
Quotes: A New Year Tradition

Monday January 2, 2012 at 10:31 AM

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world.

You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something.

So that's my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.

~Neil Gaiman


This may be my favorite Neil Gaiman* New Year message yet (a tradition of his) because it is the cornerstone of my teaching philosophy. Please share your favorite quotes. They can be funny, inspirational, thought provoking or sick...just share. Because sometimes we all need a little kick in the pants!




Monday January 2, 2012 at 12:32 AM


Is somebody reading The Better Angels of our Nature by Lissa Bryan and totally in love with Angelward like I am? (no this is not the banner. The story has not one as far as I know - I wish it had. I found the image on google images).

If you are reading I have a burning question. What the hell is Amun? He surely seems to be a vamp, but they are not supposed to exist in this story. Or what? Ideas? Come inside if you want to discuss it.

Summary Bella is a powerful telekinetic, escaped from a government research facility. With her is Edward, her guardian angel, sent to earth to protect her. Can they find safety? Can Bella love this extraordinary creature? OOC/AU Rated M for all the good stuff.

Miss Snazzy

Fix You

Sunday January 1, 2012 at 11:48 PM

Fix You updated!


If you don't know about this gem, let me educate you.  It's the sequel to a wonderful Twilight/Vampire Diaries Crossover called, Shattered.

Shattered » AllyDLV
Bella is destroyed when the Cullens leave, after Charlie gets a job offer in Virgina, they move to Mystic Falls to start over. Bella soon discovers that she can slowly mend her broken heart with the help of new friends. Set in New Moon.
Crossover - Twilight & Vampire Diaries - Rated: M - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 149,690 - Bella & Damon S. - Complete

The story is REALLY worth a read. It's one of my absolute favorite crossovers.  The author shows real progression and improvement in her writing as the story goes on.  She also does a fantastic job of depicting Bella and her growth as a character.

Is anyone else reading this? Let's discuss!


a family tradition

Sunday January 1, 2012 at 5:36 PM

Hello! I've had this account for a while, yet I've never posted. I thought since it's the New Year I might as well do something new and get involved. To introduce myself: I'm Mel and I live in the deep South. How does this relate? I'd like to share a tradition of my family's that's five years strong.

Every year on New Year's Day the ladies in my family have watched Gone with the Wind. It's one of the events I look forward to every year. It's a great start to the New Year---watching Vivien Leigh's A+ bitchface and not giving a damn (*cough*).

Anyways, I was wondering if y'all have any family traditions you do on New Years Day. Also, are there any GWTW fans on ADF? Do you have any fic recs for it? Just one more thing: wouldn't it be awesome if there was a twific based off of the epic story? Maybe there already are stories based off of it or civil war-centric stories floating around---I wouldn't know!

The Offspring

So....I'm going to Self-Publish. :O

Sunday January 1, 2012 at 5:32 PM

Yep. It's true. Once my story is done, anyway. I've probably got one third of it down in rough draft form.

Oh, I also have a blog now. Finally, lol. It's http://desertdarkfire.blogspot.com/

If anybody's interested in knowing what it's about, or even prereading it (you can never have enough input), send me a PM.

I will gladly share. I've had writer's block on this for months, so forgive my excitement.

My rec? Through The Oak Door. I never seem to have time to read it, but when I do, it owns me.


One kiss sparks the clues, but what do they all mean? Bella dreams of her future self, knowing the life she lives ends in tragedy. How can she change her story when she already knows the ending? The door is there, but where is the key? AH, ExB, Rated M.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Mystery - Chapters: 19 - Words: 81,447 - Reviews: 1852 - Updated: 11-28-11 - Published: 12-4-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete



this story's going to be the death of me...

Sunday January 1, 2012 at 3:47 PM

So. Cracks in the Pavement updated.

Too lazy to post the banner. I just... I want to know if other campers here are as emotionally invested in this story as I am. And by "emotionally invested" I of course mean, "does anyone else get all snot-sobby, or is it just me?"

If you've read the update, come in and share all your feelings.

Some feelings FYT:

I couldn't choose just one.


Feelin' Lucky?

