
campers, i need you.

Saturday December 3, 2011 at 8:31 PM

I've been a member here since the site opened, and I browse through every single day. I see all the awesome friends and banter, but I still feel anonymous. 

So, let me get to know you! 

I'll start. Hi, people. I'm Lindsey, aka stella luna sky. I'm a VIP author in this pretty little forest. I wrote the fics "Bare" and "Grand Jete", along with a bunch of other one shots. I'm 23 years old, and I almost have my BA in Criminal Justice. I work retail, at Ross: Dress for Less, and it is pure HELL right now. Christmas season in retail makes me weep. 

More inside! 


The Worst Story Ever Contest

Saturday December 3, 2011 at 8:27 PM

From the contest page:

The idea behind this contest is to give both authors and betas (who wish to try their hands at writing) the chance to write the worst story ever. By worst, I mean incoherent storyline, horrible grammar and spelling, ridiculous lemons, ie. the works! Entries should absolutely NOT be beta'd, unless it is to be sure it's even more awful than the first go-around. If you want guidance, again, check out the first batch of entries in the community page.

I personally think this is a neat idea. I started on my entry tonight even though I should be writing a paper for Political Science.

For the interactive portion of tonight's program:

Have you ever written an intentionally bad fic? What criteria must a story meet (or not meet) for you to label as "bad"?


Edward at CVS?

Saturday December 3, 2011 at 8:22 PM

Ok I read a slightly OOc fic where edward was a pharmacist and was super shy and was secretly in love with bella for years and something happens and he is working at a pharmacy and i think lauren or jessica also work there and they are total B*tches but bella ends up needing a job and she gets hired there and .....edward and she end up kissing and he is no longer shy  that is all I remeber i cannot remember auhtor title or anything else except that it was an AWESOME story and any info on it would be greatly Appreciated. thanks


Planet Twilight by  melanieintn
On a far distant planet, Bella and Edward find love. A true love in a modern society, where dominant males seek out submissive females to complete their household. No vampires, but plenty of aliens. AU, in-cannon, lemons, E/B, A/J, R/E, C/E
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 72 - Words: 177,774 - Reviews: 2208 - Updated: 5-19-11 - Published: 1-24-11 - Edward & Bella - Complete



I failed the Voight-Kampff test.

Saturday December 3, 2011 at 5:51 PM

Hi there!

I'm new to ADF but I thought since it's FFA, I'd finally introduce myself. First off though, I'd like to say that I love the dynamics here in the forest. All of you guys are so warm and welcoming and fun! Plus, I think the Rangers here are amazing at moderating and keeping everything interactive. 

Anyways, I am a born&raised New Yorker (MY FELLOW YANKEES, WHERE YOU AT?) but I am currently living in Washington. I work in politics and diplomacy but before you say all your oohs and ahhs, I am not in anything high-profile. At all. If only sigh. 

However, I do tend to get quite passionate (to put it nicely) when talking about politics but I do love a good debate (Socratic dialectic anyone?) I despise petty attacks, like ad hominem attacks, which are so common in my line of work. But since we're all grown ups here, I don't think anybody will incite much trouble.

I am super excited to meet and get to know everybody because you all seem like such interesting people. Also, while I was lurking about, hidden behind the shadows of trees in the forest, I noticed that there are quite a few history and politics majors here. So even more yays!

I don't have many true friends so I hope to meet great people on ADF. That's an understatement--I know I will. :D

Summary: Hello. Nice to meet you. How are you? What kind of food do you like? Music that you enjoy? Care to take a long walk on the beach with me?


Kindle Fire?

Saturday December 3, 2011 at 2:39 PM

I may or may not be purchasing me a present for Christmas this year! Can anyone tell me if they would recommend a Kindle Fire?


Can I read FF on there?

Can I browse youtube?

and most importantly can I get on ADF with Kindle Fire?


I'd rather have and ipad but beggars can't be choosers! So please tell me what ya'll think about the the Kindle Fire!


