Diana Wolfskill

Job Lead

Saturday December 17, 2011 at 12:06 AM

I came across a job announcement at work. 

It was for a Business Sales Leadership Program. 

So, you never thought you'd be in sales? 

I never thought I'd be doing tech support. 

You need to have graduated within the last 3 years -- BA or Masters. 

5-6 months PAID training in Atlanta, GA and then you're assigned a job site

It's really a great opportunity for the right person.

I'd be thrilled if someone in the Forest scored one of these jobs. 

PM me and I'll link you the details. 








Holiday Havoc Take 2!

Friday December 16, 2011 at 10:20 PM


We are just gearing up campers-lots and lots more havoc on the way!

The newest contest is him.

That's right-JUMPING ROB! Here is the catch:

You can't post anything that is already on the internet (trust that we will check so don't tumblr, LJ, twitter or google dive for him) AND you can't post him in any TWILIGHT movie settings. It must be a NEW Jumping Rob picture that YOU create. Put him anywhere you want as long as it is new and NOT in a Twilight movie still.

Best photo wins a $50 Amazon gift certificate. The contest ends at midnight EST Saturday night. ONE ENTRY PER PERSON AND RANGERS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE







Friday December 16, 2011 at 10:14 PM

Snow Text - http://www.christmastext.com


check out who won the random comment contest! and if ye be the winner, please PM me with your email so's we can send you your amazon gift card!

and stay tuned, the next one's coming soon-ish...


♪♫ 15 Random Songs ♫♪

Friday December 16, 2011 at 7:37 PM

 i just finished my homework for the week and now i want to RELAX

and what's my favorite way of relaxing?

by listening to music! 

duh! lol

so let's play 15 random songs.

get your ipod, zune, itunes, whatever and hit shuffle and give me the first 15 songs it plays. 

no skipping songs! the best part of this is the embarrassing songs that sometimes work their way in.

here's mine -

1. Brand New - Handcuffs

2. Theory of a Deadman - Got it Made

3. Goldfrapp - Strict Machine

4. Muse - Map of the Problematique

5. Framing Hanley - You Stupid Girl

6. Green Day (Dean Grey Edit) - Dr. Who on Holiday

7. Against Me! - I Was a Teenage Anarchist

8. Jude - Something (Across the Universe sdtrk)

9. Papa Roach - Last Resort

10. Violent Femmes - Add It Up

11. Oasis - Champagne Supernova

12. Band of Horses - Marry Song

13. NOFX - Liza and Louise

14. Kidney Thieves - Crazy (lol this song is from the Bride of Chucky sdtrk. remember Katherine Heigl was in that before she became super obnoxious)

15. Bloodhound Gang - You're Pretty When I'm Drunk

your turn!

 i just discovered this cover yesterday ( yea i'm slow. whatever), now i'm obsessed and feel like sharing.




FREE Kindle Download for FFA!

Friday December 16, 2011 at 5:08 PM

Well, it's not actually FOR FFA...but I'm declaring it to be for FFA...so it is and so it shall be...or...something.


Anyway, this dude I know, Gary, from a WDW board (stop laughing...he's a hilariously funny individual who actually IS a rocket scientist LOL) wrote a book...It's called The Land of Nod, The Artifact.  

I guess it's something of a super natural story of sorts...a boy ends up on another dimension...but I'm a bad friend and haven't read it yet.  In my defense...I just got a Kindle last week LOL  And Merry Christmas to me!  The Land of Nod, The Artifact is FREE until Midnight tonight!


Won't you join me in supporting and encouraging this new author and download his book?




(btw, I also know the girl who edited it for him...also from the same board LOL) 


Strike A Pose

Friday December 16, 2011 at 10:19 AM

Just seen these two Vogue Italy out-takes of Kristen.

Share your favourite pics of this beautiful girl :)


What should I be when I grow up?

Friday December 16, 2011 at 8:44 AM

Morning, Campers!!

So, since this whole fanfiction thing came into my life, I've really developed a love for writing. I've also read more wonderful stories than I can count thanks to reccomendations from fellow fandom people.

That being said.... I need your input. I'm going to graduate next year with my Associates degree in Liberal Arts. I was thinking, after that, to get my Bachelors in English. But I have NO idea what I can do with a degree like that!

