
Weekly Campfires

Sunday January 8, 2012 at 8:40 PM

A few Campers have asked if I could review the Weekly ADF campfires for those of you who have not been around as often as others or just as a tiny refresher. It is a new year so what better time to start fresh!

MONDAY: Weekly Sneak Peek. A chance for writers to share a bit of what they are working on. This is a great place to give new readers a look into your style and plot and to tease current readers with what you are working on. 

TUESDAY: And the Plot Thickens... a resource for discussing your ideas and brainstorming with authors and readers. Like a community unto itself and a wonderful place to share what you are working on.

TUESDAY: The Weekly Rec: A campfire to recommend fanfiction. We encourage recs all week long, but this campfire is one stop shopping for what other campers are excited about in the world of fanfiction.

WEDNESDAY: Humpday Games: (aka: the title that always makes Emibella blush) An extremely popular campfire where campers play word games about fanfic. Truly addictive.

WEDNESDAY: The Weekly Helpdesk: This is the place to go when you forgot the name of a fic, when you have a specific request for a type of fic that you want to read or where you have a general question about ADF or fanfiction. Campers and Rangers alike answer ANY and ALL questions you may have.

Thursday: The Weekly Pimp Campfire: Another very popular campfire, just like on Mondays, the weekly pimp is a place to tell us about what you have been writing but in this campfire we pretty much stick with summaries, links and banners. This is my favorite place to go to find something new to read since we are a community and I feel connected when I read a camper's work.


Oldies but Goodies: Read a classic with EKSmith.  Ranger EK takes us on a journey through a fanfic that we may not have read or want the chance to read again. Generally lasting four or five campfires, we read a few chapters at a time and discuss them, depending on the length of the fic. EKSmith often asks for requests on what to read next and her taste is unwaveringly impeccable.

BONDFIRES: Posts started by one of the rangers, a bondfire post is a 'getting to know you' type campfire. It may be a roll call or a question and answer or any number of things. The goal of a bondfire is to 'get people talking' and for communication amongst campers.

There are other periodic campfires as well such as the Ranger LJ Summers' Master Fic ListsADF Fit Club (I think I need to look into membership after the holidays) and Vampire Diaries watch-alongs as well as WTVOC movie watch-alongs. Just look for them and jump right in. Everyone who starts these campfires are friendly and open to new participants!

Remember that you can look to the TAGS all week to find the campfires. All of the weekly regulars have dedicated tags so you can easily find them via the search button on the task bar. I have put most of the tags on this campfire so you can see them and click on them if you'd like.

One other thing, I know we have campers all over the world and that sometimes those outside of certain time zones feel left out. I know that I am going to try to post my weekly campfires at different times each week to try to remedy this. But remember, you are not alone. There are always people watching and willing to participate, even if it takes a while for a response.

If you are interested in starting a weekly campfire, go to a ranger with your ideas. I know I would like to see more supernatural watch-alongs or a book club or a regular review campfire. Brainstorm with me in this thread if you'd like.


Doncha Wanna Downton With Me?

Sunday January 8, 2012 at 3:59 PM

Downton Abbey returns with Season 2 tonight.

Who's watching this?

BBC parody inside (with Kim Cattrall as Cora !!!!)



Sunday January 8, 2012 at 2:57 PM

Before it gets to late in the year I want to thank you to all the campers who participated in the card or box exchanges. I think my family was alittle jealous of all the mail I got. I want to say Thanks especially to Nayarit for those homemade tamales, OMG, SO,SO GOOD. As I said in the exchange the people that I exchange boxes with will receive them this month, a little post holiday treat. Once again, too much fun you guys.  


Oops! Almost forgot my rec, and there's so many good ones out there right none. Let me see.....umm.

I'm gonna go with one that's a little twisted since most of my campers here are twisted themselves.By Savage7289. Edward does like a little snack now and then. 

Tempt My Tongue » reviews
Bloodthirsty vampire Edward Cullen has but a single goal in his pointless existence – lose his virginity with a human. He will stop at nothing to entice the unusual girl he saves in the street, but can he claim her body without killing her? AU, EPOV, M


All the Angst! Recs

Sunday January 8, 2012 at 2:06 PM

Sooo, y'all love the angst, right? Of course, I mean, how could you not? Could we get a rec-thread going, ladies?


