
Make A Wish Thread

Sunday November 13, 2011 at 6:05 PM

So the otherday on the Karaoke thread. I posted the following video:

And then jokingly made a comment that someone should hire me. (I'm vocal student at Conservatory.)
The next day in my inbox was a job offer.
Someone dropped out of an Opera and they needed a replacement.
And they picked me!!
And they're paying me!
I am offically a professional Opera Singer!!
Words cannot express my excitement.
It's just at a nearbye college.
But people are  paying me to sing!!!!
And I can't help but think that my off-hand wish at ADF played a role.
What do you wish for?
Maybe the ADF magic will make it come true?
Not Twilight.
But easily  one of the best fics ever. Please read it! Seriously!
How Rue Became the Mockingjay by aimmyarrowshigh reviews
She's teamed up with the little girl instead of the boy who loves her. Katniss Everdeen and the girl from Eleven are ruining their best-laid plans. So, "Caesar," they say, "Announce the change." -This is an alternate chronology for The
Hunger Games - Fiction Rated: T - English - General/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,638 - Reviews: 55 - Updated: 2-28-11 - Published: 2-28-11 - - Rue/Thresh - Complete
Also strongly reccomend
The Fiercest Sun » reviews
There is danger in pursuing what your heart desires. A seductive and mysterious stranger leads Bella into a path of unsettling self-discovery. How much can she sacrifice to find out what she wants, what she needs? AH Darkward BxE Sexual themes.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 4 - Words: 12,570 - Reviews: 73 - Updated: 11-11-11 - Published: 10-30-11 - Edward & Bella
If you like Sophisticaed-Ward
and Subtleward
bu hotWard!
This one's for you

Twilight stars' past TV roles...

Sunday November 13, 2011 at 5:25 PM

To make this interactive: Did you know about these? Excluding Rob's, 'cause I'm sure everyone's known about those two. 

Here are the three main characters' past TV roles (Rob's being only TV movies):

Rob: I've yet to see 'The Haunted Airman' and 'The Bad Mother's Handbook,' so I can't give my opinion other than how adorkable he looks in the picture from the latter. Although, not gonna lie, I like him better without the long, shaggy hair.

Kristen: I'VE SEEN THE THIRTEENTH YEAR AND HAVEN'T SEEN HER IN THAT AT ALL. Then again, she was uncredited, so... whatever. But how cute was she as a kid?! Hasn't changed all that much except for growing up. AND LOOK HER MOUTH IS CLOSED. D: Lol, I kid. I kid.

Taylor: I don't remember seeing him AT ALL in 'The Bernie Mac Show' OR 'My Wife and Kids' and I watched both shows religiously. Well, almost. Can't say anything about 'Summerland' because I didn't watch that when it was on.

I'll put the others inside, for all to see. In the meantime, come in and comment, talk about if you've seen any of these shows/movies/whatever and which ones you want to watch (if any) now that you know one of them starred in something.

purple eta (i know it's not tv but it still needs to be here):

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E/B Fic Recommendation?

Sunday November 13, 2011 at 3:21 PM


I am in need of a good E/B "completed" story.  Most of the WIPs that I am reading is taking so long to update. I've gone through the rec, pimp, and help desk campfires every week to sort of fic dive and see if I can find a well-written story with a good plot. I've found some stories through these campfires but they are mostly WIPs. I am picky...I usually read the Prologue or the first two chapters of a story and if it doesn't keep my interest, I flounce.

To give you an idea of the type of writing style and story I like, here's a list of my favorite (these are the only ones that I can re-read).

1) Hydraulic Level 5

2) With Teeth

3) There is a Light

4) The Art Teacher

5) Click and Strum

6) How To Paint A House

7) The Best I Ever Had

8) Pocket Change

I've tried to read The Blessing and the Curse 5 times already, but for some odd reason I can't get pass the first 3 chapters. I know most everyone recommends this story.

Thank you in advance for your time.

I leave you with a fanfic rec...(I read this story 3 times already and it's not complete...LOL). This story is so well-written and told.  I hope more readers give it a chance. It's truly a gem.

Pocket Change » reviews
I know of three kinds of change: the kind that jangles around in your pocket, the kind that happens slowly, every moment of every day, and the kind that blows you away in an instant.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 74,883 - Reviews: 1897 - Updated: 10-14-11 - Published: 6-26-11 - Bella & Edward


How often? (advice request)

Sunday November 13, 2011 at 3:07 PM

Two Edwards are fighting in my laptop.

