
Emergence of a Pervert

Wednesday November 30, 2011 at 2:30 PM

I was just wondering if anyone has Emergence of a Pervert by Kinolaughs. I saw it rec'd on the fic I'm reading now and can't find it.

This fic is so good, I love Bella's ovaries :)

Work in Progress

AU/AH: Bella, Edward and the usual suspects are adults living in Seattle. They hit it off after a klutzy accident and E awakens B's ovaries, who never hesitate to voice their pervy opinion in B's head. Rated M for language and lemons.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 43 - Words: 297,190 - Reviews: 6245 - Updated: 7-1-11 - Published: 2-18-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Beautiful new BD still

Wednesday November 30, 2011 at 1:13 PM

Inspired by the BD love thread below: I'm having a really bad day and I want to share this beautiful 'eat ur hearts out I married The Jaw' still. Just came back from watching it the third time (and I'm not ashamed to say it). His eyebrows didn't seem that big this time around, but did he wax the hair on his arms?? idk

Post stills that you liked, quotes that you liked, was that Phil we saw sitting next to Renee but noone bothered to video him etc.


Humpday Games

Wednesday November 30, 2011 at 11:09 AM

Okay, we're gonna do something different today!  A lot of y'all have been out doing your Holiday shopping.  This is the season of Christmas parties, Secret Santa and White Elephant Gift Exchanges.  I wonder if vampires have Secret Santa parties...  What do you think the Cullens would get each other?  Does Esme cruise the Home Shopping Network? Does Emmett like to shop at SkyMall?  

This week’s game:

Fic Secret Santa

So here's what we're gonna do.  Stay with me, I'm trying not to make this too complicated.

Make an assignment of a character from a certain fic or from canon for someone to pick.

Then the next person selects a character that has been posted and comes up with another character to be the giver.  Then go find what gift would be given.

You can also post who you want to be the giver AND givee for someone to find a gift to be exchanged.

When you find the perfect gift, post a picture or a description.

Okay, here are some examples:

Example 1:

Prompt:  Givee - Canon Jacob

Answer:  Giver - Canon Rosalie

              Gift - Rawhide Chew Toy

Example 2:

Prompt:  Givee - Canon Edward

              Giver - MOTU Edward

Answer:  Gift - Cat of Nine Tails with vampire teeth attached to the ends (What? You know it would be interesting. ;))  

This could either be a whole lot of fun or a real flop.  So PLEASE come inside and let's have some giggles! :D


I find this absolutely hilarious!

Tuesday November 29, 2011 at 8:51 PM

Taken from TMZ

'TWILIGHT' FANS Fake EngagementsTo Try on Bella Dress


Just when you thought "Twilight" fans had a healthy grip on reality -- TMZ has learned, lady Twihards are invading bridal boutiques, secretly lying about being engaged ... so they can try on a replica of Bella's wedding dress from the new flick.

The $799 replica is being sold in Alfred Angelo bridal boutiques everywhere -- and people who work at the chain tell us the scheming fans are driving them crazy, making it extremely difficult to conduct business.

By the way, we really don't think Twilight fans have a healthy grip on reality.

First of all, why does the boutique have cut-outs of Edward and Jake...LOL!

Interactive part...who here will admit that they would fake an engagement to try on the dress?




Tuesday November 29, 2011 at 6:05 PM

Sooo I've never posted a CF before, but I just HAD to after the discussion in one of my classes today.

I'm taking a really worthwhile Sociology class called 'Deviance' that examines all sorts of so-called 'deviant' groups like redheads and hermaphrodites?! gangs and crooks.

Anywho, today's discussion involved our very favorite 'deviant group': FANFIC WRITERS!

There was a presentation on this 'deviant' subculture, describing what fanfic is and the types of fanfics there are. The whole time I was sitting there with my head down, quite embarrassed, because I knew EXACTLY what the presenter was talking about *blush* (Oh the faces that were made when SLASH was brought up!)

