
While The Yanks Are Away...

Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 5:07 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

I'm running late this morning, but I really wanted to talk about the TV shows we're all watching right now.

I'm obsessed with Hart of Dixie.

(omg Wade is the best thing since sliced bread I swear.)



I'm also loving Once Upon a Time.

(some hot sheriff man meat for your consideration)


And yesterday, I watched the first epsiode of American Horror Story and it scared the life out of me. I sat there with my WTF face the whole time, so naturally I'll be watching more of that later.

Let's chat.


Twilight Male/ofc

Monday November 21, 2011 at 7:29 PM

Hello I'm wondering if there are any twilight stories where one of the male vamps mates with someone other than a canon character like emmet, Carlisle or Jasper being the single one in the group and then finding a human female mate? or All Human... I don't why but I really would like to read a good story where one of these guys finds an Original Female character for a mate. Is this too out of the box for a twilight fic?

I once read a fic like this on twilighted where the ofc/girl was driven to find edward but she wasn't bella. She had this urge to go in a direction and it lead her to edward and the cullens. But the story doesn't have to be like that it was just an example of one of the few i've read. 

Thank you for any Recs.

FYT: Docward is Hot

When Love and Hate Collide    Bella and Edward have grown up practically hating each other. Friends and family will force them closer than ever before. Will they try to fight it, or give in? AH/AU OCC. Canon pairing. Rated M for future Lemons.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 171,664 - Reviews: 3516 - Updated: 4-17-11 - Published: 9-22-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete


New Removal Trailer!

Monday November 21, 2011 at 6:13 PM

Any Billy Burke fans here?  Have you seen the new trailer for his movie Removal? Holy crap it looks scary... yet really good!  What do you guys think?




House Beautiful

Monday November 21, 2011 at 5:41 PM


Not only do I love American Horror Story, I also love to look at houses and how people decorate them.  (I have no sense of style, sadly.  Therefore, I must live vicariously through others).  

I found this site featuring the house and thought I'd share.  It's beautiful!  No word on whether it comes with its own Rubberman, though.

Do you actually like the house?  What would you change?  I love the house, but would probably find all the dark wood a bit oppressive. 


"The Harsh Bigotry of Twilight Haters"

Monday November 21, 2011 at 1:18 PM

Interesting article by Erika Christakis (why the s?? Oh well)


Just some pretty picture:


Say What?

Monday November 21, 2011 at 12:32 PM


So, we have been hearing about some very strange things that take place in Breaking Dawn. Tell us if these things are true and please add your own observations!

1. A Kristen Stewart nip slip (someone confirmed on twitter that they saw it)

2. Kristen Stewart's teeth are extremely white and distracting

3. Edward doesn't sparkle in the sun in the outdoor honeymoon scenes except for a brief moment on the cliff

4.  The wedding kiss was sloppy and noisy

Ranger EKSmith addition-5. Is it true that Edward has a boner that is very obvious? (someone told us this)

Come and share with us on what you noticed and observed!!!

SPECIAL THANKS to camper Mirrorlight31 for finding and posting the Edward boner gif!


Length of Fictions

Monday November 21, 2011 at 12:23 PM

I just stumbled upon a fic that was more than five hundred chapters long and counting.

Then there are a few that are only a few chapters at the most.

Some fictions are hundreds of thousands of words long; some less than fifty thousand.

Frankly I get scared of ones that seem incredibly long.   I never read Master of the Universe, simply for that reason--by the time I became aware of it, it was already over 50 chapters.  That seemed a lot to me and it scared me off.  I was shocked when it went more than 100 chapters.

My question here, friends, is does length of a fic scare you off?  How so? 

As writers how do you know when to quit?

Someone posted something somewhere about story arcs and plotting.  I can't find it so if you have a format  I'd love to see it.


Sneak Peek

Monday November 21, 2011 at 10:05 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


black friday shop talk

Monday November 21, 2011 at 9:47 AM

ADF presents: black friday shopping with ranger wtvoc

ah, here we are. the week of.

time to train yourselves, chickens.

i'll be making these campfires over the next few days in order to discuss strategies for obtaining good deals come black friday. 

i'd also love to hear from you! what are your tips, your strategies, your bargains.

i woke up about twenty minutes ago, so eat me if i start to ramble/become nonsensical lol

and man, i was inundated with TONS of emails from all kinds of places about sales, extra percents off and more SHOP HERE black friday propaganda.

so we'll use that as the topic of today's campfire- where to shop. come inside for more.

also, i thought it would be cool if you would post with exactly what you're looking for. maybe someone around here knows where to find it for cheap come friday! 

so come on in, campers. let's talk how to save a buck (or 200).

some seasonal music to get you ~in the mood:

lol my husband is giving me a mondo glare of death. it isn't technically christmas music! (i'm not allowed to listen to it/watch christmas movies until the day after thanksgiving unless i wanna find myself a single mother lol)


Oldies but Goodies

Monday November 21, 2011 at 8:53 AM

Morning Campers!