The first one is a Roman guy called Antonius, main character of my first multichapter story, "De Immortalitate." The story is nearing completion (a few chapter left, it's already complete on my hard disk and betaed). So far "De Immortalitate" has been updated every Saturday.

The second one is a snarky vampire Darkward -- still looking for his own -ward title --, main character of my second multichapter story, "An Italian Winter." The first chapter has been posted on 11.11.11 because this Edward wanted so. The first draft of the story is already written, and the betas are working on it chapter by chapter. 

These guys are fighting because of the posting schedule they've been assigned.

I've decided to post the last chapters of  "De Immortalitate" on Saturday, November 19, December 3, Dec 17...and the first chapters of "An Italian Winter" on Friday November 25, December 9, and so on...As soon as "De Immortalitate" is complete, "An Italian Winter" will be updated every Friday. 


Do you think it can work (the wonderful people who are following both the stories would continue to get a new chapter every week, one of "DI" and one of "AIW"), or do you think that slowing down a bit the last chapters of "De Immortalitate" would ruin the story?

The chapters of "De Immortalitate" are 3,500-4,000 words each.

I've checked the stories I'm following (about 50) and only 1 of them is currently updated with less than 2 weeks between the new chapters.

How often should a story be updated (ideally) in order to give the readers enough time to enjoy the chapters but without making them "forget" the story?

Thanks for your advice!

I'd like to recommend "Fridays at noon" by troublefollows: the story is now complete; for its entire length, the author updated every Friday! The story has also a series of delicious outtakes and a very original sequel. I've had the pleasure to interview the author on http://myreadinglounge.blogspot.com and she's such a kind, lovely person!

- Raum 


Of dire importance.

Sunday November 13, 2011 at 1:54 PM

Of Towers, Of Turrets

This needs to be talked about. Omg, get in here and talk about what just happened.



Need Some Help...Please :)

Sunday November 13, 2011 at 1:31 PM

Hi Campers!! 

I know I have asked his on a campfire before but my memory fails me...on the regular...so I need some help!  I wanted to change my avatar (and I love the ones that move) but I am completely lost when it comes to some computer things.  Someone gave me a site to use that crops your avatar picture for you but like I said before...something about memory I forget !!It would be great if someone of you fellow campers could recommend were i can find cool things to put as my avatar and the site that crops it down to fit.  It would be greatly appreciated!!  You guys are the best!!


Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Sunday November 13, 2011 at 6:31 AM



Just a heads up I won't do a countdown anymore as this is probably pushing away peeps from joining so it will just be a weekly update, how you doing, you know the drill?

Homework:  Have any new recipes you want to share with us?

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )


Bye, bye Baby

Sunday November 13, 2011 at 1:04 AM

Well, since it is still FFA, may I express my satisfaction because Berlusconi resigned last night? At last, after 17 years of f****** Italy and f****** around.

(Rangers, are asterisks OK? Otherwise how could I express the concept?)

Mind you, my country is not yet out of the hole, despite the efforts of our GREAT President of the Republic, a man 87 years old who took the situation in his hands like he was a much younger man. By this night we should a new designated Pime Minister for a short term emergency government: Mario Monti. Supermario, an economist and an important and well respected figure at the European level, should have the capability to adopt the measures necessary to get Italy out of the abyss. After that,  we will have elections, and I can only hope that by then the progressive parties will have managed to find a believable leader (it has not happened, so far - which explains why Berlusconi managed to stay in power for such a long time, with little intervals).

Well, cross fingers.


knowledge is power

Saturday November 12, 2011 at 10:05 PM

Sometimes our writing takes us to places we have never set foot in real life, through the journey's of our characters. From Fork's to California, New York to Boston, Toronto to Mexico city, etc. And when that happens, there's always that fear that a plot point in our story won't make sense because of the differing laws in each state/country.

And it may not even be laws, it could just be the differing customs/ norms.

So to make his interactive, what are some of the general laws/norms in the place you live in? C'mon, I know there are campers all over the place, not just America, and even here states can be vastly different from each other. (for instance, a clasmate of mine once went to Iowa to visit distant family and was flabbergasted by just how much his same aged cousins were fond of the slang word "Hecka' when here in California that word was considered out of date.)

You don't have to share EVERYTHING. just maybe some basic stuff, like the drinking age, age of consent, smoking age,  driving age, etc.

Or maybe some common terminology/slang in your area. After all, I can tell you right now that "Hecka" is not a commonly used slang word here anymore. :)

My state info will be inside...


Just a Reminder :)

Saturday November 12, 2011 at 5:38 PM

Twi Kink Fest submission period is nearly done!

More details inside!


Ellen's in Breaking Dawn! No, really!

