
I know you all couldn't wait for this

Tuesday January 10, 2012 at 8:30 PM

It's really happening....


I know I's hard to hold back your excitement but it's only one night, so you better hurry and go get your tickets

Who's gonna go or want to go see it? Be honest...LOL!

( -- Broadway is about to get a little extra sparkle in those famous neon lights.
It was recently announced the "Twilight" musical is officially happening. Before you book your tickets to NYC (or, conversely, get the heck out of Times Square) you should know it's not expected to have a very long run. "Twilight: The Musical" will make its off-Broadway debut as a one-night-only staged reading on January 16, and the proceeds will benefit the charity Blessings in a Backpack.
The most exciting thing about this announcement may be the cast, and the plot teases their characters' names give us. In addition to Bella and Edward, (who already sings a lullaby—why shouldn't he also belt out a Broadway tune?) the name that gets me onboard is the totally awesome Lauren Lopez (Alice), who played Draco Malfoy opposite Darren Criss' Harry Potter in the spectacular "A Very Potter Musical."
Other teases that make me cautiously optimistic this could be a lot of fun: characters named both Harry Potter and Hermione Granger will be showing up--perhaps leading up to that epic vampire vs. wizard war that we all know is coming.
According to the website the show, "examines our culture of obsession through the story of teenage outsider Bella Swan who risks everything when she embarks on a star-crossed romance with Vampire Edward Cullen."
 Why Greene likes 'Twilight' Alice 'Twilight' fans camp out for premiere 'Twilight' secrets revealed
The musical, which you can watch blurry clips of on YouTube, originally premiered and was workshopped last year in New York. With opening lyrics like "Nothing ever happens in Forks" and (of course) "I wish I had a boyfriend," the show seems to be in the same vein as "A Very Potter Musical" in that it's a fun-loving parody by people who clearly enjoyed the source material.
It will be interesting to see how far the production is able to get, as the show has no stated affiliation with Stephenie Meyer or Summit. Parodies are typically ok, copyright law-wise, but a show has to play up the 'unofficial' and 'spoof' aspects--the fact that the character names don't appear to be changed surprises me. That this one-night-only reading is for charity (aka no one involved is making money) probably helps. EW reached out to Dreamcatcher Entertainment (one of the producers) and they did not return requests for comment.
Love it, hate it, or some strange combination of both, I'm surprised a "Twilight" show hasn't happened sooner. Think of the musical possibilities for a show with the tagline 'death never sounded so good.' (Please resist the obvious joke in the comments). A teenage girl is in love with a guy vampire from the wrong side of the tracks living. Are vampires and werewolves really that different from Sharks and Jets? And try to tell me the werewolf chases in the woods aren't just waiting to be a shirtless staged ballet.
If you were in New York would you check it out? What scenes from the films are begging for a musical interpretation?


The Weekly Rec

Tuesday January 10, 2012 at 7:06 PM

As always, this weekly campfire tells us

what you are reading or

what you have read that you think everyone needs to read as well!

It is very important that you include links and even more important that you not only give a description of the fic, but tell us


This week I thought I would ask you for TWO THINGS 

1. What fic have you recently completed that you really enjoyed? 

2. What fic are you reading now that has you anxiously awaiting an update?

With both of these, don't forget to tell us why and give us a link.

Also, if you are reading something that someone else recs, you can discuss it or concur here. That helps campers decide if they want to read it as well!



Tuesday January 10, 2012 at 5:10 PM

From today's shirt.woot!

I love me some shirt.woot! This is today's offering (available until midnight if you are interested, click the pic..adf gets nothing, it is just soo good) but besides it being a t-shirt it is a great graphic!

Your first challenge: Can you name all of the vampires pictured?

Your second Challenge: Find vampire products. They don't have to be twilight, any vampire stuff will do. Would you actually buy them? 