Looking for a Pre-Reader

Saturday December 3, 2011 at 2:26 PM


I've started writing a new fic. (Not published yet, probably won't be until BATF finishes.)

I do so much damn agnst and tragedy, that I've gotten a little sick of it, so I decided I wanted to write some magic-sexy-times with a )(*#$(*# HEA. I mean, yes, Edward is a little DarkMagicalSexyVillain, but who doesn't like BadGuy!ward.

(Totally a b/e fic though, I promise.)

So I'm going to take advantage of FFA to do a little searching for a pre-reader.

I'm really looking for someone who's thorough, very critical and can afford to take on another fic.

You can email me at:


Here's the general plot-idea.

Who knew when Renee Dwyer ran off and left Charlie and her daughter that she was running from supernatural assasins? Charlie didn't, that's who, and Bella didn't either, at least not until a Faerie appeared one night in her dorm-room to inform her that she was the last heir to a magical kingdom. 

To make matters worse, not only is Bella bethrothed to a Dragon Prince, but a Djinn King who has a fondness for turning women into sex-slaves seems to be stalking her, and God knows what he wants.

Here are some snippits to see if it's the kind of thing you'd be interested in:

“No,” Bella, stuttered backing up into the bookshelf that held the red book she had been searching for for so long. “You can’t.”

Edward looked at her stoically. “I think the time has long passed for you to be issuing commands.” He brought up his hands and snapped—once. The air crackled, and the smell of burning metal filled Bella’s nostrils. Djinn Magic.

The book flew off the shelf, flapping its cover, pages like fluttering wings, before landing to perch in Edward’s outstretched hand. “Now if only you were as tractable as these books, Isabella.” He took great pleasure in saying her name, as if it were a spell in itself.

Then, with a long stare that would have been casual if not for the black heat in his eyes, he brought up a single finger to slowly stroke the spine of the book. It trembled a little under his touch, before opening itself completely, pages still and vulnerable to his masterful fingers.

Even though Edward wasn't touching her, Bella shivered, too.

She was unsure whether to run away or try and snatch the book from his hands, but by the time she decided to run, he was already incanting the words that forced her to stay. Not because the charm itself had a compulsion to keep her still, but because she couldn’t help but watch the demise of her life as she knew it.

The spell began in Djinn-talk, a sillibant language made of clusters of fricative consonants, but eventually English creeped in. “And so as my forefathers have before me, and my forefathers before them—“

“Wait,” Bella interjected, thinking perhaps she could appeal to the side of him she had seen before the mishap at the frat party. "Can't we talk about this, like, I don't know, normal human beings?”

Edward paused, giving her a scathing look that made clear exactly how human he considered the both of them to be, before continuing. “I therefore will endeavor to bind you, Isabella Swan, daughter of Eve as I have—”

“Anything but this,” Bella whispered. That was what Edward had wanted from the very beginning, her begging and pleading before him as was the Old Way. And now, the irony was not lost on her, he had gotten his wish.

The pages of the book ruffled slightly in the artificial magical wind that been pricked into motion by the incantation. Edward tamed the rouge leaf of paper with a single finger, pressing it back down.

Bella couldn’t believe it. He was going to do it.

“I hereby invoke the most ancient covenant.”

“Please,” she begged.

Finally, finally, he looked up from the tome and into her eyes. The force of his gaze cut her and drew blood.

“But don’t you see, dear? I’ve won. I already get anything and everything I could possibly desire once I say the spell. What could you possibly offer me?” Despite his words he shut the book and stowed it under one roguishly crooked arm.

He began to stroll towards her.

Isabella felt the spines of the book press against her back as she tried to disappear into the bookshelf behind her. With every point of contact between her spine and the shelf her plight was made clearer: there was nowhere to go. Think faerie-tales, what do the maidens always offer. “M-my first born child?” It's not like I'm having children anytime soon, anyway, if ever.

