Funniest wedding night in fanfics

Tuesday December 27, 2011 at 7:09 AM

Ok so my question is what's the funniest wedding night you have ever read in fanfics? Yeah right, not the hottest but the funniest.

This is the funniest I have read..

Edward Cullen is in for a Marriage of Convenience with his best friend's Tomboyish sister- Isabella Swan.


I want to read more like it. Recommendations? :)


Sci-Fi book requests!

Tuesday December 27, 2011 at 1:04 AM

Hey chicos, I have a two fold request.

First, there's this book I read years ago and loved, and for the life of me can't remember the title or that many details. I want so much to read it again, but am having SUCH a hard time finding it. Here's what I remember, if it rings any bells. It's cover was white. It was a Sci-Fi book on an alien planet with reptilian creatures? The story was like three books in one. The first was the history that built up the world. It was a desert land. The creatures started with or had a strong "K" sound in the name they were called. There was like this huge sexual element, but it wasn't graphic or anything, just, I remember it being different, and magical.

OH my gosh, could that have BEEN any more vague? I'm never gonna find this book. 

ANY whoo . . . the other part of my request is for some FAVORITE Sci-Fi or Sci-Fi/Fantasy reads. I want to be immersed in a whole different world. Different creatures, structures, EVERYTHING. I'm not huge on technology being a factor on the story, actually I'd prefer worlds less technology advanced (but it's not a big issue). BUT I'd love to have new creatures/aliens/worlds. It can be a romance or a tragedy, doesn't matter as long as it doesn't deal with vampires (tired of that, gasp, I know) or werewolves or even humans for that matter (although their incorporation would be okay).

I just love Sci-Fi and want some good reads!

So if anyone has any awesome read suggestions I'd love to hear them! Or get in here and talk favorite Sci-Fi books too!

ETA: OR does anyone know of any good ways to find books they've been searching for? Sites or resources? Or sites to help choose books to read?

ETA: The book has been found!! Thanks everyone. OMG, I can't even explain how excited I am to have this. 


Holiday Drama

Monday December 26, 2011 at 10:16 PM

I desperately need some advice on a Mother in law problem!

Here's the situation:

My mother in law has canceled the day before every single major holiday this year! Easter, Turkey day, and yup, now Christmas. Every time she suddenly become ill the day before said holiday and can't come over, then whines and moans saying she's on her death bed (I kid you not, she claims she might die every time and she's serious - she's a hypocondriac (sp?) btw....if she hears about a disease, she has it). Then she complains once said holiday is over, that she is all alone out here and that the last time she was sick she would have died all alone in her chair with no one knowing...blah blah blah and such bullshit cause my husband runs around like a chicken for her and does just about everything she asks for but nothing he does is good enough or enough in her eyes. She moved here about 4 years ago and now expects us to be at her beck and call 24/7.

Anyway, we were at her house on the Friday before Christmas and I even hinted to her then, jokingly saying that she better be there for Christmas or I was going to return her presents  - she said she felt fine and would definitely be there. My kids are 14, 7, and 7 and all of them were upset/sad when she canceled yet again. This brought out my mommy bear side, and...well, I was pissed that she upset my kids! So when I called to wish her a Merry Christmas and she was immediately whining and then said in her whiny voice, "Just go ahead and have Christmas without me *cough, cough*", well....I lost it. I told her that there were 5 ppl here that wanted her to be here and she was choosing to stay home alone. She told me not to make her feel worse than she already did about it. I doubt she felt bad about it at all, since she does it every single time! How bad could she really feel?

Do you think I was too harsh? Am I being an uncaring b*tch?

My husband talked to her today and she told him I hurt her feelings, to which he did call her out on the fact that she has done this on every single holiday this year and that she has done this to her other son as well before she moved here. It wasn't my intention to hurt her feelings but my God, we predicted she would pull the same bullshit and sure enough she did. She constantly needs to be the center of attention or she gets all depressed and poor, poor me. I've just hit my limit, I don't know what to do now or say to her...

Advice, please? I know she probably won't be talking to me for a few weeks since she's mad at me, so I'm trying to figure out if I should call her or just let it go...?


New light on Jacob...

Monday December 26, 2011 at 8:48 PM

My uncle sent me a people mag cover about Taylor (Jacob) coming out and proud. He was happy, I was sad (all the hot guys seem to follow this route).


Had anyone else seen this?


congrats, winner

Monday December 26, 2011 at 4:50 PM

say congrats to the ugly sweater winner

JINXYOUOWEMEADP or more specifically, her angry hipster of a kid brother and that equally angry hipster cat.

