

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 4:36 PM

So, I was in the middle of this just until 5 minutes ago. 19 Chapters in.

It has suddenly been pulled and the author has closed the account.

I have heard of this happening, but it has never happened to me.

If you are not familiar with this story, it is a suspense.

I am desperate to find out what happened!!

Does anyone have it saved? or perhaps you can pm me what happens and how it ends??

 Rec: I can't even think of one. I am so distraught.

maybe later..I can edit one it


** ok-found one

A badboy darkvampward...hasn't been updated in nearly a year. I miss it dearly and maybe the author can be encourage to continue by some new readers???


Translators needed!!!

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 4:34 PM

This campfire is for everyone who does NOT trust google translate. Need a bit of dialogue translated? Leave your posts here! Want to offer your skills? Leave your posts here!




I myself need someone to translate a bit of dialogue from English to French. If interested, pm me and I'll send you the bit.

EDIT: recieved responses, thank you :)




And to make this interesting...To anyone who has ever written a multi-lingual main character and had them say something, ANYTHING that's not in english, post what they said. Sort of a little spin on fic-pimping. WHo knows, the bit you submit might pique some interest....



I'm just so giddy right now because I just got my computer back from being saved from the horrible spyware that infected it. I was afraid some of the drafts for my fics were destroyed, but they were intact, YAY!!! *Note to self, e-mail drafts to oneself frequently from now on ;p


Writing a Paper is Dreadful!

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 3:34 PM

Okay so this is my first campfire and i am in desperate need of some help!

I have a ten page paper due tuesday for one of my senior classes (im almost done with highschool!!)- for part of it i dont know what to write and since i have noticed ADF has alot of people with diverse jobs or knowledge maybe someone could help me, so i will explain:

The topic i have chosen to write about is Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP), if you dont know what that is it is bacicly a disease premature babies could become blind from if not treating imidiatly. So here is my problem that i need help on- i have already writen about the problem being in the U.S., Brazil, and India. What i am having a hard time on is finding a "model country" which has the problem but is doing sunifigant work to solve the issue or has had a low precentage of the issue. Does anyone know of a country i could use as a model? or even good websites dealing with ROP that dont lead me to buying a medical jounal online! Now by no means do i want you to feel that i amasking you to write my paper but google is the death of me and isnt really helping like i think it should, any ideas would be helpful also!

To make this interactive have any of you had a paper you dreaded writing or even an project, anything really, that you just couldnt wait to get over with or thought it would never end?  - thanks a bunch!


100 Monkeys

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 3:32 PM

So they hit our shores soon (UK) just wondered if any of you campers were going to any dates? 

I'm going to be at the Birmingham date :) Any one else going to be there? want to say hi? Maybe some of you can find others going to the same dates as you.

I know I'm excited :)


Ahhh first campfire!

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 3:05 PM

Okay so I'm mostly a lurker but have commented five times  a few times so far in the two years time I've been a member here at ADF :-/ 

This is another one of those annoying, 'what was the name of that fic again?' posts. Sorry :(. I was inspired to re-read one of the most inspiring fics I've ever read by the Africa post below, but couldn't seem to remember the name. I searched my favorites and still couldn't place it :(

Summary is as follows:
Edward is a doctor with MSF in Sudan (Khartoum specificially), he is helping treat everything from child malnourishment to female infibulation (if you don't know what that is google it, but it's horrible, don't say I didn't warn you) Anyways him and Bella are together? maybe? on the rocks? something like that. She is a lawyer who prosecutes country leaders for crimes against humanity (aww two peas in a pod). They communicate through letters and occasional phone calls/emails when Edward can find an internet connection. Big climax of the story happens when the place Edward is in gets bombed and he has to flee and Bella can't contact him etc etc.
I must have read the story about a year ago, and its complete and there is also a sequel. 

I know that's a bunch of stuff to go off of, and if I can't find the story after all that I must be an idiot so I'm thinking the story might have been pulled :(. If so that would make me sad because it was an extremely emotional and inspirational story for me. I am a pre-med student planning on going into trauma/ER. This story inspired me to look into MSF as a possible pathway for me after med school, and I'm definitely considering it. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you read this whole thing, THANK YOU and you deserve a cookie!

