
Special Message + Help Desk

Wednesday December 7, 2011 at 3:12 PM

It's time to open up the forest for all of those inquiries you have been dying to make.


For this first Holiday Help Desk in the series, we will be setting the campfire up like an advice column. 

Many of you might not want to post your questions publicly so I am trying something new. PM me your questions and next Monday I will post it under an anonymous account to be answered by fellow campers. That way, people can give you all of the advice you need without you having to fess up that it is you. Of course, you can post using your own name as well.

You can also send me questions that you think lots of people would want answered about the holidays and next Monday when I post, I will comment all of the questions that need answers. 

If you have any questions, just ask. I would be happy to answer them! 

Now we return to our regularly scheduled HELP DESK!


Hello Campers

Wednesday December 7, 2011 at 2:25 PM

So I was reading a fic with daddyward (wich is one of my favorites) So here what I remember,Bella is going to UCLA and decides to go to the last party in La Push,Edward is there and decides she's not belong there because she is to good,he takes her to his house,they drink and use some pills and end sleeping togheter.Bella get's pregnant and Edward is felling guilty and think he take advantage of Bella.He goes to the College and don't have many contact with his son.The boy has asthma.Four years later Bella gets a good chance to change her life with a new job in Jacksonville (not so sure about the location)Edward decides to win them back before they leaves.

PS_ Last minute memory Edward is a nurse in this one,He was suposed to go to medical school but since he think he destroied Bella dreams he doens't wanna realize his one.

Here go some pimp time,I really love this fics.They both are WIP but are really good I promisse.


Some things you never forget, they just hurt too much to remember


A NYC barman views his mind reading as an isolating cancer, until he meets a lonely 28yr old trying to escape her sad reality. His life is full of harsh lessons. Hers an uphill battle, so she never complains when a beautiful boy treats her badly. EXB AH

And one complete because patiente is not my thing.


Bella Swan met her match the day her father agreed to take Edward Cullen on a fishing trip with them. Little did they realize that a few simple hours on an old fishing boat could change the course of their lives forever.


Happy Holidays! Happy HOL-i-days!

Wednesday December 7, 2011 at 12:52 PM

(Sorry about the advert). (Sorry it's not the Sweeney Sisters from SNL. I can not find it ANYWHERE on the internet. And I looked. Oh yes, I looked).
It's the most wonderful time of the year! I love the holidays, and this year it's in the extreme. I've been decorating and donating and dancing and more, and through it all, I'm listening to my favorite Christmas and holiday music.
But, alas, I know my playlist is lacking. There are songs I am missing -
like a wonderful instrumental version of "Sleigh Ride" (not the Squirrel Nut Zipper one - and I don't know how to find them because I don't know the artist, as above, or I can't remember them at all!
And then wtvoc posted her playlist-in-progress, which sparked some memories, and I thought maybe we can all share our holiday playlists!
What gets you in the mood to decorate? What makes gift wrapping more fun? Do you carol? What's your go-to Christmas karaoke song? What do you play while you bake? Or when you're cuddling by the tree?
Here's what I have so far! What am I missing?

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones
I also want to mention:
Hard Candy Christmas by Dolly Parton, which isn't on playlist.com (well it is, but not being sung by Dolly, despite what it says). This song is lovely and heartbreaking and optomistic and wonderful.
The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky: I have the Orchestra of the Kirov Opera, St. Petersberg version, and I listen to it all the time. I haven't seen the ballet in many years, but the music does an excellent job of filling by Ballet fantasy needs. =)
Of note: I actually have a much longer playlist but these are my favorites, in my library.
*approved by the lovely wolvesnvamps. Thank you!

Book Bella vs Movie Bella

Wednesday December 7, 2011 at 12:40 PM

The more I listen to the audiobook the more convinced I become that book Bella is, sadly, kinda bitchy. Not just the relatable weirdo we all know and love, but, like, not nice, yk? I know so many people, who'd read the books before seeing the movie, are upset with the way she was portrayed in Twilight, but, idk, I really MUCH prefer her in the movie than in the book. Opinions?


Lost Fic

Wednesday December 7, 2011 at 11:47 AM


A long time ago, I had been reading a VERRAH good fic by the name of 'Caravaggio'-

It was via ADF, but I don't know if it ever finished?

ANY info on the fic or the author would be appreciated. I'm hoping she finished it (fingers crossed)






What if the one person you thought you could count on suddenly changed before your very eyes? Edward Masen is tired of being invisible and the shoulder to cry on. Bella is starting to feel something different for her best friend. What if it's too late? AH


Concerning News About Yasmin BC Pills

Tuesday December 6, 2011 at 10:10 PM

As I know many of you are on hormonal birth control, particularly the pill, I felt the need to share this with you: Bayer Withheld Yasmin Data from U.S., Former Agency Chief Tells Court.

