
Resent UPDATED!!

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 9:02 AM

Where are my Resent lovers at!!!!

I'm so excited to see this one in my inbox this AM. Get in here and talk about it with me!

And if you're not reading this, what are you waiting for! It's the best AU-Vamp/Hybrid story out there right now. 


On Twilighted:



Ebert/wth do they teach you at Harvard Med.

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 6:37 AM

I'm really liking this guy's Twilight reviews (link to his BD review). I didn't even know he was that well known when I read his review of Twilight, but, idk, he seems to, like, get it? I remember him calling the first movie 'beautiful', telling people to go rewatch Twilight instead of NM, and here he admits being fascinated by so many questions raised in BD (e.g.  Did anyone wonder why Edward apparently possessed not a single relative older than himself?") which of course go unexplored.

Also, look at this: "The sum of his medical training seems to have been a viewing of "Pulp Fiction" in which he learned about a real big needle you can plunge into someone's chest with great results."

I'm not gonna try to make sense of SM's logic of course, but, seriously, can sb please help me understand the delivery scene? Her spine broke, but then she fell on her knee instead of straight down on the floor? Why did they even let her stand up when they knew what the baby was doing to her bones? WHY OH WHY DIDN'T EDWARD TRY TO STICH HER UP AFTER HE BIT HIS WAY THROUGH THE UTERUS? Don't give me the 'he was holding the baby' excuse wtf Ed. just put the baby down and stitch her up and why wasn't there a place to put the baby on in the first place they KNEW there was going to be one

Also, he was trying to get her heart to beat again, right? When did he succeed? Because at the end Carlisle says 'listen to her heart'. And why were her eyes open if she had just passed out/fell in a coma but her heart was still beating? What is it that I'm not getting here? (everything)



There were Volturi?

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 5:37 AM

So, did everyone sit through the credits to get to the Volturi scene?  What'd you think?  Who knew Aro was such a stickler for spelling and grammar?

What do think about films that include another scene after the official film seems over?  I think it's fun if you know about it (which I did) - sort of like a concert encore.  But I'd be upset if I didn't know and left before hand  

I liked the way this scene set up the future confrontation for Part II - Aro's not content to just let the Cullens be; even before he finds out about Renesmee.  


While The Yanks Are Away...

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 4:31 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

I was watching a little Buffy last night, and it got me thinking about how different the vamps were to those in Breaking Dawn. 

(I have that smile, groan and roll scene on the brain, so BD is kind of stuck in my head, I swear. It's the new stop, drop and roll.)

So, has Twilight changed your perception?

Who is your vampire?

Do they sparkle in the sunlight like that dude who wears too much oil at the beach a la the saga? Only come out at night like a moody teenager a la Buffy? Hiss at you like the neighbours cat a la True Blood?

Come on inside and talk it out.

Let's chat.


Edwards in your life...

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 4:00 AM

Edwards, Edwards, Everywhere...

So Campers...

Tell me about the Edwards in your life.  Somehow I expect they should all be handsome and smart.  I mean, life should imitate art, right?

Well, I work with an Edward who's fat, blind in one eye and going blind in the other.  At 50 years old he's finally starting to date only because his mother just died.  Word has it women are running and screaming.  I suspect the man up.

I just took on a customer by the name of Edward.  We only chat in email, but I've discovered he's as dumb as a box of rocks. 

That's not completely true.  Rocks are smarter.

So tell me about your Edwards, and how you manage to look at them and not giggle.

I'd offer some pretty, but I have to run into the shower and get to work...


Graphic Novel

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 3:20 AM

I was wondering, had anyone read the graphic novels? I had only read the first and have yet to find the second. I plan to check my library but I doubt I'd be that lucky,


Is the second just as good??


BTW, I saw the movie last night and I LOVED it!! Hubby even enjoyed it and now plans to read the books before the final part comes out.  I wished him luck, as he is the slowest reader ever.

I think B looked amazing after her change and the eyes were awesome!


Oh, and as of the 21st, I am a proud owner (or soon will be) of a Bachelor's degree!! I'm taking a small break and going for another, but I'm still happy to have this one.  I never thought I'd get this far :)


Fully dressed wolves?