Exposed by kdc2239.
Summary: An influenza pandemic occurs when a new virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness. The story of two strangers surviving when they only have each other.
I'm a sucker for end of the world type of fics so this one is totally my cup of tea. Plus the way kdc writes edward and bella in this story is really believable. It's not one of the end of the world fics that makes you say "yeeaahh riiight". Instead you find yourself saying "oh sh*t i totally wouldn't know what to do either, what's going to happen next!" 

ETA: Story found! It was Courting Achilles by greeengoldfish. As thought, the story has been pulled :( *sigh* 


Washington D.C

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 2:40 PM


Have you been? Do you live there? Feel free to post some pictures, tell some stories and/ or offer some advice (like where not to live or what not to wear! I'm relocating to DC and am in need of some info =)


His eyebrows

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 1:26 PM

I know he hated Twilight's manscaping (and that's not the only thing us women are used to waxing, Rob), but W.T.F.

Am I the only one who was bothered by it?


New fanfic - Blink

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 1:16 PM

Hi all. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. So busy... Such is life. I've missed you all! Just thought I'd let you know that I'm writing a new fanfic and wanted to share. I've taken a leap from my comfort zone of writing vamp and made an attempt at an all-human multi-chapter :)

Summary: Bella flees to vacation in the Caribbean to escape her messed up personal life. There, she meets Edward Cullen and tries to determine whether he's her desperately sought-out solution, or simply adding to her troubles. All-human/AU. Rated M.

Rated M for sexual situations and coarse language.


Random Skateboard Post

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 12:30 PM

I LOVE FFA, because I can post a ramble CF-

So, as some of you know, I have a 13 y/o stepdaughter, named Bella (Short for Annabella)

She has recently gotten into skateboarding lately MUCH to the delight of her dad.

( Mr Cherry was a photographer for Thrasher mag/Juxtapose mag and Black Market mag back in the late 80's and 90's. A TON of his work was in the Helen Stickler produced Documentary about Mark 'gator' Rogowski)

Anyhoo- Dave Duncan just called Mr Cherry to invite him to the Clairmont skatepark for some Skate and Destroy Cancer exhibition thing, where a TON of skaters including the original crew from the beginning of the skateboard movement of the 70s are gonna skate.

Verbatim Dialogue:

Mr Cherry-Hey B- wanna go meet Jay Adams?
B- Who?

I am still giggling.



i bless the rains down in aaaafricaaaa

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 11:38 AM

i have an obsession with Africa. it comes and goes in waves, but at present time it's like OMGWTFWANNAGOTOAFRICANAAAOW and stuff.

so, i'll just throw the q out there for you:

fiction, fanfiction, music, movies, anything africa-related you want to rec me?

and here's some african music for ya'll:


fear is not a factor (for you).

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 10:02 AM

Or is it?

After four and a half, long years (I think), Fear Factor is finally making its return. On Monday. Like, this Monday. December 12. FOR TWO WHOLE HOURS. I've been waiting all week for FFA so I can start a campfire to see how many people here watched the show before, or have heard about it, or if maybe I'm alone in my excitement. Which is an understatement, by the way. If you want me to say how excited I am, I get craaaaazy excited. Like, as crazy as Justin Bieber fans when he lost the Best New Artist Grammy to someone less well-known.

Or as crazy as Twilight fans when they see Rob, Kristen or Taylor. Whichever. It's all the same crazy.

So, yeah. Does anyone else love this show as much as I do?

Ever wanted to go on it like I do?

Have a crush on Joe Rogan like I do?

Eight episodes have been ordered, and I'm praying on hands and knees that NBC orders more, but I'll take what I can get. I'm just so craaaaazy-excited I get to watch it again. I fan-girl hard every time.

So, am I alone in this excitement?

Talk about your favorite stunts/dares that have been on the show in past seasons with me.

Or tell me what you would be willing to do if you had the opportunity to play for $50,000.

What things are you not willing to do?

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 9:33 AM


Welcome back chickas!  I'm laptop bound again so how is everyone doing?  Everything going good in your lives?

Homework:  Got any new recipes to share or is there a new food you love that you would like to see if someone else has a recipe for?  Well come on in and ask away.