Saturday November 12, 2011 at 4:07 PM

Did anyone see this on her show yesterday?   (Hope this works!)

So...to make this interactive, what's your favorite movie-parody video?  Post it here!  All movies welcome!


Saturday November 12, 2011 at 2:46 PM

I just got the most amazing call of my life!

The director of the Southern New Hampshire University Master of Fine Arts program for Creative Writing just called me to offer me a spot in in their program starting in January.

She called me on her day off. She called me right after reading the manuscript I sent in.


This does not happen to me. Ever.

Come celebrate with me!

What do you guys have to celebrate?



Saturday November 12, 2011 at 2:13 PM

I'm teaching my students about foreshadowing on monday (they're seventh graders), and I'm trying to find relatable examples.

So far I have:

From Harry Potter:

The Vanishing Cabinet in Knockturn Alley (Appears in books 2 and 5 before playing a huge part in 6 and 7)

The order in which the Marauders are listed reversed is the order in which they die



The window scene in Wizard of Oz (during the tornado)


Lovin' the not so pretty

Saturday November 12, 2011 at 1:44 PM

"He makes me laugh"Pete TownsendElvis We know it's easy to fall for the pretty. See example.But why can I fall even harder for the unshaven Dan Auerbach who makes love with that freakin' guitar and voice. What physically challenged guys do you have the hots for? And WHY?


First reviews trickle in...

Saturday November 12, 2011 at 1:09 PM

...and (so far)critics agree: they hate Breaking Dawn Part One.  Color me not shocked.  :p

But on another note...this paragraph from The Hollywood Reporter's review made me want to throw a few things:


At their lush honeymoon villa, Edward is every inch the gentleman — too much so, perhaps, for Bella. They skinny dip at night to some incredibly insipid songs, they're very tender and understanding with each other, and then in the morning the bedroom is in total disarray; we never see anything of what came between, no moment of surrender, which is what the series has been building to all along. Where one legitimately hopes to register what Bella feels upon finally giving herself over to what she has so long desired but resisted, all we get are languid and lax interludes of what still seems like puppy love. Very lame, and very disappointing.



Help me make sense of this, campers!  Has Scummit been playing us all along with all this talk about "thrusting," etc., or did the reviewer get so bored that he fell asleep before Edward even broke the headboard?


Read the whole review here.


Anyone going?

Saturday November 12, 2011 at 11:50 AM

Anyone going to the Breaking Dawn: Part 1 UK premiere?

DATE: Wednesday 16 November

TIME: 5.45pm

LOCATION: Westfield Stratford City, London



Any Walking Dead fans?!

Saturday November 12, 2011 at 7:49 AM


I'm so excited to figure out how to get the pic in here!  Let's chat it up LOL


Football needs a........

Saturday November 12, 2011 at 7:16 AM

Glad game (yes I just pulled out some Pollyanna, and yes you can totally make fun of me for it, in fact, it’s encouraged.)

It’s been one of the hardest weeks in recent memory for me to stay excited for football. Obviously, both my teams lost last weekend but that doesn’t even compare to what the Penn State fans are going through. I can’t even wrap my mind around the whole thing.

So, I thought, we needs some “glad game” reasons to still love football.


I’m glad Hologorsen is our coach, I’m glad he’s vocal and angry with the way we’ve been playing, and I’m glad he’s trying to bring back the Macguyver haircut.



I’m glad this picture exists and if this doesn’t help me feel better, I don’t know what will!

More inside.


Help me to get my degree ;)

Saturday November 12, 2011 at 6:23 AM

Hi everyone!

I need your suggestion for an important matter.

This is my last year at university and I have to start working on my thesis. It's difficult to explain in a foreign language exactly what I'm studing, my courses are on subject like: history of cinema, history of circus, history of drama....you know stuff like that :) I would really really like to do my thesis on Broadway musicals but there are so many and I have to find something specific. I'm sure that here in the forest there are expert on this matter, so can anyone help me? Any random idea would be useful really! I'm desperate also because the competition is high, there are a lot of students who would like to do their thesis with the same professor whom I'm planning to ask, so I have to impress him :) I even considered doing the paper on Glee ahahahh
Thanks in advance :)



ps. sorry for any mistake I' ve surely done in the spelling :)


Fic Lookout

Saturday November 12, 2011 at 3:20 AM

If anyone knows of any or finds any fics where (loose description :P) Bella and Edward wake up in the others bed the morning after/about a one night stand between them, that would be so awesome.  This could occur anywhere in the fic, I'm just totally craving the sexiness/awkwardness.


K, thanks anyone who contributes and anyone who wishes they could!

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