My contributions:


The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful

Angsty, with a mix of nerdy-and-so-fucking-lovable-ward and Bad-boy-but-fuck-me-ward. I you haven't read it already then do! It's one of those you read to fast, 'cus you just wanna know what happens, and when you read the second time it's even better, cus' you get the details. Great story, so read it.



The Blessing and the Curse

If you don't know this one, where the hell have you been? It's delicious, sexy, po-fucking-etic and wonderfully written. What I like about his story, is that there are no "bad guy" who's sole purpose is to destroy Bella and Edwards relationship. They are all just people. This is realistic without being it. Edward is fucking amazing, sexy, animalistic, possessive, fuckable and loveable, just wrapped up in one. Bella is understandable, but a bit annoying maybe. She's the only thing that irritates me in this story. I've read this baby many times now, still ain't gettting old. Absolutely amazing story, it's a must-read!



And ladies, just a little sidenote, if one of you is sitting with the outtake "Edwards first christmas with the Cullens", from MOTU, then please, please, please send me a little message. A friend of mine is turning the big 50 and she adores motu.. So if you have, please notify me. I would really appreciat it.


Who's got talent?

Sunday January 8, 2012 at 2:01 PM

I know I used this graphic before, but I'm rather fond of it, okay?

I want to talk seriously for a minute.

I recently saw the film The Artist. Have you seen it? Without getting spoilery, it's about a silent film actor whose career dies with the advent of talkies.

For some reason, my brain kind of analogised this for RP. Like the main character of The Artist whose career was over when the silent film era ended, will RP's career be over when the Twilight Saga ends?

In your honest opinion, does he have the chops to make it, to reinvent himself, to break free of the teen vamp persona and make a solid film career for himself?

What about the other key players in the films? We've seen Bella and Carlisle in other roles of merit, but do you think Twilight has stigmatized them? Do you think even THEY have talent? Do you think any of the others will break out and dazzle Hollywood, or is Jessica Stanley doomed to stand alone on her pedestal of talent?

Please discuss.



Sunday January 8, 2012 at 1:40 PM

OMG! Look at that, here I am again annoying you guys ;)

I have a, IMO, fun request for you though. So feel free to LOL or LYAO at my stupidness.

You're probably wondering WTH is she about? Well, I'm kinda lacking in the abbreviations part of the English language, actually in my mothertongue too but I doubt anyone around here speaks that one so I'm sticking to English. I often spend days trying to firgure out what certain abbreviations mean and I'm gathering more and more knowledge... Still, it would be nice if you lovely Campers could make my life a little easier and explain to me.

So please feel free to hit me with every possible abbreviation you can think of. Yes?

EDIT: At the risk of sounding stupid, would someone please explain what IFC stands for? And also XOXO? I know when to use it, I just would like to know what it stands for.

FYT, some pretty




And since I'm asking for something, I give you a rec. It is an absolutely wonderful piece of writing and even if you don't want anything to do with my campfire you just have to read this if you haven't done so yet.

And Tenement Halls  by Nayarit
"And no one dare, disturb the sound of silence." Green. Metal. Breaks of silver. A closed door. An endless wall. A silent hall. Agony. Pain. Breaks in breathing. Breaks for time. An endless life. And the silence of living it alone.AH/SeasonDiscontentENTRY
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 17,277 - Reviews: 17 - Published: 12-29-11 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Of lullabies and breakdowns

Sunday January 8, 2012 at 1:14 PM

I just ran across this on Youtube, apparently it's from the recently released Hunger Games soundtrack:

I haven't read the books yet, so maybe I'm missing something completely obvious, but is it normal for a lullaby to make me feel like bawling my eyes out?

Is there anybody else out there who hasn't read the books, yet is still waiting on pins and needles for the movie to come out? For those who have read them--in your opinion would it be better to read them now, or wait until after seeing the movie?

I'm pretty sure this doesn't need a rec, but I love the new quid pro quo rule, so here's one anyway. It's a Hunger Games/Twilight crossover, but you don't need to have read the Hunger Games books to understand and enjoy it:

The Morphing Games »by orrington.rose
Twenty-four names drawn at random, by the end all but one will be dead. The final survivor receives the ultimate prize: immortality. My name is Bella Swan, and I'm a Prospective in the 100th Morphing Games. There's only one problem: I don't want to win.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Tragedy/Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 59,788 - Reviews: 387 - Updated: 1-6-12 - Published: 9-20-11 - Edward & Bella


I need something funny to read

Sunday January 8, 2012 at 6:50 AM

Hey everyone!

