Oldies but Goodies

Monday December 12, 2011 at 8:46 AM

Hey Campers!


It's time for our last discussion fire for 


ITHACA IS GORGES by giselle-lx


Come in and share thoughts, feelings, etc about the last ten chapters and this story as a whole.  

No worries about spoilers this time - we're done! :)




This is our last fire in this series - the hijacking vampires are quite satisfied with this block of representation and are allowing us to get back to our regularly scheduled Oldies but Goodies programming in the new year.  

Thanks to everyone who has participated - it's been fun!  

If you have any recs for future read-a-longs, please let me know.

See you in early 2012 with a mix of older AH and AU stories!


Book or movie Edward?

Monday December 12, 2011 at 6:45 AM


While The Yanks Are Away...

Monday December 12, 2011 at 5:41 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

It's X factor time again, so let's talk about the 

Were you happy the girls won? What do you think of their first single?

And what about Strictly? Are you happy with the final three? *cough* boo you, Jason. boo you. *cough*

Let's chat.


3.4% RL 96.6% Fiction

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 10:18 PM

So I was watching Law & Order tonight, kind of but it was only on in the backgound while hubs and I got our fight on (*rolls eyes), this is the epoisode description(taken from here):

Law & Order : Wages of Love

S02, E02 (First Aired: September 24, 1991)

Stone must combat the emotional testimony of an estranged wife on trial for the murder of her husband and his lover.
TV-14 (L,V)

Husbands name? Edward Cullen.

Seriously. Now, I may have heard wrong. It wouldn't be the first time I've connected random things to Twilight (ugh - it's creepy how often), but this episode first aired in 1991. Do you think SMyer saw it and locked that little nuggest away for future use? Or is it a coincidence?

How much of your RL or things you see/hear in RL do you later use in fics? Is it all made up? I've never posted written a fic, but I have little pieces here and there from RL that I have typed up for future use.

In the spirit of the Holidays, here's a little Canada :) It's gotten kind of popular so you might have already seen it :)


Have a Heart

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 9:26 PM

Did anyone watch this week's episode of Once Upon a Time?



Fic not found

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 7:08 PM


I have a few updates tonight that FF is not letting me access.

Does anyone know a way around this problem?


Fic Rec- A slashie that I am enjoying

It is set in Australia. Edward and Jasper are childhood friends separated by circumstances and brought together again once they are at  University. I am enjoying it so far. :0)  The fic is called Bad Timing. The link is to the profile so you can check the summary out.


Beta, pretty please?

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 4:12 PM

Hello everyone! 

It's still FFA, right? Because it's already Monday over the Atlantic so technically, this is an illegal post. 

Anyway, I'm writing a new story and the first chapter is already written. The amazing BelleDean has kindly agreed to be me beta and she sent me back the chapter. Now, I'd like to see if anyone would like to be my second beta? I'll need opinions, comments and the corrections of my spelling, grammar and/or syntaxical mistakes as English is not ly first language. BelleDean has already given me some very helpful comments and corrections but since I'm greedy, I want more. 

Here's the pitch for you: Bella lives in Paris with Charlie while her mom lives in Seattle with her new husband and his two sons. In order to bond with her new family, she spends the summer in a villa in the south of France with them. An unforeseen romance might just be what Bella needs to spice up her summer.

Who would be interested? 

I would bribe you with a pic of Rob eating corn and drinking beer but I don't know how to insert an image in a campfire on my ipad.

Please and thank you. 


rotten miracles

Stolen Secrets and Shattered Dreams

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 12:14 PM

I know it's been a while (like, 12 hours) since the update posted but can we talk about the terror that is chapter 10?


Ramblings inside...


It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 11:03 AM

I just saw this and thought I'd share :)


How well behaved is that cat?!
Does anyone else have any adorable/funny Christmas vids?

E-mail notifications not working?

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 9:15 AM

sorry if I'm not supposed to start a new cf on technical issues, but is there sth wrong with the email notifications? I haven't been getting any, so sorry if I'm not replying to people asking me anything!

Wedding Jaw FYT


Student's ramblings.

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 8:51 AM

Is it still ffa right?

It's Sunday, I should be out with my boyfriend to enjoy the Xmas' atmosphere, but NO I have to stay at home and study. In two day I have an exam, and I really hate the subjet. I'm doing an exam on the history of it should be nice. NO it'a not nice at all. I've got five, and I mean, five books on the matter and they're all confusing and full of strange names. I used to like circus. Used. Past tense.The professor is a effin s***bag. He's all flirty with the girls and give them high marks just because. I'm not flirty at all. I go to my lessons, stay quiet, listen, but I don't like to fraternize with professors just to get good grades! I've done exams mooooore difficult than this, but I just can't get the notions stick in my brain.  I'm aware I'm rambling...sorry. Just needed to vent.

My question is: what are the subjets you have to study and absolutly hate? You have a secret weapon you use in situations like this to learn notions you find dreadful?