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 2:55 AM

This is just a coda to the many campfires about BD 1 (And I have said everywhere how I liked it, and there was nothing ridicolous that I could find)   but now I have realized that every time one of the wolves morphes back from wolf to human again he is fully dressed : shirt, jacket, pants. WTF? It is a point well addressed in the books and the other films, and we are told that sometime they secure shorts to a leg, but here?

Was I the only one noticing it, I didn't see any comment to this effect. Please note that I don't drool over the pack, I am Team Edward to such an extent that they only annoy me, so it is from a purist POV I am saying this.


The REAL twihards

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 2:08 AM

Older Hispanic men, obviously.


Gotta love the Onion News Network.

Because I'm curious...

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 12:44 AM

What inspired YOU to write the story your currently writing? C''mon now, don't be shy, share your stories on how your plot bunnies came to be; Was it a certain episode of a favorite t.v series that sparked it all? A certain scene in a movie or book? Something that happened to you in real life? Did you simply want to write something you were looking for but could never find?


gobble gobble gobble

Wednesday November 23, 2011 at 12:01 AM

1-2-3-4, i declare a freeforall

that's right, campers! free for all from now until sunday evening!

i've been in holiday mode since friday anyway. post what you like!

i'll do another black friday post tomorrow. forgive my absence today; i was running a bajillion thanksgiving errands.

so, what're your plans this weekend, if ye be a celebratin' american? do you have to work black friday? will you be loony tunes like me and shopping at midnight? do you get to sleep in? have your children been off all week (lol it's only tuesday) and are making you crazier than is your standard?

tell me your plans. and if ye be not a celebratin' american, idk. talk about what you're gonna do for the upcoming holiday season!

a little johnny mathis to get you in the mood~


All Natural Recipes

Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 7:27 PM

This might have been done before however I think I've missed it so, Do any of you ladies have any natural recipes that work for you? These simple recipes seem to work better than store bought products. I'm free from being a produt junkie, and saving a ton of money. People always inquire as to how my skin is so soft(don't ask why people tend to touch me without my permission if it were Rob touching me well thats another story)

Some of my favorite Regimens

Skin-  Yellow Shea Butter/Coconut Oil/Castor oil(talk about body butter)

Hair-  Pre-poo Vinegar Rinse

Glycerine- Natural Moisturizer for hair

Hot oil Treatment- Organic Coconut oil

Body Wash- Black Soap

Facial- Raw Egg Whites- tightens pores follow up with honey    (egg whites makes a natural blackhead remover strip.)

Face Scrub- Honey and Sugar

Teeth Whitener- Gargle with peroxide once a day( my friends call me colgate.)

Deodorant- Baking soda, essential oil, corn starch/arrow root powder tea tree oil ,Coconut oil. Armpit Candy

Body Scrub/exfoliation- Epsom salt/ Sea Salt with Baby oil or vitamin E oil (AMAZING!) Talk about skin as soft as a babies ass as my friend calls it. 

Preventing/Removing Razor bumps- Black soap rubbed on area twice daily left to dry. works at preventing and if you have them gets rid of razor bumps in 2 days at least for me.

Share the wealth and post any of your Natural Beauty Secrets for us mere mortals.  or Favorite Natural Videos

Does anyone know if Kristen or any of the other cast prefer all natural to normal store bought products?

Does Rob still not like washing his hair?

FYE: Roberts Hair Care Regimen straight out of the Box.

And Beause I can I am posting a BD interview with Rob.

There is an awesome video that shows Kristen Stewart's looks over the past few years check it out. 


Gather Around for Good Reads

Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 6:58 PM

As always, this weekly campfire tells us

what you are reading


what you have read

that you think everyone needs to read as well!

It is very important that you include links and even more important that you not only give a description of the fic, but tell us


This is a go-to spot to get new material to read so

let's keep up the good recs so we can ALL read the amazing stories that YOU have been reading!


Twilight Cake Wrecks

Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 2:31 PM

I'll just leave this here...

* Swear to God I don't look for this stuff.
The fandom makes it too easy!


Screenwriters Getting Ideas from Fic

Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 12:50 PM

Help Me Find this Lost Fic!!!