Some "highlights" that may cause blood to temporarily boil:

Bayer didn’t report to the FDA details on the risks of clots from an internal study and two cases of clots in patients on the pill prior to the drug’s approval by the agency, Kessler said.

The FDA told Bayer in June 2003 that it was “very concerned” about the number of adverse events, particularly deaths, reported in Yasmin users, Kessler said, citing an agency letter to the company. This included six deaths in the U.S., five of which were first reported to the FDA after April 2, 2003, the agency said.

In this draft, the employees added: “When considering only serious AEs (adverse events), the reporting rate for Yasmin was 10 fold higher than with the other products.” The total rate of confirmed [venous thromboembolism] per year was three or four times higher than the other three oral contraceptives reviewed, according to the data in the draft, Kessler said. The raw numbers were 6.9 per year for Yasmin and 1.5 for two of the other pills, according to the draft.

Berlex officials said in an e-mail they’d agreed to pay Reichman [a Los Angeles-based gynecologist who writes a blog about women's health issues] $450,000 in return for her willingness to “mention off-label benefits of our products,” Abramson noted. The doctor was planning an upcoming book on women’s health issues.


If you've taken Yasmin or one of the other BC pills in the Yasmin family, chances are you're just fine and will always be, but maybe be aware of what's going on with this. As usual, women's health has been put at risk because of the greed of a few in a company. Take care of yourselves! Do your research!


* Got permission from the lovely EK Smith for this one. Thank you!


Positively 4th Street's Bohemian Rhapsody

Tuesday December 6, 2011 at 8:27 PM

I've been disillusioned with fanfic lately, but one of my favourite authors is back in the saddle with a new fic, while she's taking a break from, AMtDR. Positively 4th Street, has managed to reel me back in with, Bohemian Rhapsody. It's my current drug of choice!

Just think 'The Plan', without the timed updates, a hippy dippy Bella, and an Edward so anally retentive he could rent his ass out as a Diamond Factory. It's only 2 chapters in, so far, but it's funny. The chapters are short, quick paced, and heavy on the snark (Edwards a total whiny bitch).

Perhaps some of you guys would like to drop by and take a looksie...

Bohemian Rhapsody by Positively 4th Street Summary: It's War of the Office when corporate suit, Edward Cullen, clashes with his new assistant, free spirited bohemian, Bella Swan. Can two ends of a very opposite spectrum learn to work together... before they kill each other? AH 



Tuesday December 6, 2011 at 7:58 PM

Pride and Prejudice was on tv and I realized that I have not watched any of the movies or even read the book.

That got me thinking about Sense and Sensibility which I have not watched or read either.

That got me thinking of Wuthering Heights which I read in school 12 years ago and don't remember well but I have not seen any of the movies either.

That made me think "Hmmm weren't some classics mentioned as Stephanie's inspiration for The Saga?" I googled but couldn't find anything.

Which Classics are a must read/ watch to you?

Where should I start?


Missing or lost Jasper/Bella fic

Tuesday December 6, 2011 at 5:08 PM

I think I found this fic through a rec here awhile back. I went fic diving for it not too long ago and couldn't find it and just now I found a book that immediately made me think of this fic then the more I read the sample the more some striking similarities hit me. So I'm wondering if there's a connection.

I think I read it sometime around Sept-Nov 2010. It was pretty popular 4-5k reviews.

Bella's friends with Edward but strictly platonic. She's always heard of his golden child brother Jasper but doesn't meet him until he comes home from school. They start dating for 3-5 months or so then he goes back to the East for an internship but Bella finds out she's pregnant. They date though the summer after E/B's senior year. She doesn't tell him and he gets all emo thinking she's forgot about him and starts drinking then he comes home and she's noticably 5-6 months along.

I want to say that Rosalie, Edward and Jasper are siblings but I'm not positive on Rosalie. More like 70%. Rosalie doesn't like Bella at all (fic surprise surprise) and thinks Bella's trying to latch onto the Cullen money though her friendship with Edward then relationship and subsequent pregnancy with Jasper. Rosalie and Alice are friends and Alice I think use to date Jasper just for a bit but it was casual or she had a crush on him and they did some major flirting. She's been secretly hooked on him since and goes bat crazy when she finds out Bella's pregnant. She completely snaps and pushes Bella a few feet down the stairs or tries to hit her or something. Eventually Jasper gets hit by a car on his motorcycle and goes into a coma. That's all I remember.

When Jasper comes home though, there's a LOT of sex. A LOT between him and Bella due to her pregnancy hormones.