This has been the worst weekend I've had in years, and I desperately need something to take my mind off things, and reading fanfic is my preferred method of escapism. But since real life is angsty enough at the moment, I need something that will make me laugh.

Anyone have anything good to recommend?

If your weekend sucks, too, here's my rec:

Bella Swan: Kidnapper by Kambria Rain
Summary: Um. Hi. I don’t really know how to say this, but I have your kids with me, and I was thinking maybe you would like them back. So yeah… call me.


Music Campfire!!!

Sunday January 8, 2012 at 4:16 AM

Since its FFA still, and our last music campfire got lost when the site died.... i felt a new one was needed...

sooooooo ....... Hit me with those songs that own you right now... or the ones that you have loved for years and never get old in your mind...

This one here is a "new" song for me... only discovered them about a week ago, but since then i have been ADDICTED... and this song has just gotten stuck in my head... 

The Lumineers - Ho Hey

And another one that i love right now...
The Head and The Heart - Cats and Dogs (p.s they look like they are having a blast making this video)
So.... get to it... Lay some music on me! 

Gettin' To Know You

Sunday January 8, 2012 at 3:16 AM

Hey guys!

How's you're weekend been!

Mine's been good.

I came across a fun little prompt/meme where someone asks five questions and then you answer it via video. I thought this could be fun, and would help us get to know each other, match names to faces etc. I know some people don't like to be seen on video/don't have a web-cam Etc, but someone else has to be as crazy as me to want to do this?


Campers help me out!

(That said you can still answer them by text below. Just thought for the daring video might be fun.)

Here are the questions:

(feel free to answer any or all of them)

1. What is your favorite body part?

2. What is your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

3. What is the most played song on your ipod?

4. What is your favorite time of year/day?

5. What is your least favorite mode of transportation?

6. What is your favorite sound?

7. What is your least favorite thing to do?

8. What's one of your favorite quotes?

9. What was your favorite food when you were a kid?

10. What is your chosen form of exercize?

Also if you don't like these questions here are some others you can answer instead:

1. What's your favorite fanfiction?
2. If you could live in any fanfiction which one would it be?

3. Do you beleive in ghosts/have you ever seen one/ WAS HE HOT? *cough*


Everlasting Why update!!!

Sunday January 8, 2012 at 12:00 AM

Chapter 14: Consequences

Phew. I'd kinda freaked out when I saw there wasn't an EW update in my inbox

Jacob & Bella (bonfire), OFFICIAL ECLIPSE STILL

Thank God we'll be getting an update on Wednesday


Favorite crossovers

Saturday January 7, 2012 at 10:47 PM

As of late, I have become somewhat obsessed  engrossed in the TV series Shameless staring Emmy Rossum. Unfortunately, there are only about five stories on ff.net about it so I was wondering if anyone knew about a fanfic that follow a similar premise. If you haven't seen the show, it follows the lives of Frank Gallagher, an alcoholic who will do anything for his next drink, and his six children, Fiona, Lip (Phillip), Ian, Debbie, Carl, and Liam. Fiona pretty much acts as a step in mother, she's 21, since both her parents are worthless drunks. All the kids pitch in and work to keep the family afloat and are constantly getting Frank out of trouble, generally caused by his stupid ideas and bets in the name of money for, you guessed it booze. So if anyone knows about a fanfic similar to this, I would greatly appreciate if you'd share. If you haven't seen the show, I'd recommend it, it's actually quite good.


To make this interactive, what's your favorite TV show as of late?

Do you read any fanfics about it?

What's your favorite crossover?


Afraid! LOL

Saturday January 7, 2012 at 9:47 PM

I've been around awhile, but I don't assume you all know who I am, but for those of you that do, you know:

I love fics

I've read hundreds, NO thousands of fics.

I love fics with dominating Edwards

I also love fics with sweet Edwards

Anyway, my problem is.....I HAVEN'T BEEN READING ANY FF!

I got caught up in the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trilogy and I've lost all OOMPH for FF.

