
While The Yanks Are Away...

Friday November 18, 2011 at 3:30 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Happy Friday!

I thought we'd have a bit of a gossip again today, maybe make it a regular Friday thing.

So, what are your plans for the weekend? Anything really bugging you that you want to talk about?

Pull up a cushion and get it off your chest.

Let's chat.


Open up next to you update

Friday November 18, 2011 at 3:06 AM

Jump start my kaleidoscope heart (why is the first letter spelt with a´k´ and the second with a ´c´? Must check it out)

I was going to post a pic of NM Edward breaking the phone, but I think the author may have her own appropriate pic?


ETA: You know I'm going all Ranger not-at-all-stealth-ninja to post a pic here, since you mentioned it...

Did not think of Edward breaking the phone, though!


Breaking Dawn

Thursday November 17, 2011 at 8:44 PM

I guess we need a campfire for this lol, totally paranoid about posting this because I'm confused as to why there isn't one already, so I'm half expecting someone else to be posting one at the same time thus causing double campfires.

So anyway, whose back yet and what did you think? 


Really? There's no campfire for this? SHAME.

Thursday November 17, 2011 at 6:52 PM

I know we're all morbidly fascinated by creepy Twilight products, so I'm sad to see no one caught (as far as I could tell) io9's 25 Most Disturbing Twilight Products of 2011. Eat your heart out, lesser fandoms. Or womb. Possibly your womb.



Who's NOT Going to BD?

Thursday November 17, 2011 at 3:28 PM

Yay for BD premiere day! I'm excited because my friends are excited.

But you are not getting me within 10 miles of a BD showing.

I just . . . . can't do it. 

My reasons will be inside.

What are you doing instead?

I know there are others who are not interested in seeing it. Think of this as your place to congregate.

This isn't negativity against those who are excited for the midnight show. I just disagree.


That JUST happened.

Thursday November 17, 2011 at 11:03 AM

Here's what happened to me...

Decided to say Breaking Dawn - Yay!

Didn't have anyone to see it with - Boo!

Decided I didn't care...would watch it myself - Yay!

Hubby insisted on going to the mall with me 'cause he wanted to see Versace H&M - Boo!

The movie was playing  around the same time - Yay!

4 year old was being fussy - Boo!

Took her to an art place and painted ceramic stars with her - Yay!

Missed first showing of BD - Boo!

Hubby suggests we all go together to a different theater...daughter loves popcorn so is excited - Yay!

Get to theaterr, no seats left - Boo!

Get advanced tickets for the  next show - Yay!

Daughter throws another fit 'cause she wants to watch the MOV-BIIIIEEEEE - Boo!

Run into my 9th graders and they calm my daughter down - Yay!

They've just watched BD 'cause their friend was "into Twilight or whatever". I feel slightly crap about being more excited than them. - Boo!

Make it to the new showing with plenty of delicious snacks - Yay!

Ruin my diet - BOO!

Watch the movie with adorable hubby who feigns enthusiasm and interest. - Yay!


Daughter watched the ENTIRE movie [usually she gets bored and daddy takes her for a walk around the mall] with a lot of interest [alarming, even] - Yay!

...and she was very concerned about Bella's BELLY baby after the OM NOM NOM  Scene...OOPS, didn't think she would pick up on that!


SO...YEAH...wanna talk about BD?!! I do!!!


Visiting Forks?

Thursday November 17, 2011 at 9:43 AM

Have any of you done the Twilight Fan thing?

I am SERIOUSLY considering it with 3 of my Twilight Friends. We are thinking of staying in Seattle, hitting Forks and La Push-

Thoughts? Suggestions?

We would be there from a Friday afternoon until a Sunday evening




Oldies but Goodies

Thursday November 17, 2011 at 8:39 AM


 Morning Campers!

It's time for our first discussion fire for Chapters 1-7 of

ETHAN CHURCH by dryler

Come on in and share your thoughts, feelings, etc.

No spoilers please - we've got lots of new readers.

Come back on Monday to discuss this story as a whole and find out what we're reading next.

Thanks for participating!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Thursday November 17, 2011 at 3:46 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

The temperature is dropping and nights are coming quicker, so what better way to fight the winter blues than with a bowl of your favourite comfort food.

Everyone has that one food that comforts them, whether it's a glass of warm milk and biscuits (cookies for the US lovelies, not those scone looking things), or a bowl of chicken soup.

So come on in and share your favourites inside.

This is one of mine - I love beef stew.

And remember it's our very own jandco's birthday today! So remember to pop into her birthday campfire and leave her some love. :]

Let's chat.


the cassandra to my wayne

Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 11:04 PM

today is jandco's birthday!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


get in here and wish my lady a good one.

i love you, jimmy. i know i told you this before you went to bed, but it's still true. you're one of my favorite humans of all time. I LIKE YOU MORE THAN COLIN FIRTH, OKAY

and i'm still spending too much money on your birthday present, so shaddap about it and take it like a man.

you guys know what she likes. post it all! 

and if you don't... post a gift for a fantastic person!



Multi-fandom cookbook

Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 8:37 PM

We've all seen "Harry Potter" recipes before, in which someone makes up a recipe that looks or tastes similar to something described in the HP novels. I want to make a book of recipes from all kinds of fandoms! Twilight! Avatar: The Last Airbender! Buffy! Alias! Psych! Dr. Who! True Blood! Supernatural! Ray Bradbury novels! MST3K! American Horror! (No raw pancreas, please.)