Afterwards I got to thinking, "Are we (readers and writers of FF) truly deviant? Is our obsession/guilty pleasure on par with criminal activity?"

I'd love to hear people's thoughts on this. I, for one, don't think we are deviants!



My tbr list just keeps on growing...

Tuesday November 29, 2011 at 5:02 PM

As always, this is the weekly campfire to tell us

what you are reading and/or what you have read that you think everyone needs to read as well!

It is very important that you include links and even more important that you not only give a description of the fic, but tell us


What are you reading?

What is your favorite completed fic?

What do you think is the BEST work-in-progress fic out there right now?


I wanna feel the Breaking Dawn Love

Tuesday November 29, 2011 at 4:37 PM

So I’m starting this because it worked well a few weeks ago for someone looking for some KStew love, and that’s just what I need for BD right now… I NEED TO FEEL THE LOVE.

I’ve seen lots of BD hate, flaming, complaining, etc., and I just want to know this:

Am I the only person who left the theater thinking “That is by far the best movie yet and I totally can’t wait to see it again!” ???

Because that’s exactly what I thought… I was pumped and excited and impressed and all of that jazz. Maybe I’m totally naïve and idealistic and see everything through rose-colored-glasses, LOL, but I loved it. I’ll elaborate on my love inside.

And let the Breaking Dawn Love commence!

BTW, this is my first campfire in… um… I don’t even know. I did one, once, at least a year ago… so if I’m doing this wrong please feel free to have me removed from the premises. By Emmett, if you will.

This campfire has been approved by the axe-wielding lovely Ranger LJ Summers. Thanks!

Like I could say no to you. - LJ


JaspersDestiny's Worst Story Ever Contest

Tuesday November 29, 2011 at 4:24 PM

Details inside!

I gift you by recommending you read this contest's last installment's entries (from 2009), including the winning entries:

I Wanna Eff You Like a Masochistic Lion, by Feisty Y. Beden and Philadelphic and NelsonSmandela

I Messed My Panties, by SassenachWench



here comes the angst

Tuesday November 29, 2011 at 3:54 PM


How to Paint a House has updated


me rn


go read. then come back and discuss. how do we feel about that A/N?


Nikki, what on earth are you thinking?!

Tuesday November 29, 2011 at 1:23 PM

So, Nikki Reed wrote a fic prompt.  

People are encouraged to go write the next part on Seventeen's website, then she's gonna finish it (or something along those lines)

Some are saying it reeks of this little combo...


What do you think?

Was this a wise move on Nikki's part? 


Then come discuss.  


Review Replying and FFnet Foibles

Tuesday November 29, 2011 at 8:52 AM

So, FFnet is having issues with review replies. Nothing new for them, although after the fiasco of May, 2010, where they suddenly cut off the ability to get at reviews from before the date they started tinkering without lots of effort, I'm pretty tired of them tinkering with the system to the detriment of the readers and authors. 

While we're waiting for them to fully fix this mess (it sseems they've partially fixed it as of this morning, but there are still issues with reviews sent before the last 24 hours) come tell me about review replies. How do you feel about them? If you're an author, do you send them? Was there a threshold where it got harder? As a reader, do you hope for them? Do you care if it's personal? Prefer pasted teasers? Don't prefer pasted teasers? Did you notice a drop after last May when FFnet switched the system around? (I would imagine own personal review reply rate dropped by around 40% and I would imagine I wasn't alone.) 

A brief history of FFnet's review reply foibles inside...


OUNtY LAST Chapter

Tuesday November 29, 2011 at 6:50 AM

LJ Summers is amazing...

Epilogue to follow...oh, and that outtake...!!!!

SPOILERS inside!!!!!!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Tuesday November 29, 2011 at 5:08 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

The weather is awful here today, and my internet keeps cutting out due to the wind. I'm kind of glaring at the grey sky all, "if you're going to be fail, at least give me snow." No such luck. 