A rec FYT:

Stolen Secrets and Shattered Dreams

A NYC barman views his mind reading as an isolating cancer, until he meets a lonely 28yr old trying to escape her sad reality. His life is full of harsh lessons. Hers an uphill battle, so she never complains when a beautiful boy treats her badly. EXB AH
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Chapters: 10 - Words: 65,601 - Reviews: 697 - Updated: 12-11-11 - Published: 9-16-11 - Edward & Bella


Mexican Campers

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 8:04 AM

Hello to all of you Campers!..

I hope you're all ok and have been having a great day, sadly yesterday an earthquake of 6.7 degrees was localized on Mexico City and through most of the country, we know we have Mexican Campers, so please come in here and let us know you and your loved ones are ok.

Campers come here and share your thoughts or messages for our mexican friends, up until now thank God, there haven't been reports of mortal injured or material lost, but anyway we would like to know you and your family are all fine..

I heven't been to Mexico but it's a place I'm sure I don't want to miss out on, you have all my thoughts and prayers for your well being..

Something to put a happy touch...I love this song, the Mariachis are a big thing here on my country and this song has always been one of my favorites..


*This CF was approved by Emibella


Giving Way To Dusk update

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 6:33 AM

I really don't know why more people aren't reading this story.


Summary: In Volterra, Alice doesn't catch up to Bella and Edward in time, and they face the Volturi alone. Edward makes a trade for Bella's life, with devastating consequences. Canon AU.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 20 - Words: 43,175 - Reviews: 505 - Updated: 12-11-11 - Published: 5-16-11 - Bella & Edward

Chapter 1 Gasp

Chapter 20 Fight


Our Forces far away

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 4:37 AM

Loved this fun video gone viral and thought I'd share.  These guys and gals will be home for Christmas, but many won't.  


On another note:  British men can't help but dress in women's clothing for a laugh.  It's something I didn't initially get as an American, thinking it was just Monty Python comedians, or perhaps gay guys.

NO -- it's nothing to do with sexual orientation, it's just plain fun.  It's Christmas pantos, it's the Isle of Wight festival (where super macho, drunk guys put on wedding dresses -- unbuttoned at the back -- and walk around, it's costume/fancy dress parties.  Love the tradition.


Gift Suggestions?

Sunday December 11, 2011 at 12:50 AM

HI campers :) I hope you're having a great weekend.

Christmas is just around the corner and I still need a gift for my lovely mother!  I always get her the same thing: A purse, jewelry, clothes... but this year I want to give her something different, she really likes to read but doesn't have many books because the ones we have are in english & she only reads spanish so I thought I'd get her a cool book & a crafty bookmark I saw online but there's a problem... I don't know what book to get! SO I figured you could help me :)

I thought about getting her 'The Help' but idk (I haven't read it) or maybe a compilation of good old classics like Jane Eyre etc. What do you think?  Is this a good idea? or if you know of something else I could give her please tell me :)

Rob speaking spanish FYT 


A Must Read - Repudiation

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 11:54 PM

Now campers I don't do this often, and I probably should since I read fic more than is healthy, but this fic is sensational and different and completely out of my comfort zone.

The wonderful LJ steered me into other pairings with her fic OUNTY, and I found this on the forest in a rec fire and just have to rec it here.

I am only up to chapter 11 and it has just been updated yesterday chapter 22 so I don't know exactly where it is going but I am loving it sooo much so far.

It starts off at the end of New Moon, Edward does something wrong and things go pear shaped after that.  I don't want to give anything away cos it's a mystery for a while who the actual POV's are but you get to work it out.

It is called Repudiation by Mortissiues and does not have enough reviews I think

 Repudiation » reviews
Love, lust and denial are a volatile mix. The best of intentions can sometimes produce the most painful of results. And what you try to suppress can sometimes explode in everyone's faces.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 22 - Words: 48,942 - Reviews: 431 - Updated: 12-10-11 - Published: 10-21-11 - Edward & Bella

**** it may be a bit of a heartbreaker for some *****




Saturday December 10, 2011 at 10:58 PM

BRB squeeing my pants



Chapter 24 - Superheroes and Siamese Twins



Saturday December 10, 2011 at 9:02 PM

I’ve been thinking about something for a while now and I really want to hear your take on it: the issue of trust. And I don’t mean how do you decide whether or not to trust an author to finish their story? What I mean is emotional trust – not in the sense of baring your soul to people but in the sense of friendship.

First let me start off by saying that this has absolutely nothing to do with BronzeHairedGirl’s flouncing. I don’t know her, nor have I read any of her stories. I have nothing against her and while I may not understand or agree with some people’s reasoning, it’s their decision. The only connection between these questions and her flouncing is just that it reminded me of some things I’ve been stewing on.

Also, this campfire is so not intended to bash anyone or question motives. That’s been hashed and rehashed and dug up and rehashed again. While it’s a natural reaction when someone we care about – or someone who writes stories we care about – ups and leaves, it’s not what I want to do here.