Sunday January 1, 2012 at 2:33 PM

Anyone up for some black-eyed peas today?  No, not this kind --


This --


It's supposed to bring you good luck and wealth to eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day.  Growing up, we always had Hoppin' John.  For the last few years, I've fixed Chicken Chile Cobbler with Smoked Sausage & Black-eyed Peas from Southern Living.  What do you fix?

Happy New Year's! 


You know it's hard out here for a pimp...

Sunday January 1, 2012 at 11:58 AM

Hello folks, and Happy New Year! Hope everyone was safe and had an amazing night.

For the first time in almost 2 years I am writing a new fanfiction. Things have changed a bit in the fandom, since I've mostly been lurking on here. My question to you is, how do you pimp your work?

I haven't been one for pimping my stuff before, but it seems like that's the thing to do, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I've seen the campfires here on ADF, but what are the other sites and blogs you use to pimp your stuff? If you're a reader, where do you go to find new stories?

Thanks in advance. Cheers!


How did you meet your love?

Sunday January 1, 2012 at 11:00 AM

They met on a Friday. It was a cold, rainy night in mid-March and the wind tossed her long red hair into a wild mess of curls and waves. She didn't have a comb so she ran her fingers through it and hoped for the best. Her friends had convinced her that she needed to ask for the night off from the ribbon company where she worked every day after school. She had five brothers at home who were always hungry and her family needed the money. She enjoyed her work in the factory; it was busy and stimulating and she was good at her job. But her girl friends had been after her for weeks to go roller skating with them; apparently a good looking fellow named Bobby Why had gotten them all stirred up and they begged her join them so she could see him for herself. She wasn't at all interested in this boy...he sounded like he was in love with himself. All the girls tried to flirt with them but he'd only laughed and teased them as he skated around the rink expertly and won every contest he entered. Sometimes he paired with a girl who wore a blue velvet skating skirt they told her.

She didn't know how to skate.

She didn't own a blue velvet skirt.

Her hair was a mess.

Her nose ran.

Her girlfriends met her at the door and shoved her inside. They forced her to put skates on. She fell as soon as she stood up. They took her hands and brought her to the rink. The music started up and then her friends abandoned her one by one as they were asked by various boys to "take a turn" on the rink. She stood there horrified and tried in vain to skate away from the arena. She didn't make it very far.


And down she went.

"Hey carrot top! Need a hand?"

She looked up to see a boy with big green eyes and a wolfish grin beaming down on her. One of those eyes winked at her and she scrambled to her knees and told him in a no nonsense voice that she might be a carrot top but he was a “big old potato head” and she was definitely NOT interested in his help.

He didn't listen to her protests and scooped her up anyway. He took her hands in his and taught her how to skate.

He made her laugh.

He told her his name was Bobby.

One of her girlfriends winked from across the rink and mouthed, “its him.”

When she asked him if he was Bobby Why, he threw his head back and laughed.  He told her that her friends were silly; apparently every time they had asked him his last name he would shrug and ask “why?” He couldn’t believe they thought that was his last name.

When the rink closed for the night he walked her to the bus and then he surprised her by getting on the same bus that she did. He didn’t live on her route but he wanted to make sure she got home safely.

My father always said that it was my mother's hair that he noticed first. And how tiny her hands were. My mother said that when her mother met him for the first time she told her to drop him like a hot potato; he was too handsome and would be nothing but trouble.

My mother didn't listen.

She'd fallen in love with her big old potato head.

And though my father never ate a carrot in his life, he sure loved his carrot top. He never had eyes for anyone but her.

And that's my parents love story.

Now then...what's YOURS?



Mum and Dad on their wedding day, December 21, 1945. The war had just ended and they were married in their uniforms; Dad was a Marine and Mum was a Wave. They were a beautiful couple...in every way!


I highly recommend Finding Home by jennde. This beautiful love story takes place during WW Two and reminds me so much of my parents love story. Many of you commented on my mother when I did the campfire about her meeting USO Santa. My mom was so tickled when she saw her picture and her story on adf that I wanted to share this one with you. Hope you enjoyed it!

Happy New Year!