The smoothness the pads of his fingertips, without the whorls and lines of humans disarmed Bella enough that she couldn’t help but lean in. It wasn’t fair that he had that effect on her.

But then his eyes of molten gold stilled into a darker shade, and the illusion was broken. Pleased with the after-taste of victory, his lips twisted into a smirk. “Why settle for one when I could have them all?”


"Yes, Alice will be giving you the make of overs to prepare you for the ball." Rosalie grabbed a tissue from behind her and after stepping out of the coffee cup began to wrap herself in it. She frowned disappointedly as she realized that upon contact the tissue soaked through.

With some reluctance, Bella switched away from her email, back to her paper. “I told you, Rosalie, I’m not going to the Ball. I already had to skip my last Music History test because there was a Gnome uprising."

Frustrated with the tissue-paper, using her butter-fly wings Rosalie fluttered up to the thicker paper towel roll and tugged at the edge of it. "But you must go, Mistriss. You simply mu--" With a thump and a high-pitched squeal from Rosalie, the paper-towel roll toppled onto her.

Bella closed her lap-top with a frustrated growl, but her eyes were wide. The last time Rosalie had called her Mistress was when she had woken her up at six am to tell her the Gnome population of the eastern border had stormed the castle yelling “no taxation without representation.” The Ball must be serious business.

Gently, so as to not hurt the faerie, Bella picked up the paper towel role. Then, with one hand covering her eyes, she handed Rosalie a sheaf of paper. "Just be straightforward with me, Rosalie, why do I have to go this party?"

Rosalie quickly tied her paper-towel into an origami-gown so extravagant it could have passed at the Oscars. "It is not in magic's nature to be straight-forward.”

Bella took another sheaf from the paper towel roll and began to wipe away the spills of tea Rosalie had left from her bath.

"Well, it's not in my nature to go to fairy-tale balls before finishing my homework," Bella said, sounding actually disappointed.

The moment she had been told she was a witch she had been waiting for the fairy tale balls to begin (and with those balls Prince Charming.) Unfortunately, being the last remaining heir to an ancient house of magic meant dealing mostly with politic. That and home repair on Castle Dwyer.

No great adventure or saving the world yet.

Bella was still secretly disappointed that while magic did exist there wasn’t a Hogwarts or Narnia. She was even more disappointed that meant no Cedric Diggory or Prince Caspian.

Rosalie gave another high-pitched squeal, this time in annoyance. "Bella, you must attend. Prince Jacob is coming all the way from La Push, just for you."

This caught Bella’s attention. She hadn’t been kissed since the Date that Wasn’t with Eric Yorkie, and a Prince Jacob sounded promising. "Who? Where?"

“La Push the capitol of the Dragon Kingdom, and Prince Jacob. . . ” A sly smirk crept over Rosalie's miniature lips. "Your intended."

thanks for your time,


the email is


* Friendly ranger reminder - Do not post your personal email address on the front page of any campfire. The PM system is a much safer way to share this info! :)



Saturday December 3, 2011 at 1:34 PM

Hey pretties! I've been waiting FOREVER for a free for all becaause;

my sweet sweet (and at times extremely crazy) parents are taking my sister and I for a trip to New York for New years!

ny in ny! wuhu!

So we've been there once before, for my nineteenth birthday and it was insanely fun but this time I'm legal!  I turned 21 this summer and my sister is 27 years old.  We're best friends and we can't wait to go and hang out because she lives in Aix Provance in France and I still live at home with big daddy and mom in Iceland!  

and to the point perhaps?

Do any one of you live in New york or just know what awesome things to do there?  Speak as if money and time is irrelevant and what you guys would want to do!  Secret spots, touristy things, and just whatever that comes to mind!  I really want to see alot and walk around!  I'm super stoked for this little irish pub that has delicious hot wings! mwahhahha!

give it to me lovelies!


Learning a Language !