A while back there was a flounce that really hurt me. It was someone I considered a close friend in the fandom and one day, she was just gone. I felt kind of ridiculous for how much it upset me – seeing as how we’d never met in person and we didn’t know each other in “real life.” But what is “real life”? Is this not some form of reality for all of us? We make relationships, we grow to care about each other, we share our lives to one degree or another, we share our creativity, we often share things that we would never share with people in our “real life.” So when people leave, it hurts. For me, it wasn’t so much that this friend had left, but that she hadn’t shared that she would be leaving, much less why, with the people who thought they were friends and she cut off all ties. It set off all kinds of questions in my brain and, frankly, disillusioned me for a while. I was really reticent to trust people and pretty cynical.

Obviously, we can not control other people. We can’t know with 100% certainty how they view their fandom lives. And we don’t know what is really going on in their lives that might cause them to make the decisions they do. I totally respect that. I’m not saying anyone is wrong for leaving. What I want to know is how do you decide how to protect yourself? How deep do you get in?

So what I want to know is: in your “fandom life” (or whatever you want to call it) how much do you trust people? Are you the type that trusts no one? Do you trust easily? Or are you particular? How do you decide whom to trust? What constitutes a break in trust to you? I don’t have the answers here. For me, I try to be careful about what information I put out there just because you never know who is reading it. But there are many people who I would consider to be friends. And to me, a “fandom friend” is a real friend. After all, they are real people sitting on the other side of the computer screen.

I think for me, I’ve just accepted that relationships are messy. And when you allow yourself to care about someone, you are risking yourself – whether in fandom life or “real life.” And though it sucks when you get hurt – however unintentional the hurt – people are still worth it.

EDIT:  I really don't want this to turn into a gossip/bashing session, so please don't mention any names.  That's not the point of this cf.  


Feeling good...

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 8:52 PM

Today, we volunteered to help decorate some doors for the local Veterans. Also, I decided to donate a laptop to them and post this as their wallpaper:



I'm trying not to let my horrible bro-in-law ruin my good mood...trying so hard.... :(

We also donate to the Angel Tree about a week or so ago (which is a tree that takes gifts for child in need and gives them to parents, wrapped, before Christmas hits.


How is everyone feeling today?

P.S. i hate Holiday shopping...I seem to have the most horrible luck in the stores and people are soooo rude :(


We're not in Kansas yet

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 7:55 PM

Howdy campers!

How has everyone been? Here in Australia it’s still all good, though the weather could be better on some days, considering it’s supposed to be summer here. Nonetheless, I get to surf every day, so I’m not complaining :)

Anyway, the reason for this campfire (approved by EKSmith – thanks so much!) is that in a few weeks I’ll be saying goodbye to the Ozzies and the southern hemisphere, and will be flying to winter in Kansas.

Yes, this happy camper-slash-world-traveler has fallen in love with a K-State graduate and will be spending some quality time with her man for a few months before heading back to Europe in April. Yay for me!

Even more so since my mom has already sent a care package to Boyfriend’s address consisting of a winter coat, gloves, some Dutch treats and, also quite important, some of my lingerie… Yeah, I know, I was a little hesitant to ask her to include that, but in the end I simply asked for ‘that purple dress with the black lace from my top drawer’. I hope she didn’t blush too hard. Or showed my dad. Or decided to look at what else might be in there…

However, Boyfriend has to work during the week, obvi, and though I doubt I’ll get bored with all the reading and writing I have set up for myself (outtakes, a new wip and some more intellectual articles), photo albums to make, resumes to send out, and of course all the free time spent with Boyfriend, I thought it might be a nice change of scenery to hang out with some other people as well.

This is where you guys come in.

Any of you live in the Manhattan, KS or Topeka area and care to meet up while I’m there? Perhaps we can make it some sort of unofficial Kansas Twi Meet Up :)

Also, any advice on what to expect? Boyfriend is very excited about me coming over, and planning countless things for us to do, but I’d also like a woman’s pov.

I might not be able to go online that much while I’m still surfing over here, so you can also shoot me a message on Twitter (@Fairusa84) with hashtag #TwiKansas, since I do have Twitter on my phone.

To make this more interactive: share your Twi Meet Up stories. Did you go to an organized meet up (and tell all your RL people you were going to a writers’ retreat?) Did you randomly run into fandom people? Did you do a tour around a country or continent to meet them?

When I was in Sydney the first time, in October, I met SydneyGen at the Opera Bar. We had a few glasses of wine, enjoyed the sun and the scenery and talked Twi and fic and anything else. Then, when I was in town again for a few days in November, we (plus FurryFifi) went to the Matt Corby EP launch party. I’m hoping to catch up with her again before I fly out in January.

Most of November I spent in Melbourne, and while there I had dinner with VampGirl, Demons4Eva and her daughter Aleeeh. We also went to the midnight viewing of BD together the night it came out, preceeded by an Eclipse screening.

All in all, an awesome time!

I was hoping to meet up with more Twi peeps during a road trip up the coast of California in February, and a visit to Seattle (and of course Forks) in March, but money is tight and I decided to grace Boyfriend with my presence a little – i.e. two months – sooner so we can be all lovey-dovey together. Hopefully next time…

Anyway, share your stories and pics here, as well as your thoughts on Kansas!

FYT here’s some Rob lounging in the countryside…

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