Looking for a partner

Friday May 6, 2011 at 2:06 PM

Is there anyone that's reading the sequel to The Red Line by Winndsinger?  I started reading it and it got too heavy for me but I really want to find out what happens to these characters.  See inside and I will tell you where I left off and maybe someone could kind of buddy-up and feed me the details? 


Inbox Dry Spell

Friday May 6, 2011 at 1:53 PM

Ok, so I have been a lurker in the Twilight fanfiction community for nearly two years now! And I finally think it's time to enter the more active community :)

So, at the same time as becoming active, I have noticed that my fanfiction inbox has been severely lacking in emails recently, therefore I would love it if you could rec me some fairly newish stories that are fairly consistently updating.

My preference is AH, Edward/Bella, but I'll read mostly anything, maybe some slash?

I would greatly appreciate if you could fill up my inbox, I love opening my Hotmail to find new story alerts :D

Thanks in advance,




Sluts of the World unite!

Friday May 6, 2011 at 1:38 PM

(You have nothing to lose but the chains that bind you! unless you're into that stuff :p)

So, I was looking at the Guardian today, and noticed that there was an article about an extremely insensitive comment made by a policeman in Toronto. While giving a talk on campus safety (I think) the gentleman (and I use the term very sarcastically) said that women should "avoid dressing like sluts" if they didn't want to get raped. 

Fortunately, this comment did not pass unnoticed, leading to the first Slutwalk in Toronto on April 3rd, 2011. Basically, the walk is to bring notice to the fact that victims of rape and other sexual assaults are often treated as having "asked for it" through their behaviour or their dress. It's disgusting to say the least when someone says that an 11 year old child, or a 20 something year old woman can be blamed in some way for the terrible violations they suffered because they wore short skirts or appeared to be sxually promiscuous.

Along with various other cities, a Slutwalk is taking place in London (England) on the 3rd of June when women, men and anyone in between can come out and walk proundly. I was wondering if there were any others here around London who wanted to come join and be part of it too?

Let's discuss the labels society puts on women these days and whether they're fair. Does the emphasis on sexualization of women make you uncomfortable? Do you feel pressured to act or dress in a certain way in order to be seen as beautiful or to avoid being called a slut? 



Gorgeous even while dying

Friday May 6, 2011 at 1:19 PM


Stress Relief

Friday May 6, 2011 at 12:17 PM

So I've had a pretty stressful couple of weeks. Two weeks ago I nearly had a panic attack at work when people kept asking me about my upcoming exams, and last Saturday at work I ran in crying after hearing my grandma had had a fairly serious fall. Needless to say it hasn't been good.

But I know I'm not the only one who's had a hectic/stressful/generally bad couple of weeks. Exams are coming up, and I know at least one other person starts theirs on Monday with me. It's not fun.

So this is a stress relief campfire, I want to know what you do to chill out. How do you unwind?

Do you watch something? Listen to something? Eat something? Do something?

Post pics, links, videos. Lets make it fun k :)

(chilled out RPatz fyt)

oh & while I'm here if anyone has any awesome ways to get rid of stretch marks I would be very grateful :D


Friday May 6, 2011 at 10:46 AM

For all of you wonderful Mom's out there...


This Sunday is a very special day for Mom's. I wish you the happiest of Mother's Days!!!

 For mine, it's the one year anniversary of a life changing event. One year ago, my Mom had a stroke. She was only 51 at the time.

Last  year we celebrated the day in the ICU waiting room. This year, we're taking her to Vegas to celebrate life (and to get her mind off of the fact that last year at this time she could not walk or talk at all).

All of our lives have changed dramatically, but I wouldn't do anything differently. She's still here with us, and that's what counts.

So, let's celebrate our Mom's in this campfire.

Tell us a story.

Tell us why your Mom is awesome.

Or tell us why YOU, as a Mom, are awesome. What have your kids done to celebrate the day with you.



**As a side note - May is Stroke Awareness Month. Check out the National Stroke Association - it's definitely worth a visit. One fact that I learned that shocked me was that stroke kills twice as many women as breast cancer every year.**



Friday May 6, 2011 at 10:33 AM

I was watching the Daily Show earlier this week, and one of Jon's guests was Rachel Maddow.  I found myself thinking that she looked really cute, maybe not "hot" per se, but definitely cute (with her nerdy horn rimmed glasses and all). 

This got me thinking about androgyny in general...I love the look of androgynous women, but I'm not too keen on feminine looking males.

Your thoughts?  Do you find androgyny attractive?  Post some pics of your favorite androgynous celebs.



