
Can you ID this fic?

Wednesday December 21, 2011 at 7:54 PM

Do you ever read a fic, finish it and then ask yourself, "Why didn't I favorite that?"  Well, apparently I do this all the time...  Sooo, here's what I'm looking for and if you can help I would realllly appreciate it!

Edward is an assassin and I believe he works for the Volturi.

Bella's parents were killed in a car accident (that turns out to have been a set up)

Edward is assigned to kill Bella (but can't of course)

James is a bad dude and eventually kidnaps Bella and takes her (I think) to an aquarium where he carves some word on her stomach

Her apartment burns down (?)

James also might be Edward's (or Em's or Jasper's roommate)

I also believe I remember Edward walking her home from the library because to keep her safe...


Any help at all would be really appreciated!



Emancipation Proclamation

Wednesday December 21, 2011 at 7:31 PM

Hi all! Does anyone have or know where I can find a copy of EP? I got in the mood to read it, and one of my files got messed up so I only have the first six chapters. There's a link for it on kharizzmatik's ff page, but the story isn't there.

I'd appreciate any help. Thanks! :)


to me, you are perfect

Wednesday December 21, 2011 at 5:00 PM

Snow Text - Christmas Comments -

i highly recommend you open up a new tab if you're watching this embed. 


if you haven't seen this movie, well WHY NOT

lemme list some of the cast members:


-andrew lincoln (he plays rick grimes on the walking dead)

-hugh grant


-emma thompson

-liam neeson

-keira knightley

-bill nighy

-mr. bilbo baggins himself martin freeman

-chiwetel ejiofor

-laura linney

-rodrigo santoro mmmmm

get in here and comment as you watch!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


holiday havoc #4

Wednesday December 21, 2011 at 1:09 PM

Edward's Nightmare Before Christmas

drabble contest.



*must be vampfic and CANON.

*1,000 word minimum, but remember, this is drabblefic, so don't go writing a novel. 1000 word ballpark would be lovely.


*no killing edward. no dead edward at all.


*no nessie, renesmee, spawn, bane of wolvesnvamps existence, etc.


*set ten years after eclipse


*do with bella what you will--vamp or human, whatevs.


what we're looking for is angst on or before christmas for our dear edward, and we don't mean your average, run of the mill -it's christmas- and -edward -is -depressed drabble.

shock us, make us cry, make us gasp, jingle our bells, deck our halls, make us puke within the terms above and you could win a fifty dollar gift certificate to amazon.

this contest will close at midnight on thursday.

put your entries right here.


as always, rangers can't win, nor can my dad, whose first entry will serve as a sample to show what we're talking about. and to help us get in the spirit. and because it's hilarious that i made my dad write fanfiction.

the contest is now closed! thank you for your entries; it's time for the rangers to duke it out over the winner!


Humpday Games

Wednesday December 21, 2011 at 10:54 AM

Hola chicos, I'm doing another guest humping. Hope your week's going well, and not too busy. Since this one did so well last time, I thought we'd bring it back for another go-around.

This week’s game:

Fic Secret Santa

So here's what we're gonna do. Stay with me, I'm trying not to make this too complicated.

Make an assignment of a character from a certain fic or from canon for someone to pick.

Then the next person selects a character that has been posted and comes up with another character to be the giver. Then go find what gift would be given.

You can also post who you want to be the giver AND givee for someone to find a gift to be exchanged.

When you find the perfect gift, post a picture or a description.

Okay, here are some examples:

Example 1:

Prompt:   Givee - Canon Jacob

Answer:   Giver - Canon Rosalie

                Gift - Rawhide Chew Toy

Example 2:

Prompt:   Givee - Canon Edward

               Giver - MOTU Edward

Answer:   Gift - Cat of Nine Tails with vampire teeth attached to the ends (What? You know it would be interesting. ;))

So PLEASE come inside and let's have some giggles! :D 


I have to share this...

Wednesday December 21, 2011 at 10:45 AM

Are you reading this? 

The One That Never Was by mamasutra 

I would never call him the one that got away. He was always the one that never was. Drabble fic.Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 38 - Words: 20,120 - Reviews: 814 - Updated: 12-20-11 - Published: 12-9-11 - Bella & Edward


OMG! This fic totally owns me and I want to talk about it!



Wednesday December 21, 2011 at 10:07 AM

Footprints in the Snow finished today - this is one of those stories that I'm going to think about all day and into the year. Since my mind won't stop, I thought I'd see if anyone else wants to chat about it!

Footprints in the Snow

"An hour from now, when the snow falls again, it will be like we weren't even there. But we will remember." A story of unrequited love, and how the things we keep silent can hurt us and the ones we hold closest. E/B Rated M for themes of an adult nature.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 17 - Words: 39,645 - Reviews: 2814 - Updated: 12-21-11 - Published: 12-5-11 - Bella & Edward - Complete



looking for fic

Wednesday December 21, 2011 at 8:03 AM

I was looking for a fic I thought I had bookmarked, but can't find it. All I know is that Edward is a doctor. He and Bella have a one night stand. Nine months later she goes into labour and Edward is the doctor that delivers the baby. I think Rose might have been the nurse, not sure though. Does this sound familiar?

My rec is an older one that has just reposted and the sequel is also being posted.

Can't Be Your Friend
Bella and Edward have always been just friends. A fight, a night of passion, regret and pain leaves room for a new Bella. How could something so good go so wrong?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 30 - Words: 69,394 - Reviews: 53 - Updated: 12-12-11 - Published: 4-19-11 - Bella & Edward - Complete



Does anyone have....