Anyway, my question to you is this:

How do you spend your rainy days?

Do you save money especially for these kinds of afternoons and go buy something fabulous? Curl up with a good book? Hide the lead from your dog, all, "looks like we can't go for that walk today. Damn."

Let's chat.


Nip Slip Say what?!?!?

Monday November 28, 2011 at 8:47 PM

Okay I keep hearing that in the honeymoon scene of breaking dawn kstew has a nip slip... Did this really happen lol I need to know! if you could tell me please do :) thanks!


Twilight Villains

Monday November 28, 2011 at 7:42 PM

The Volturi, Victoria, James, ANY of the Denali's...We've all read fanfic stories featuring at least one of the aformentioned as a villain. And it's getting old...In BD we were introduced to a whole new array of vampires from all around the world, some good, some bad, and some just plain creepy.

So...disregarding the obvious choices (see first sentence), who do you wish was used as an antagonist in a fanfic?

Mine's inside...Anyone who has read Resent will know who it is ;)

And if you know any fanfics featuring a surprising antagonist, c'mon in and rec it! OC characters are welcome as well...


The Wait is Over...

Monday November 28, 2011 at 7:25 PM

Through the Oak Door has updated and is complete!

Come inside to discuss.

***Spoilers Inside***


Review Count Challenge

Monday November 28, 2011 at 6:19 PM

It's been awhile since we've had one of these, so I want to do a Review Count Challenge - how many new reviews can you write in a week?  

To do this, come into this campfire and post your current review count:

1. Go to your account and expand Traffic Stats from the side menu.
2. Click on Legacy User Stats.
3. You'll see a sentence that says "You have submitted a total of ____ signed reviews."
4. Come back and share that number here.


Then, as you read your fic updates this week, try to review as many as you can.  Next Monday, I'll post another campfire so we can all post our new review count.  Then we can brag about how wonderful we've done.

This is a fun way to challenge ourselves, encourage us to take the time to review and show all of the awesome authors out there some love!

* And this was approved by the lovely Capricorn75 *



Monday November 28, 2011 at 3:33 PM

I am looking for a website or two that has Twilight printables - like calendars, bookmarks, etc. I knew of one but of course I can't remember the name now...

Need a rec? Try Requiem by Katinki. It's just one chapter so far - but it's gonna be gooooood!



Monday November 28, 2011 at 2:20 PM

Ok so i did a campfire a month ago asking what everyone thought about true love and i also asked about any true love recs, the main one that i got was 'And With Thee Fade Away' which was AMAZEBALLS!!!  But you see all this asking etc is not for me, its for my friend who is obbsessed with finding a fanfic/book where - 





Basically i want Bella from Twilight minus the whole Jacob fiasco which makes my skin crawl....

So are there any books/fanfics that ring a bell when you read those few sentences? ^ ^ ^

Also just a quick btw, my friend is the BIGGEST anti-feminist EVER!!! Seriously, there are no words... 

FYT - 

Robert Pattinson embarrsed about faking orgasm (OMG?!)  -


Birthday Roll Call!

Monday November 28, 2011 at 11:07 AM

I haven't done one of these in a bit, but from PMs and messages new people are coming around more. So I'm gonna collect more birthdays.

There is a fandom birthday calendar, where I put all the birthdays I collect from campfires, PMs, emails, messages, and from filling out the form. You can see the calendar here:

Here's the good stuff though, monthly I start an ADF birthday campfire for happy wishes. And weekly I give a birthday shoutout on TwiFic News, TwiFicNews tumblr, all corresponding twitter accounts (staff and site), and the weekly love gets tweeted/pimped by affiliate sites as well.

What I try to do is make these birthdays a big deal, because everyone's birthday should be special. AND I'd like to include yours!

So get in here and let me know when your birthday is!

Birthday campfires have been approved by the lovely Emibella

First --- | >> | 730 | 731 | 732 | 733 | 734 | 735 | 736 | 737 | 738 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