Finding Home by jennde
Edward & Bella are lifelong friends. At 18, just as their true feelings for each other are coming to fruition, tragedy strikes and the US is thrust into World War II. Will Edward and Bella's love be enough to see them through a world war? Rated M, OOC.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 189,408 - Reviews: 2775 - Updated: 8-16-10 - Published: 7-30-09 - Edward & Bella - Complete


I just wanted to say..

Sunday January 1, 2012 at 2:04 AM



Those who reside at my domicile wish you and yours a prosperous one.


we'll take a cup of kindness yet

Sunday January 1, 2012 at 1:58 AM

happy 2012!

at least it'd better be

are you inebriated?

did you bring in the new year makin' out?

is the mayan calendar right? if so, whaddya gonna do during your last year on earth?

also, go to bed. it's late. 

and today is the last day of the freeforall, we'll be returning to our regularly scheduled foresting at 6pm EST. cheers, dear campers! thanks for making 2011 swell!

love all your rangers <3


Everlasting why update

Saturday December 31, 2011 at 5:16 PM

Chapter 13: Contrary

We got an update!! Even though it's NYE!!!!

Feel free to correct me if these aren't Hostas

All the best for the new year! :))


Hunger Games FF

Saturday December 31, 2011 at 2:48 PM

It's been hard for me to find really good stories in the Hunger Games FF so when I came across this completed gem I wanted to share it with the other HG fans I know are out there. It's complete. It's well written. It's thought provoking. What more could a reader want.

 Letters from the Sky     by hgfan1111


One of these days they'll know they are truly free. Until then, the battle continues. Post-Mockingjay, disregards Epilogue. Katniss/Peeta
Hunger Games - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 12 - Words: 33,570 - Reviews: 310 - Updated: 10-8-10 - Published: 9-14-10 - Katniss E. & Peeta M. - Complete

I'm always looking for a good HG read so if you know 'em, share 'em.


Ball Drop Envy

Saturday December 31, 2011 at 12:19 PM

Apparently, Times Square isn't the only happening place for NYE. Loads of cities, big and small, and even tiny-barely-on-a-map towns aim not to be out done by the Big Apple.

I've been well aware of this for many years but I seriously thought it was just the area I lived in. Ah, no. It seems to be a national occurrence.

Here's evidence: http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/wackiest-new-years-eve-ball-drops

And from my area: http://www.wgal.com/slideshow/entertainment/30083120/detail.html (please note areas claiming to raise or lower animals, they're not using real ones)


Got anything crazy going on/already went on in your neck of the woods? Share with the rest of the class.



Have some giant bologna. Yes, this does get donated and this year, it's bigger.


Remember that one Christmas...

Saturday December 31, 2011 at 12:03 PM

So last night we're getting all the kids ready for bed - reading stories, brushing teeth, etc. - when my daughter says, "Daddy, that looks yucky," and walks over to the Christmas tree pointing at the trunk.  When we look over we see it is covered in little black moving bugs, they're crawling all over each other and completely covering the trunk in about an 8" section.  

"Oh gross!" I say, thinking it's ants since we live in California, the state of ants.  "It did have a lot of sap, maybe they're attracted to it."  Though I've never heard of anything like this before and the tree has been in our house for a month with no ants.  

My husband goes to get the bug spray as we start removing ornaments around the infected zone and then we realize there's another section of them up higher, about 7 feet up, completely covered.  We look closer at the bugs and we think they're some kind of fly or something but then my husband says, "I think these are ticks."

Suddenly, I feel a little faint, my vision blurs and all I can see is 


When I regain my composure, I look closer and confirm that yes, they are in fact ticks.

In an instant, we are pulling ornaments off in a frenzy, piling them in a box before my husband took the tree out, lights and all, into the driveway, where he sprayed it down with bug spray.  Then we were frantically vacuuming and cleaning.  

The only thing we can figure is that there must have been eggs laid in the tree and they all hatched at the same time.  Ugh!  I'm shuddering just thinking about it! 

The kids were all crying because all of a sudden the tree was gone.  Thankfully, it wasn't long before they were distracted, which left Mom as the only person still rattled.  

I can only believe that this will make a good story someday.  "Remember that one Christmas when we found thousands of ticks all over our Christmas tree?"  