Anyone in here a teacher? That was one of my ideas, but I'm not sure. If you're a teacher, do you like it? What kind of schooling did you go through and how did you like it? How do you like being a teacher? I was thinking of teaching high school, if that matters.

Anyone in here work for a publishing company? What can I do in a publishing company with an English degree?!!

I'm just looking for ideas here, I need to do some brainstorming. I figured ADF was the perfect place to go for some advice.

Thanks in advance!


i ardently admire and love you

Friday December 16, 2011 at 8:33 AM

happy birthday, jane austen

today would have been the celebration of that most excellent lady's 236th birth. let us rejoice!

come thither and post pics, gifs, and vids of your most beloved jane austen adaptations.

i shall be posting recommendations for my favorite pride & prejudice fanfictions in addition to anything else jane-related. come and celebrate what is perhaps the most ardently admired female writer in western literature with me!


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Yanxx! Kagen Mo! For Yous!

Friday December 16, 2011 at 8:12 AM

Merry Christmas, you twos!

Thank you for asking, it made me feel special.

I picked three, but the waaaay oldest vids with the drinks and ties are on youtube still :)

these are the new moon re-do, joe reviews new moon and the merry drunken outtakes (nsfw)

the other two will be in the comments :)


Crafts anyone?

Friday December 16, 2011 at 7:39 AM

Good morning!

Today is my son's last day of school before the holiday break.  This is the first Christmas in over 15 years that I won't be working and will be able to do all the holiday things with my child that I've always wanted to do.  I am so excited about that!  

My son love crafts, so I've been gathering ideas for some crafty things we can do together (I can no longer help him assemble models of war machinery -- I am drawing the line!!).  This is something I found that I think would be fun, easy, and something he'll actually play with).  



Do you do crafts with your children?  If so, what are your favorites and/or show off some of your creations!!  I need ideas, folks.  


Through his eyes updated

Friday December 16, 2011 at 12:54 AM

I fully intend to make a shameless use of FFA. So, my fist post is dedicated to

Is anybody reading this story ? (well, somebody is - but I never saw anything on ADF). Here is the summary, which gives you NOT an idea of how challenging the story is.

Summary: Set at the start of Twilight when Edward first meets Bella.Edward Cullen needs help and there is only one person he trusts enough to turn to. When the heart says one thing, but the head says another what is a lonely vampire to do? Rated M  - 22 chapters so far


RedSummer imagines an Edward who is liberated enough to go first to Carlisle and then to his "mother" and his  siblings to ask for help when passion and blood lust create havoc inside him and he does not know what to do about Bella. And they tell him their secrets, they tell him how sex is for vampires, and what are the dynamcs of a coven - a family, yes, but one where the leader has, and must have, full dominance. We discover what a singer means and learn that Carlisle met his singer once, and the singer was a male and survived the experience, but ....

In this story vampires are different from humans (well, of course) but we tend when writing to make them far too human. There is an animalistic side that is explored here, and I can't start telling you how interesting and thrilling it is. Mind you, the story is not a smut festival where everybody f**** everybody else. That has been done by other authors, here there are very explicit passages, but the point is not that and it is not what happens. Please read it if you haven't, or, if you have, share your thoughts wirh me.


<3 <3 <3

Thursday December 15, 2011 at 11:03 PM



It's the one fic which I began reading when only the first chapter was posted. It's the kind of story that's just the right mix of elements for me. Right up my alley. And I love this author (Even though I didn't read The Decision).

So, anyone else read it yet? Thoughts? (Link to the update is in the Title of the fic)


De toi a moi (jsyk)

Thursday December 15, 2011 at 9:32 PM

I wanted to share this because of all the wonderful things everyone else here in the forest shares with mee.

Ok, so here's what I was wondering. How many of you have heard of the portable north pole thing? Have you used it. If so, isn't it awesome?!?!?

One of my good gals just told me about it and how she uses it for her kids, but you can use it for adults too. Its seriously hilarious! I wanted to share this with everyone. Please, if you haven't use this thing...DO. I think its the funniest/ sweetest things ever created (IMO). I don't celebrate xmas, but if you have friends who do you can send this to them.