If you've seen a meal on/in a show/movie/book you love, and you have a recipe for it, or even if you're just making up a recipe for it, send it to me in a PM (if you prefer email, let me know and I'll send you my address privately). Even if it doesn't exactly match what the name of the recipe is, send it in. For example, I have a recipe for Possum-Chicken (in honor of the hybrid animal on Nickelodeon's Avatar) that contains neither possum nor chicken.

Be sure to include the recipe name, ingredients, and instructions, the name of the fandom, and a short note explaining the connection between the dish and the show/movie/book it is derived from.


HELP! I need somebody..

Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 7:26 PM

Just like every week, we open up the forest for all of those inquiries you have been dying to make.

Inquries like:

"Could someone rec me...."

"What is the name of that fic..?"

"I forgot how to..."

"How do you _____ on ADF...?"

"I've always wondered...."



It is the Amnesia, Request, Questions, Techie campfire....



Rob, Kris, Tay in EW

Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 4:31 PM

New issue on stands Friday the 18th.

More inside


Protect the Internet?

Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 12:57 PM

I just logged onto my tumblr account only to find blank images there - no Twilight, Harry Potter, Rob or other odds and end showed up. Apparently, tumblr temporarily blocked all the images to bring attention to a U.S. bill that has serious implications regarding censorship on the internet. 

I've skimmed the bill and am trying to make sense of it; to decide for myself if it's a good thing or not. I think it's intent is to catch people infringing on copyrighted material (pics, pirated movies, books, etc.) and sharing/distributing them (which is fine in theory) but at what cost? I'm really not sure but I wanted to spread the word and raise awareness. We all, to some degree, live and play on the interenet these days, so if this issue is important to you please check out the info, decide for yourself if you'd like to do something (petiiton, contact your state rep, etc.). Feel free to discuss your thoughts here.

Links to more info:

Official White House petition

To make this interactive: Have you ever signed a petition, sent a letter to a congress person (or someone else in a legislature) to bring light to an issue or law? 

Was it effective? Do you feel like your voice mattered?

This CF is ranger-approved by EKsmith. Thanks <3


Just because theres no London premiere cf yet

Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 12:27 PM

Gothic Glamour Kristen between The Jaw and the third wheel


Add pics, links, tweets, vids etc


ETA: Feel free to caption these two pics lol


Humpday Games

Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 9:41 AM

All right, y'all.  Participation in the Humpday Games has been a smidge sluggish lately.  Let's hit this one out of the park!  *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

This week’s game:


Summarize a fic (without telling us the title) in three short sentences, or less. It can be a literal summary, a snarky summation or a tarty tweet-like tribute.

See the examples for well, some examples.

Example 1: (from some other website that was posted about long ago)

Edward Cullen: Hoo mama, I can't decide whether to drink your blood or kiss you passionately.
Bella Swan: That's hot.

(Answer: Twilight by SM)

Example 2: (from the same other website)

Whine, Whine, Whine. To be or not to be. I'm Dead. (Answer: Hamlet)

Example 3: Insomnia. He draws, I bake. We survived together. (Answer: Wide Awake)


Come on and play!  In addition to this just being really fun, you might learn something about a new fic you didn't know!


Real books

Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 7:00 AM

I am looking for some books to read. I love fanfic but sometimes I just really want a book.

So what I am asking of my fellow campers is to come in this campfire and tell me what books you enjoy.

I really like paranormal romance but it doesn't have to be that. I just want your opinion on what you are reccing.

I just finished Bloodlines and the Dark Fever series. Both were very good.

Please come and share your thoughts and rec's with me.



my rec: Broken by Jarielynn

Three people: two brothers and one girl. The Cullen brothers both love the same girl, Bella Swan. Emmett is her high school sweetheart; Edward is the man helping her through her pre-law classes. Who will she choose? Inspired by the song- Need You Now.


I Got Sleazy for Ronald Weasley

Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 5:44 AM

This past weekend my husband and I went to Orlando, Florida to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. They were having a celebration for the release of the last DVD.

We purchased one of the event packages that allowed us to get early access to the park. It also got us a Q&A session with cast members that were to be determined.

Check out what else happened to us...

Details inside. :)

While The Yanks Are Away...

Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 3:51 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

So, my dad's birthday is in six days, and I have absolutely no idea what to get him. He'll be fifty... something - fifty-one maybe? (omg daughter of the year award right here.)

I'm looking for ideas, so I was wondering, what was the last gift you bought your dad on his birthday or otherwise? 

I legit bought mine socks last year, no lie, which I had managed to avoid for years until that point. And I figure I'll have to wait at least another three before doing it again. ;]

And to make this a little more interactive, any fun birthday stories you want to share? They can be about anyone - yourself, your parents, brother, cousin, your mother's cousins brother. Anyone.

Let's chat.

LJ Summers

Bondfire - Fall Where You Are

Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 3:50 AM


I am spending my very first Autumn in a place where there are actual SEASONS. It's a new experience for me.

This is an October picture of my street, before the snow fell prior to Halloween and brought about an abrupt end to most foliage.

What does Autumn look like where you are?

IF you're from the Southern Hemisphere, I'd love to see what the world looks like where YOU are, too!

Please share! :) And if your neighborhood/area/family has a traditional "thing" this time of year, that would be great to hear about, too!

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