
Can anyone help me?

Sunday December 18, 2011 at 12:11 PM

Good afternoon ladies! I was looking through the Non-Cannon Master list but I couldn't  find a particular fic. I'm  a little rusty on the exact details and cannot remember the title at all but here it goes.

Bella and Edward are married and have a little girl. Edward is a Dr. and is cheating on Bella with college student Lauren( i think he gets her prego), Bella works at a bar believe Jane is her boss. Bella gets stalked by a patron at the bar eventually leaves Edward for Jasper.

Ok anyone know what fic I'm talking about. If so please let me know its driving me crazy!

Here is a rec:

 The Cellar » by iambeagle

Boy meets Girl. Girl's friend throws up on Boy's shoes. A story about wannabe hipsters, awkward moments, and soul mates.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 35,759 - Reviews: 2231 - Updated: 12-11-11 - Published: 11-12-11 - - Bella/Edward - Complete


New Fic

Sunday December 18, 2011 at 12:05 PM

Hey guys!

Pimp time!

My fic Fifteen Pictures Edward Cullen Took won second place at the Twilight Post Secret Contest


  Anyway, so I have some extra drabbles associated with it, so I'm reposting it. Check it out.

 Genre(s): General/Drama
Rating: Rated: M
Summary: 2nd place winner at twilight post secret contest/now with fifteen
bonus drabbles Edward has a mind reading camera. This story is about what he
sees. Or rather, what he doesn't.


A rec for your time:

 That Pain to Miss » reviews
Carlisle told Edward it was his decision to try and extract the venom from Bella's wrist in the ballet studio. Edward decided not to. E/B, Post-Twilight AU, canon couples.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 38,623 - Reviews: 1170 - Updated: 7-15-10 - Published: 6-10-10 - Edward & Bella - Complete


Looking for a good story to read

Sunday December 18, 2011 at 10:44 AM

Its almost at its end just the epilouge needed for those that only read completed stories.  Its amazingly written give it a try.


I am also looking for two stories if you have pdf copies.   The mobsters son and The apprentice by 84gemstone

thanks again


Bella/Edward Amnesia

Sunday December 18, 2011 at 7:38 AM

First Campfire, hope this is ok...

Read a one-shot by IngenueFic which has spurred a need to read any AH/AU fic, where Bella/Edward awaken to find they don't remember a mahoosive chunk of their lives which involves the other. 

Anyone with any help would be much appreciated. And happy holidays!

Rec for your time: 
String Theory

"Eleven dimensions. Infinite parallel realities. And in all of them, I love her." Muppets, math, and physicists falling in love. Fluff and eventual lemons. ExB, AH.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 28,642 - Reviews: 2388 - Updated: 12-16-11 - Published: 11-27-11 - Edward & Bella

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Sunday December 18, 2011 at 7:27 AM


How's life treating you?  Everything going okay?  Come in and tell us about it.
Also have you been wanting to join a gym but the start up fee has been too much for you to even think about joining?  Now is the time if you are serious about joining at a low cost.  Most gyms right now lower there gym start up fees for the new year's resolution of wanting to get fitter.  So if joining a gym is something you want to try out go talk with them, see if it now in your price range.  Never hurts to talk and see.  I'm actually joining one today with a start up fee of $20 then $20 a month, so not too shabby.

Homework:  I want to start a monthly mini challenge.  Remember back in your school days when you did those P.E. test...yeah those, I know...well that my friends is what we are going to be doing.  Just a mini test that we will do once a month to test how things are changing for you.  

# of situps you can do in a min:  

# of pushups you can do in a min:  

(If you'd like to add something else to the physical challenge let me know.)

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )



Sunday December 18, 2011 at 5:35 AM

Can any of you wonderfully knowledgeable and skilled people suggest a resource for grammar and writing that is easy to use.

I want something that I can quickly look up what the hell a comma splice is and something than can explain the mysteries of comma placement to me, as well as a bunch of stuff I used to think I knew.

Any suggestions?