Saturday December 3, 2011 at 10:25 AM

Hello lovely campers ! Hope you are having a great weekend so far ! 


So here is the thing - English is not my native language ! And I want to learn it thorougly! Is it possible to learn standard english through websites (not the paid ones)/ blogs? My pronunciation sucks and that bothers me a lot..So please Help me out by rec'ing some helpful blogs/sites about learning English ! To make this interactive how do you usually learn a foreign language?movies/newspapers/language courses ? Share your experience ! 


Thanks so much in advance !


What's your city's claim to fame?

Saturday December 3, 2011 at 7:50 AM

Okay so I have made a camofire like this before, a very long time ago, but I figured we'd have new people and well, i kept being inspired during a looong bus ride this week :) 

Sooo, what's your city's claim to fame? 

While riding the 11 bus around Birmingham I went past Sarehole Mill, the place a certain J.R.R Tolkein grew up, a place many believe to be the inspiration for the Shire, the park next to it is even called the Shire, though that name probably came after the books.... (there's also a little cafe called the hugry hobbit lol)... On this bus I also happen to go past Cadbury World in the quiet little village of Bourneville (by going past i mean that was actually my stop on the bus lol, i was doing work experience in a little hotel down the road from it) 

We also gave you Metal music (Sabbath and Priest to be exact...) We gave you some of the best christmas songs ever in the form of Slade's So here it is merry christmas and Wizard's I wish it could be christmas every day. We also gave you Duran Duran and UB40... and Jamelia.... 

So, to sum it up, we gave you:

Lord of the rings:

Milk chocolate:

Metal music

you can also thank us for 50% of the people cast as the Weasley family 

Birmingham also gave you:

and me!! :)

So where are you from? What famous things come from there? 

that is Brimingham :)


The Last Football Campfire

Saturday December 3, 2011 at 7:26 AM

So unless emibella decides to post a cf when her Packers go back to the SuperBowl, this is it for the season.

Since this is the end, I propose a scavenger hunt contest, of sorts. Come inside and I’ll tell you what to find. Or come inside and post anything you want here, it’s a pretty safe space.

Winners decided by a super committee of Skeksis, Ephors, and Leprechauns (if you get either of the first two references, I love you, if you don’t get them, I promise you are way, way cooler than me). Prizes will be random, fake, and likely imaginary. and don’t worry, I won’t automatically win the arbitrary make believe contest I made here, the Ephors really hate me.

I’ve enjoyed this and you all tremendously this football season. You’ve all be absolutely lwonderful and it was nice to hang with you each Saturday. I’ll see you again next season, oh, and in this campfire, oh, and in other campfires, oh and….screw it, my “ poignant thank you lovelies” is over!


More images for Eros and Psyche

Saturday December 3, 2011 at 2:28 AM

Good morning campers! I take the FFA  opportunity to post more images for Eros and Psyche. The last but one chapter is up here on ADF. And to rec a new story I am reading, of course

One image here, more inside

This is a view of Piazza Vittorio Emanuele in Rome, where Bella lands after her trip to Hades. You can't see the Hermetic Gate from this angle.

There are arcades, because the square was built by the Piedmontese conquerors in the style of Turin, when Rome was annexed to the Reign of Italy


The fic I have recently started to read is The Best Things in Life Are Unexpected by u2Shay

Synopsis: On the eve before the fight with the newborns and Victoria, Edward and Bella finally sit down and discuss her reluctance to marry him and how her friendship with Jacob is harming their relationship. An Eclipse "should-have-been" and beyond. E&B.

Only 5 chapters so far but I know that the author is very dependable. The mature dialogues and the AU surprises make the story very interesting.


Fics where B tries to break E's heart

Friday December 2, 2011 at 9:53 PM

.. Or Vice versa?  Either of them tries to just pretend to fall in love, but eventually falls in love for real?



