
Let It All Out

Friday December 2, 2011 at 10:48 AM

It has been one crazy week for me! I need to do some major venting and anyone that I vent to in RL doesn't understand right now.


So if you've had a crazy week or just a crazy day so far come inside and tell me about it!


One of my favorite covers :)


You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen

Friday December 2, 2011 at 10:19 AM


So we had a Thanksgiving recipe campfire.  And now many of us still have fridges and freezers full of food.  At last look I have:

Way too much turkey.

Nearly as much gravy.

Some mashed potatoes that are on the edge.

These nasty store bought rolls that no one liked (I usually make them but our friends were in charge of the rolls and they got these little enriched flour hockey pucks).

And 2.3 cans of Tillamook whipped cream.

So, what do you do with your turkey leftovers?  Of course there's always turkey soup or turkey sandwiches.  But do you have anything super yummy that you like to do with your leftovers?  I made up a new recipe last night and it was freaking  yum and super fast and easy.  I'll probably make it again tonight.  Let's share recipes/ideas!  My new recipe will be in the comments. :)


Where are the film experts?

Friday December 2, 2011 at 9:31 AM

Hey everybody!

Sooooo, I need some help! Again ;)

Actually It's for my sister this time, she has to do a project at school where they have to make a mini-movie (about 2 mins) about different subjects. They chose getting ready to go on a date. The video is supposed to be funny, maybe have some cool effects etc.


Now what I need your help for is some ideas. I can come up with some creative ideas in the painting department but when it comes to movie making I am LOST! Do you have ideas for some effects we could easily make? Is there a specific programm we should use? We were gonna use the moviemaker but if you have anything better... well tell me.


So where are the creative movie makers? Please? Yes?






Is anyone reading this?

Friday December 2, 2011 at 8:55 AM


This is the latest offering by the author of the Outlander series.  I know there are a few of us here who love Jamie and Claire Fraser, the hero and heroine of that series.  The author has another series of novels which are a spin-off of the original Outlander series involving the character of Lord John Grey.  I DON'T READ THOSE BOOKS.  I DON'T ENJOY READING ABOUT LORD JOHN.


(Yes, Rupert Friend is "my"  Lord John -- I had to make him pretty and likeable if I was going to get through any of the passages that focused on him)

I must not be the only one who doesn't read them, because in order to ensure that fans purchased read The Scottish Prisoner, the latest book in the Lord John series, the author has made half of the story about Jamie Fraser, the character fans REALLY want to read about.  To me, Lord John is the Jacob of Outlander.  He keeps hanging around lusting after one of the main characters (Jamie, in this case) when all the fans really want is for him to go away already!!  

So, I'm half way through the book.  So far I'm "Meh."  DG has managed the unthinkable ... she's made Jamie Fraser somewhat boring.  Jamie without Claire lacks the spark, the je ne sais quoi of the series.  The series hasn't really jumped the shark or anything (UNLIKE AMERICAN HORROR STORY! -- eff you Ryan Murphy), it's just not what I was hoping for and I'm feeling a little resentful that I caved in and succumbed to the ploy of featuring Jamie Fraser in a Lord John novel just to get fans to shell out more dough for books about a character the author can't let go of but no one really cares about.

Have any of my other fellow Outlander fans succumbed to this ploy as well?  What do you think?  Are you sick of DG pulling an SM and focusing on characters that AREN'T the characters that caused us to love the series in the first place?  If not this series, feel free to come in and vent about any other movies/books/shows that have left you feeling the same way!



Friday December 2, 2011 at 5:33 AM

The Epilogue!!!

By LJ Summers

Come on in and chat...

There be SPOILERS here...

EPOV coming NEXT week...


Friday. Cover it, you.