Its this site where you can, like, send a message to someone from santa. You fill out all this information about the person such as their name and where they live and how they behaved this year. you can upload a picture of them too, and have santa tell them how proud/upset he is of them. Its looks so legit. If you have kids who are on the verge of not believing santa you can use this thing. It will totally get them to believe it for a while longer. You can upload a picture of what they want this year and a picture of them. It will psyche them out!

If you have a boyfriend or fiance you can send a slightly racier message. I think. I haven't tried it but that's what my friend told me. So go do this and come back and tell me if they liked it or not. Hurry before xmas is here.

LINK:   http://portablenorthpole.tv

Happy Holidays to ALL!! *kisses and hugs* 

A lot people enjoyed this last year. I know that there were some parents who were away from their kids and whatnot. I thought I'd bring it up again. I believe you don't have to pay anything unless you wish to keep the video.


I know we have some campers that are teachers

Thursday December 15, 2011 at 8:04 PM


I want to get my son's 1st grade teacher a Christmas gift but I'm not sure what to get her.

What are some of the good and bad gifts that you have gotten?

A little background on her:

She's fairly young

A new mommy

Has a dog




Non-teachers can chime in also


Cracks in the Pavement update

Thursday December 15, 2011 at 6:53 PM

Someone give me the low down - the ugly and the dirty - I am too scared to read. I'm too scared to even open it in order to copy and paste the link here. So who has read it and wants to tell me about it?






Thursday December 15, 2011 at 5:47 PM




While inside, I'm all:

And then they're going to announce the winners and we'll find out who wrote what and... and....



Criminal Minds!

Thursday December 15, 2011 at 5:19 PM

I've been waiting for free for all for ever to share LOVE for this amazing show.

BUT what you may not know, is that this show is also AMAZING to it's fans. 

How you may ask?

Well what about fan interaction!

Did you know that EVERY Thursday after a new episode of Criminal Minds aired of Wednesday nights, they have a chat with the actors or the writers or the producers? Did you know that the actors do tons of fan giveaways and interviews?

If ever a fandom to join, this would be the one!

Come in here and share some Criminal Minds love. 

I'll leave site information for all of the above goodies inside :)




merry happy festivistmasukkuhwanza

Thursday December 15, 2011 at 5:11 PM

Christmas Text - http://www.christmastext.com

                                                          Holiday Text - http://www.christmastext.com

ah, the holidays. from here on out, i declare a FREE FOR ALLLLLLLL. until 2012!

but that's not at all, dear hearts! oh, no. 

we'll be having contests any time from now until the end of the year. easy ones, hard ones; ones to inspire, ones to ignite; ones to fill you with holiday cheer (or possibly abject horror idk idk)

check back every day to see what's going on and what rad prizes you can win. 'cuz remember, the forest doesn't give away banners, we give COLD, HARD CASH intheformofgiftcards

so, to kick off this freeforall announcement, i declare the first contest:

comment somewhere in this post. anywhere, as many times as you want, with anything you want. rangers, you don't get to win. it's prize enough getting to talk to me via email daily~

i'm keeping this up until we decide when to post the next contest, so come back often. once that happens, i will pick a random number and whomever is that numbered comment (i actually count D: ) wins a $25US gift certificate to amazon.com.

so get to commenting, and good luck!

love, your ranger friends in the forest and mr. neil diamond

all right, because it's the holidays, i'll be nice. no more autoplay. this one's for you, katinki, spanglemaker, and LJ



Something is coming!

Thursday December 15, 2011 at 2:17 PM


Happy Birthday!

Thursday December 15, 2011 at 8:58 AM

free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com

Today's flory_p's birthday. And I wanted to make her a campfire so that we could all spread the love for this awesome girl. Seriously, if you've ever had the pleasure of talking to her then you know what a genuinely caring and wonderful person she is. She's THE nicest person I've ever met. EVER. There is no one in this world quite like this girl. She brightens everyone's day just by being you're friend. AND the best part is she'd be everyone's friend if you just talked to her. So feel free to come in here and spread some birthday love, and make a great new friend!


If you need advice of what she loves, cats, lolcats, Andrew Garfield, Harry Potter, Robert Downey Jr, Ryan Gosling, Hunger Games, AND she's from Argentina, so any futbol or Argentina love is ALWAYS appreciated.

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