PM me or wolvesnvamps with your email to claim your $50 giftcard, m'dear.

we'll be announcing the winner in the "edward's nightmare before christmas" contest in the next day or so. we're still waiting on a lazy ranger me me me to read/vote. until then, carry on with the freeforall and keep telling us how you're spending the rest of 2011!

inside this campfire you will find out what i'm doing with leftovers, and i ask that you leave your favorite leftover recipes in here.


Myers-Briggs Personality Types?

Monday December 26, 2011 at 7:58 AM

Has there been a campfire about the Myers-Briggs personality test?  

I'm curious to know what types we have in the Forest.  

Last week I had a very bad day.  I'm an introvert, and I wanted to be left alone to lick my wounds and put things into perspective.  As an extrovert, Dear Husband saw I was hurting and wanted to help me feel better.  He followed me around the house, hugging me, talking to me, and generally making me want to pull my hair out.  

Because I know our personality types, I know he was doing it out of love and because that is what he would want from me in the same situation, so I let him try, then found some time alone later.  

If you know your type, does that information help you in daily life?  I think it has for me.  Evidently, I match Snape, which made me laugh.  


LJ Summers

Religiousward Fic List

Monday December 26, 2011 at 7:17 AM

He might be a rabbi. He might be a youth pastor, or perhaps a missionary.  It's possible he's Catholic or Protestant. He might be a vampire or human.  He could be contemporary or historical.

He's Edward, in any guise, and he is involved in leading worship, directing people, living a life devoted in some measure to a holy cause.  

Religiousward is out there.


Have you seen him? I know many of you have!  He might be perfect just as he is, or perhaps he's new and rough around the edges. Maybe he's got a dark past or a darker future...

If you know of a good Religiousward story, share it around the campfire!

Any pairing, any rating.  AU or AH.

I know of a few...

This may be FFA 'til 2012, but this campfire still has rules:

1.  Keep it simple.  Title. Author. Link. Summary.

2.  No discussions.  This is a list.


Thanks for sharing your favorite Religiousward fics around the fire!


The Fallout Updated!

Sunday December 25, 2011 at 9:49 PM

As a lovely Christmas present, OCD_Indeed has updated The Fallout! Chapter 32. Part II is almost over!

And if you're worried that its just one update and then no more for a while -- no fear! She's got quite a few stocked up ;)


Merry Christmas and some recs

Sunday December 25, 2011 at 9:03 PM

Merry Christmas to all.. :)


I dont have anything else to say, so I am recommending two under the radar fics. Please give them some reviews as a christmas gife. ;)

Had Never Thought

When Emmett Cullen- the younger heir of Cullen Industries died, he left his pregnant wife Bella behind him. But Cullens want the last memory of him at any cost. Even if, the cost is marriage of Bella with the elder playboy son- Edward Cullen.

Second son of a duke

Chapter 17! Completely alternate universe. No vampires, but lots of Edward and Bella. Lord Edward is the second son of a duke and on one mistaken night, his fate and the fate of a Viscount's daughter is forever intertwined. Set in 19th century London.

dawnmarie dreaming

help me spend some money...

Sunday December 25, 2011 at 7:19 PM

as some of you may remember, i won a $100 gift card here at ADF not too long ago.  on friday, my employees - who are mucho, mucho awesomesauce - gave me a $70 gift card as well.  since i haven't had any time to do any internet shopping, what with working all the damn time and the holidays and all, i now have $170 of internet cash burning a hole in my proverbial pocket.

want to help me spend it?  i need some recs...what have you been reading?  or what have you read in the past that you loved?  i've got a kindle but i also love the feel of a real book in my hands as well.  so give it to me.  what would you be reading if someone else was buying it for you?

but what do you like to read, dmd?  you might ask.  i'd love to answer that, but really, we don't want the entire front page of christmas ADF taken up by this campfire, do we?  i'll read just about anything.  i like series.  i like supernatural romance/suspense (well duh...).  the harry potter books and to kill a mockingbird are my faves.  but my taste in books, like my taste in just about everything, is quite eclectic.

title, author, summary, why you love it would be really helpful.  or give me a rec that isn't even a book.  what are you planning on spending your holiday gift cards on???


my rec....

The Whole Package »reviews
Collab relay-fic by DiamondHeart78 and primarycolors. Bella sees him every day but has a hard time gathering up the nerve to make a move. Every delivery is a special delivery. UPSward! E/B AH Rated M for Bella checkin' out Edward's package.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 13 - Words: 11,437 - Reviews: 318 - Updated: 12-24-11 - Published: 12-14-11 - Edward & Bella



Sunday December 25, 2011 at 6:46 PM

Hi everyone! I haven't been on in awhile, since I had to have some sinus surgery so I'm not sure this CF is okay. 

Anyway...I just wanted to say we had a good X-mas and I'm glad it is over, but I had my day ruined by some home news.