It's time for our last discussion fire for 

ETHAN CHURCH by dryler


Come on in and share your thoughts, feelings, etc.  about this story as a whole.  

No worries about spoilers this time - we're done! 



Up next in this series of short vampire fics?


Bella woke up in the Phoenix hospital and couldn't remember how she got there. A year later, she's living in Jacksonville with her mother, but she still has no memory of her four months in Forks. Can she recover what she lost by returning?

Join us Thursday to discuss Chapters 1-6.  

Thanks for participating!!!


And many more!

Monday November 21, 2011 at 8:52 AM

She's always so good about remembering us on our birthdays.  Let's show her a little love on hers. 




Open Up Next to This, B.

Monday November 21, 2011 at 6:35 AM

I have to start this campfire because i couldn't wait.

what do you all think of the latest chapter?

LJ is still having trouble spelling.

What do we think Edward has to say?

Is it a trio of mates?

Do I want to scratch my own face off and weep under my bed?

Why does it hurt so good?

My feelings can best be expressed via Mike "the situation" Sorrentino:


While The Yanks Are Away...

Monday November 21, 2011 at 4:21 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

It's X Factor time again, so let's talk about those results.


Do you think the right person went home? Were you surprised at the bottom two?

And what about this guy going home? I will miss his fabulousness.


Same goes for any other reality TV you've watched this week.

Let's chat.


This isn't going to work...

Monday November 21, 2011 at 2:41 AM

So yesterday I watched Breaking Dawn, anyone who knows me on twitter knows I would never pay to see it, so...yeah.

Anyway, I really liked it!

Saying that, now I'm like super into Edward/Bella again, which isn't good when I'm writing my Jasper/Bella fic.

So I need some Jasper/Bella.

Something along the lines of the epicness that is Conversations With My Killer by Oracle Vas - To me, life was a heartbeat in time and a breath of air. Jasper showed me it was truth, justice, faith, love, and fear. He dared me to be different. He encouraged me to defy the rules of my world and create my own. And on my last day, he took it all

.....or anything by Oracle Vas tbf.


Underworld Awakening

Sunday November 20, 2011 at 11:03 PM

The Offspring shared this with me-I hope they do it justice because I LOVE the Underworld series.

Do you think you might see it? Has it run it's course?

If you have an upcoming movie trailer you want to share, I'd love to see it.


Show Me Your Spoils!

Sunday November 20, 2011 at 9:16 PM

There was a CF Friday about shall we say... Shopping Skillz and the need to unabashedly brag discuss our incredibly savvy deal scouting skills.

So shoppers show me, what did you find out there in the great big retail world this weekend?

Did anyone else hit up Old Navy? As the Purple One aka Master Yoda Shopper announced they had 75% off adult outerwear! I checked it out but seeing as I'm in that God awful phase of pregnancy where I don't really fit in my own clothes but I am not yet ready for the dreaded maternity rack (although at this rate I could be next week...) I decided to pass. But they had some really cute stuff so wanted to see if anyone here was able to take advantage of the sale?

I did find this super cute boots though so don't feel bad for me!


They are regularly $36.94 but were on sale for 15 bucks. So with my ON Super Cash I only paid $7 and change for them. Now that made momma very happy!

Oops sorry if FFA is over.... Strike down my CF if you must but I really do want to see what ya'll got this weekend.


Inspired by Breaking Dawn - Renesmee Fics?

Sunday November 20, 2011 at 5:03 PM

I must confess I have never been a fan of Renesmee. I cringed upon reading her name and really didn't like the idea of Bella and Edward being parents.

But, when I saw Breaking Dawn (twice) this weekend, something changed. I was suddenly interested in Renesmee. The way her part of the story played out was intriguing and now....I want Reneseme fics!

What's the best Renesmee fic you've read? Recs please!

The best one I've read is A Federation of Cassandras by Foipur.  It's so well written!

Was anyone else brought over to team Renesmee because of the movie like me?


Who is Rubberman?

Sunday November 20, 2011 at 4:09 PM


American Horror Story.  I may be obsessed.  My theory on the Rubberman reveal inside the comments.  SPOILERS!!


You sneaky mom!

Sunday November 20, 2011 at 2:47 PM


Alice and Jasper

Sunday November 20, 2011 at 11:43 AM

Does anybody know any great Alice and Jasper fics? I have found some one shots but no stories. I am looking for pre twilight cannon stories that preferably start when they meet. But I wouldn't mind some cannon stories that take place during twilight either. I would just really like some back history on them. Any help?

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