Friday December 2, 2011 at 4:36 AM

here it is!

the ffa post!

can you even believe it?!


go bananas, but don't attack anyone, with knives or words.

and don't you use your filthy language or post nudie shots on the front page, either.

but do click the ads.

also, post music covers you love.

i'm going with a song that everyone knows and is probably sick of. written by leonard cohen, made famous by jeff buckley (moment of silence)

yeah, yeah, yeah...


this is joseph arthur and the difference is, like NO ONE ELSE EVER DOES, arthur sings the last verse of this song, which happens to be my favorite. idk why everyone abandons the last verse of this song. they should stop it.

i will be back with more covers on the inside, including, of course, jimmy gnecco.

carry on, my wayward sons.



While The Yanks Are Away...

Friday December 2, 2011 at 3:52 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Happy Christmas!

Sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days, my internet connection has been especially fail. 

Now, let's have a gossip.

What are your plans for the weekend? Anything really bugging you that you want to talk about?

Pull up a cushion and get it off your chest.

Let's chat. 


Let me be frank with you

Thursday December 1, 2011 at 8:32 PM

Here is the thing, a lot of times we really really want to try to get new readers but we are afraid to start new campfires promoting ourselves because (let's face it) that is generally not standard practice in these parts. That is exactly why we have this campfire.

We want to tell us about what you write, what a friend writes, or what you beta.

This is THE campfire of Self Promotion: THE PIMP CAMPFIRE.

That is what this campfire is for!


Tis' (nearly) the Season...

Thursday December 1, 2011 at 6:02 PM

It may be slightly early, but, I'm feeling festive (and that's a rare occurrence). So, I've got a simple(ish) question for you:

If you could give any one twilight character (canon or otherwise) one Christmas present, what would it be?!?


(Is this allowed? I'm a bit out of wack with the rules!)


Help me come up with New Moon prompts!

Thursday December 1, 2011 at 2:43 PM

Hello, hello!

It's just about time for the Canon Tour's New Moon round. The dates are set, and there are a few changes to consider, but the biggest news is that I'm adding a new placement slot for Best Use of Prompt! One of the things I noticed in the last couple of rounds is that the prompts, while often well-received, were rarely written for, because writers thought they might not be crowd-pleasers, or they were afraid others were using the same prompt, so to deal with this I'm adding this placement in hopes of encouraging their use.

1st, 2nd and 3rd placements will continue to operate the way they did in previous rounds. In the ballot, there will be a fourth voting option in which readers will vote on the best story out of those that used one of the Canon Tour’s round prompts.

Which brings me to this...HELP ME COME UP WITH NEW MOON PROMPTS! I've already come up with some, but I'd like to hear what you would enjoy reading. Here's your chance to maybe have someone write That Fic You've Been Waiting For! Or if you don't want to share your idea, you should write it! You can get an idea of what I'm aiming for with the prompts by looking at previous ones.

Some shiz:

- Prompts must be canon New Moon or New Moon AU. Canon pairings, please, or subjects that don't denote pairings.

- Prompts must take place in the NM time frame or in the post-NM / pre-Eclipse time frame.

- Where possible, shun clichéd, overdone ideas in favor of originality.

- Prompts need to be more inspirational than full-on descriptions. If it can fit 140 characters (or at least be trimmed down to that), that's ideal. These will be posted to Twitter.

- Visual/musical prompts are welcome. 

- No character is too obscure. Really.

- If you want me to credit you for your prompt idea, give me your Twitter username. :)

- Conversely, if you're shy (dawww), you can PM/email me your prompt ideas.


the tabloids are at it again...

Thursday December 1, 2011 at 2:39 PM

I saw this while standing in line at my local supermarket, waiting to pay for my two gallons of milk. Personally, I don't believe this. At all. I rolled my eyes when I read the headline.

This is the current issue, on newsstands now.

What do you all think of this? Believe it? Don't believe it? Indifferent? I WANNA KNOW.

BTW, I did a Yahoo! search for Rob and Kristen and apparently they went on a date recently. Like, in public and everything.


Twilight Convention in Dallas

Thursday December 1, 2011 at 1:15 PM

Is anyone going to the convention in Dallas this weekend? I just found out about it!



Thursday December 1, 2011 at 1:02 PM





I've noticed a lot of new faces around here lately, and that's superly awesome.  In the spirit of connecting with one another, I thought it was high time we have a twitter sharing fire.  Many of us use it to share story updates, fandom news, and other general ramblings.  