For those who only read completed fics

Sunday December 18, 2011 at 1:18 AM

Raum's wonderful De immortalitate has reached its final chapter, only the epilogue is missing and the story is completed. I have been honored to pre-read for it as it is one of the most original fics I have ever read.The way canon elements are interwoven with Raum's impressive knowledge of ancient Rome mores and history is amazing. And the plot is gripping: Antonius and Bella seem doomed from the start. And yet, yet ... when everything seems lost their heroism and love can make them win in all ways that count.

Summary: "The life of the Roman patrician Antonius is put at stake by his father, Felix. When Felix brings to his only son a new slave, Bella, more reasons arise for Antonius' concerns. Felix's secret can change Antonius' and Bella's destiny." ExB AU/vampires.


Also my story Our New World, the sequel to The Parachutist, has reached its end on fanfiction net. If you don't know my AU historical saga with vampires, set in th '40s, you might want to give it a try.

Summary: It is the summer of 1945 and the war in Europe has ended. Despite his transformation in a vampire, Edward has found his love again, has prevailed over his bloodlust and they have married. Now he is going back to America with his human bride, where they’ll join Carlisle’s family. How will be their life with the Cullens, when will it be the right moment for Bella’s transformation? Will the Volturi discover them, will they face new dangers?



Everlasting why update

Sunday December 18, 2011 at 12:39 AM

Chapter 10: Dreadful

Meh. Hate cliffhangers


Online Dating??

Sunday December 18, 2011 at 12:00 AM



So........ Has anyone here any any experience with this, or knows someone who has? 


Dating is difficult.  I never get to go out, so I can't meet new people.  All my friends are either married, engaged or about to be so they're no help.  Add a child, being a student and working and I've got nothing left. 


I was thinking about trying out like or eHarmony or something, but I wanted to get some advice and/or reviews from experienced users first.  Yes, I'm one of those people that will research until there's nothing left to research before buying something. 


Or do you have any other ideas on how to meet new people?  I've only ever had two boyfriends my entire life, both long term, so I don't really know how to be single.  Please help!!


Complete: Giving Way to Dusk

Saturday December 17, 2011 at 11:35 PM

For your holiday reading pleasure:

I know some campers have been following along, so I thought I would let you know that I've finished this just in time for Christmas!  For those who haven't, this is essentially what I would have liked to have happened if Twilight was a trilogy, and this was Book Three. In Volterra, Alice doesn't catch up to Bella and Edward in time, and they face the Volturi alone. Edward makes a trade for Bella's life, with devastating consequences. It's canon AU.



Saturday December 17, 2011 at 10:28 PM

What do you follow that is a absolute must see...

I need stuff to follow...


The Search for Hockeyward

Saturday December 17, 2011 at 8:07 PM

So, the cold weather made me start thinking of hockey.  Which then made me think of hockeyward and one of my all-time favorite fics, The Misapprehension of Bella Swan.  And apparently it has been taken down. ::cue sad face::

So I'm looking for some hockey fics.  Does anyone have any hockeyward fics to recommend?  I love all sportswards, but hockeyward is one of my favs.


Here's a sports recommendation for you all, but this is footballward, from the wonderfully fabulous Nolebucgirl!


First and Ten

Bella Swan is an aspiring sports writer and her first big assignment is to interview the league's biggest, not to mention hottest, quarterback. Will Edward Cullen school her in the rules of the game or will she teach him a thing or two? Rated M.


Let Your Lights Shine!

Saturday December 17, 2011 at 6:55 PM

So last night our family made our annual trek to find the most beautiful, most gaudy and even the most tacky Christmas lights in our little city. After paying $10 to see the city display, which were "nice", we wound our way around and eventually found this house: 


The Trans Siberian Orchestra display just blew us away! Then I began to wonder - is this a tradition that is mostly in the States, or do people put holiday lights up in other countries as well? South America? Canada? Europe? Would any of you out there be willing to show me your favorite lights? Be they simple, extravagant, beautiful or tacky, I'd love to see displays from other parts of the States and around the world! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful holiday!


Saturday December 17, 2011 at 6:43 PM

OK so I totally need a job.

I've been the facility manager at a recording studio in Manhattan, which sounds awesome, but is still just a job.

I would LOVE to quit, and have no commute...


I have no idea. I have skills. Total skills.

Help a sister out....I need to change my career and have no idea what I should do.