Love does not come with a plan

Bella Swan was just supposed to be a part of Jasper Cullen's plan to take a revenge with his elder brother Edward Cullen-The Perfectionist. Everything was planned. Pity. Love just doesn't come with a plan.


chocolate chip cookies

Friday December 2, 2011 at 8:46 PM

We had a wonderful campfire that was full of wonderful cookie recipes. But I didn't see any chocolate chip. Please share with me your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. I am planning on making some tomorrow and I  something am looking something a little different than my usually cutting of the tollhouse dough log. :-/

Thank you and I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


cookies Pictures, Images and Photos


You've been served!

Friday December 2, 2011 at 8:25 PM

Anyone else reading Dinner Reservations by QuietRuby?


This story has OWNED me! I have done nothing but yell at my computer screen (but in that really good way when the angst is just burning!) for the last two weeks and was THE day!

Anyone else want to talk about it?


(beware o'spoilers)

babyface carter

Is this real?

Friday December 2, 2011 at 8:23 PM

  I came across something on FB and was pleasantly suprised.  Does anyone know if this is real or not?  I'll post the link inside -


If it is, then hot damn :)

just a quick ADF reminder: 

we do NOT post links to any leaked footage from the twilight movies. no links to downloads, either.

we CAN, however, discuss them to our heart's content.

OP, i had to delete the link to the apparent leak of a sexy scene from breaking dawn part 2. sorry. the forest cannot have that up here for legal reasons!

however, anyone who wants to privately ask you for the link via PM or any other method? well. how can we possibly police that?


thank you, your friendly forest rangers


i'm just gonna leave this right here

Friday December 2, 2011 at 8:12 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Up All Night

Friday December 2, 2011 at 6:26 PM

hi!! so i'm under my covers in my bed in total darkness (apart from my netbook screen light) typing atrociously (i think i spelt that wrong) and i NEED a fic!!

Um loads of romance please and i dont mind lots of angst - not really in the mood for shits and giggles but thats welcome too, high school preferably however if E and B are in thier 20's thats cool too 


ps - it's 1:26 in the morning forgive any mistakes please!!


go read transcendence (god knws how that word is spelt) by Savage7289 - CAVEWARD PEOPLE AND PRE HISTORIC TIMES!!!!

so freaking weird.........


Should be studying, but need a distraction

Friday December 2, 2011 at 5:33 PM

Can someone help me? Does anyone know any good fics where E/B are kind of in a messy place in their marriage? I love Expectations and Other Moving Pieces, but it's been a while since it last updated. I'm also reading Cracks in the Pavement. I'd love to read more fics with the similar vibe.  E/B going through that period of angsty, love/hate and wondering if the relationship is worth saving. 


If anyone can help I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm new here and need some friends :)

Also, a good fic would be a great excuse for a study break. Finals. Wah :/


Anyone Remember...

Friday December 2, 2011 at 4:53 PM

This Hungry World by LolaShoes?  I read her entire trilogy, but this final fic in particular really stuck with me.  I loved the intensity between Bella and Edward in this story, and I love how LolaShoes deconstructed their relationship, bit by bit, so that we truly felt and understood the depth of Bella and Edward's connection to each other.


Anyway, my point here is... I would really like to read something along these lines, where Bella and Edward share an unusually intense connection to each other and which is not full of a lot of fluff.  For those of you who have read This Hungry World, you'll understand what I'm talking about.  Anything out there like that?


TIA for any recs.  Vampward or All Human recs welcome!  Oh, and angst is always good, so long as there is a reasonably happy ending. 


Gimme Your Best

Friday December 2, 2011 at 4:14 PM

Authors/Writers/Whatever We're Calling Ourselves:


If you had to pick ONE AND ONLY ONE fic that you've written that you are most proud of - the one that if someone asked for a rec you'd offer - which one would that be?


Give us:

1. Title

2. Summary

3. Link

4. Why you are proud of it and why you would like people to read it.


First --- | >> | 728 | 729 | 730 | 731 | 732 | 733 | 734 | 735 | 736 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
