
Good slash fics

Thursday November 24, 2011 at 12:21 PM

Why are slash fics so intriguing? It is not only about the smut (even though I love a sexy slash fic, too much explicit smut gets boring), but more about the struggle to find one´s identity, experiencing prejudice and discrimination, and the right to love and find passion in life. 

So, which are your favourite slash fics?

My current favourite is:

On the Outskirts by donnersun

Summertime on the North Carolina Coast. Set in the 1950's. Carlisle returns home to the beach and home to Edward. M for mature themes, AU/AH, slash.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 15,372 - Reviews: 65 - Updated: 11-21-11 - Published: 6-30-11 - Edward & Carlisle

I love how donnersun writes about the complex relationship between Carlisle and Edward in a setting of warm summer days, music and half wild horses against a backdrop of prejudice.



Thursday November 24, 2011 at 11:48 AM

Black Friday ---Apple---- there is apparently going to be actual sales---- does anyone have any inside info on iPad2 prices?


Best Buy has iPad2 on sale--- $45.00 off any iPad2-- though they are selling out online




For authenticity's sake

Thursday November 24, 2011 at 10:05 AM

Hi campers,

I really really need some input from you. It's nothing big, I just want this info for my story.

So, anyone here own a weed torch? Or has anyone operated on one? Seen one in action?

I just need to know how much distance its flame covers. Like, how far can one fire it.

In my story Bella's going to use it against a vampire. So please help me get the firing distance right for it. I want to keep it as close to reality as possible.

Help out a camper?



advice needed

Thursday November 24, 2011 at 9:40 AM

Why is we do stupid things when drunk?

I went out last night got a little lot intoxicated, made some bad choices and now i need some advice on what I should do.

I'll post the full story inside, so come on in and either make fun of me for my stupidity or try and help.

or just tell me some of your drunken mistakes.


Oldies but Goodies

Thursday November 24, 2011 at 9:37 AM

Happy Thanksgiving, Campers!



It's time for our first discussion fire for 


Come on in here and discuss chapters 1-6.  

We'll meet back on Monday to discuss the rest.  

No spoilers in this fire, please - we've got lots of new readers.  


Thanks for participating!


Thankful Campers

Thursday November 24, 2011 at 8:30 AM

Happy Thanksgiving! 

What are YOU thankful for? 


While The Yanks Are Away...

Thursday November 24, 2011 at 4:02 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

The biggest wedding of the season has just occured in movie form, so I thought now would be as good a time as any to talk about our own special day.
nd when I say "our" I mean "your" as I'm not married.) ;]

Was it perfect? Did anything go wrong? Any funny stories?

And if you're not married, but just think of these things anyway, where would be your perfect setting?

Also, happy turkey day to all that celebrate it!

Let's chat.


What is happening at ff net

Thursday November 24, 2011 at 2:43 AM

I can't upload my new chapter of ONW  on ff net. Am I alone with this problem? Doc manager simply does not work, whatever I try. Do you know what is going on?



Someone hold my hand!

Thursday November 24, 2011 at 12:56 AM

Written in the Stars Chapter 26 

and a quick update with Chapter 27 as well!

What do you think? 

Spoilers inside so don't open unless you are caught up!


Images for Thanksgiving

Thursday November 24, 2011 at 12:03 AM

Well, happy Thanksgiving my dear American campers. Last year I was in New York with my sister and we had turkey and went on eating left overs for a week (i suppose it is always the case). No big meal for me today, as in Rome it is just like any other day.

So, since some of you seem to like the images I hunt for, I thought to give you some more of them, to celebrate the festivity. The are related to Eros and Psyche (yesterday I posted a new chapter here on ADF) but they are not of  Rome this time, because Bella has gone to the Otherworld through the Magic Gate, like this (the rest of the images are inside).


High School Confidential?

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 11:51 PM

I was wondering if anyone has read High School Confidential by troublefollows1017? I like reading cheat fics and this looks like one, but since it's a longer fic I wanted to know what others though about it before I dive into such a big story. Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!!!



I need an avi savvy friend!

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 11:23 PM

I need help in making a new avi! I would like to learn this trick of the trade if anyone out there has the patience to teach me....Please? I would also like know if it's easy or hard to make gifs and if so what programs do you use? Pleasssseee I'm on my knees begging!