Ideas? I'm not sure on this book because it could just be my mind playing tricks on me but one thing hit me then another then a whoa, that's really really like that fic. And well, you never really know anymore.



Fic rec:

The Selkie Wife  by Lissa Bryan who brought the ever different Written in the Stars

Set during the reign of "Bloody Mary" Tudor. Bella is captured by Edward to raise his daughter. He promises to release her one day, but will he? Court intrigues and danger around every corner. Can they, and their new-found love, survive? Rated M/OOC/AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 3 - Words: 16,170 - Reviews: 218 - Updated: 12-5-11 - Published: 11-30-11 - Bella & Edward


I found this today and since I'm a Tudor fan I couldn't resist and historicals are a rare find so I run to it when I see one. It's interesting yet weird at the same time. I can't get over Bella being kind of like a mythical seal but not. It's interesting.


Love to Hate

Tuesday December 6, 2011 at 12:50 PM

So I'm sure you all know that love/hate FF's are VERY popular. Once upon a time they were all i read. But that was beofre i started becoming a little more open-minded, but whatever I'm craving my favourite genre of Edward and Bella people!

So come on in and share your best Love/Hate fanfics!!

Rec -

And With Thee Fade Away - On her first day of school, Bella stands up to Edward: Forks' own psychotic jerk. Little does she know, Edward is a centuries-old Englishman with a taste for human blood. Will they fall in love, or kill each other first? Rated M for violence.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Suspense/Romance - Chapters: 44 - Words: 162,874 - Reviews: 4558 - Updated: 4-10-10 - Published: 8-15-09 - Edward & Bella - Complete


God I LOVE this story! If you love suspense and bickering this FF is a must read!! 


ADF holiday freecycle

Tuesday December 6, 2011 at 9:48 AM

Holiday Text - http://www.christmastext.com


i hope this doesn't get too complicated, lol

welcome to the ADF holiday gift thing! let's try and keep this as simple as possible, eh?

you can do one of three things:

1) exchange.

make a comment saying you belong to one of four gift groups:

-no money spent (cards, homebaked goods, etc.)

-$0.01 to $10 spent

-$10.01 to $25 spent

-$25 + spent

then someone will respond and you'll exchange gifts belonging to the same value group! does that make sense?

2) give.

just straight up give away a gift, no strings or exchanges attached. first person to comment receives it! some people have approached me about sending a certain person something anonymously, so you can try PMing me to see if i can facilitate that.

3) help

when i posted on sunday saying "i'm not sure how this is gonna go down", i got SO MANY messages from people who wanna help but don't know how. so, here's what i'm thinking:

if you could use a little help this holiday season, we here at ADF want to help. i never, ever, ever want a kid to get nothing. times are tough, but there's always a way to help. please don't be afraid to ask.

so, this is what i propose. tell me. just me, kristen. privately, via PM (click on my icon; you can send me or anyone here at ADF a private message this way), let me know if money's pretty tight. i'll need your address. if you'd rather no one but me see your address, lemme know and i'll facilitate it so that i'm the one sending everything out. don't be afraid to pipe up, man. if you knew how many people have approached me privately about helping, you'd smile. some are telling me that i'm gonna get snowed by this, but i don't give a crap. not if we can help someone who could use the help. i never, ever, ever want to think about a kid not believing in santa, ever (for those who are into santa, anyway). and no one will ever know except for me, so.

for those of you who messaged me (and i know there are others out there) that you're willing to offer such and such for those in need... PM me again, please. 10 bucks here, 25 bucks there can make a pretty big difference. i mean, i give 5 bucks to the homeless when i can, and i can certainly fork over 20 for one of you. and i'm unemployed. i just... idk, i can never convey how i feel about this just right. but i think you know what i mean.

you can either send me a giftcard or email it to me, or i guess by paypal, if you like. i will make sure one of those in need receives it. and if not all of them are claimed, i will use the rest of the money to buy toys for tots for the united states marine corps.

i will arrange the anonymous giving by whomever responds to me first. i hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass, lol!


now, as always with any freecycle, shipping must be included as part of your generous offer. people can offer to reimburse you for the shipping if they like. and you've gotta be down with giving an ADF stranger your address. or you can do giftcards by email, too. just take care of the details via PM!

please indicate whether you are willing to ship internationally. it can get a bit expensive this time of year, i know!

yesterday, i bought the raddest freaking thing at disneyland for the exchange. it falls into the $25 plus range. i will post it later on as a straight up gift to the first person to respond. trust me, it's worth it. i will also be giving christmas cards to 25 people, anywhere in the world. i don't care if you don't celebrate christmas, i still wanna give you a card!

so get in here and share some holiday spirit! or, you know. if this doesn't make sense and you've got questions, lemme know.

omg i think i'm about to get really overwhelmed with organizing this and ngl, i'm kinda diggin' it


my work-in-progress christmas playlist fyt:


Oh man, I can't wait!

