Breaking Dawn Spoilers

Tuesday November 15, 2011 at 9:26 PM

I think, it's being released in few countries today and I can't watch it until next week.  I'm so excited to know about it. :)

So, please share your views who have already watched it. :)


Mission D.I.L.F

Tuesday November 15, 2011 at 6:31 PM

Hey, if any of you have Mission D.I.L.F by EllaBittenByCullen can I please get a copy?

My email is inside this campfire!

Thanks in advance


Who is the fairest...

Tuesday November 15, 2011 at 6:13 PM

of them all?



Which one will you watch?


I need something to read tonight

Tuesday November 15, 2011 at 4:32 PM

As always, this weekly campfire tells us

what you are reading


what you have read

that you think everyone needs to read as well!

It is very important that you include links and even more important that you not only give a description of the fic, but tell us


(I have been reading that alien fic and it has been freaking me out. BUT I KEEP READING IT)

A LOT of campers told me that this is their go-to spot to get new material to read.

Let's keep up the good recs so we can ALL read the amazing stories that YOU have been reading!

(Because, as the title says, I need something to read tonight.)


Katniss and Rue Scene

Tuesday November 15, 2011 at 3:43 PM

I don't know if this video has been posted before, but I just found it and, besides Rue being white and blonde, I find it very well-made.




The same company who did this video has done two more, one being the first kiss between Peeta and Katniss (I kind of wish that Peeta would have a british accent now), and the other one being about Haymitch in the 2nd quarter quell. I'll post these inside.




Help Me Find A Fic?

Tuesday November 15, 2011 at 3:33 PM

I know someone out there will know this. Bella inherits a beach house from her grandfather Aro, and Edward is squatting there. I thought I had this in my favorites at FFN, but when someone posted on facebook looking for it I couldn't remember the name and couldn't find it on my list, and now it's eating at me!  

The Butterfly Effect needs to be read if you have not! Did that make sense?


How do I love thee?

Tuesday November 15, 2011 at 2:31 PM

Let me us count the ways! 

Oh dear campers...I need a little pick me up, and I know that you can deliver :)  I'm just a smidge depressed about the *broad generalization in progress* general consensus that the majority of the fandom does not particularly care for one Kristen Stewart.  (Whew!  That was a load, yeah?! lol)

I love her.  I have loved her for a while.  I have carried this torch that no one seems to understand.  Granted, it did take me until about the 6th viewing of Twilight for it to happen, but boy, when it hit, it hit hard!  I haven't been able to get over her since! 

Alot of people say she is stiff when she acts.  I couldn't diagree more.  I do agree that the Twilight franchise isn't her best work, but in many of her other films she is completely spot on (Yellow Handkerchief, The Cake Eaters?).

Most of the local media in my neck of the woods is in agreement on this.  Rob and Tay are...amazing, dashing, charming, handsome, blah, blah, blah.  But Stewart is horrible, lacking charisma and wit...  Now, I can't call in to all the radio stations and local talk shows to defend her, but I need a little back up here (plus that would be completely crazy, and I just can't afford such a diagnosis atm ;)

Please, please help this lonley torch bearer!  I emplore you to come and lift the spirits of the Kristen lovers of the wood!  Enter here to share the reasons you love her, your personal story of falling for her, beautiful pictures, gifs, vids...whatever floats yer boat. Anything to help my feel less alone and know that when I hear the inevitable Kristen complaints that will be forth coming in the next few weeks, that there really are others out there that think she is as fantastic as I do! 

FYT, I'll get the ball rolling here ladies (and Gents?):

^Sorry it's so small...I'm at work and being sneaky ;)

**Yes, I realize this is a bit self-indulgent, please forgive...and just...share with me?  *lovey huggies*


Muppet Twilight Parody

Tuesday November 15, 2011 at 2:03 PM

Ok, first campfire... but saw this and couldn't resist!


Open Up Next to You #14

Tuesday November 15, 2011 at 1:18 PM

Since a campfire hasn't been started for this yet, I'll give it a whirl. Sorry, no pretty banners or pictures. Just the link to the new chapter titled "Still I'm Searching."

OUNtY Chapter 14


What are your thoughts?


Nikki & Paul = Sonny & Cher?

Tuesday November 15, 2011 at 9:20 AM

Okay so I can't get the video to embed, for some reason, but what does everyone think of Nikki's song  'Now That I Found You' with her hubby?

If you need to listen: GO HERE.

Hmmm I'm kinda undecided right now. But I'll say I didn't know/think Nikki could sing.

I think they're kinda cute.


While The Yanks Are Away...

Tuesday November 15, 2011 at 3:39 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

I've been catching up on some pics and whatnot from last night as, *gasp* I didn't watch the premiere. I slept instead.