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )

J.D. Wolf

Out of the Darkness Updated

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 8:13 AM


Out Of The Darkness  

Chapter 16 has just been posted.

Alice is very excited about an up-coming event.

Will she leave the shelter of Than'e cellar? Even just for one evening?

Check it out and find out.


A Twilight Xmas Abomination

Saturday December 10, 2011 at 2:02 AM

Don't judge. I've just had an extremely crappy couple of weeks and this is a cheap laugh.

Soooo who wants to be my BFF?

Friday December 9, 2011 at 9:38 PM

If so, all you need to do is:




Seriously. I need this in my life RTFN.

See, I'd been watching the show... but then, this week, I decided to rewatch all episodes back to back in prep for this past Wednesday's epi. And somehow... a full on obsession was born.

So, the next logical step?

I scoured through all 150 fics on ffn (srsly, like there's only 150) and have come away....

un-impressed and unfulfilled.


This is where you ladies come in.

Twilight fandom knows how to write... I know this.

So gimme?


Or link me good AHS fics.

Or tell me what kinds of fics you'd want to read.

(I'd really like some canon/canon-esque, but I'm not going to be terribly picky, considering what's available... )

Scary Tate approves.



Take that Brad Pitt....

Friday December 9, 2011 at 8:16 PM

According to MensHealth they have named the hottest women of ALL time! 

The #1 Hottest Woman of ALL TIME is.....drumroll please.......

Do you agree?

I have nothing against Jen but I sure thought it would have been....

What happen to the love of curves that Marilyn was famous for?

Show pictures of some of the famous women you think is the hottest or prettiest? 

Tell me what you think?

Angelina Jolie got #10


50 Book Challenge

Friday December 9, 2011 at 5:23 PM

3 Weeks Left!

Is anybody still doing it?
What have you read?

What do you want to read?

Will you join in 2012?



Bring out your trees!

Friday December 9, 2011 at 5:05 PM

As I was decorating our tree last weekend, it suddenly occurred to me:

Our tree is a hot mess!

It's a hodge-podge of ornaments my husband and I have been acquiring since we started dating fifteen years ago. We also have a daughter in elementary school, so there's the requisite assortment of glitter and construction paper works of art sent home from school. 

But you know what? I LOVE that. I get all nostalgic and sentimental every year when I unpack the ornaments and I can't imagine not using a single one, no matter how ugly and/or tacky!

Thanksgiving weekend, I helped my mother put up her tree and I'm pretty sure that's where I get my fondness for mismatched, tacky Christmas decorations. After nearly 50 years of Christmases, her tree is an illustrated "history of Christmas ornaments", plus a scrapbook of family craft projects through the years. The angel was made by her father in the late 40's and it barely even resembles an angel anymore, but it just wouldn't be Christmas without that ratty piece of gold mylar and pipe cleaners on top of the tree. Forget family heirlooms with actual monetary value- the only thing I want my mother to leave me in her will is that angel!

So campers, I want to know- what does your Christmas looks like?

All white twinkle lights? Big, old-school multi-colored lights? Color-coordinated ornaments or yard sale specials? Are you pro or anti tinsel (this was the first major argument I had with my spouse)? What single decoration says "Christmas" to you? 

And give us a picture of your tree! Here's mine:


Another Lost Fic

Friday December 9, 2011 at 4:43 PM

Ok I'm looking for a fic and I apologize for the vague description I'm giving:

Bella is new to school and first meets Edward (vampire) in the parking lot where he is bashing Jasper. I remember Edward is Jasper's maker and they are posing as brothers. Jasper is from Russia and Edward is from 19th century England. They live with Carlisle and a human older Esme. I believe Edward is some kind of vampire hitman I think? Everyone at school thinks Edward is a psycho. That's all I've got. Anyone?


Lost and Found

Friday December 9, 2011 at 3:56 PM

I found one of these on the floor at work:

I asked around the closest department, and when I couldn't find the owner, I turned it in to security.  So far, no one has claimed it.  

It got me thinking:

What's the most expensive thing you've ever lost?

Have you lost an item that you still frequently miss?  (Mine is relatively cheap, but still makes me crazy.  I'll post inside.)

First --- | >> | 724 | 725 | 726 | 727 | 728 | 729 | 730 | 731 | 732 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