You should be reading this right now

Saturday December 17, 2011 at 2:48 PM

The talented Miaokuancha has posted a companion piece to her excellent story, A Garment of Brightness.

It's called Morning Dove.

It is beautiful and loving and yes, M-rated.

Don't just sit there, click on the link! Go read it right now!


USO Santa welcomes home troops

Saturday December 17, 2011 at 1:51 PM

I picked up my mother today at the airport for her annual Christmas visit. When I entered the terminal, over a hundred troops had just arrived back from Iraq. Everyone started applauding and cheering as they walked through the baggage claim. It was very emotional to see them being hugged and kissed by their respective friends and families. Lots of happy tears!

After my mother and I got her luggage, we ran into USO-Santa.(I'd never seen USO Santa before. He was very dapper in his camouflage!) We asked if we could take his picture and he was more than happy to oblige. When we told him that "Nana" was a veteran of World War Two (WAVES) he hugged her and thanked her for her service. He also requested a picture to be taken of the two of them so he could put it in the USO newsletter. My 87 year old mother was as excited as a four year old (and so was I!)

Here she is with Santa Claus:



Looking for a fic...

Saturday December 17, 2011 at 10:28 AM

I've been looking for a copy of the fic Relative Wind.  Does anyone have a copy they are willing to share?  I love May-December fics and never got a chance to read this before it was pulled.



My rec....

Through the Oak Door  by struckatthesky

One kiss sparks the clues, but what do they all mean? Bella dreams of her future self, knowing the life she lives ends in tragedy. How can she change her story when she already knows the ending? The door is there, but where is the key? AH, ExB, Rated M.


hey gurl, heeey.

Saturday December 17, 2011 at 9:57 AM


I've been teachering.

My life has been all prepositional phrases and comma splices and gerund modifiers and JFC HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE A FREAKIN FOURTEEN YEAR OLD TO READ TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD ANYWAY?

But now I've got TWO WEEKS OFF! Huzzah!

So, the first thing I do is pop my head in here, and within half a minute I'm laughing my fool head off into my coffee mug (of which I received three as gifts from students... awww).

I scrolled down and saw JOE(!) of Trainwreck fame, our favorite Rob meme right there, some of my FAVORITE ALL-TIME WRITERS hanging out like this is where the cool kids are and all.

Gee, I've missed it. Teaching four classes and taking two classes has been exhausting.

COME AND TELL ME HOW YOU'VE BEEN. It'll be interactive because I'll reply until I have to get up to do laundry.

(wolvesnvamps insisted on a "more festive" photo) (yay! you are so pretty! wnv)


What the fan fiction was that?

Saturday December 17, 2011 at 3:22 AM



What is the weirdest thing you've read in any fandom you've participated in?

Quote a line, describe a scene, name a pairing.  But please, take it all out of context. No author or fic names, no links. Even the best of us make typos that end up making our readers gigglesnort or wince. 



Pimping Sarita and myself

Saturday December 17, 2011 at 12:20 AM

(New story by Saritadreaming below)

I have just posted chapter 2 of The Archer here on ADF. Well, now  we know that Bella's savior is a centaur. Centaurward? But, since we are sticking to ancient Greece, his name for the story is Alexios. In this chapter we learn many things about those supernatural creatures, some of it taken from the classic myths and some produced by my evil imagination. Bella/Kallisté is attracted more than she should ...


Now, I don't know about you, but I was totally conquered by the bit of BD1 showing Edward vigilante in a cinema. So sad, lost and dangerous. Well, Saritadreaming is posting a new story with a Vampward who is both a vigilante and a bounty hunter. It seems the answer to my darkest desires.

Red Kryptonite

Summary Edward Masen: Bounty hunter. Isabella Swan-Hunter: Bail jumper. He's hired to bring her back for trial, but he's not prepared for what happens once he gets a taste of her. Death, lies, betrayal, toxicity, hope, desire. Who will survive?

Chapter 1 was posted as a teaser but in January she will post the story with quick updates and it will not be overlong. So you can safely put it on alert. Oh, btw, this Edward is definitely not a virgin.

For interactivity:  if one of you holds a still (or a film bit)  from BD1 with red eyed Edward, please post it on this campfire. Thank you

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