
Sneak Peek

Monday November 28, 2011 at 9:41 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Oldies but Goodies

Monday November 28, 2011 at 9:29 AM

Hey Campers!


It's time for our last discussion fire for 


Come on in here and discuss this story as a whole. 

No worries about spoilers this time - we're done!



Up next in this series of shorter vampire stories?


Edward is content enough to see Bella a few times a year after she has chosen Jacob. Then, something not altogether unexpected happens and Edward is able to help Bella cope with her new circumstances...and perhaps able to win her heart again.

Join us on Thursday to discuss Chapters 1-10.  

Thanks for participating!



Talk about a White Christmas!

Monday November 28, 2011 at 9:03 AM

From the lovely people over at the gossip blog Crazy Days and Nights....


What Twilight actor had a bunch of the movie posters cut up so they only have his picture remaining. He then uses them as the base for when people snort coke at his house. He says that he loves people snorting coke off his body.


Oooooh-love love love this one! Thoughts?

Lulu M

Twi Network's December Iron Pen Challenge

Monday November 28, 2011 at 8:24 AM


For more information, visit the Twi Network site at http://twinetwork.wordpress.com

In collaboration with Emergency Beta Service.

Guest Judges
Past Iron Pen Winner: Twiliteaddict
Past Iron Pen Challenger: KitsuShel

Date: Sunday, December 11
Secret Ingredient Tweet: 2:00pm PST

Time Starts: 2:15pm PST
Time Ends: 2:45pm PST

Voting Ends: December 23
Winner Announced: December 24

How It Works

You will get thirty minutes and a secret ingredient. The secret ingredient won’t be given until 15 minutes before the start of the thirty minutes.

Within the thirty-minute time frame, you must write a complete One Shot of any genre, pairing, length etc. of Twilight FF.

All authors will be required to write their entry within a Google Document during the Challenge. Each document will be monitored by an EBS beta, who will provide help with grammar and give creative feedback if asked to.

Winners will be determined by a point system with 2 guest judges and a public vote. Entries will be anonymous to everyone except for TwiNet Admin.

How to Play

1. On the day of the challenge, challengers are required to check in at 1:30pm PST via Twitter @Twi_Network.

2. When you check in, TwiNet Admin will share your Google Doc with you, and you will also be assigned an EBS beta.

3. The secret ingredient will be pasted into your Google Doc 15 minutes before the actual start of the challenge.

4. You have fifteen minutes to brainstorm and research before the thirty minutes begin.

5. You do not have to write the entire 30 minutes. However, at the end of the challenge, the EBS beta will lock the Google Document, so that you will not be able to edit it anymore.

6. The entries will then be up for a public vote on TwiNet’s FFn Account.

The Point System

1. You may not name a person, place, or thing, after the Secret Ingredient. If you do, you will not get any points for it.

2. You may use the Secret Ingredient in the narrative or as a dialogue.

3. Every vote you get in the public vote is worth 1 point.

4. The Guest Judges will score your entry (1–5 points) based on how you used the secret ingredient, originality, and overall presentation.

5. There could be bonus points, which will be mentioned in the Secret Ingredient.

The Prize

1. The title: Iron Pen.

2. A banner made by Christag Banners.

3. A feature on the Twi Network blog.

4. Bragging rights!


1. You don’t need to be an author of TwiNet, but you do need to be following our Twitter account: @Twi_Network. The secret ingredient will be pasted into your Google Doc at exactly 2pm PST.

2. You must have a Google Account in order to edit the Google Document.

3. There is no word count minimum or maximum.

4. Obviously we aren’t looking for perfectly beta’ed pieces, but there is a thing called Spell Check.

5. If you aren’t 18 years or older, your entry must be PG13 or lower.

6. Collaborations are accepted.

7. Pre-writes are not allowed! When you come to the challenge, you must start off with a blank slate. This will be monitored by the EBS beta.

Tips for Winning

1. Come with some sort of plot in mind. Don’t just show up and have no idea what to write. You only get thirty minutes!

2. Make sure your plot is somewhat open. You won’t know what the secret ingredient is, so an open plot where you can easily slip the secret ingredient in, is a plus!

Think you have what it takes? You could be the next Iron Pen!

Fill out an Application.

posted with permission by lj summers


A garment of brightness update

Monday November 28, 2011 at 6:53 AM

Chapter 48: Chupacabra

"Lead me, Edward"


While The Yanks Are Away...

Monday November 28, 2011 at 4:59 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

It's X Factor time again, so let's talk about those results.



Do you think the right person went home? Were you surprised at the bottom two?

Same goes for Strictly and any other reality TV you've watched this week.

Let's chat.


contests and awards

Monday November 28, 2011 at 1:37 AM

I used to receive from Twific news information about current contests and awards. Now Twifcs news seems busy only with readlalongs and birthdays and ADF only has occasional info about  a few of them. Is there another place from where to get the info?  (They were my favorite hunting gounds for stories).

If you have links please tell me.


And here is a rec

Cold case File by I-was-broken  It is both on ff and twilighted net. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6413209/1/Cold_Case_File

Summary: Bella is investigating a rash of serial killings in Rochester, NY when Edward Cullen crosses her path and raises her suspicion. Is there more to Edward than meets the eye? Can Bella fight her attraction to a man who might be her suspect?

It is, of course, a supernatural story and it is becoming more and more interesting as it updates. (15 chapters so far)




I defy you not to pee your pants...

Sunday November 27, 2011 at 6:04 PM

So I know it's not FFA anymore, but this is Twilight-related and hilariously funny.  So I'm good, yes?  If not, rangers please feel free to remove.