High School Reunions

Friday May 6, 2011 at 10:16 AM

My class had so much fun 4 years ago at our 10 year reunion, that we are planning to have a 15 year next summer. Have you or will you go to yours? Were you close to your class mates? Do you still stay in touch? Or are you one that feels like there is not enough alcohol in the world to get you to go?


The end of the trip

Friday May 6, 2011 at 10:11 AM

RIDE by Kristina Salvador  has just posted the last chapter today. It was one hell of a ride, yeah? If you are reading the fic, come let's discuss the last chapter inside and post your Bugatti Veyron pic or maybe your favorite porn pic, hehe (if it is allowed here). What do you think? Do you like the ending or you hate the idea that Manipulative Edward got his way again? I freakily love it and i miss that manipulating-sexy-grand-theft -auto-son of a bitch already!

For those who haven't read it should! Don't let the porn fool you...this story has a plot.


And behold the fastest and the most expensive car in the world that  Edward is lusting, asides Bella of course... The Bugatti Veyron Super Sport


ex boyfriends...

Friday May 6, 2011 at 9:14 AM

ex boyfriends 

we've all got them.

tell me about them? 

bad break-up stories?

good break-up stories? 

still friends? 

don't talk anymore?

come discuss.

i've recently become single - my story inside!



Friday May 6, 2011 at 8:49 AM




hangover cures.
talk about them. 

so much tequila last night... holy guacamole. 
help a sister out.

or, idk.. talk about your worst hangover stories. or your best Drinco de Mayo stories. or your tequila stories. or like... the best grilled cheese you ever made at 4am. 


Oldies but Goodies

Friday May 6, 2011 at 8:15 AM



Morning campers! 

I'm a little late here - my apologies.

This fire is for Chapters 19-26 of Faking It by Spanglemaker. 

Come on in and share your thoughts, feelings, etc. 

No spoilers please - we've got new readers!




Join us Monday to discuss Chapters 27 to the end, and this great story as a whole!

Thanks for participating!


fun fun fun

Friday May 6, 2011 at 7:14 AM

it's free for all friday- make some noise!

and if you haven't seen this beastie boys video, watch it. 

there's also a 30-minute version omg it's hilarious

the new album is amazing, by the way.

i simply can't stop listening to it.

got any can't-stop-listenin' tunes i need to know about?

eta: the google ad popping up for me is the advertisement for the new beastie album! :') better than german porn, tbh



Friday May 6, 2011 at 4:46 AM

So, many of you know Aerobee82.  If she is reading your story, she is likely reviewing it.  She consistently offers well balanced feedback on stories and now, she has ventured out on her own.  She posted the first chapter of her VERY OWN fic last night.  It's adorable, and the premise is definitely unique.  If you have a moment, please read and show her some support!

The story is called Antiques Roadshow, and below you'll find the summary and a link. 



I took an antique in for appraisal, only to find a much rarer treasure. I met Bella Swan on Antiques Roadshow, and PBS would never want for funds again. Canon couples.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,224 - Reviews: 4 - Published: 5-5-11 - Bella & Edward


McFearless - Final chapter posted tonight!

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 9:30 PM  



One of the best slash fics out there!!!!!  I loved every word and will miss it dearly.  Who is with me?


The story behind...

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 9:07 PM

I can't get my hands on the The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide right now, so is anyone allowed to give some insight on the stories behind the characters, like Alice?


I would love to know...please ?  :)





Another Lost Fic

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 8:25 PM

Hi - one of my favorite one-shots  -  "Proffer for 24"  -  seems to have vanished into thin air. Edward was a science professor, and Bella was a science student. They had to stay away from each other, after meeting, for professionalism reasons. Can't even remember who the author was. Anyone out there know anything about it? Would REALLY appreciate the info. Thanx!


Badass Bella

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 7:56 PM

This is my first campfire I have no idea what I am doing? AHHH! Please bear with me if this is wrong but I was wondering what are some of your favorite stories with a Badass Bella.  They are my favorites, after a while I get tired of reading about shy, awkward, clumsy, Bella and need one with some spunk. So what's your favorite?



Thursday May 5, 2011 at 7:07 PM

Ok. I am seriously trying not to scream like a crazy fan girl right now. I am at work and just found out that Rob is at Sydney's Luna Park taking photos. I work in the city and he'll have to drive past my office to go to where the premiere of WFE is tonight. OMG.

(Luna Park is a little amusement park by the harbour. In this photo, my office is across the bridge and slightly to the right. OMFG)

This is massively exciting. He's never been in Australia before. Now he's here. Minutes away from me.

Must stay at work. Must not stalk Rob. Must not break out squealing like a 12 year old.

Wow, my self restraint is working OVERTIME right now.



Thursday May 5, 2011 at 5:11 PM



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