Now to make this interactive with all campers including those who are like me and not Avi Savvy (like what I did there?)  Say Avi Savvy in a pirate voice.... go on do it....pirate Rob approves......

Please post your favorite gifs! I want them all! 

Also where do you folks store all your gifs? On your hard drive in a organized order? or do you use a website like photobucket?

Thank you so much!!


Need fuel!

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 7:05 PM

This is my first Campfire and I hope that I am not breaking any rules :)

Since reading The Hunger Games I've been very disappointed with the ending (thats what ended up happening with Twilight) I have now been trying to find HG Fanfiction with a Gale and Katniss pairing.

I am now coming for you for your help!! Please!! I have already read Two Fires by isabugg

(CHECK IT OUT http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6570211/20/Two_Fires# )

But unfortunately now that I have started there will not be an end to my madness! Do any of you have reccomendations for some amazing HG fanfics? :) You would make my Thanksgiving tourtue bearable! 

Thank you for any future help and also toleration (I'm sure you can all just smell the fear through my words)




my ovaries just gasped.... outloud...

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 6:04 PM


my OTHER unhealthy vampire obsession...

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 5:20 PM

this is my first campire! go easy on me, haha, it comes from a place of desperation.

i recently found myself terribly addicted to the goodness that is the vampire diaries. i pretty much devoured seasons 1 and 2, and the first bit of season 3 before catching up to the season currently on tv. however, as anyone else who watches the show probably knows, there is now a mid-season hiatus in effect until jan. 5th! heart = destroyed.

so here is my request:

TVD FIC PLEASEEEEEE. delena preferrably, but give me all your recommendations! i am seriously cracking out for this show. and i'm canadian so i don't even have the prospect of this "black friday" thing to distract me XD

for your time:



Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 5:17 PM


Deadline for Contest Entries:

Nov 24 (tomorrow), 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time


If you've not been reading, get to it! We have some awesome entries. :D

Click the banner below for a link to the contest page, rules, dates, links to pic prompts, etc.

Follow us on Twitter!





Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 2:01 PM


BELLA: Did you invite God to the wedding?

EDWARD: No… did you?


oi to the world and everybody wins

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 11:39 AM


sorry, i'm in a rush, so no sparkles.

let's talk strategy. do you shop in pairs? do you have a list/app for what you wanna buy?

do you have a budget?

are you shopping for yourself or for holiday gifts or both or other or...?

and continue to post your holiday wish list, and we'll let you know where we've seen the good bargains.

also, if anyone has more info on the kindle fire being 99 bucks on friday, i'm all ears~

old school no doubt covering the vandals for your time:


Humpday "Thanks"Games

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 10:05 AM

Hola Chicos! I'm guest humping again. And this week the lovely RainyGirl1978 and myself wanted to add a little twist to the games. We thought that it'd been a long time since ADF had a love campfire, and in the spirit of the upcoming holidays we wanted to make this a love and thanks game! Hope you enjoy.

This week's game:



Go to your profile and look up your last posted campfire. Then choose a camper who participated in it to spread the love to. It can be someone who helped you, someone who has a great avi, someone who had a funny comment, who made you think or feel or smile or cry. ANYTHING. It can be someone you've never spoken to, or someone you talk to on the regular. It can be one camper from that campfire or it can be them all! It's up to you.

Then come back here and share the love by giving thanks to that camper for making ADF a better place and let us know why you're loving up on them!

Example: Thank you RainyGirl1978 for making ADF a better place with your lovely personality and willingness to make the week fun for everyone with your dedicated weekly campfires!

Now do the same for your last "favorited" campfire! (who started that campfire? Why'd you "favorite" it?)

And if you've never started or favorited a campfire, come on in here anyway and let us know what you do love! No love or thanks will be denied! We welcome it all :) We love ALL the amazing campers here at the forest.

Let's share the love by giving thanks! To the campers that help make this place the place we all come to hang out!


OUNtY Chap 17 Don't let the Sky...

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 9:25 AM


DId everyone's computer melt?


First --- | >> | 733 | 734 | 735 | 736 | 737 | 738 | 739 | 740 | 741 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