Without further ado...  If you loved the train-wreck of awesomeness that was "Big Metal Chicken" then I humbly present to you:



If this doesn't win Jenny Lawson the interwebs, I don't know what will.


ETA:  *squee* First Campfire!


Solar never posts anything but WTF CFs...

Sunday November 27, 2011 at 4:55 PM


Beauty Products

Sunday November 27, 2011 at 1:41 PM

So I know we all like beauty products. From hair products to make up, we all want to look our best.

This time of year I go crazy buying gift sets for my self. What are some of your favorites?

(more inside)


wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle YEAH

Sunday November 27, 2011 at 1:09 PM

ask a _______

so, i've been noticing a lot of new faces lately as well as the triumphant return of many old faces. welcome (back)! i'm glad you're here!

i thought we'd all get to know each other a little on this post-holiday sunday. time to ask some questions, campers!

the rules for playing are simple:

start a comment. list what your "specialties" are. 

we'll ask you questions, any questions at all. and you have to come back and answer them!

make some friends up in this campfire!

animal print pants outta control fyt:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


What's for dindin?

Sunday November 27, 2011 at 12:13 PM

So, i find myself making the same old every week for dinner.  I work, come home to a husband who works at home and has the time to throw something together in the crock pot, but yet he refuses to, and find myself not wanting anything I usually cook anymore.  We've been eating out way more than usual lately.

Get me out of my funk, people!  What's your go to, throw together after a long day at work, meals?

One of mine is in the comments.

I should add one note...i'm a picky mofo, so if you've got picky kids and they'll eat it, I probably will, too.


'The Wedding Date' TwiFic?

Sunday November 27, 2011 at 10:46 AM


I watched 'The Wedding Date' last night and thought that there just has to be a TwiFic version of this storyline out there.  Before I go scouring FF, was wondering if anyone knows offhand?  


Time for some MUSIC!!!

Sunday November 27, 2011 at 4:50 AM

So... its Sunday night here in Australia.... and... well i needed a good Music Campfire!!!

Im adding to my itunes playlists as we speak... and always love hearing others choices and favourites...

so... here is the place to go at it!!!


post your favourites of all time, or the songs that own you this week, or that one hit wonder that makes you question your own taste in music, but for the life of you, you cant stop listening!!!

Ill start it off with 2 songs, for totally different reasons!!!

Song 1: Silver Lining - Rilo Kiley (this is owning me hardcore... its my current road trip song, and since ive been driving to Byron bay alot the past few weeks, this is my go to song!) ** wouldnt let me play embedded vid of official music vid.. boo youtube!


Song 2: Pumped up Kicks - Foster the People (this song just wont F*** Off out of my head, thanks to my neighbours blasting it all weekend!!!)



Driving myself crazy looking for a fic...

Saturday November 26, 2011 at 8:59 PM

Can anyone help me? I'm looking for an older fic - B&E are at Dartmouth ( I think ) and she’s either car jacked or almost car jacked and is hit on the head. Goes to hospital and doctors find a brain tumor. Anyone know the fic i’m talking about????


In-Canon E-POV

Saturday November 26, 2011 at 7:27 PM

So tell me, how do you go about accomplishing it? Why do you think it's so difficult to pull off? Got any pointers/tips?

And in your opinion, what makes a GOOD  E-POV? What does it need?

And I know it's still free for all, but I'm still naming a rec because I think it's one of the best examples of E-POV in the entire fandom. Seriously, if you haven't read it, what the hell are you waiting for?

Ithaca is Gorges, by giselle-lx: New Moon from Carlisle's and Edward's POV: After the Cullens leave Bella and move to Ithaca, NY, Carlisle fights to keep his family together as Edward's pain threatens to tear them apart. Canon.



Saturday November 26, 2011 at 7:26 PM

Ok, so I'll readily admit that I'm one of those people who simply hates the Holidays.  No, seriously...I loath this time of year.  All that happy happy joy joy...it only puts the Grinch in me into a worse mood.  It's what?  2 days into the season?  Already I'm Bah Humbugging.  And it only gets worse.  Humbug.

So, to try and put myself into a better mood (and disguise my disdain for the season) I'm one of those folks who decorates the entire house, then bakes like there's no tomorrow.  

So, I thought, since I'm unemployed (Bah!!) and will have LOTS more time to bake, I need some more new recipes.  I've found a few in books and magazines and FoodNetwork.com, but I thought...what about YOU?  What do you like to bake for the holidays...and do you want to share?

I'll start...my recipe will be under the fold....


Pocket Change Ch. 23

Saturday November 26, 2011 at 1:39 PM


Voting is open for SoOD!

Saturday November 26, 2011 at 10:33 AM


Hey Campers! Voting is now open for the Season of Our Discontent contest and will be through December 10. :D We have 58 fantastic entries!!!!  If you're all caught up on reading, please hop over and vote for your favorite 5. If not, go read now!


Thanks to all the authors who submitted a one shot for the contest. You guys are awesome. :)


It's That Time of Year Again....

Saturday November 26, 2011 at 5:53 AM


I have just bossed my christmas shopping online and bar a couple of little things i'm done! (omg last years debacle with the Uk's snowpocalypse/snowmageddon/end of the world as we snow it means that i actually decided to be proactive this year)

I also got a £10 Amazon voucher for answering a couple of surveys so all in all my pressies came to about £35 for 7 gifts which really quite good as nearly eveything is a book/cd/dvd.


SO, lovely people of the forest....

Have you been good and already played santa or are you more a panic-buy-anything-that-is-remotely-noncrappy-on-xmas-eve person?


First --- | >> | 731 | 732 | 733 | 734 | 735 | 736 | 737 | 738 | 739 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