Tuesday December 6, 2011 at 8:35 AM


That towel must be held on with super glue...


What Compels You?

Monday December 5, 2011 at 11:19 PM

Ok, so I'm totally reading a fic that's...meh.  I mean, I'm enjoying it. It's kind of fluffy and easy to read, but it's not very well written and it's using every single fanfic cliche in the book.  Oh, have I mentioned that it shifts tenses back and forth from sentence to sentence?  Yeah.

Why am I still reading it?

Because I feel compelled to read it...to see it through to the end.  Edward is cute and witty and makes me laugh.  Bella is even likable.  I just need to see this thing through to the end.  Fortunately, the chapters aren't too long and I do laugh, as intended.

What compels you?  Do you read just to finish a story?  Or do you flounce if you find irritating things within? 


Robsten Future

Monday December 5, 2011 at 6:48 PM

For the Rob and Kristen lovers.


The real Isle Esme

Monday December 5, 2011 at 6:48 PM

Wanna see Rob & Kristen's bathroom?

Here ya go....


There are a bunch more pictures over at Zillow. This is from the LA house they rented this summer and it is now on the market for $5.995 million.


Teens React...

Monday December 5, 2011 at 6:26 PM

I haven't been around very much lately, so if this has already been posted I apologize, but for your entertainment, I'll just leave this here...



Burn Baby Burn

Monday December 5, 2011 at 3:24 PM

Ok so i my favorite Greek God of all time is Hades, God of the Underworld. I just absolutely LOVE the fact that he kinda kidnapped Persephone. I'm not too sure on how the story goes but i do know that her mom was so angry about it that she wouldn't let the flowers grow (winter) and when she was returned, her mother was happy and let the flowers grow again (spring) or something.

Not entirely sure really BUT if you guys have any good books that explain the story in a modern way or a modernized version of this story then that would be great! 

Rec : 


Trnscendence - Ehd doesn't know how the woman ended up in his pit trap, he just knows he wants to protect her and provide for her in any way he can. She sure does make a lot of noises with her mouth, though. Caveward is born!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 19 - Words: 26,978 - Reviews: 4035 - Updated: 12-4-11 - Published: 11-21-11 - Edward & Bella


Review Challenge Results

Monday December 5, 2011 at 3:14 PM

Okay, folks. Last week I challenged us all to increase our review counts. This week, we’ll compare our new count to our count from last week.

To check your current review count:

1. Go to your FF.net account and expand Traffic Stats from the side menu.?
2. Click on Legacy User Stats.?
3. You'll see a sentence that says "You have submitted a total of ____ signed reviews."?

4. Then, find your review count from last week’s campfire HERE.

5. Finally, come in and post your new total from today and compare it to your total from last week.   How’d you do?


I hope no one felt pressure.  I really posted last week's campfire because I needed the incentive to actually make myself review.  I'd gotten a bit lazy lately.  Hopefully, this will keep me in the reviewing spirit for awhile.  :)  

My results inside.


BD birth scene triggering seizures??

Monday December 5, 2011 at 1:17 PM

omg my rl and my fandom life are colliding. I've just been asked to forward this link to all the members of the Association for Support of people with epilepsy of my country (I've been elected secretary) because apparently the flashing lights from the birth scene may trigger seizures?? I knew about fast moving images and stuff, but this? woah. Anyone with epilepsy seen it, or knows people with epilepsy who've seen it??

lol sorry Rob but you went out with blondie and shit


Wherefore art thou, Stonerward?

Monday December 5, 2011 at 1:09 PM

Sorry everyone for doing one of these but i've had one of those days where i can't seem to find anything (case in point it took me an hour to find a book i'd accidently sat on and pushed down the side of my bed)

So the plot of the lost fic is this: Rose and Emmett are going to be parents (they aren't together but try and give it a go) so Bella and Alice go with her to tell him/offer support. Jasper/Emmett/Edward live in a place together and all the usual suspects hit it off. Edward has tatts and is a stoner who paints Bella's truck. He also has a piercing in a rather intresting place. This Bella is socially awkward and a bit of mess but i really liked her. There is also an electronic baby and a tiny dog that they put in clothes...?

Any ideas fellow campers? Thanks in advance :-)

My rec is:

String Theory by ladyingrey42 - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7589412/1/

It's only a few chapters in but it has muppets and a sweet-geekward.

First --- | >> | 726 | 727 | 728 | 729 | 730 | 731 | 732 | 733 | 734 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
