn't know he's the anonymous bad/abusive boyfriend Bella had.


And Haymitch is....

Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 5:01 PM

Apparently they've cast Haymitch in The Hunger Games and it's:

Woody Harrelson.


Thoughts? Like? Dislike? Don't care? Share your rants here.



Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 4:54 PM

I am looking for a oneshot...I can't remember the name of it. It was Rose/Emmett/James Dean...anyone know the name of it?

Thanks for you!



Tai/Rosie abuse? WTF?

Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 3:05 PM

Hey sorry for posting two campfires in two days, but just saw this link on Kristin Bauer's Facebook. Apparently its video proof that Tai and the other elephants were abused by electric shocks to get them to perform. I'm posting the link to the video, I have no idea what to think of this. Supposedly these are the trainers for Tai and the other elephants that are shown in the video so that's how they claim it's a true video. If it's true it saddens me so much; I doubt that Reese and Rob knew about this if this did go one. What do you guys think?

EDIT: Sorry guys, apparently this was shot in 2005 and so therefore had nothing to do with the WFE training, thank goodness. Still it's horrific though, poor Tai! I was mad when I saw it, and didn't even notice the date! So sorry lovelies for adding to the confusion!


Recommendation Campfire

Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 2:01 PM

It's been a while, and I have a ton of goodies to share with you all inside!


First --- | >> | 848 | 849 | 850 | 851 | 852 | 853 | 854 | 855 | 856 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