I got this shirt, it was $10 shipped for a girlie size medium because omg american apparel runs small. It'll be next year's halloween costume :)


Isn't he cute?

Tuesday January 10, 2012 at 3:26 PM


Mr Harry Potter himself answering twilight questions.



Attention, Attention.

Tuesday January 10, 2012 at 3:15 PM

Is this thing on?

Exciting Breaking news, Campers!!!!

It was brought to my attention recently

that the forest is in need of a new Weekly Sneak Peek Host.

And because this place is my second home and I love every one of you so VERY much

I said yes to taking over this new role!

But, Hal, you ask, what does that mean?

Well, dear campers, it means there are going to be some changes

coming your way!

We're looking to spruce up our Teaser Monday!!

We thought we'd start with a new banner

made by the fantastic ranger Tor!

And would like to entrust YOU, dear campers, to come up

with some awesome new teaser ideas for our Monday Sneak Peek.

Story pic teases? Maybe a song

that best fits the mood of your chapter?

Does your story come with its own playlist

and you wanna share it with the forest?

This is the campfire to do it in. Come on inside!

Share your awesome ideas.


I look forward to seeing what our super intelligent

AMAZING campers come up with :)




It's Cookin' Time Folks

Tuesday January 10, 2012 at 1:31 PM

And the Plot Thickens...

A cooking ground for writers

What we’re cookin’...

  • Plot Bunnies! Ever have a plot bunny that needed some spice? Who said anything about too many cooks? The more the merrier, here! Bring your undercooked plots or ideas, and help others hash out their stories, too.
  • Your Characters! Feel like your characters are just skin and bones? Come chat with your friends and see if they can help you create the perfect recipe for meaty greatness.
  • Basically anything related to your fic that you need help with!



  • We’re allergic to negativity! Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, but please try to stay positive and productive!
  • And pilfering, too! There will be plenty of story ideas being discussed, so please stay respectful to your fellow authors by not using another's idea as your own - unless given explicit permission by the author first and then giving due credit, of course. No eating off someone else’s plate unless they say you can!


Food Bank...

  • Donations! Have some untouched plot ingredients that have been sitting in your cabinet for far too long? Come drop them off at our Food Bank and help another hungry author!
  • Pick up! Need some ingredients for your writing? See what ideas have been left for a good home.


You’ve given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.

So, come on in and share your ideas! Maybe someone will have that perfect plot point that pushes your story from good to great, and hopefully you’ll be able to do the same for a fellow author!


P.S. Thanks to The Purple Ranger for our lovely new tag!  We feel so official :).


Holy Swear Word!

Tuesday January 10, 2012 at 11:01 AM

So we have an update!

Come and let us discuss!

Are you happy with Bella's decision?



EDIT: I fixed the link and it should be working!


C'mon Get Happy

Tuesday January 10, 2012 at 8:15 AM


 There's a different feeling in the air around here. It started on Saturday when a glitch in the matrix caused the site to go down and culminated in an epic CF yesterday.

So- I propose a get happy CF-

What is making YOU Happy-doesn't have to be right now. Could be something as simple as you aced an exam. What's are YOU liking?

For me- I like that every day DH chooses to cook dinner. It's a big thing to ME that he enjoys it co much. I like that AND it makes me happy-

So come on in-I showed you mine, you show me yours LOL


** Tx to the Lovely and Talented Mrs. Firth (aka wtvoc) for allowing this


Bye Bye Summit?

Tuesday January 10, 2012 at 6:46 AM


Italian websites dedicated to Twilight report that . despite the box office success of BD1 - the Summit is losing money with all its other fims and it is heavily indebted. Bad choices, apparently. (For sure those films were not successful at all in Italy). So there are serious rumors of a merger or acquisition with Lionsgate. It is also said that it will not affect the coming out of BD2, as that golden eggs chicken is the main reason for the Lionsgate's interest.


While The Yanks Are Away...