Also - did you know that you can follow campers just by clicking on their icon, and viewing their profile? If they've added their twitter or other social networking info you can find it there - be sure to update yours under control panel!

Make sure you follow @DifferentForest to stay up to date on ADF news.  

I'm over there typically muttering nonsense as @eksmith07

So, come on in this fire, share your twitter info, and follow some new friends!



ADF's Birthday Wish List-December

Thursday December 1, 2011 at 9:38 AM

Happy Birthday!

December babies have a blue topaz or turquoise for a birthstone and a Narcissus for their birth flower. They're said to be humorous, compassionate, and faithful!

Here are our December babies:

Dec. 1  --  ♦Cherrysodapop    ♦venusfueri 

Dec. 2  --  ♦Carolamex     ♦fall26     ♦lisa89     ♦Maria M

Dec. 3  --  ♦RayneValentine

Dec. 4  --  ♦fngrcufs     ♦Jeri247     ♦Kumari     ♦northernskies

Dec. 5  --  ♦Babygirl49392     ♦Jarr1205

Dec. 6  --  ♦Jaspersgrl1208

Dec. 7  --  ♦3busydogs     ♦StAngelS

Dec. 8  --  ♦AHizelm     ♦Ardanwen78     ♦fvprosey     ♦satfiii     ♦ShimmerinDenali     ♦Tilara

Dec. 9  --  ♦CLHahny     ♦Marie0912

Dec. 10  --  ♦cherbella     ♦hotforedward     ♦PiedPiperOSIB     ♦xx-twilight7-xx

Dec. 11  --  ♦barronjunk     ♦jmeyer    ♦mamajo76     ♦nicy92     ♦ykelly1

Dec. 12  --  ♦rms33

Dec. 13  --  ♦effbit     ♦jodid3     ♦Strae

Dec. 14  --  ♦cleolinda     ♦flory_p     ♦MaggieCullen     ♦MandyPattz     ♦PrincessxoAmber

Dec. 15  --  ♦Chipper     ♦co.and.nn

Dec. 16  --  ♦debby191     ♦dme     ♦dovelove1097     ♦Kristen Nicole     ♦gueenofgrey

Dec. 17  --  ♦RobotMoose

Dec. 18  --  ♦cyrinia

Dec. 19  --  ♦avahasflaava   ♦bandmum     ♦Bright Red Star     ♦Justine Lark     ♦SoAdorkable     ♦Wearingwords     ♦ilsuocantante

Dec. 20  --  ♦hellacullen     ♦hermy78     ♦ssarrahh

Dec. 21  --  ♦Lady Tazz

Dec. 22  --  ♦EdwardCu77enlover     ♦mugglemom08     ♦roon0     ♦Shannonmonkey17     ♦tiffanyanne3

Dec. 23  --  ♦branchirps     ♦Browneyedgirl620     ♦idealskeptic     ♦MuffinsAndRandomness     ♦oncent23     ♦Pange

Dec. 24  --  ♦IrishTwiFicster     ♦jazzyhead

Dec. 25  --  ♦agoodwitch     ♦eila     ♦evilangel6714     ♦PhoenixRising

Dec. 26  --  ♦bsmog     ♦CarminMoon     ♦Emmie857     ♦Lauripop

Dec. 27  --  ♦Shadowdragon13     ♦ViolaBlack

Dec. 28  --  ♦AzureEyed1     ♦bohemianbuffalo    ♦princesspeach     ♦Vampgirl18

Dec. 29  --  ♦Goldenmeadow     ♦LittleClareStar     ♦Silverfreak     ♦dazzled eyes22

Dec. 30  --  ♦AdeleVarens     ♦marsbareater12     ♦Raum     ♦TheMominator     ♦theorange3

Dec. 31  --  ♦Browns     ♦catonspeed     ♦greyskiesatdawn     ♦Kristi_28     ♦SwedenSara

"Believing hear, what you deserve to hear:

Your birthday as my own to me is dear...