Will it ever come back? Has this ever happened to you?


clear eyes, full hearts.

Saturday January 7, 2012 at 8:42 PM

do you have any favourite TV shows?

Watching anything new this season?

one of my favourite shows OF ALL TIME - FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS

seriously some of the best TV i've ever watched came from this show.

I'm also watching Once Upon a Time

LJ Summers


Saturday January 7, 2012 at 7:15 PM


I wrote about this in John's "we're back" campfire, but our darling Emibella/Mama Esme suggested I make it a separate post so...


When we came back (yay, JOHN!) we lost data.  Campfires, the read-counts on the fanfiction list, etc.  

IF YOU ARE A FANFIC WRITER here at ADF, please check your fics to make sure that anything you've posted in the last day or so is still there. If not, take the opportunity to re-load those chapters, okay?

EDIT:  We've apparently lost PMs and some recently created accounts. IF you made an account and you can't get it, try again. As for the PMs - I guess they're GONE WITH THE WIND.  I'd think of something more witty, but I'm just too tired.

And Giselle? Hey, I posted the covers thinking of you. Just sayin'.  ;-)

Thank you. :)


apropos of nothing - just think it's pretty


And... We're Back

Saturday January 7, 2012 at 6:43 PM

Our new security device has been installed and configured and we're back.



Saturday January 7, 2012 at 2:29 PM

First off, WOO HOO John for fixing ADF, I don't want to be dramatic, but what a life saver =P

Second, I've been at work all day, and have been burning to ask all your wonderful people for some recs for Draco/Hermione fics. I adore this pairing and have read a lot and have recently had a hankering for in canon. Like, end of sixth year and Draco switches sides, or post war but something threatens and Draco has info. Or Harry never managed to kill the Dark Lord in DH and Draco's a death eater but then switches sides. But Draco's still the awesome, snarky, evil person we all know and love :D

Any ideas?

Here's a couple of my favourites to share

Draco: Phoenix Rising by Cheryl Dyson -Shortly after Dumbledore's death, Draco ponders his fate and begins to question the Dark Lord's wishes. This is my version of Book 7 using JKR's plotlines and ZERO original characters! Begins right after The HalfBlood Prince.

Aurelian by BittyBlueEyes - Two years after the war, a young stranger pays a visit to the burrow. His arrival alone is baffling, but the news he brings of an upcoming war turns the world upside down. Hermione's quiet, post-war life will never be the same.

We Learned the Sea by luckei1 - Draco Malfoy turns himself in after a very successful career as a Death Eater, then enlists Harry and Hermione to help him in a scheme to bring down the Dark Lord. DHr. A story of forgiveness.



Wednesday January 4, 2012 at 10:12 PM

I am sure nobody asks for this.. LOL

Are there any good canon E/T stories? Like, after eclipse?

And I want human E/T fics too.


From the cup of duty


Edward is a ruler in need of an heir. Isabella Swan comes from fruitful stock. A marriage made in heaven, right? Well...not quite yet. Sometimes duty brings an unexpected gift. Rated M for future lemons.

I am adding a question as well.

why do you think there are LOTS of stories which include Bella with everyone but not of Edward with any other female?

(I never read those stories may be because I didn't like Bella's character in canon even when she was with Edward. So there is no way I am going to like her with anybody else!)



Wednesday January 4, 2012 at 6:04 PM

Just like every week, we open up the forest for all of those inquiries you have been dying to make.

Inquries like:

"Could someone rec me...."

"What is the name of that fic..?"

"I forgot how to..."

"How do you _____ on ADF...?"

"I've always wondered...."



It is the Amnesia, Request, Questions, Techie campfire....



Wide Awake

Wednesday January 4, 2012 at 1:10 PM

No, not my usual cf bitching about insomnia. I just noticed that, just like me, several people read Wide Awake three Januaries ago (giving in to peer pressure on imdb probably?), and even more seem to mention it as the first Twific (or fic in general) they read. So,


Loved it? Just liked it? Didn't even just like it? Liked it until a certain point? And of course, why?

Feel free to post quotes, fanart, memorable moments (predicting gym scene here) etc. 

This banner was made by the author, no?

First --- | >> | 710 | 711 | 712 | 713 | 714 | 715 | 716 | 717 | 718 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