Tuesday January 10, 2012 at 5:08 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

That awkward moment when the strangers around you are talking about Twilight and you want to join in...

This was me this morning while waiting in line to get my paper.

So tell me, has this ever happened to you? If so, did you keep quiet or were you that desperate to say something that you ended up blurting out that Edward smells like pine needles and has a face like sunshine?


Come on in and share your stories.

Let's chat.


Feed the trees

Monday January 9, 2012 at 5:47 PM

So, in Emibella's campfire yesterday we were talking about other semi-regular campfires that could be done.


We all know that our rangers put a lot of time and effort into the Forest, as do a lot of campers! But there is always room to do a little more..


So with that in mind


we need to CLICK click click people!!!


To make it more interesting tho, come up with a fic prompt/summary/outline/however much you want to write, based on the ads that appear on your screen!


The only rule is, you need to CLICK on the ad you choose, and give us a brief description of it. Campers in different countries may not automatically know a common brand name in your country! (Plus the clicking the ads is.... you know... the whole point....)


Now I am not a writer in the least (I can hear your disbelief from here, given the concise nature of this post!), but I will comment with one too, just a brief plot outline!


There are no rules on genre/characters etc, not yet anyway! If this becomes a more regular CF we can look at switching it up a bit for each one! For this one tho, make it funny, make it angsty, make it canon, make it crack fic. Make it whatever you want!


*insert cool picture here*


Have at it, Campers! CLICK AWAY


Warm Bodies

Monday January 9, 2012 at 3:37 PM

First look at Nicholas Hoult as "R" from the Warm Bodies movie adaptation for those that have read it.



"Real" Fiction...

Monday January 9, 2012 at 1:00 PM

I've just finished reading, "Sleep on the floor" by sexycereal and it was very, very enjoyable.

I enjoyed the quick, funny, witty chapters and how well the story flowed. Sadly, the rest of the fics I've been reading have not updated and I'm losing patience.

[Post holiday blues - I am really, really bored]

PLUS the Middle East has been riddled with unrest which means weekends at home to avoid inhaling tear gas or having to explain tire-fires and kids shouting, "death to the king" to my 4 year old.

So, I wanted to download some e-books...[obviously after I pay...] but I dont have a kindle or whatever new-fangled device is hip with you whipper-snappers these days. My question - is this possible with just a regular ol' laptop?

Also...anyone like regency romances [I highly rec LadyGwenydd's ff] and want to rec me a ff or real fic to d/l if it's possible on my laptop?



Master of the Universe-The Movie

Monday January 9, 2012 at 10:42 AM

So it looks like the fanfiction "Master of the Universe" is going to be made into a movie. Publisher's Weekly has all the information.


One of the things Hollywood scouts are buzzing about coming off the holidays is, surprisingly, an erotica series by a British TV executive which has garnered strong word-of-mouth via GoodReads and other fan sites. An insider said the series, called Fifty Shades of Grey (which is also the title of the first book), is "being compared to Nine and a Half Weeks" and is making the rounds among producers in Los Angeles. Author E.L. James published the books without an agent through a small former writers community called The Writer's Coffee Shop, and told PW she has sold approximately 30,000 copies since releasing the first book in May, 2011.

James is represented by film British film and TV agent Valerie Hoskins and, still, does not have a literary agent. Hoskins confirmed that there is "huge buzz" on the books, largely from American producers and, now, from a few larger American publishers. The books are out in trade paper and e-book, and available through a number of outlets, inclduing the Kindle store. The series, which is set in the U.S., follows a woman named Anastasia Steele, who is studying literature, and who becomes romantically (and sexually) entangled with an entrepreneur named Christian Grey.




ADF Birthday Wish List-January

Monday January 9, 2012 at 10:28 AM

Happy Birthday!

January babies have a garnet for a birthstone and a Snowdrop or Carnation for their birth flower. They're said to be spontaneous and forgiving!