The other day, I found out my baby sister is expecting.  Good for her, right? Then today, I find that my middle sister is also expecting, and due the same month! So, now I am really depressed since we've been trying to have our second child since my daughter was 1.5 years old and she is going to be 7 soon (and thanks to her teacher, thinks that I am preggers since I'm chubby and is expecting a sibling *tears*). Yes, I jealous and envious. So after I cried, I curled up in bed and contiuned my Buffy marathon.


So my do I deal with this? How can I make myself be less jealous?

Thanks guys.


a holiday gift roundup

Sunday December 25, 2011 at 6:33 PM

Christmas Comments -

from santa, from the holiday armadillo, from your family, from yourself, from the ADF freecycle exchange

and don't forget, holiday free for all lasts until it's officially 2012!

i'm editing to brag about my shopping today. my mommy bought me $285 coach boots for SEVENTY TWO BUCKS :'D

Fluent in Sarcasm

A moment to say...

Sunday December 25, 2011 at 8:30 AM

A very Merry Christmas to you all!

Hope you are having a lovely day/night

FinS x


Everlasting why update (again)

Saturday December 24, 2011 at 8:29 PM

everyone should stop eating cookies/chocolates/whatever pies you lucky Americans have and read this js

Chapter 12: Against suspision

I have to go stay in the same house with my mother AND my in-laws. Oh the joy. I may not sleep but at least I'll be eating these:

Feel free to post pics of the Xmas holiday calorie source in your part of the world.

All the best for whatever you're celebrating!



Saturday December 24, 2011 at 3:17 PM


Does anyone read this?

It is a fun read with a Fifty Shades/The Office/Pennywardish Edward.

Unfortunately, it is a slow updater.  I really love it.


whether you celebrate it or not

Saturday December 24, 2011 at 11:16 AM

Christmas Comments - http://www.christmastext.comChristmas Text -


we hope you have a wonderful, safe, delightful holiday, whether you celebrate christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa, or just being with family and friends.


love, the forest

also, lady gwynedd- if you see this, THANK YOU. you're a dollface. i love getting colin firth in the mail! you too, bobbiejo. thanks! <333


A Christmas Gift

Saturday December 24, 2011 at 9:48 AM

I guess everyone gets a gift now and then that is like the proverbial box of athletic socks.

I've written a Christmas Gift for my fellow members of the fandom and I hope you won't think of it like that fruitcake your Aunt Matilda insists on making for you every year.

It's a short, high school, all human, fiction.  It's light and I was trying to get the gist of high school in all its glory in it.

It's called The Note and is only ten short drabble chapters long (it totalled out to around eight thousand words).


The note Bella found in her locker raised more questions than it answered.


Happy Holidays, my friends.  Many blessings to you and to yours.


stella luna sky's WIPs

Saturday December 24, 2011 at 7:29 AM

stella luna sky tweeted that she’d be pulling 2 of her WIPs from the Internet on 12/26.  She’s pulling Shine Divine and All At Once.  She won’t be finishing them. 

All of her completed stories will be left up and she said she’d start working on Turn the Page after Christmas.


Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday. 


He Makes a Sexy Richard, But...

Friday December 23, 2011 at 11:38 PM

While I think Craig Horner is super freaking sexy and does somewhat resemble my vision of Richard Cypher, the rest of the tv show Legend of the Seeker left a slightly bitter taste in my mouth.



I will never understand the need for script writers to alter the source material to the point where the audience can barely recognize it. I'm an actress/director on top of being a writer, so I know there are certain things that must change for a story to work in a visual medium, but a lot of the changes I see made are senseless. It's as if the script writer has said, "While I like this part, I can do this part so much better."

NO!  You really, really can't.

If I were translating from English to German, I would not take "I really love this car" and turn it into "My pet flea has his own tiny car." I may have to spare a few words to make it coherent in German, but overall, it would be the same sentence. Translation from book to film should be the same way.

But alas, my gripes will continue to go unheard by self-assured egomaniacal Hollywood writers, so I share them with you.



Has anyone here read The Sword of Truth Series and/or seen the tv show based on it, Legend of the Seeker?

More thoughts inside... (SPOILERS)

mo kagen

Recycle and Donate the Holiday Cheer

Friday December 23, 2011 at 9:52 PM

What do you do with your Christmas & Holiday Cards after the season ends?

Do you use them to decorate next year?

Do your kids use them in craft projects?

Do you put them in the recycle bin?

I'm not even certain how I landed on this site recently, but I thought it sounded like a cool thing.

St Jude's Ranch for Children - Recycled Card Program

What do you do with the "trappings" of the season, once the season is over?  Do you save bows?  Gift Bags? name tags?  Are you a Live Tree or Fake Tree person?  Do you take everything down December 26th or wait until (when)?  Leave your lights on the house all year round?

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