So what holiday disasters have you had?  With all the family gatherings, elaborate meals, baking, decorating, work parties with copious amounts of alcohol, etc., it is a season ripe for foibles, blunders, and catastrophes.  

Come inside and share and commiserate over the things that you have to laugh at or you'll cry.

Happy New Year, everyone!  

EDIT:  Okay, so after some research I believe that they were a type of aphid, not tick.  I hope, anyway.  :/  Apparently a lot of people have freaked over these aphids in their Christmas trees because they really do look SO much like ticks.  Oh well, there's nothing we can do about it now.  *sigh*  In any case, get in here and share your holiday disasters!  

LJ Summers


Saturday December 31, 2011 at 6:42 AM

You may have already crossed the calendar and are living in 2012 RIGHT NOW!

You may be preparing to get there in a matter of hours!

Either way, it's coming...


I'm not one to make "New Year's Resolutions" but I do like GOALS. Goals are always good.

Resolutions can be fun!

Come, share One Odd Resolution and One Serious Goal for 2012

I'll start. 

Resolution:  I resolve not to go water skiing this year

Goal: I resolve to finish the historical novel that has been rewritten twice over before year's end. 

(For those who know me, you know I've been working on this thing forever and it stalled while I worked on other, cough, projects.  The first iteration for this project began in 1997. I am not kidding. I've written 20+ full-length novels in that time, published a few, and still haven't completed this to my satisfaction.)


Those are mine. What are yours?


Looking for a new story? Find one on PicTease

Saturday December 31, 2011 at 1:05 AM

Howdy campers,

I just wanted to stop by & let you know that if you are looking for a new story to read & teasers help here are the stories that were teased in one way or another on the PicTease this week.

Monday's PicTeasers:

A Dove's Cry - Ch 3 by karenec

A Whole Lotta Trouble - Ch 24 by jacndaniel

Palmistry - Ch 6 by EKSmith

Such a Tease - Ch 3 by TwiLucy_UK

The Pilgrimage - Ch 8 by Camilla


Thursday's Teasers Unplugged:

A Dove's Cry - Ch 3 by karenec

You Belong to Me - Ch 20 by twidictedbyrd


Friday's FanFlicks:

Prey by summer35

The Morphing Games by orrington.rose


If you're looking for a new story & you enjoy being visually or musically teased, come check it out, you just might find something new to love.

Follow me on twitter @TwiSherry for the tweets to the teasers.


Reccomendations, please?

Friday December 30, 2011 at 8:08 PM

Okay. So I've just finished reading Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare (part of the Infernal Devices. I reccomend them to EVERYONE). Anyway, they're set in the late 1800's and I was just wondering does anyone know of any fanfic's set in that era. You know, late 1800's/early 1900's. That sort of old-fashioned romance.

Please and thank you.

And in return the only ever old-fashioned fic I've read (and boy, is it amazing):

Only Human
A wish sends Bella back in time to Chicago, 1918, and to a human Edward.

The Offspring

Birthday Post! :)

Friday December 30, 2011 at 5:33 PM

It's The Mominator's BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

Come on in and celebrate!!!!!

P.S.- If you got her a gift, what would it be?


Talk me into a Kindle

Friday December 30, 2011 at 4:06 PM

Okay, I'm not sure how much persuading you'll need to do, because I think I really want one.  I'm usually a late adopter for technology, so I realize I'm behind the times here.

My mother got a Kindle Fire last month and I got to play with it over Christmas.  I loved that little thing and didn't want to give it back. 

I understand all the features for buying books and how it would work with our library, but I'm wondering how people handle reading Fics?  I'll be taking it places without internet access, and would like an idea of how other owners deal with that.  

Currently, I use FLAG to grab interesting stories and drop them into Dropbox or Goodreader.  I can put those on my iTouch.  Is there something similar for the Kindle?

Does it have any features you didn't think you'd like, but have come to love?  Or are there things you don't love.  Please share your happiness or frustrations with me.  

ETA:  I ended up getting a Kindle Touch.  Dear husband picked it up for me today and it's lovely!  I'll be cuddling up with it tonight and getting to know all the wonderful features.  Thank you again for all the great information. 

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