There were some gorgeous dresses and suits... and some not so gorgeous dresses and suits. So for todays campfire I thought we'd talk a little about twi fashion.

Come show us your favourite styles from over the years. It can be any actor from the series, at any event.

For example:

Here's one of my favourite looks from Kristen

(I love this Roland Mouret dress)

Now come on inside and share yours.

Let's chat.


My first eva campfire~!

Monday November 14, 2011 at 6:56 PM

Hi there!

So i'm normally kindof a lurker but.... Smellyia posted a new story and I thought there may be people who would want to know!

For those of you who remember she's the author of the rediculously good When We Drove All Night and now she has a new story so i'm pretty excited!

The beginning two chapters are posted and at this point the story line is a bit convoluted, but in a very purposeful way. It's secretive and intense and so mysterious, I'm seriously fangirling this buizzness already.

It's called:

The Other Side: (hopefully I did the link right) and here is the synopsis.

Years after the Volturi left the Cullens to live in peace, Alice finds reality is not what it seems and when awoken to the truth, she is thrust into a world where her family is torn apart and the love she put all of her faith in is seemingly lost.


And the winners are...

Monday November 14, 2011 at 1:43 PM

Just wanted to share the results of the Twilight of Craigslist Ad Contest

The winning entries are:

1st Place: Beautiful Girl with the Baseball Bat

2nd Place:

     Best Canon/AU: Infuriating Bookstore Jerk...wfm

     Most Romantic: Abandoned Blue Barns

     Funniest: Free Tofurkey and Beer! & Beautiful Girl with the Baseball Bat (it's a tie!)

Top three ads voted as ads most want to see as one shots:

     Beautiful Girl with the Baseball Bat

     Free Tofurkey and Beer!

     Infuriating Bookstore Jerk...wfm

CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS! And many thanks to all the writers who submitted ads. Find them all on the contest page:

Part 2 of the contest begins today.  Send in your one shots!  Note that anyone can write a one shot based on the ads in Part 1 of the contest. 


Breaking Dawn Part 1 Premiere Tonight

Monday November 14, 2011 at 12:18 PM



Sneak Peek

Monday November 14, 2011 at 9:25 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Oldies but Goodies

Monday November 14, 2011 at 8:50 AM

Morning Campers!


Welcome back to our "hijacked by vampires" read-a-long!

It's time for our last discussion fire for 

Begrudged by jandcoandwtvoc


So come on in here and share your thoughts, feelings, etc. about the last half of this story and the story as a whole.  

No worries about spoilers this time - we're done!



Up next in this series of short vampire stories?

Ethan Church by dryler

After receiving an invitation to write the biography of the severely reclusive author Ethan Church, Bella develops a reluctant obsession with his novels and by extension him. When she accepts his offer, the old, dying man she’s presented with and the young, too perfect man she comes across on the nearly empty estate have her convinced she’s missing some very important parts of the story. E/B AU

Go read Chapters 1-7 and meet back here to discuss on Thursday.  

Thanks for participating!!


The Hunger Games

Monday November 14, 2011 at 7:33 AM

The first trailer.


I think it looks really good! What do you think?
LJ Summers

Drabble Fic Fic List

Monday November 14, 2011 at 5:57 AM

Short, snappy chapters.  Rapid updates.  Tension and giggles and twitter explosions.

Yes, the DRABBLE FIC is one of the latest phenomena sweeping the fandom as Breaking Dawn is ready to premier.


So tell me, have you read a good drabble fic?  Any pairing, any rating, we just want it to be entertaining!

If so, share it here around the fire. I'll have my "well-known" fic rec within.

This list will be added to the 100+ lists of recs we have already accumulated in the Master Fic List (linked on the sidebar). That list has been a work in progress since July of 2010, and could probably use some updating. If you've got the time and inclination, please consider adding to it! ALSO please note the spreadsheet link on the Master Fic List for direct links to some of your favorite fanfic!

Just please, remember the rules of the campfire:

1. Keep it Simple.  Title, Author, Summary, Link

2. No Discussions.  This is a list, not a conversational venue.


Thanks for sharing your favorite drabble fics around the fire!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Monday November 14, 2011 at 3:50 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

It's X Factor time again, so let's talk about those results.

(omg this moment was the funniest thing ever)

Do you think the right person went home? Who would have been your bottom two?

And are you happy this girl is back?


Same goes for Strictly and all other reality TV you've watched this week.

Let's chat.


Come on get happy!

Sunday November 13, 2011 at 9:15 PM

New Pocket Change chapter!! Anyone else smiling real big tonight?

Come talk to me about it!

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