But yours gives most; for mine did only lend.

Me to the world; yours gave to me a friend." --Martial

So get in here campers and spread some birthday love!


P.S. If December is your birth month, and you're not on this list LET ME KNOW! I'll correct it immediately. And if you HAVE a birthday, yeah you, I'd like to know when, if I already don't, so please PM me and let me know it! And for all your weekly birthday fandom needs check out Twific News.

If a Ranger would be so kind as to sticky this to the top that'd be awesome!


American Horror Story

Thursday December 1, 2011 at 9:35 AM

Thoughts about last nights episode?





Oldies but Goodies

Thursday December 1, 2011 at 8:57 AM

Hey Campers!


It's time for our first discussion fire for 

From the Wings by LJSummers

Come on in here and share your thoughts, reactions, feelings, etc. on Chapters 1-10.  


No spoilers in this fire please - we've got lots of new readers.  


Join us back here on Monday to discuss the last 10 chapters and this story as a whole.

 I'll also reveal the last story in this "hijacked by vampires" series then.  

Thanks for participating!

LJ Summers

Cross-Cultural/Interracial Romance Fic List

Thursday December 1, 2011 at 8:50 AM

Some stories replace the difference of the vampire/human relationship with the tension an interracial or cross-cultural romance can bring to a relationship – and all the networks that branch out from that relationship!


Photo credit Josh Liba Photography

Though our world has seemingly shrunk over the recent decades, prejudicial attitudes can still influence relationships. Have you read any fics that deal with this?  Whether the couple is of the same country but of different ethnic groups or there are cultural issues stemming from different backgrounds, this can be a thought-provoking, loving avenue to explore.  

If you have read some good stories in this category, PLEASE share them!  This fic list has been requested and I know that the campers of ADF – some of the most widely-read fan fiction readers IN the fandom – can help!

This list will become our 120th category of fan fiction on our Master Fic List. Please feel free to browse this list at your leisure, updating old recs and providing new ones!

Thank you for sharing the best of cross-cultural or interracial romances around the fire!


Twilight parody on Italian TV

Thursday December 1, 2011 at 5:57 AM

Il più grande spettacolo dopo il week-end (The greatest show after the weekend) is an Italian TV event with record audiences. It is led by Rosario Fiorello, former disk jokey and now full time entertainer, extremely popular. The show - to be featured only for 4 Mondays - is the kind that even those who say "I never watch TV" (Like me)  will watch. I am mentioning this because there is a regular Twilight parody in each episode. Which indicates that Twilight can't be ignored or confined to teenagers anymore.

As parodies go, it is quite funny and not at all nasty, the main point being that Edward Cullen is very, very fast.

This is the photo that Fiorello posted on his twitter account

Inside I'll put a youtube link, to be appreciated only if you know Italian, probably


Ask wtvoc, then ask us all...

Wednesday November 30, 2011 at 6:10 PM

It's time to open up the forest for all of those inquiries you have been dying to make.

Inquries like:

"Could someone rec me...."

"What is the name of that fic..?"

"I forgot how to..."

"How do you _____ on ADF...?"

"I've always wondered...."


It is the Amnesia, Request, Questions, Techie campfire.... 


wtvoc is bored slash procrastinating

Wednesday November 30, 2011 at 4:30 PM

ask wtvoc

animal sparkles because dave grohl was animal in the moopets

yes, the moopets. why haven't you seen the new muppet movie yet?

come in here and ask me anything. who'm i, you may ask? why, i'm the purple ranger of the forest. i'll answer anything. you might get sarcasm in response to personal questions, but i'll still answer you. my opinion, my personal life, my preferred brand of cookware, recipes for whatever, questions about ADF or fanfiction or current recs for pride & prejudice fanfiction, you name it.

but if you ask me medical questions, i'm just gonna tell you to go see a doctor. 

and if you ask me to proofread your grad school paper jennifer, i don't have the energy to do that two nights in a row.

ask away~

mr. darcy inquiring after the health of your family more than once fyt:

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