Here are our January babies:

Jan. 1  --  ♦d131313   ♦jerry2630    ♦Twilove1_sue 

Jan. 2  --  ♦lizconno     ♦Rachaelc1994

Jan. 3  --  ♦edwardbabymomma     ♦HEAR     ♦ohsoindiscreet     ♦profmom     ♦RachelxMichelle

Jan. 4  --  ♦HohoCullen

Jan. 5  --  ♦piperanne_25     ♦rachael1042

Jan. 6  --  ♦ineedyoursway

Jan. 7  --  ♦cruiz107     ♦happymess     ♦mad4hugh

Jan. 8  --  ♦artbeatsandlife     ♦yourmamasface

Jan. 9  --  ♦duskwatcher     ♦Katbug86     ♦Melsie     ♦twilightgirl337     ♦strippedfan

Jan. 10  --  ♦temptationsgirl

Jan. 11  --  ♦Capricorn75     ♦Chalger     ♦dyenessa     ♦iluminatedswan     ♦momkandg

Jan. 12  --  ♦lababykarla     Sunfeathers     

Jan. 13  --  ♦AnonySwan     ♦gridironmom93     ♦jedigirl     ♦ShuLa22

Jan. 14  --  ♦Jacob Black

Jan. 15  --  ♦elovii     ♦Nolebucgrl     ♦VampiresHaveLaws

Jan. 16  --  ♦Cherryblossom     ♦HereWithoutYou     ♦keytattoo2     ♦MJinAspen     ♦VronniePantz

Jan. 17  --  ♦sunnydae13     ♦terriberry

Jan. 18  --  ♦KeriaKickass     ♦NJNYTwiGals     ♦raeraemae-xoxo

Jan. 19  --  ♦apolloandbaby    ♦Golden Onion     ♦i_lve_robsten

Jan. 20  --  ♦Dearlybeloved'93     ♦Chinni716     ♦LGDIB

Jan. 21  --  ♦Cullenboyz     ♦Hrvdmnky

Jan. 22  --  ♦Feisty Y. Beden     ♦MyBrown3y3s

Jan. 23  --  ♦Araeo     ♦bookgeek80     ♦punkfarie

Jan. 24  --  ♦bobbiejo    ♦calikisses24     ♦Elise Montgomery     ♦heywoodlane     ♦junebug     ♦newbornvamp     ♦QuestionXisting

Jan. 25  --  ♦DaLinkinDaChain

Jan. 26  --  ♦2loveybunnies     ♦3-lil-fishies     ♦Isabella303

Jan. 27  --  ♦pinkimanae20     ♦Redheadknits     ♦Tiarwen

Jan. 28  --  ♦AmoreBella88     ♦iambeagle    ♦kas90     ♦Mamade

Jan. 29  --  ♦AGirlReckoning     ♦Jazzella     ♦Skeezon     ♦theswandive

Jan. 30  --  ♦Gracieann9192     ♦Roselover2

Jan. 31  --  ♦FantasyMother     ♦katmom     ♦MustangMel1968

"Believing hear, what you deserve to hear:

Your birthday as my own to me is dear...

But yours gives most; for mine did only lend.

Me to the world; yours gave to me a friend." --Martial

So get in here campers and spread some birthday love!

QUICK, imortant, personal note: This will be the last birthday campfire I host here on ADF. HOWEVER, I'm most certainly going to continue spreading the birthday love on the other twi-sites I post and work at. AND don't forget to check out Twific News for the weekly birthday love as well as the monthly calendar :)

And please feel free to PM me or tweet me or yell (however you prefer) with your birthday, so I that YOU don't get left out! If January is your birth month, and you're not on this list LET ME KNOW! I'll correct it immediately. 


True Blood

Monday January 9, 2012 at 10:21 AM

True Blood Season 5 spoilers!



From the mouth of Alan Ball himself: ”We’re really going to find out what the vampire Authority is all about.”