So a few of us were discussing the trailer for The Vow and thought that it reminded us of a fic we'd read. I think we were all thinking of different ones, but here's what I remember of the fic that I'm trying to find.

Bella and Edward are married and involved in a horrific accident. (I think it was a train accident) They get separated and Bella has amnesia. She's found by Jacob and is taken back to his house where she recovers. She starts working in a bar or diner. Jake keeps her wedding ring.

Edward thinks she's dead (I think). Once they're reunited he has to help her remember their life together.

Ring any bells???

Thank you in advance for the help!

Here's a link to the giggleroll.  

And the Fic that owns me right now is  Written in the Stars by Lissa Bryan

Edward is king of a dying race, his planet torn by civil war. Bella is abducted to become his bride. From college student to Queen... Can she learn to love this strange man and help save his people? AU/OOC. Rated M for lemons, violence and mature themes.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 24 - Words: 120,168 - Reviews: 3063 - Updated: 11-22-11 - Published: 10-28-11 - Edward & Bella


Non-Twilight Vampire Rec

Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 11:30 AM

So, I don't know if I've made it known or not, but I'm typically not big on "vampire" fics.  I originally came to the Twi-verse after wanting (like so many others) more from the fade-to-black scenes and such.  However, I very quickly came to prefer AH fics.

That being said, branched out to the Twi-verse from the Jane Austen realm. There's a new fic on A Happy Assembly that I'm absolutely loving, and suprisingly, Darcy is a vampire.  I don't normally (see: ever) pimp fics here, but this story is awesome, and really the whole site is full of wonderful stories, mainly P&P related. 

Tempt Me by Juliecoop

You'll have to register with the site to read it, but it's totally worth it!


Hmm... Twilight related, I BD-retelling I used to like.

Ascension by changedbyedward

My romantic alternate to Breaking Dawn. Bella and Edward marry and have a romantic honeymoon that is cut short by some 'complications.' After their return to Forks, they must deal with what must come next. All Canon Pairings. Lots of romantic lemons.

Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Action/Adventure - Chapters: 29 - Words: 213,076 - Reviews: 1588 - Updated: 9-12-09 - Published: 12-18-08 - - Bella/Edward - Complete


Robert the Filterless

Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 10:50 AM

one of the things i love about Robert Pattinson is his randomness.

The boy just does not care what he says or when he says it. 

Found this on tumblr -


my assignment for you, fellow campers, is to give me your fav bits of Rob-Randomness. 

Or any Twi-castmember randomness, because we all know they are quite silly and do not take Twilight serious at all. 


You guys left me some awesome Rob-Randomness! =D 


*ranger Cap edit- this is officially the best- and my favorite- campfire to ever burn in the Forest and nothing will ever top it...unless someone post naked Rob pics*

LJ Summers

One Night Stand Fic List

Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 10:26 AM

Perhaps it's Alice and Jasper, meeting over drinks (probably discussing their best friends, Ed and Bells).

Perhaps it's Rosalie and Emmett, drunk and disorderly, hooking up for a wild, wall-breaking evening.

Two nomads who pass in the night?

Or could it be Edward and Bella with a case of mistaken identity?

In any event, the next morning looks like this:


Because they've had a one-night stand!

Are they regretting it?  Are there CONSEQUENCES?

Is there post-sex embarrassment?

Come on around the fire and share your favorite one-night stand stories!  All pairings, all ratings, we just want to know what stories center around the concept of the one-night stand OR take off from there.

Just remember the rules:

1.  Keep it simple.

2.  No discussions.

Thanks for sharing your favorite one night stand fics around the fire!


Jared Followill and Breaking Dawn

Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 8:32 AM


The hot scenes

Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 6:58 AM

Your views on the hot scenes? Liked them/hated them/omg (where were) the glorious back muscles etc?

Also feel free to take sides on the Great Debate (specifics in the comments)



Thanksgiving Dinner

Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 6:20 AM

I love holiday dinners! And even though I don't have to cook Thanksgiving dinner this year- except for the rolls, I am bringing the rolls!- I'd love to know what some of your favorite recipes are. Do you have THE ONE dish that you are known for and always asked to bring? Have a dessert that tops them all? Are you a turkey fryer or roaster?



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