Wednesday December 21, 2011 at 4:31 AM

....a completed version of "Bad Press" by HappyWanderer?  I have a half finished version and would really like to know how it ends. 

Here is one of my favorite fics as a thank you:

Reassigned Identity: Bella Swan:Anti-marriage, bad dating record. Edward Cullen:CIA Agent with a dark past. After witnessing something traumatic Bella is put under witness protection where she must pose as "Agent Cullen's" wife. What could go wrong? Now that you've asked..
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 33 - Words: 125,121 - Reviews: 4312 - Updated: 1-4-10 - Published: 9-26-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete



This one's for the kidlets

Wednesday December 21, 2011 at 12:45 AM

I always watch the NORAD Santa Tracker-The Midget stays glued to whichever computer it's on. The big countdown to launch is on.

  New this year, I just discovered Santa's reindeer cam.  

Take a peek. Lots of fun!


Edited to add my fic rec

An American Vampire in Chicago »reviews
Bella is a business school student when she meets Edward, a PhD student. Is this handsome stranger too good to be true? AU/Vampires/Humans. My vamps are slightly different from SM's. Indie TwiFic Award Winner!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 23 - Words: 52,525 - Reviews: 1213 - Updated: 4-4-09 - Published: 3-25-09 - Bella & Edward - Completeted to ad my rec:


The Spell of Overnight Reading

Tuesday December 20, 2011 at 11:51 PM

You know those fics that you start at around nine in the evening, the ones you tell yourself you're only going to read one chapter of, maybe two to see where it's going? The ones that, hours later as birds are waking with the sun, you wish you could do this...



... just so you can see who Bella is meeting in chapter eighteen? These fics have been the reason for many an unproductive next day. But I don't mind, because it turns out the mysterious stranger Bella was meeting is Edward, and OMG, how are they going to get out of this one?

Well, what happens when the spell of new discovery and sleep deprivation wears off?

I just read a fic, one I stayed up ALL night to read. It was the best fic I've read in a long time. And then the new chapter came out. And as I read, I can't help but notice how cliché and overdramaticized it all is. Were the first eighteen chapters as bad as this one and I just didn't know it?

Has anyone else lost interest after the initial marathon read? Does it make you feel as disappointed and somewhat downtrodden as it does me?

The Offspring

Give Me Crafts!

Tuesday December 20, 2011 at 10:34 PM

I need ideas, ladies.

I have no money and no life. So I need things that can be done from materials around the house. Even better if they're Christmas-themed. And since I don't want to request an invite from Pinterest, I thought I'd come here.


Some Christmas trees for your time:

The Offspring

Ahhh....The First Kiss

Tuesday December 20, 2011 at 10:24 PM



Me and my boyfriend had our first kiss last night. I still get butterflies thinking about it.

Come in and share those magical first kiss experiences with me. (And attempt to pull me off cloud nine.)

Sir Rachel


Tuesday December 20, 2011 at 8:34 PM


#The Hobbit
#Martin Freeman is amazing
#Is it next December yet?
#fake tags

What happened here?

Tuesday December 20, 2011 at 7:42 PM

How did this:




Turn into this?


Did he just mature and grow into his looks and lose weight?  Could it just be the blond hair and good lighting/camera angles?  Or is there something more?  I look at older pics of this kid and I'm fairly stunned by the transformation.  

Looking at THIS, you know that they had to make Rob look bad -- that even when he's playing hobo he still looks pretty good ...



Oy, 2 CFs in one day, time to stop ... 


Oh, Diana

Tuesday December 20, 2011 at 5:47 PM

So, I got mail today. It was a big box. My husband brought it in with this wtf look on his face. I said it's from someone on the internet. His first reaction, 'OMFG do NOT open it!' Until I made him read me the name on the package. It was from Miss Diana Wolfskill, a lovely woman here in the forest. I told him, 'Honey, it's safe. Now head on into work so I can open my package with the kiddos and squee over whatever surprise may be inside.' So he left, and I went to town opening.

Look inside for a video of what went down :)



last christmas,i gave you....

Tuesday December 20, 2011 at 4:37 PM

let's talk bad christmas gifts

ones you've given

ones you've recieved

what you do to avoid getting them

even look for advice to avoid giving them


i don't want this to come across as whiny and ungrateful. i know most of us appreciate every gift. it's just for fun and to relieve my boredom


Looking for...

Tuesday December 20, 2011 at 4:36 PM

I'm looking for Black Roses Red, the sequel to Held Hostage by peachylicioius. If anyone has it I would appreciate it if you could email it to me. Thanks.

I just finished reading this one, great AU/AH fic by the-glory-days

In Another Life 
When Edward Cullen is killed in a car accident, it's Bella Swan who finds herself helping his ghost find out why he died. All-Human, AU, A Twilight Retelling.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 77,112 - Reviews: 1072 - Updated: 10-3-09 - Published: 7-20-08 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Christmas is makin' me tired

Tuesday December 20, 2011 at 12:46 PM

... and I can't even touch the newest update for How to Paint a House if it's makin' people sad.  That would put a hitch in my Christmas giddy-up.

Come inside and see how Christmas is kicking my butt I spent my day so far, and then tell me  what YOU are are rushing to get finished this week!


l-r  Russian teacakes, chocolate walnut fudge, peanut butter fudge:

The little rubbermaid container in the back is full of "oops" pieces, which my husband always claims as his own.  They're usually the ones I f**ckered goofed up getting out of the pan.


Come cry with me?

Tuesday December 20, 2011 at 12:19 PM


So there is an update and I'm sad! So come chat with me about these two kids....

First --- | >> | 717 | 718 | 719 | 720 | 721 | 722 | 723 | 724 | 725 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