Season Villain

“There will be a very significant, strong, mysterious woman at the center of one of our main stories next year. That will be a very familiar and compelling character. It may be someone you’ve heard of before.”

“I know there is going to be an omnipresent power in season five.”


“Season 5 will explore more fairies, new fairies, fairies in a way you haven’t really seen fairies. We will all, as well as Sookie, come to understand fairies more than in previous seasons.”

Sookie Stackhouse

Her independent streak will continue next year. “While there will always be romance in Sookie’s life, Sookie at the moment is choosing herself over all of them. I think that will continue to play into season 5.“

Team Bill Compton & Eric Northman

“The consequences of their actions in the finale are going to chase them for a while next year.”

The fate of Eric & Bill is held in the hands of a powerful vampire played by Chris Meloni, who happens to be the mastermind behind the mainstream movement.

Vampire Pam

“Alan [Ball] said that I would get my flashback, my making, you know, when Eric made me.”

Sam Merlotte

The wolf following Sam is “someone you have never met before.” No comment on if the werewolf is Alcide’s father, Jackson, who is featured in book 5 of Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels.

Terry Bellefleur

Scott Foley’s Patrick will bring trouble to Terryand Arlene. “His arc has to do with Terry’s past coming back to haunt Bon Temps and Arlene and their life they’re trying to set up together.”

Tara Thornton

“Alan has already said that he has big plans for Tara.” stay dead, tara.

Steve Newlin

“Fellowship of the Sun leader — and now vampire — Steve Newlin’s reason for returning to Jason is not at all what you expect.”

Russell Edgington

“Russell is not dead.”

“I’m not going to come back to True Blood until mid-March. I had a meeting with Alan Ball next week, and they have devised an amazing trick to allow me to be present, but not fully acting.”





source | via


Best first kiss in fic?

Monday January 9, 2012 at 10:00 AM

copy/paste, please


Feel free to talk about the awesomeness and rewatchability of the movie (omg so forbidden 'cause Aragano whatever's watching) kiss


Sneak Peek

Monday January 9, 2012 at 8:46 AM

Happy Monday everyone!  Just a little note.  For personal reasons, I'll no longer be able to post the Sneak Peek campfire.  I've enjoyed hosting this campfire for you all and getting the chance to learn about some great fics!  Should you be interested in taking over the posting of this weekly campfire, please contact the rangers.  Thanks!

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Did you know?

Monday January 9, 2012 at 8:40 AM

That there are men that love "My little Pony" and have a convention for it?

No, I am not just tired on a Monday morning. It's true. Look...

(from gawker)

We're fascinated by Bronies, the subculture of mostly-male internet nerds obsessed with the new animated series "My Little Pony." So on Saturday, we visited their natural habitat: the Winter 2012 BronyCon in midtown Manhattan.

The first BronyCon, held last June, was a tiny affair with just 100 attendees. But bronies' ranks have swelled on the back of recent publicity, and at the Hotel Pennsylvania Saturday afternoon about 700 people crammed into the tiny, sweltering hallways and filled the shabby ballroom that made up the site of the 2012 Winter BronyCon. Thankfully organizers reminded attendees in a pre-conference email that "You'll be in a room with many other people, so please be courteous by practicing good personal hygiene."

Many bronies keep their fandom strictly internet-based. But the bronies and pegasisters (female bronies) congregating In Real Life at BronyCon were out and proud.



So there ya go....Now let's play "Did You Know"  Tell us something that will make us go "no way" and you have to prove that it is true!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Monday January 9, 2012 at 5:31 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Now that the Christmas rush is over, I'll be back on track with posting.

I received the Vampire Academy books for Christmas and have been completely sucked in.

So tell me, what books have started your 2012 off to a good start? Did you receive them as a gift like I did? Get them in the sales?

Let's Chat.

First --- | >> | 709 | 710 | 711 | 712 | 713 | 714 | 715 | 716 | 717 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
